Tim Miller Interview re: Blanchard Search

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My opinion is that Tim left because he was aware of the media circus that LP was creating and he didn't want any part of it. Tim doesn't play those games.

Chilly Willy, for once I do agree wholeheartedly with you!
I would like to address a comment about food being donated to TES. I don't know what happens on other searches, but on this particular search 80% of the food donated on Saturday came from people following Murt and 100% of the food donated on Sunday came from the same group. It concerns me greatly that no plan was in place to feed the searchers.

That being said, I am a fan of both Tim and Leonard. They have completely different personalities, but their hearts are genuine.


I agree, at least he is still searching. What is the harm in that? Tim did his last search right down the street from Padilla today, why did Tim no join Padilla? Why did Cindy only cause grief for Padilla and call the city on him to try and have the search stopped? That is what I don't under stand. If someone is searching for this child let them search. It is not easy doing those searches and Padilla has plenty of money he doesn't need this for the publicity. I have checked him out and he is a good man that would give his shirt off his back if needed. Why is it a crime for Padilla to search? I know many that have been out there and they are not getting this kind of disrespect. I feel everyone that searchers deserves respect.

So now Padillo is the search expert and Tim needs to follow him??????????
Well, I will probably be bashed for this, BUT it is what I truly feel and have never swayed from it:

I never thought Padilla should have bonded Casey out in the first place. I said it in the beginning and I am saying it now. While Casey had a right to bond because it is our system and her right to do so, the circus started when Padilla bonded her out. He parked a van in front of her house and the protesters started coming. The circus began.

I feel that Padilla was wrong in injecting himself into Tim & TES' search. Tim Miller searches for missing people. Padilla searches for criminals in hiding. And yes, you do go about it in different ways. You do not go into the bushes and underbrush looking for LIVE criminals. Tim was the professional here. He knew what needed to be done. Padilla did not. And if I am star struck, it is TES I am struck on.

And, as far as that goes, I do not think that Padilla should head a memorial service for Caylee. He is a bounty hunter. I do, however, believe that a nice REMEMBRANCE service should be held for Caylee - one with love and dignity. One that is planned appropriately.

I think that the Anthony's know where Caylee is buried and that it is not near their home. I sincerely believe that by the time George found what Casey had done to Caylee, her poor little body had already started decomposing and him having been a homicide detective, he knew there would be no explaining why something had not been done. I believe that George did help Casey out after the fact and will never say so unless Casey starts to talk. I do not think the Anthony's are in the least worried that Caylee's body will be found.

I am now stepping down from my soap box. I have voiced my opinion now. I do support Tim Miller, TES staff, and all search volunteers no matter who they are searching for. GB them.

Most of all, GB little Caylee. She is in heaven now and will know no more pain. She will forever be a little precious angel. I find comfort in that she is in heaven.

I agree with most of what you have to say. Even LP now agrees with you that he should never have bonded KC out. But why do you think LP's independent search is an "injection" on the TES search? Can you not view it as an additional search for the same result? It is not a contest; neither party has ever, ever presented it that way. LP, as I recall, even shouted out on the NG show to please send contributions to TES and volunteer for this past weekend's search.
I don't want to overstep, especially since I am new here and haven't posted often but a thought came to me yesterday after hearing the news that Tim was pulling out. Like many others my first reaction was anger, disbelief, and tears but than I thought about how difficult it is for the average person (including myself as an average person) to wrap your mind around the A family's behavior thru all of this - complete resistance from the get go - and I wondered if this case has been even more conflicting and difficult for Tim personnally being the father of a missing child who couldn't get LE off their a$$ and investigate his daughters disappearance - only to find out much later that she had been murdered. I only came to know about Tim Miller/Equusearch thru the Natalie Holloway case, I'm sure many of you have known him far longer, but as I looked back over cases/searches that he has conducted it seems that most are cases where the families of missing loved ones request and welcome wholeheartedly his help or cases where a body is recovered without a known identity (i.e, Baby Grace) and later identified by way of a composite, items of clothing, etc... This case involving Caylee, I think has been a "first" for so many involved, in investigating, in searching and even some aspects of going forward and prosecuting. I think that it gives Cindy great satisfaction to see this discord going on, especially between TM & LP. I am forever grateful to Tim for all that he has done, to each & every volunteer searcher and everyone who donated $$, food, water, etc... and to LP! The person to blame for this is sitting on her a$$ in the Orange County jail. She knew that the longer she could hide the fact that she killed Caylee, the chances of her (or her remains) being found was next to nill!
Despite the fact that Tim had cleared the river, Leonard contacted an amateur news site and made the announcement during a live Internet feed. What followed was a media frenzy, which has left Tim Miller with a sour taste in his mouth.

LP didn't announce anything via Murt's internet feed until Tim declared the search was OVER!! I'd like to know what this "media frenzy" was that left such a sour taste in TM's mouth? I think Tim is acting like a complete jerk and doesn't want to give anyone credit for anything that takes credit from himself. Tim is the one who turned this thing into a circus beginning with banning Murt from filming any of the search on Saturday. He obviously doesn't want to give any credit at all, or thanks, to Murt's internet feed and those watching it who sent tons of food and water to the searchers! Tim is quite the drama queen and he had LP and Murt both walking on eggshells trying not to offend him in any way. Tim is coming off as being jealous of the attention that LP and Murt took away from himself. Shame on you, Tim, acting this way when ALL are working toward the same goal. You owe LP and Murt an apology for your behavior towards them....and you also owe everyone who followed Murt's internet feed an apology for your behavior, too, when all any of us wanted was to help in any way we could.
I'm not that familiar with TM or LP, but, come on!!! They're just PEOPLE! They're not Superman or Jesus Christ. They've both done a lot in trying to find Caylee and get to the bottom of what happened, and have kept this whole case in the media way longer than it would have been otherwise.

So what if TM has hangups over the family getting upset? He's just human. He is not a non-biased gov't agency doing their job and going home to sleep at night (no shots at gov't agencies - just saying that this is different). He chooses which cases to get involved in and can choose the pace that he takes with it or whether or not to continue.

I wish everyone would stop being so judgmental towards all of those involved closely with this case.

Oh, I could kiss you. This will have to do. :blowkiss:
There's no "picking sides" here. This is about CAYLEE.
I could give a rat's patootie, whoever can keep her name in the lights is alright in my book!!!
Tim is a fine man, he does a job that NOBODY should HAVE to do...
LP puts his money where his mouth is...enough said.
The A's will connive and do whatever they can to cast doubt on anyone doing anything that they don't agree with.
Emotions are high.
Everyone is hurt, shocked, angry...
People say mean things and misdirect anger.
That's all I have to say about that.
I'm a local lady, and have seen it first hand.

Please tell me what you have seen, or know. In all seriousness, I would LOVE to know. Cindy and George always seem to stop short of answering that question. :waitasec:
Thanks for the props, fellow posters. People seem to have chosen sides and are so emotionally involved that to step back and look at this logically, realistically and objectively is becoming impossible for some people.

Now I'm going to say this even with the knowledge that anyone who does say it is accused of "hating" LP and "loving" the Anthonys. Every single thing that LP has said and done from the first day until today has been wrong. Every - single - thing. From the very first, he could have read reports, looked at evidence but he didn't - he chose to bond her out and came all the way from Sacramento to Orlando to do so. Every single time he has flown to Orlando he has posted the following on his website - "world famous bounty hunter Leonard Padilla will be arriving on 'name of airline, flgt #, gate and time". Now if you give this some serious thought, why would someone do something like that? He does it so reporters will come to the airport and film him walking through the terminal giving interviews as he does so. That's what D list and wannabe celebrities do when they want to garner press attention - they put out this kind of attention getting information that serves no other purpose. None. There is no other purpose for putting this kind of thing out in the ether.

So then he bails her out of jail claiming that he will talk to her and find out who has Caylee, making all kinds of bizarre accusations against innocent people like AL, AH, RM and others who had the misfortune to be friends with KC. Meanwhile, he's p*ssed off every legitimate bailbondsman in the industry, especially in Florida and one reason he has p*ssed them off is that LP isn't a licensed bailbondsman. He's a bounty hunter which consists of going out and finding sad and miserable scofflaws who are usually in the same bars/trailer parks/and public nuisance places that they're generally at, run them into the court and bail them out again. That's the bread and butter of the bonding industry and that is what LP does - despite his claims, he's not a "world famous" bounty hunter, relentlessly searching for desparate murderers and criminals. The bail bondsmen in FL complained that LP is making the industry a laughing stock and is embarrassing them.

Anyone at this point who thinks that LP would at any point be able to "talk" to KC after bonding her out, is missing a vital clue - he wasn't allowed in the house, he wasn't allowed to talk to her and she was specifically told not to talk to anyone by her attorney, which is always the first thing any lawyer tells you - Keep Your Mouth Shut. So what happens with this? He parks an RV in front of the house, sends in a female "body guard" who suddenly quits and then wants immunity from the police. What possible reason could she want that would involve immunity? The only possible answer to that is that she either put in a bug or wore a wire and since she wanted personal immunity, it is logical to assume she wore a wire. This would have so jeopardized LE's case as to make prosecution almost impossible with ANY evidence they might have accrued during this time. Do you know why? It is because bail bondsmen are considered officers of the court. It is assumed that they are working on behalf of law enforcement. Once someone has lawyered up it is no longer legal to eavesdrop on a suspect without a search warrant. It would be impossible for LE to prove that they would have inevitably discovered the evidence and it would all be thrown out.

I don't think I have to go over the nightly visits to NG, the reneging on the bail after the public made their contempt for the Anthonys so well known, the LA allegation, the dumpster allegation, the 11 days in the trunk allegation, the silver crosses allegation and the regular "bombshell" evidence he has announced on just about every appearance.

Now look at all the people he has worked up into a frenzy of emotion over some "clue" that is just plain silly in an area which is wide open and would mean KC would have to walk out into the middle of a river in order to get rid of the body or leave it a foot or two from the bank. Does this really and honestly make sense to you? If it doesn't make sense, then don't you have to ask yourself why someone is spinning this nonsense to the public and LE ignored it, the press virtually ignored it and even Nancy Grace forbore to have it on her show when her ENTIRE show is nothing but sensationalism?

I don't hate LP, but I do care about you. I don't like to see people who I think are sincerely interested in this case used to promote an agenda that if they looked objectively at it would not be in the best interest of justice for this little girl. He is causing material harm to this case and has done irreparable damage to the reputation of Equusearch for which Tim Miller has had to publicly disassociate himself from LP. Shouldn't that make you think again about what is happening here? He is doing to this case the same thing that Darnay Huffman did in the Ramsey case - he's making it almost impossible to get a conviction, justice and a resolution in this tragedy.
I agree with most of what you have to say. Even LP now agrees with you that he should never have bonded KC out. But why do you think LP's independent search is an "injection" on the TES search? Can you not view it as an additional search for the same result? It is not a contest; neither party has ever, ever presented it that way. LP, as I recall, even shouted out on the NG show to please send contributions to TES and volunteer for this past weekend's search.

Just came back in and saw your question, ExpectingUnicorns.

You ask why I think LP's independent search is an injection on the TES search.

The answer to that question is that Tim Miller and TES had already decided to come search for Caylee again. Then LP inserted himself into it by talking to Tim and wanting to join up with him. Tim goes about his business of searching in a quiet, methodical manner. LP is all about the hype and media.

LP could have done his own search just as he has today. At least he did wait until after Tim announced that the TES search would be suspended after today. LP can stay and go for it, IMO. I just wish that he would not make a circus out of it. He was on Nancy Grace one night just certain that Casey had disposed of Caylee in a dumpster. LP makes all kinds of assertions one day, then totally different ones the next day. No doubt we will hear several more scenarios out of him. I just do not care for LP, nor do I trust him. My right and my opinion. LP and Tim Miller are as different as night and day, IMO.
Bev, In Louisiana Bail Bondsmen are not considered officers of the court. FWIW
Oh come on! It wouldn't have mattered if LP was involved or not it STILL would have been a media circus. I am sorry but Tim Miller did not have to go on full blast like that. People have seen Nancy Graces show and have wanted to donate. Leanord praised Tim on that show and even said that he was getting phone calls from people who wanted to search and that it was b/c of Nancy covering the story. I'm sorry but I have no respect for someone who is going to bash the people that have done nothing but help out his team. And what the hell did Nancy Grace ever to do to Tim Miller? I mean serioulsy here. I just think him bashing LP like that when LP has praised that man was completley out of line.
I would like to address a comment about food being donated to TES. I don't know what happens on other searches, but on this particular search 80% of the food donated on Saturday came from people following Murt and 100% of the food donated on Sunday came from the same group. It concerns me greatly that no plan was in place to feed the searchers.

That being said, I am a fan of both Tim and Leonard. They have completely different personalities, but their hearts are genuine.



Montana, you are a born diplomat! I also think it is great that you like both LP and Tim.

I called and donated pizza both days of the search because it was announced on WS that food was needed. I cannot bear to think that any searchers were out there hungry. I wonder what is usually done for food provisions on these searches?
Oh come on! It wouldn't have mattered if LP was involved or not it STILL would have been a media circus. I am sorry but Tim Miller did not have to go on full blast like that. People have seen Nancy Graces show and have wanted to donate. Leanord praised Tim on that show and even said that he was getting phone calls from people who wanted to search and that it was b/c of Nancy covering the story. I'm sorry but I have no respect for someone who is going to bash the people that have done nothing but help out his team. And what the hell did Nancy Grace ever to do to Tim Miller? I mean serioulsy here. I just think him bashing LP like that when LP has praised that man was completley out of line.

I just disagree. Tim Miller is a kind, genuine soul. I do not think he was out of line at all, but that is just me.
LP has gone out of his way on Nancy Grace to support TES. Over & over & over he's said Tim is amazing and has the best search organization, etc. He repeatedly told viewers to send money to Nancy for forwarding to Tim.

I'm sorry but I think Tim was out of line with his nasty comments about LP today. LP wanted to search the darned river. So what. What if something would've been found despite the sonor check.

How did LP do this for publicity? He's got enough. He's on Nancy each night. This river search surely didn't add any more to that. He was already at the sites being interviewed, etc. And for Tim to say he won't be on Nancy's show because it's a circus merely because LP is on for about 3 minutes out of the hour? oh boy.

Tim went overboard with his comments IMO. Actually, if one wanted to go to that level, one could accuse TIM of collecting monies off this case - putting in his 1.5 day appearance to make it look good - then bail.

(Note: I have donated monies to TES so yes, I've been a big fan of the company)... But today I'm having issues. I do believe LP has his heart in the right place.
Montana, you are a born diplomat! I also think it is great that you like both LP and Tim.

I called and donated pizza both days of the search because it was announced on WS that food was needed. I cannot bear to think that any searchers were out there hungry. I wonder what is usually done for food provisions on these searches?

I wonder what would have happened if the 7,000 who were expected had actually shown up?
And Nancy Grace got him money also and she gets dissed as well. Tim won't go on the show due to LP? Sounds like "I'm taking my ball and going home" type of level.

TES is out of there. Leonard will be there tomorrow. That's ALL I need to know.

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