Tim Miller Talks to Websleuths--

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Mic 6:8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?
(this in response to Hornswoggle)

Adding my thanks to Tim and team and Friday and all you wonderful WSs I am sharing this saga with and who have given so much. I was hit harder than I thought I would be yesterday when the story started breaking here and I thank you all for all the information. and the "bond" in love for Caylee we have here.......UNTIL....I got kicked off!:) but fortunately had the livestream from Ch. 9 (another thanks!)
and to "Nosey" (OT) you are not the "worst WS here .........I AM........but so much appreciate being here anyway!!
PS.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TIM!!!!!:blowkiss:
I love your posts Friday. Please don't stop!

Tim is my Hero. How right he was to stop that search when he did. Best decision ever.

For all that you do, I thank each of you from the bottom of my heart.
Yesterday, I “outed myself” on another thread here by explaining my connection to TES and Tim Miller, and also my personal commitment to the effort to find little Caylee. Here is the significant part of that post:

I am a member of TES's Board; I'm TES's largest financial contributor; and Tim Miller is a dear friend. I am so committed to finding Caylee that this year I contributed enough to finance more than half the total cost of all our (TES's) searches for Caylee prior to November.

However, my contributions were nothing compared to the WSleuths who donated money they could scarcely afford or who were waiting for their Social Security checks to arrive so they could donate again. God, I was totally humbled by this kind of generosity and willingness to sacrifice. I used to call Tim at night and read him some of those posts. He would get choked up (which I'd never heard happen prior to the Blanchard Park fiasco.)

If you can believe that, then you'll be able to understand how horrible I felt when these same people felt they'd been swindled by TES and only Leonard had come through for them.

I didn’t tell you in that message that Tim has kept up with many of the threads and posts here, including some that were understandably painful for him to read . You would be surprised at how impressed he’s always been with you here—with your dedication to separating fact from fiction, your willingness to commit your time and your considerable talents and to one united goal: Getting at the truth of what happened to Caylee. FWIW, I was with him in October at our Orlando hotel when another TES member handed him a printout of your map and cell phone pings. He wasn’t just impressed, he was also delighted. He showed it to LE and we used it!

Early this morning, shortly before the media got wind of the possible discovery of Caylee’s body, Tim phoned me to tell me the news, along with the fact that (official’s name withheld by me) said they’re sure it’s Caylee. I replied that everyone at WS was going to be beyond excited when they finally heard all that. Tim replied, “Go ahead and tell them. They deserve to be the first to know.”

Unfortunately, I couldn’t get on our darned website in time to break the news to you, or to confirm that no matter what LE says publicly, Tim said to tell you, don’t fret—it is Caylee.”

I just spoke to him again this afternoon, and explained I couldn’t get on WS site in time to give you this morning’s news. He’s going to continue keeping me informed about anything he learns in Orlando so that I can post it here—exclusively for you.

In the meantime, he said to tell you this: Months ago, TES did attempt to search the area where Caylee’s remains were found even though the area was mostly under water. In fact, he borrowed a special four wheel ATV offered to us by a helpful citizen, which was then driven through what appeared to be shallow water. And sank out of sight!

As you know, the one risk that trained searchers cannot take is that of damaging or destroying the very evidence they’re trying to recover. Tim said that if the plastic bag found today had been trampled by one of our horses, or run over by the ATV, the bag would have ruptured and the contents exposed and scattered, possibly/probably never to be found. He’s relieved that he called of the search of that area when he did or today’s discovery might never have happened.

He also said to remind you (half-jokingly) that he was right about at least one other thing: Caylee’s remains were not in the river at Blanchard Park. 

Oh, and in case you’re wondering about the ATV that was ruined when it sank, we naturally had to pay the owner for it--$10,000.

That’s all for now. Hopefully I will have other information to give you as the hours pass, and that I’ll be able to access our site when I do.

Tim sends his gratitude along with this message, and a request that you take just a moment to say a prayer for George and Cindy.

Hey, if he can forgive them, we certainly should be able to as well. (This comment is mine, not Tim’s.) I’m working on it, but my heart isn’t as open as his, I fear.

Wow....I haven't even read everyone's response, just wow. Thank you Tim!!!:blowkiss:
I had to stop reading all of the posts in this thread because I'm at work and sobbing wouldn't be very professional.

Tim ~ You are an angel on earth. There are truly no words to describe you. Thank you for all you do. I pray for your health. Please take care of yourself.

Friday ~ Thank you as well for all that you do. Know that it is appreciated.

TES ~ To everyone involved with TES, bless you.
Friday, your generosity--and Tim's--brings tears to my eyes. If you ever find yourself back in the Plainfield/Bolingbrook area (for Stacy or Lisa or, God forbid, someone else), please let me know. I feel compelled to hug Tim's neck and offer whatever help I can.
I have to add: amid the evil that is this case, my heart is hugely salved by the presence of people like Tim and Friday and Yuri.

It renews my faith in humanity when it's all but decimated.
I have to add: amid the evil that is this case, my heart is hugely salved by the presence of people like Tim and Friday and Yuri.

It renews my faith in humanity when it's all but decimated.

ITA BetsyB! :):):)
Friday, Thank you for having such a a giving spirit and for taking the time to be Tim's 'voice' and sharing with all of us here at WS.

Tim, Thank you for being a relentless advocate for the missing who no longer have a voice and deserve to be found. Your grace under pressure and humility when 'under fire', and continuous hard work shows just how impressive your character is.

Tim, TES and Friday, I wish you all peace in your hearts, a healthy body and mind, and all things good. Thanks for all you do!

Couldn't say it better!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIM:blowkiss:
Tim, thank you for being the person you are. My heart aches so much for Caylee and it made me realize just how much of yourself you sacrifice to help those who can no longer help themselves. It takes an extraordinary person to be willing to give a piece of his heart and soul to each search, to each person waiting to be found, yet you willingly subject yourself to this emotional pain and heartache again and again in hopes of bringing just one more home. God Bless you, Tim Miller for dedicating you life to such a worthy cause.
What a lovley thread to stumble upon.

Thank you Tim. Thank you Tess. Thank you Friday and thanks to everyone at WS. I lurked for a couple of years before I joined and I am so glad I finally did. I think everyone who is apart of this board is amazing.

+ 4 cats.
I'm impressed, Slueth! I'm not a reporter, but I am an author. No more hints though and no more questions--and don't bother sluething at TES, because they won't tell you my name. Trish knows who I am, but she won't tell either. LOL :blowkiss:

What was I thinking when I wrote that??? ROFL :rolling: This isn't just any forum, this is Webslueths! You would think I'd have known better than than to inadvertently issue a challenge. H*ll, it took Seriously Searching less than 10 minutes last night to locate the only tiny reference anywhere on the internet that could link me to TES.

Ha! See...I am not a bad sleuth after all...I do know who you are! ;) I didn't even have to ask.

I thought she was putting me on, until I read her PM. Today my mailbox was jammed with guesses, so rather than turning my identity into a distracting mystery, here is the text of SS's PM to me.... [/B]:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:
:bowdown: :bowdown:

PM From SS last night:

Told ya! LOL.....

Miller returned to Orlando last week with author Judith McNaught, who called the Caylee search "a draining case."

"I'm out here to write checks, that's what the Board of Directors does, because we all want it to turn out so well," McNaught told MyFOXOrlando.com. "At the same time, this is the first time I've made a public appearance on any case, because he [Miller] is so exhausted."


PS I'm really sorry I'm not Dr. KG as several of you guessed; I'm just a novelist. And I'm really behind on an overdue manuscript (mostly due to time spent here), so I won't be posting much for awhile. Tim left Orlando this morning to conduct another search elsewhere. If I learn something from him I'll post it here if it isn't already being carried by the media.

God bless us, every one.
YAY Friday! (And SS)

You will be getting some of my book dollars, and knowing some of them will ultimately wind up with TES just makes this a great deal.

I thought she was putting me on, until I read her PM. Today my mailbox was jammed with guesses, so rather than turning my identity into a distracting mystery, here is the text of SS's PM to me.... :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:
:bowdown: :bowdown:

PS I'm really sorry I'm not Dr. KG as several of you guessed; I'm just a novelist. :blowkiss:

I knew the moment I read what you wrote, I was surprised to see your name mentioned in this case because I've been reading you for years and years.

What was I thinking when I wrote that??? ROFL :rolling: This isn't just any forum, this is Webslueths! You would think I'd have known better than than to inadvertently issue a challenge. H*ll, it took Seriously Searching less than 10 minutes last night to locate the only tiny reference anywhere on the internet that could link me to TES.

I thought she was putting me on, until I read her PM. Today my mailbox was jammed with guesses, so rather than turning my identity into a distracting mystery, here is the text of SS's PM to me.... [/B]:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:
:bowdown: :bowdown:

PS I'm really sorry I'm not Dr. KG as several of you guessed; I'm just a novelist. And I'm really behind on an overdue manuscript (mostly due to time spent here), so I won't be posting much for awhile. Tim left Orlando this morning to conduct another search elsewhere. If I learn something from him I'll post it here if it isn't already being carried by the media.

God bless us, every one.
:blowkiss: It was the Oh, B*ll that made me do it. LOL I already knew as I recalled the article from when it was written. It is true that you cannot underestimate a WSer. ;) We are an awesome group.

We have enjoyed having you here and look forward to seeing you soon. If you run across any need for researchers, you know where to find us. We are at your disposal anytime. It has been such a pleasure!

(Will be awaiting my signed copy of that overdue manuscript as my reward. LOL)
Friday, I am sorry you've been exposed to that kind of mentality.

We appreciate you and your posts very much. Please don't let that poster deter you from carrying on here.
What was I thinking when I wrote that??? ROFL :rolling: This isn't just any forum, this is Webslueths! You would think I'd have known better than than to inadvertently issue a challenge. H*ll, it took Seriously Searching less than 10 minutes last night to locate the only tiny reference anywhere on the internet that could link me to TES.

I thought she was putting me on, until I read her PM. Today my mailbox was jammed with guesses, so rather than turning my identity into a distracting mystery, here is the text of SS's PM to me.... [/B]:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:
:bowdown: :bowdown:

PS I'm really sorry I'm not Dr. KG as several of you guessed; I'm just a novelist. And I'm really behind on an overdue manuscript (mostly due to time spent here), so I won't be posting much for awhile. Tim left Orlando this morning to conduct another search elsewhere. If I learn something from him I'll post it here if it isn't already being carried by the media.

God bless us, every one.

Oh yeah, I remember that. Well, it is great that you chose to be on WebSleuths. Thanks to you, Tim and TES for all you have done for sweet Caylee! :blowkiss:
Tim's reasons are certainly obvious to me and I am grateful that he made the decision to make an exception to his rule and allow you to speak with us. Thank you so much.
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