Tim Miller Speaks Out

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This whole thing about RC speaking out is very confusing. Is TN still employing MN? This whole case is going to implode.

TM said around the 18th, of August I would think. I can't recall if this was before or after the fistacuffs.
Tim said around "the 18th" (did not specify a month) that Teresa called him. He did not say when Hank Sr. called him.
This whole thing about RC speaking out is very confusing. Is TN still employing MN? This whole case is going to implode.
I'm wondering too. I either read or heard on the tape that she was part of the anti-Tim and MN lynch mob tonight, and I do not understand that at all.

Even if Ron was playing keep enemies close games, I could not believe for a moment that either of those men should have been treated as the enemy or kept out of a loop. So there is NO, Nada, zero excuse for trashing Tim or MN - remember, that trashing came before Tim went public with this.
Partial transcription of the raw audio:

Tim Miller: Uhm...you know...last night...thattt..when we talked about that Ronald said if he had $35,000 we could get her home. Well...you know what...I've got five people that could go ahead and get $35,000 and we could put it in a special account tomorrow. And when little Haleigh comes home...he can go ahead and give that $35,000 to somebody and we are all full of .

TJH: Now wait a second...wha...$35,000...how would that...ah...get him off the hook about getting his kid home? Maybe I missed something there!

Tim Miller: No. Ronald Cummings said...I've got a voice message on my phone that Ronald Cummings called his father in law and his father in law called me and said, "Tim, I thought you came down here to be a friend, but apparently you're not because Ronald called me and said if he had $35,000 he could have his daughter home."
Well...you know what...uh...like I said I've got five friends. I don't have $35,000, but I would donate something to that cause...uh...but a...we could have $35,000 in a special account tomorrow. And uh...if its a week or two weeks before Haleigh comes home...we'll give the $35,000 away. We don't need all this other drama. I mean if she's alive...let's get her home!

TJH: Wow! OK!

Tim Miller: And I am willing...and I am willing...to play the voice message tomorrow.

Thank you for typing that up. I still don't know what the heck it means. And what does the "then we're all full of sh&^" mean?
Thank you for typing that up. I still don't know what the heck it means. And what does the "then we're all full of sh&^" mean?

Yea, what the hay does that mean? I guess I'll have to listen to the tape again and try to make some sense of that statement.
The fight was on the August 6th. So RC has been in touch with the Croslins....hmmm. And to further that thought, Misty's father is interceding for RC..

....these are the strangest group of people I have ever seen.
The fight was on the August 6th. So RC has been in touch with the Croslins....hmmm. And to further that thought, Misty's father is interceding for RC..

....these are the strangest group of people I have ever seen.
Back up that train before you derail it. He did not say when he got the message from Hank Sr. It could have been during or after the first search effort for all we know by what was said on that audio.

I do not buy for a minute that Ronald called Hank Sr. or visa versa after the fight. I could be wrong, but I can't see it happening at all. To me, this had to happen before the fight IF the conversation between Hank Sr. and Ronald EVER took place at all!! Don't forget they were not "buddies" especially after the deal with Hank Sr. accusing Ronald of the pill fiasco!
I'm moving forward on the rails...It would seem that this discusssion of money was pretty recent...the furthest I can go back is to the day TN hired NeJame.
Does Tim Miller answer emails? Is his friend still here who posted as Friday? We just need to ask him for some clarification is all.
I'm moving forward on the rails...It would seem that this discusssion of money was pretty recent...the furthest I can go back is to the day TN hired NeJame.
How do you figure?! They are two separate calls that Tim is discussing. Yes, I agree the call from Teresa probably did come on the 18th of August and it is when they decided to have Misty do the tests. However, there is nothing that indicates Hank's call was anywhere close to being recent. If it was recent then Tim himself should have questioned why Hank Sr. would be talking to Ronald! Makes no sense. The Croslins would be the last people Ronald Cummings would call and "chit chat" with about Haleigh, IMO.
Does Tim Miller answer emails? Is his friend still here who posted as Friday? We just need to ask him for some clarification is all.
If we wait until later today maybe Tim will release the calls. It should become clear by what is being said on the message and Tim should also include the date the calls were made.

I don't know if Tim answers emails, but my guess is that he is pretty darn busy with hell breaking loose around him on this case and Caylee's case. Friday does post on a rare occasion, but I am not certain so don't quote me! I think I remember seeing a post on Caylee's thread not long ago. Not sure.
Thank you for typing that up. I still don't know what the heck it means. And what does the "then we're all full of sh&^" mean?

I read it as meaning 'cause it ain't gonna happen'. I also read it meaning the $35 K was money Ron would be giving to someone who knew what happened to Haleigh and where she is. It is kind of an illusive statement as is the whole money part of it IMO. Heck, I really have no idea.
But he said "I thought you came here to be a friend" so it must have been after Tim arrived.

Or is that what ya'll already said?

I really need to try to sleep.
Partial transcript of the raw audio between TJH and Tim Miller:

When Mark and I had Ronald in an office, just the 3 of us, MN is a very respected attorney said, "Ronald, I need more information on this before I can consider representing anybody."

And Ronald Cummings said, "The B*tch had something to do with my daughter's disappearance." And he said that she never made the bed that night. She'd been awake all night. She never went to sleep. Their...ah..they did not have any laundry detergent so she never washed clothes. The only clothes in the dryer were dirty clothes and Ronald Cummings himself told me he felt as though Misty was having sex with somebody in his house and little Haleigh woke up and said, "I'm telling Daddy!". This came out of Ronald Cummings' mouth.

The question was asked, "Why did you marry Misty?"

His {Ronald's} words were, "You keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

AHA!!!! i figured that was why he married her
But he said "I thought you came here to be a friend" so it must have been after Tim arrived.

Or is that what ya'll already said?

I really need to try to sleep.
Tim arrived on this case days after Haleigh went missing.
Because it wasnt RC who asked TM about 35,000 it is a phone message from Hank C. I still have bunches of questions on how TM has handled this, I have never stated TM is a liar, but I do question his motives and as more info comes out that may change. As I said on another thread I hope all this info coming out doesnt cause Misty to do something stupid or to bolt and we never get the answers that might lead to Haleigh being found.

So, besides finding Haleigh and getting the perp arrested, what do you suppose TM's motives could be?
Why would you put dirty clothes in the dryer? If you were just trying to get the wrinkles out of something or freshen up something you wouldnt do that then leave them in the dryer.

You might if you were distracted by something else coming up when it was time to take them out. Or you might be stoned enough to think they were clean or that the dryer was the washer, or forget to take them out. Or maybe the dryer hadn't been on and you just threw a bunch of dirty laundry from the floor to the dryer to get it out of the AC man's way.
I don't really understand how Hank Sr could hope to be extorting money from Tim Miller. I mean, even if Tim had the money and was prepared to donate, he wouldn't give it to Hank Sr, would he?
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