Tim Miller Speaks Out

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Tim arrived on this case days after Haleigh went missing.

And performed a search then. You've stated often that Ronald BEGGED TM to stay and do more searches. Then it was presented that TM was back because TN asked MN for help and HE brought in TM "as a friend" to assist in the search.
I don't have time this morning to listen to the link to the tape.

I will when I get back. I did read everyone's comments.

TM doesn't have a pony in this show. He has absolutely no reason to mislead anyone or to misrepresent what he knows to be the truth. JMHO.

I always apologize when I say this and again I will, I'm sorry for being so straightforward in my thinking and I do not discount anyone else's thinking in these matters.

But sometimes~ it is what it is. And the most straightforward nonconvoluted answer is the answer.

MC knows what happened to Haleigh. (failed LDT's and LVA have shown us that)

MC was the last known person to see Haleigh. Haleigh was in her care when she allegedly disappeared. LE has stated that they haven't been able to clear MC. But, yet they say they have done so with Haleigh's parents.

MC isn't just the key. MC is what happened to Haleigh.

There,I finally said what it is I have been thinking for a very long time.

OT~ I'll be back later today, I have to go to the Dr. again, it seems my blood pressure is what is causing my probs with my eyesight of late. No worries, I'll be fine.
Wonder what Misty thinks of these new revelations? And what will she do now?

IMO Misty days are numbered:boohoo:

My biggest concern is Butterbean. He needs to be removed until this is over. He is 4 years old I'm sure he is seeing and hearing what is going on and it's not fair to him. His sister is missing . He is not of school age so let him spent some time with his mom until this can get straighted out! all JMO

The days are numbered comment was odd to me. Did TM really say that or did Misty lie or misunderstand? If he said it, what did he mean? It sounds like a death threat to me but I assume TM wouldn't make those. Is it a weird way of saying you're going to end up in jail soon? A warning that someone could hurt her? I don't understand.
Maybe being the wife to an amazing man, mother of 4 precious children, living a sheltered, honest life puts me in a position to have a tremendous lack of understanding for what is going on in Satsuma. Hearing a man as respected as Tim Miller give a blow by blow account of his conversation with Ronald Cummings has left me with one very specific question. Why hasn't Haleigh Cummings been found? If it is as clear cut as Ronald would like us to believe why didn't he bring his suspicions to LE on the very evening that Haleigh disappeared?

In what world do you not give every last piece of the puzzle to LE? How can you expect them to find your child without the information that only you could provide. I want to know once and for all why Ronald married Misty. How can you have a ceremony with the person that you suspect was having sex in your home and was caught by your missing daughter?? Why not let the child...now woman....go back to her family of drug users and liars? I am sorry but I would have trusted that this bit of information is a true opinion and account of the evenings events if we would have heard them on day 1 or 2. Where is the mystery man that Misty was having sex with? Is he that afraid of Ronald that he won't come out and tell the truth? Look, I have never said one bad thing about Ronald, never. I don't want to believe that he has been lying to the public, in a missing child case the public plays a huge part in finding our children. Now we hear that we didn't even have the correct information about that night? Lord, please please shine a light on the truth...If Haleigh is gone there she deserves to be brought home and remembered with dignity.

I sincerely hope that someone can get to the bottom of this case, but I have a feeling that this is only the beginning of the end.
I am blown away at that phone call. Thank you so much SS for posting that!!!!!!

Indiana- I think that would be probably the best move RC would have made since this whole thing began. Butterbean, Bubba, or JR, however you wish to refer to him as, should be with mom right now, atleast until all this is over.

i do have to say though, i am not 100% sure, about RC involvement, still on the fence. I know what the interview is saying, but you have kept her close for 6-7 months, and you never not once called her out on anything she has said? The laundry detergent thing is a big whopper for me. I would have called her out on that the night HC disappeared and right in front of LE too. Where is RC accountability?
You have a beautiful heart, Elle. Your questions are good ones.
Please point me to the links showing that there was dirty laundry in the dryer and no laundry detergent. Please show me the posts that state Ronald said he thought Misty was having sex in his house with the links provided.

If you can't...it is because it wasn't available information until Tim said it on that audio tape, IMO. This would mean it is NEW information. Correct me if I am wrong by providing me the links.

Unavailable to us and the media maybe.
However, considering LE said there was nothing new in what TM told them. I assume everything RC told TM were things the LE knew and probably even confronted Misty about (beds were made/no laundry detergent), and that's how Ron has this information.

I'm still confused on why Hank Sr would call TM about money. All I know is I do not trust any of the players in this drama.
IMO Misty days are numbered:boohoo:

My biggest concern is Butterbean. He needs to be removed until this is over. He is 4 years old I'm sure he is seeing and hearing what is going on and it's not fair to him. His sister is missing . He is not of school age so let him spent some time with his mom until this can get straighted out! all JMO


I totally agree Indiana! If Ron wants to prove that he's been keeping "his enemy closer" then send Rj out of this situation and to his mother!
I am really glad that Tim is setting the record straight. Misty is making "secret" phone calls and Ron is sitting by lettting it happen ? Please...if he really does believe what he told MN and Tim and is still living with Misty and hasn't taken every bit of this to LE...then what exactly is he doing ?

If they're secret, how does he know about them ? :confused:
Wonder what Misty thinks of these new revelations? And what will she do now?

This will be the key. What Misty actually starts doing now, will tell a tale, solve a mystery. Obviously the tides are turning, things are being made public, lines and divisions are being marked and it won't be long now. I do believe Misty needs protection from the public, the families and even her own self, especially til Haleigh is found one way or the other. We don't need a Melinda Duckett scenerio on our hands. Look at that outcome, Trenton never being recovered.

I'm sure that her husband will explain it all away by saying that TM is lying, that he never said any of those things. They will then resume their state of "marital bliss".

Overcoming the sarcasm, which I normally appreciate, but not so much now as it's too obvious division between the couple is occurring and un-folding right before our very eyes. Interviews, tests, conversations going on non-stop now with the couple apart from one another. Won't take long now. Once you get the division to be a factor in a relationship, anything is apt to happen. This marriage ceremony is beginning to look like a strategic plan on Ron's and possible LE approval to keep Misty close and watch her every move and word.

I don't have time this morning to listen to the link to the tape.

I will when I get back. I did read everyone's comments.

TM doesn't have a pony in this show. He has absolutely no reason to mislead anyone or to misrepresent what he knows to be the truth. JMHO.

I always apologize when I say this and again I will, I'm sorry for being so straightforward in my thinking and I do not discount anyone else's thinking in these matters.

But sometimes~ it is what it is. And the most straightforward nonconvoluted answer is the answer.

MC knows what happened to Haleigh. (failed LDT's and LVA have shown us that)

MC was the last known person to see Haleigh. Haleigh was in her care when she allegedly disappeared. LE has stated that they haven't been able to clear MC. But, yet they say they have done so with Haleigh's parents.

MC isn't just the key. MC is what happened to Haleigh.

There,I finally said what it is I have been thinking for a very long time.

OT~ I'll be back later today, I have to go to the Dr. again, it seems my blood pressure is what is causing my probs with my eyesight of late. No worries, I'll be fine.

Take care of your eyesight and self, high blood pressure can cause all kinds of health issues to be mimicked. Take lots of restoration points during the course of the day. This is a great post, my thinking lines too.
The borderline strife going on in the threads is causing confusion and deterring away from the simple facts as we learn them. I'm definately taking at face value what's been put out there for what it is. Everything doesn't have a nefarous hidden meaning.

I believe Ron is closing in, has caused this case to heat up, and I believe he's been on the fence concerning Misty, but is now acknowledging she's involved but doesn't really know where Haleigh is or if alive because her involvement ended sometime before the end of Haleigh's fate one way or the other. Thus his comments on several occassions now when asked directly about misty and her knowledge and involvement. Explains his type lipped glaring eyes too. I think he's seeing the light, through a startling doe like expression.

Indiana- I think that would be probably the best move RC would have made since this whole thing began. Butterbean, Bubba, or JR, however you wish to refer to him as, should be with mom right now, atleast until all this is over.

i do have to say though, i am not 100% sure, about RC involvement, still on the fence. I know what the interview is saying, but you have kept her close for 6-7 months, and you never not once called her out on anything she has said? The laundry detergent thing is a big whopper for me. I would have called her out on that the night HC disappeared and right in front of LE too. Where is RC accountability?

I don't believe Jr. should be uprooted from his family. He's not studying the case as the adults and public are. I do however believe and haven't seen anything contradictory to my knowledge that Misty is no longer alone babysitting Jr., which should be the case. Anyone know differently?

I'm on the fence about Ron, though leaning towards his innocence, his attempting to break Misty and do his own investigation and has been in cahoots with LE but don't know when that happened in time from the onset of this investigation.

I don't understand what you mean by, "Where is RC's accountability? This dumbfounds me, are you meaning his whereabouts and what he was up to prior, during and immediately after the disappearance? LE confirmed he was at work, his alibi checked out, and we have him on 911 tape as he discovered the news, then he's been an activist in helping find his daughter. If you are talking about his decisions he's made, that's another ideal all together, but I wouldn't describe it as his "Accountability" as Haleighs Father. He is Haleigh's Father, where is he lacking in accountability?
How did Ron "know" that Haleigh would have said "I'm gonna tell Daddy"? Either it's just a lie...or he has used Haleigh as his spy............
As we pick apart the latest information I ask myself the same question. Why is Misty still in the house with Ronald? The atmosphere inside their home cannot be a pleasant one if RC believes that Haleigh saw something she shouldn't have seen and that is the reason she is gone.
IMO, either he or someone he knows read it on the internet....:crazy:

I think you are correct! There are just some statements that they take tooooo far....they have to add that 1 more detail, that makes it unbelievable....kwim? Tell Daddy, pee blanket, the clock is right there, the numbers are in red, on and on and on.......................:bang:
I don't believe Jr. should be uprooted from his family. He's not studying the case as the adults and public are. I do however believe and haven't seen anything contradictory to my knowledge that Misty is no longer alone babysitting Jr., which should be the case. Anyone know differently?

I'm on the fence about Ron, though leaning towards his innocence, his attempting to break Misty and do his own investigation and has been in cahoots with LE but don't know when that happened in time from the onset of this investigation.

I don't understand what you mean by, "Where is RC's accountability? This dumbfounds me, are you meaning his whereabouts and what he was up to prior, during and immediately after the disappearance? LE confirmed he was at work, his alibi checked out, and we have him on 911 tape as he discovered the news, then he's been an activist in helping find his daughter. If you are talking about his decisions he's made, that's another ideal all together, but I wouldn't describe it as his "Accountability" as Haleighs Father. He is Haleigh's Father, where is he lacking in accountability?

BBM :) and snipped for more space.

What i meant about RC's accountability, has soley to do with MC. not so much about the position he placed his children in, but more so about how can he marry her and still stand behind her 100%, even though the laundry issue and the bed being made, he made it known on national television that he is backing her, he did state until he had more evidence that his wife isn't being truthful, he is backing her 100%. to me, that is telling a lot.

Hope that makes a little more sense.
If they're secret, how does he know about them ? :confused:

Tim says he got a voice mail from TN stating that Misty wasn't talking to them, but was making secret calls. She said they needed help. It is on the audio that is posted.
Tim says he got a voice mail from TN stating that Misty wasn't talking to them, but was making secret calls. She said they needed help. It is on the audio that is posted.

But if the calls were secret, how'd they know she was making them ? Reviewing the phone bill, maybe ?
But if the calls were secret, how'd they know she was making them ? Reviewing the phone bill, maybe ?

Hi Shaymus! wasn't RC reviewing some phone records with LE yesterday? I am wondering if that is in direct connection about the secret calls, maybe RC told LE that she is making secrect calls (maybe she is going into the bedroom and locking the door, so no one can come in and interupt the call) and that they should look into it. Maybe LE told RC to come down to the station so that he can identify some of the numbers for them.

something i just thought of while reading your post and thought i would throw it out there!
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