Tim Miller Talks to Websleuths--

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I'm so grateful that I have never spoken ill of Tim. I am a staunch supporter of his, and also aware that he is a MAN, as in a "human being, complete with imperfection." He is a wonderful example for us to emulate, particularly his lack of spitefulness. It says TONS about his lovely, big heart that he would want to share the news of Caylee's discovery with us here at the site that had hosted some very painful posts about him, based on misinformation.

I hope Tim's future is bright indeed. May God bless you, sir, may He make his face to shine upon thee; May He grant thee peace. For all you have done, for all you will do, THANK YOU!!!

Oh please, no. LOL Let me be Greta Van Susteren, instead.

And you are funny, too! LOVE your books, girl!
Dear Audie, normally you would be right, but in this instance, Tim himself chose to make an exception for reasons that surely must be obvious to you, based on my opening message in this thread. Perhaps you overlooked that first message?

Your participation and membership here at WS, tells me that you're truly dedicated to fact-finding, so wouldn't it have been wiser, and kinder, for you to have simply contacted TES first to verify your conclusions before you used the word "fraud" to describe me or anyone.

It's only been ten minutes, and I'm already beginning to regret having stated my actual name here. For people like me, being called a "fraud" here is a 24 hour prelude to having gossip spreading all over the internet announcing that I've been "arrested for fraud" or God knows what else.

Humbly and respectfully, let's not rob anyone of their good name (be it their real name or their member name) until there is indisputable proof that they aren't entitled to it.

Not to worry, got yer back!
I'm so grateful that I have never spoken ill of Tim. I am a staunch supporter of his, and also aware that he is a MAN, as in a "human being, complete with imperfection." He is a wonderful example for us to emulate, particularly his lack of spitefulness. It says TONS about his lovely, big heart that he would want to share the news of Caylee's discovery with us here at the site that had hosted some very painful posts about him, based on misinformation.

I hope Tim's future is bright indeed. May God bless you, sir, may He make his face to shine upon thee; May He grant thee peace. For all you have done, for all you will do, THANK YOU!!!

And you are funny, too! LOVE your books, girl!

Why so negative? And why chose this thread? There are plenty of "gripe" threads available without having to drag it here. I try very hard to always give other posters the benefit of the doubt, so I'm sorry if I am misreading you, but to me, I'm smelling sour grapes.

OK...I'm trying not to laugh out-loud here, this is so obvious. lol.

Hey Friday, you rock ~ thank you so much for sharing all of this with us!!!:blowkiss:
That statement from Audie was an oxymoron, no?

Friday ~ I absolutely loved Night Whispers.
Wow!! I am a huge fan! Thank you for bringing us Tim's kind words and God bless both of you.
I love Tim Miller. I barely knew of him before Caylee went missing...and now he's one of the people I admire most in this world.

I couldn't have said this better myself!
Happy Belated Birthday Tim and i'm glad you're feeling better!

I felt such pride for you watching you being interviewed by the news last night.
You were SO right in calling off the search.

I do have a sadness for George, Cindy and Lee.
I know what's it's like to lose a child.
Nothing is more painful.

Oh, and thank-you Friday.
I'm really sorry I'm not Dr. KG as several of you guessed; I'm just a novelist. And I'm really behind on an overdue manuscript (mostly due to time spent here), so I won't be posting much for awhile.
Um, just a novelist, my (ample) rump.

Thank you for your contributions--here, with TES, in general.

I'm glad Tim has the Texas Medical Center awaiting him. There's no better place on the planet. Please give him a ginormous hug from all of us here.
Um, just a novelist, my (ample) rump.

Thank you for your contributions--here, with TES, in general.

I'm glad Tim has the Texas Medical Center awaiting him. There's no better place on the planet. Please give him a ginormous hug from all of us here.

She does understate herself, doesn't she? LOL!

Thanks for all you've done for TES, Friday... it's giving people like you that make organizations like TES work.
Friday ! Don't you think it is time for alittle RR ? Once Tim is healthier I think a Maui vacation is warrented. I'm sure you would not hear one complaint from any WB members. A person can't spread their loving selves to thin. NOW GO ! & send us a postcard. Don't look back, just keep going
Thanks, "Friday", for sharing this with us. Hopefully, Tim Miller knows he is living proof that there ARE angels walking amongst us!! What a kind and gentle man he is. You could see in his eyes that this search was breaking his heart. I also believe it was his strength, courage and dedication to go to Orlando that brought thousands together to search for this little baby girl.
How fitting for Caylee to be brought "home" on his birthday. I wish him peace and blessings. Let Go and Let God, Tim.....He has great things in store for you and your undying desire to make a difference in peoples lives. You are dearly loved by many, Tim.
Thanks Friday for passing this along.
I have nothing but admiration for Tim and TES.
Tim, thanks again for all you do for the missing.

BTW, Friday, love your books.
I'm impressed, Slueth! I'm not a reporter, but I am an author. No more hints though and no more questions--and don't bother sluething at TES, because they won't tell you my name. Trish knows who I am, but she won't tell either. LOL :blowkiss:

Oh, and don't waste one second of your precious time, wondering if I'm going to write a book about this case. I've never written a word about any of TES's searches and the only way I would ever do it would be if Tim really, really, really wanted me to do it.



I think Jose Baez is going to argue that the area in which the remains were found in was already searched by TES and the bag was not found at that time. Therefore Casey could not have placed the bag there.

I think Tim & any other searchers who searched that area will be important prosecution witnesses.

They will be able to verify that they did not search in that "Exact" location because of the water level so the bag may have been there since June.

Have you discussed this with Tim?

If not you should mention to him that it is a likely scenerio & he should prepare himself for that possibility. I respect Tim & everything he does & I wouldn't want to see him or any other members of TES caught off guard.

Once again...

All The Best
More answers from Tim for you:
Today is Tim’s birthday, and I think this discovery is God’s birthday present to him and a gift to all of us.

What a wonderful gift!
Happy Belated Birthday, Tim. :birthday_party:
God bless you, Tim, and everyone else involved with TES. You are all Caylee's angels. Thank you for everything you have done.
Thanks for you searching Tim. I admit I was very upset and angry when you pulled out the 2nd time. I took a long while away from this case and let normal life sink in. During the time my family was going to show up during the weekdays and it bothered me that it was called off. Anyway after much soul searching it is good that someone searched for her. My apologies for anger.
What was I thinking when I wrote that??? ROFL :rolling: This isn't just any forum, this is Webslueths! You would think I'd have known better than than to inadvertently issue a challenge. H*ll, it took Seriously Searching less than 10 minutes last night to locate the only tiny reference anywhere on the internet that could link me to TES.

I knew it! I wanted to say something earlier but didn't want to come off as... stalking. Ha. I should have known I could play the sleuth card!

I've never read any of your books, but my mother has several (I'll have to thank her for indirectly donating to TES!). I always tease her when she reads that genre of books, because I'm a psychological thriller type of gal... but I think I'll have to give one a try now (as I'm sure many WSers will be doing). Thank you for all you've done for TES and Caylee.

As for Tim, he's in my family's prayers. I am so glad he will be getting the medical care he needs. He's been so good to so many people, it is certainly time for him to take a break and get better so that he can help even more.
Yes, I do, but this is a time for everyone to relax, sit back, and enjoy the knowledge that what you've worked for and prayed so hard for has come to fruition. Tim is ill and needs to go home to check into one of Houston's superb hospitals. However, for now, he is so relieved and gratified that he made the right decision to call off the search of that flooded area, that he's finally stopped beating himself up over the Blanchard Park Debacle for the first time since he shut down that search. We're hoping that his good spirits will help keep him well enough to keep going for a few more days.

Thanks for your concern.

Please let Tim know that I send him my best wishes and prayers for a speedy recovery of his illness. It's time for all of us to rest, especially Tim. :blowkiss:
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