Tim Miller Interview re: Blanchard Search

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Thank you UCFAlumni2002!

After reading your reply I recalled that (CRS syndrome: can't remember sh**!) Now that you've jolted my memory, her body was propped there but they (LE) doesn't think thats where she was actually killed.
wow! This is from D. Lohr's site... a snippet:

"We are associated in no way with the actions of Leonard Padilla," Tim told Investigation Discovery. " Tim also expressed that he was upset with CNN's Nancy Grace, whom he also finds at fault.

"Nancy grace wanted me to come do her show tonight and I said absolutely not," Tim said. "I told her producer that this is the "Leonard Padilla Show" and that I did not want anything to do with it. I said this is not Leonard's fault, this is Nancy Graces fault. She puts the clown on TV every night to entertain the public and as a result that has distracted everyone from everything we have been trying to do out here. It is the Leonard Padilla show now and Nancy Grace gave him the power to do it. Leonard has a fan club out there and it has totally turned this into a circus."

I hope people who defend NG & LP no matter HOW they behave are paying attention.

Tim is saying ALL publicity is NOT automatically a good thing. There's more to being an effective advocate for victim's rights than just being the loudest voice.

In all fairness though, NG has been more professional since that night Nejame was on. Maybe she watched the tape & saw how she attacked her first guest for NO REASON.

The calm & intelligent NG is a pleasure to watch. Not her Dr. Jekyll persona though. Ick!
i hate to say it but everytime Tim comes to Orlando the only thing he talks about is losing money and wanting to pull out he is kind of a whinner. I think he does amazing work but man that is my read on him .

I'm glad you think money grows on trees. Many of us have known or know of Tim Miller and Equusearch for a long time. He has the utmost credibilty and respect for what he does. Has LP lost a child? No he has not. Let's not forget this is the guy that came riding in on his high horse gonna save the day by getting Casey to tell where Caylee is. It's been nothing but this kind of crap out of him over and over again. I stand behind TM all the way.
Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Casey's defense team bring in LP in the first place. I have often thought that one of the reasons that LP is so involved in this is because he is mad because I think he really thought maybe Caylee was still alive in the beginning. And I feel he thinks that they made a fool of him. By saying he could talk to KC and then saying he wasn't. Maybe LP is just trying to make up for that.

What I do know is that this whole thing has gotten so ugly and so out of hand.

Prayers for Caylee

You are absolutely correct, they did and I had not thought about that until I read your post. :clap: It HAS gotten very ugly and out of hand. CASEY is responsible for that and is probably enjoying every minute of it.
Thank you UCFAlumni2002!

After reading your reply I recalled that (CRS syndrome: can't remember sh**!) Now that you've jolted my memory, her body was propped there but they (LE) doesn't think thats where she was actually killed.

Yes, thank you UCFalumni2002.

I am not very familiar with the jogger incident, so I don't know exactly where her attack was thought to have taken place. But I am certain that there have been other crimes committed in Blanchard Park. In fact, crimes take place in broad daylight all the time, all over America. Seems to me that people who are intent on committing crimes often aren't very concerned about the consequences. It is all so sad.......
I went on the search this past weekend with my husband. I met LP and his nephew, I got very good vibes from him. He doesn't seem phony or contrived, he is sincere. Tim Miller is a wonderful man who's working very hard for ungrateful and awful people. He has my respect. This is an emotionally charged situation. Unless you did the search you can't understand what they're up against. Everyone so badly wants her found. It is emotionally and physically grueling (at least for me) it's sad and awful. Nobody should cast stones, nobody should be disparaging anyone. I think if LP wants to look on his dime, let him and don't judge. You don't know whats in his heart.

Bolded by me.
My golly, this is what I've wanted to say all evening. :blowkiss:
I thought I'd prepared myself for what this weekend would be like, boy was I ever wrong.
I so agree with him. I just hope that people who watch Nancy Grace realize that LP injected himself into this case and into the search effort. I'm so afraid that this will all reflect badly on Tim and the good work that he does.

I hate it that the media and posters are comparing and contrasting TM and LP with one another. The two men are like fire and water. Tim's totally professional approach humbly saturates all hearts with empathy and recruits hundreds of volunteers and contributions to help search. LP's efforts are totally different; he appeals to the drama, funds his own searches and helps to seek support for TM's efforts. Humility and Drama. Not good and bad -- just different people and different approaches working for the same end: find Caylee. Please stop comparing and picking either one apart. Both are trying to find her. If TES finds her they will probably garner more donations to help other missing people; if LP finds her he will increase his own following which will encourage him to help keep looking for missing people. Are either bad?
Our trying to figure out which is right or wrong or best has the potential to be detrimental to either one making further contributions to the outcome we desire -- to find Caylee.
Surprised he could take time away from all the "good deeds" he is doing here in Orlando.

You know, through all of this I decided to reserve my judgements on anyone who is getting off their rump and reacting. It's hard for me to judge anyones intentions. I think it's the only way I stay sane:crazy:. JMO of course, and I respect anyones opinion who thinks otherwise as it's very, very hard to stay objective and positive about some of the people involved.
Surprised he could take time away from all the "good deeds" he is doing here in Orlando.

hmm..yeah, he probably shouldn't be looking for Caylee, he should just leave it up to Cindy and George, after all they're doing a wonderful job! :bang:
Well, I will probably be bashed for this, BUT it is what I truly feel and have never swayed from it:

I never thought Padilla should have bonded Casey out in the first place. I said it in the beginning and I am saying it now. While Casey had a right to bond because it is our system and her right to do so, the circus started when Padilla bonded her out. He parked a van in front of her house and the protesters started coming. The circus began.

I feel that Padilla was wrong in injecting himself into Tim & TES' search. Tim Miller searches for missing people. Padilla searches for criminals in hiding. And yes, you do go about it in different ways. You do not go into the bushes and underbrush looking for LIVE criminals. Tim was the professional here. He knew what needed to be done. Padilla did not. And if I am star struck, it is TES I am struck on.

And, as far as that goes, I do not think that Padilla should head a memorial service for Caylee. He is a bounty hunter. I do, however, believe that a nice REMEMBRANCE service should be held for Caylee - one with love and dignity. One that is planned appropriately.

I think that the Anthony's know where Caylee is buried and that it is not near their home. I sincerely believe that by the time George found what Casey had done to Caylee, her poor little body had already started decomposing and him having been a homicide detective, he knew there would be no explaining why something had not been done. I believe that George did help Casey out after the fact and will never say so unless Casey starts to talk. I do not think the Anthony's are in the least worried that Caylee's body will be found.

I am now stepping down from my soap box. I have voiced my opinion now. I do support Tim Miller, TES staff, and all search volunteers no matter who they are searching for. GB them.

Most of all, GB little Caylee. She is in heaven now and will know no more pain. She will forever be a little precious angel. I find comfort in that she is in heaven.
Wow is right. But then it really doesn't surprise me. LP should step down off the pedestal his fan club supplied him. I can't really blame Nancy. She was doing what her viewers wanted and that was more Leonard.

Why are we making this sound like a pissing contest between Equusearch and LP?

What was done today, giving the EXACT LOCATION OF THE DIVE prior to the event was extremely unprofessional and could have compromised the case had anything been recovered and news crews and the moderator of this group; who sat taking pictures all day on a bench then uploading them to the site while calling herself a searcher in a news interview, had captured something that they should not have captured. The behavior of the three people at Blanchard that carried on was absurd. Shouting matches are not going to bring a live or deceased child home.

The fact is that others have stepped in to assume that this was all at the root of the Equusearch withdrawal today. Again, not true. Every area of interest defined was covered.

Everyone, including the press and family members needs to begin looking at this for what it is. The death of a three year old, not a goldmine.
Yes, thank you UCFalumni2002.

I am not very familiar with the jogger incident, so I don't know exactly where her attack was thought to have taken place. But I am certain that there have been other crimes committed in Blanchard Park. In fact, crimes take place in broad daylight all the time, all over America. Seems to me that people who are intent on committing crimes often aren't very concerned about the consequences. It is all so sad.......

I agree that crime happens all the time!

I went to UCF and lots of my friends jogged at Jay Blanchard Park all the time. It was never a place that people "worried" about going to. It just goes to show you the false sense of security.

I don't remember hearing about anything major (rape, murder, etc) at the park when I went to school there or after until Nicole G's murder. Yes, there is the East Side Rapist, but that was not in the park but rather within a few miles radius of the park.
I have a great deal of respect and admiration for TM, so don't get me wrong here. Can someone please explain to me why, when TM was expecting 4,000+ volunteers, he stated he would be in Orlando until at least Tuesday, or until Caylee was found...But TES leaves early when less volunteers search? That just doesn't make sense to me. If there were less volunteers, wouldn't less of the area that needed to be searched be covered? and wouldn't it make sense to stay longer, as was planned, to complete the search?..."splain this!:confused:
I have a great deal of respect and admiration for TM, so don't get me wrong here. Can someone please explain to me why, when TM was expecting 4,000+ volunteers, he stated he would be in Orlando until at least Tuesday, or until Caylee was found...But TES leaves early when less volunteers search? That just doesn't make sense to me. If there were less volunteers, wouldn't less of the area that needed to be searched be covered? and wouldn't it make sense to stay longer, as was planned, to complete the search?..."splain this!:confused:

My opinion is that Tim left because he was aware of the media circus that LP was creating and he didn't want any part of it. Tim doesn't play those games.
I'm glad you think money grows on trees. Many of us have known or know of Tim Miller and Equusearch for a long time. He has the utmost credibilty and respect for what he does. Has LP lost a child? No he has not. Let's not forget this is the guy that came riding in on his high horse gonna save the day by getting Casey to tell where Caylee is. It's been nothing but this kind of crap out of him over and over again. I stand behind TM all the way.
sorry but does the fact that LP hasn't lost a son or daughter automatically mean that he isn't truly trying to find Caylee?
I stand behind anyone that is actively trying to find Caylee.
IMO the bad guy is a girl and her name is KC
Well at least Leanord is keeping the search going on right now. I think he is dead on about where Caylee is at and the fact that George and Cindy showed up there just goes to prove it.

I agree, at least he is still searching. What is the harm in that? Tim did his last search right down the street from Padilla today, why did Tim no join Padilla? Why did Cindy only cause grief for Padilla and call the city on him to try and have the search stopped? That is what I don't under stand. If someone is searching for this child let them search. It is not easy doing those searches and Padilla has plenty of money he doesn't need this for the publicity. I have checked him out and he is a good man that would give his shirt off his back if needed. Why is it a crime for Padilla to search? I know many that have been out there and they are not getting this kind of disrespect. I feel everyone that searchers deserves respect.

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