Time Line For When The 1998 Car Casey Drove Was Towed From Amscott...

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Here's my time line I've been working on

June 20 - KC runs out of gas , has TonE take her to G & C ' s makes him stay in car . KC breaks in shed takes gas cans

June 22 - 27 - KC tells Cindy she is in Tampa with Z , RF, JL

June 24- George claims KC came home , he confronts her about gas cans . KC PO'ed cusses at George and doesn't want him going in the trunk .

June 25 - Amy receives Text from KC stating she thinks George hit an animal with her car (missing exact time if you have it I'll edit )

June 27 - KC claims car ran out of gas , 2 guys helped her push it into the Amscot parking lot next to the dumpster . KC calls TonE to come pick her up . ( time ? )

June 27 - Amy gets a text from KC " whats the chance of running out of gas 2 Fridays in a row " Another text from KC " yup the smell in my car is definitly from 2 dead squirels plastered to the frame of my car " KC calls Amy or Amy calls KC while waiting for TonE to pick her up ( times ? )

Text from Casey to Amy:
11:34 AM - There was definitely part of a dead animal plastered to the frame of my car. (AH interview, pg. 17, lines 5-13)

Text from Casey to Amy:
11:49 AM - My car ran out of gas again.

Text from Casey to Amy:
11:58 AM Two weeks in a row.. on Friday.. my stupid car runs out of gas. Wow.

KC locks car leaves purse , car seat , momma doll , clothing , backpacks etc. in car .
TonE picks KC up , she is out of the car waiting for him . KC has several plastic bags with freezer pops , chicken strips etc. TonE thinks she took the stuff from A's house .

June 28 - KC calls Amy and JG about borrowing gas cans ( times ? )

Casey texts to Amy:
6/29/08 10:25 AM Can I borrow you and your gas can today?

June 30 - KC takes TonE to airport .
9:00 AM - KC shows up outside Amy's , driving TonE's Jeep Cherokee
11:00 AM - They go buy gas can from Target , spends the remainder of the day with Amy until Amy leaves for work around 5 ish .

Cindy's Off work the week of the 30th

Car get's Towed from Amscot to Johnsons Tow yard ( time ? )
Mr. Ridgeway was on duty, and was dispatched to 7501 East Colonial Drive (Amscot Financial) to tow a car, arriving at approximately 0906 hours.

July - Sometime between July 1 - 11 SB notices fowl oder coming from car ( thinks it's rotting food )

July 2 - KC gets a tattoo Bella Vita or Bella Vida

July 5th - TonE returns from NY , before picking TonE up from airport she washes TonE's Jeep . On the phone with WW until TonE get's off the plane .

July 11 - Johnsons Tow Yard sends George and Cindy Reg. Letter about car still at tow yard .

July 12 ? - Amy RM , JP leave for PR , KC has Amy's car after dropping her off at the airport .

6:30 AM

July 15 - AM George picks up letter from post office . Goes to Tow yard to get car , is told he needs cash and documents to get car back .

George called Amscot

1: 55 PM George & Cindy return to tow yard with cash . Cindy has a fit in office about how much the charges are , wants discount . SB get's call by office girl N . SB talks with G & C then takes George to car . On the way G tells SB his granddaughter is missing and KC has been lying to them , apologizes for Cindy .

G & SB reach the car , G unlocks and opens door . SB " Smells so bad it knocked you back " " Oh $hit " " On a scale of 1-10 smell was a 7 "

G opens up the trunk , they find white garbage bag . SB thought the missing GD might be in trunk or bag . SB picks up bag " it was lite " finds garbage , magots , flies and possibly rotten pizza and box . SB throws garbage bag in dumpster .

G trys to start car then goes back to to his car to get gas can he brought along . Puts gas in car , pulls out , stops to talk with C then drives the car home .

2:00 PM - KC stops at tattoo shop to make appointment for July 19 th , tells tattoo guys she on her way to airport to pick up friends .

Time ? - KC picks Amy up at airport and Amy drops KC off at TonE's .

Casey picks up Amy at 2:30 PM

Time ? - Cindy sends George to work , George says he works 3-11

Time ? - Cindy calls Amy wanting her to take her to KC , Cindy says she needs to find KC or KC will got to jail . Cindy picks up Amy at FL mall , during the drive Cindy tells Amy about all KC's lies . She tells Amy about the smell in the car , Amy tells her KC claimed to have run over a squirel .

7:30 - 8:00 PM - Cindy & Amy pick KC up

8:05 PM - Cindy calls George , gets no answer . George calls Cindy back no answer then tries the house phone .

8:07 PM - George calls Lee worried about Cindy

Shortly after Lee arrives at house , opens garage door " smell hits him like a wave " finds KC's car in garage and nobody home . He calls Cindy's cell

8:35 PM - George talks to Cindy

8:30 ish - Cindy calls 911

9: 50 PM - George comes home from work , Cindy in garage crying and on the phone

Sometime late July 15 or very early morning July 16 th Johnsons Towing is called in by LE to take the car to the Crime Lab
( SB's statement )

If you can fill anything in or if I need to make corrections let me know

Here are the times I have - I changed the text to red and my answers in blue
Here are the times I have - I changed the text to red and my answers in blue
Do you know what time she sent the text message saying that she "got rid of it"??? I'm trying to find that. I think she sent AH a couple of messages about the smell/squirrel etc...and in one of them that day, she said she had gotten rid of it.
Do you know what time she sent the text message saying that she "got rid of it"??? I'm trying to find that. I think she sent AH a couple of messages about the smell/squirrel etc...and in one of them that day, she said she had gotten rid of it.

The only one I have is on the 27th, and it's the one about the squirrel being plastered to car.
I just want to add the just becasue Tony L. says freezer pops does not mean anything was actually frozen. He never said the word Frozen. When you buy them they are not in a frozen state and the way he says it. 'something for dinner' makes me think he really does not have know exactly what all was that Casey had.

In the interview with CA she is asked about the items in the car and she said there was a bag of Casey's on the front seat. When asked she said a bag she used when she went to work. CA did not tell LE that it was Casey's purse. I think CA used the word purse to the media. [There is no transcript yet for that interview]

When Lee A. came back from Tony's apartment in the morning of the 7/16 and Casey's stuff was dumped on the floor her wallet was in that purse/bag. So it is still kinda up in the air but it dosen't appear that she left the purse/bag that she carried with her in the car but another one that she used.
I sometimes do that myself. A bag that holds things that I might need if I don't know exactly what my day will entail but it is not he bag that I would carry into a store or the office.
I just want to add the just becasue Tony L. says freezer pops does not mean anything was actually frozen. He never said the word Frozen. When you buy them they are not in a frozen state and the way he says it. 'something for dinner' makes me think he really does not have know exactly what all was that Casey had.

In the interview with CA she is asked about the items in the car and she said there was a bag of Casey's on the front seat. When asked she said a bag she used when she went to work. CA did not tell LE that it was Casey's purse. I think CA used the word purse to the media. [There is no transcript yet for that interview]

When Lee A. came back from Tony's apartment in the morning of the 7/16 and Casey's stuff was dumped on the floor her wallet was in that purse/bag. So it is still kinda up in the air but it dosen't appear that she left the purse/bag that she carried with her in the car but another one that she used.
I sometimes do that myself. A bag that holds things that I might need if I don't know exactly what my day will entail but it is not he bag that I would carry into a store or the office.

IIRC it was her "work bag" that she left in the car. The job applications she was supposed to take to Universal for AH were in there.
Did I read correctly that the police had to get a search warrant to search KC's car?

How did I miss this before? Is this really true? If this is the case, and it delayed the searching of the car, then I am all sorts of suspicious about the A's all over again. Why in the world would you NOT tell LE to take the car, search it, do whatever you need to do in order to find out where your granddaughter is? This makes no sense to me (not that a whole lot of what the A's does makes a lot of sense tho). WOW
Here's my time line I've been working on

July 15 - AM George picks up letter from post office . Goes to Tow yard to get car , is told he needs cash and documents to get car back .

George called Amscot

1: 55 PM George & Cindy return to tow yard with cash . Cindy has a fit in office about how much the charges are , wants discount . SB get's call by office girl N . SB talks with G & C then takes George to car .
On the way G tells SB his granddaughter is missing and KC has been lying to them , apologizes for Cindy .

G & SB reach the car , G unlocks and opens door . SB " Smells so bad it knocked you back " " Oh $hit " " On a scale of 1-10 smell was a 7 "

G opens up the trunk , they find white garbage bag . SB thought the missing GD might be in trunk or bag . SB picks up bag " it was lite " finds garbage , magots , flies and possibly rotten pizza and box . SB throws garbage bag in dumpster .

G trys to start car then goes back to to his car to get gas can he brought along . Puts gas in car , pulls out , stops to talk with C then drives the car home .

Time ? - Cindy sends George to work , George says he works 3-11

Time ? - Cindy calls Amy wanting her to take her to KC , Cindy says she needs to find KC or KC will got to jail . Cindy picks up Amy at FL mall , during the drive Cindy tells Amy about all KC's lies . She tells Amy about the smell in the car , Amy tells her KC claimed to have run over a squirel .

7:30 - 8:00 PM - Cindy & Amy pick KC up

8:05 PM - Cindy calls George , gets no answer . George calls Cindy back no answer then tries the house phone .

8:07 PM - George calls Lee worried about Cindy

Shortly after Lee arrives at house , opens garage door " smell hits him like a wave " finds KC's car in garage and nobody home . He calls Cindy's cell

8:35 PM - George talks to Cindy

8:30 ish - Cindy calls 911

9: 50 PM - George comes home from work , Cindy in garage crying and on the phone

Sometime late July 15 or very early morning July 16 th Johnsons Towing is called in by LE to take the car to the Crime Lab ( SB's statement )

If you can fill anything in or if I need to make corrections let me know

~~respectfully snipped~~
(my bold up above)

From LE:
"On July 15, GA went to the tow yard to pick up the car. As NL stood on the rear patio, SB and GA walked through the yard. As they walked through the yard, Ms. L. overheard GA telling SB he had just found his daughter, but his granddaughter was missing."

This was hours before Casey was even found. How on earth could GA have known at that point that Caylee was actually missing ?

Also, at the tow yard, decomp smell is painfully obvious, as evidenced by GA's statement to LE that he drove home with the windows rolled down. because of the smell. He knows what human decomp smells like. Why on earth would he go to work after dropping off a car that smelled of human death ?

Both CA and Ga know what human decomp smells like. They both know that it is nothing like the smell of animal decomp. It would seem to me that AH would have heard CA question Casey about that smell on the way home from AL's apartment, yet I don't think there is any mention made of that. I know I darn sure would have asked. These 2 things make no sense.

~~respectfully snipped~~
(my bold up above)

From LE:
"On July 15, GA went to the tow yard to pick up the car. As NL stood on the rear patio, SB and GA walked through the yard. As they walked through the yard, Ms. L. overheard GA telling SB he had just found his daughter, but his granddaughter was missing."

This was hours before Casey was even found. How on earth could GA have known at that point that Caylee was actually missing ?

Also, at the tow yard, decomp smell is painfully obvious, as evidenced by GA's statement to LE that he drove home with the windows rolled down. because of the smell. He knows what human decomp smells like. Why on earth would he go to work after dropping off a car that smelled of human death ?

Both CA and Ga know what human decomp smells like. They both know that it is nothing like the smell of animal decomp. It would seem to me that AH would have heard CA question Casey about that smell on the way home from AL's apartment, yet I don't think there is any mention made of that. I know I darn sure would have asked. These 2 things make no sense.

I have always asked that and also HOW did he know the car needed gas? He had the gas can with him. I have always believed him and KC were talking.
Does anyone know if the officers called to the home on 7-15 made ANY reference to the odor in the trunk- either in the police reports or in statements to the media? I'm wondering if the A's tried to cover it up before LE arrived?:waitasec:
I don't know if this helps, but I posted most of this on the ping thread, which corresponds to Georgia PI's ping map HERE:

Here’s my evaluation of the critical time period of the 6/27 pings:

All pings from 6:54am to 10:22am consistent with Casey being at Tony's apt and are not hit again until 12:25pm, when she was most likely back at Tony's apt.

Ping 3 - 10:35:10 – voice call to JG for 3min 4sec *She’s probably driving from Tony’s to her parents’ house. She does have a window here of 30 minutes where she could turn off her phone, drive down to where Padilla says she dumped the body and then drive back up to her parents’ house. But there is no evidence that this would happen in this time period.
Ping 4 - 11:09:04 – voice call to JCPenney Credit for 1min 18sec *She is now in the house, probably has stolen her mother’s credit card and is checking to see if it is still active.
Ping 5 - 11:28:17 – text msg from AL *Remember this is a Friday, as in Fusion Friday, and she’s now “in charge” of the shot girls. So I think the rest of these text messages with Jenna and phone calls with AL are all about that evening. She is still at her parents’ house.
Ping 6 -11:28:50 – voice call to AL for 2min 32sec
Ping 7 -11:31:55 – text msg to Jenna (shot girl at Fusion)
Ping 7 -11:32:26 – text msg from Jenna
Ping 7 -11:33:11 – text msg to Jenna
Ping 8 -11:34:05 – text msg from Jenna
Ping 8 -11:34:07 – text msg to AH – There was definitely part of a dead animal plastered to the frame of my car *This is her last text message while at her parents’ house. It was probably sent right after she got back in the car and was assaulted with the smell.
Ping 9 -11:37:24 – text msg to Jenna *At this point, she’s back in the car driving.
Ping 9 -11:39:48 – text msg from Jenna *At this point she is most likely near or at Amscot.
Ping 10 -11:40:51 – text msg to Jenna
Ping 10 -11:41:14 – text msg from Jenna
Ping 10 -11:41:39 – text msg to Jenna
Ping 11 -11:42:29 – text msg to Jenna
Ping 11 -11:43:10 – text msg to Jenna
Ping 12 -11:44:13 – text msg from Jenna
Ping 12 -11:47:08 – voice call to AL for 1min 55sec
Ping 12 -11:49:38 – text msg to Jenna
Ping 12 -11:49:54 – text msg to AH - My car ran out of gas again
Ping 12 -11:51:09 – voice call to JG for 5min 5sec *Asking for a ride, as per his interview
Ping 12 -11:58:20 – text msg to AH - Two weeks in a row..on Friday..my stupid car runs out of gas. Wow.
Ping 13 -12:25:12 – text msg from someone (unidentified # displayed in log) *At this point she’s been rescued because now she’s back at Tony’s
Ping 13 -12:38:04 – text msg to JG *Probably telling him she's gotten a ride.
Let me add that it is my opinion that the Amscot employee is mistaken about seeing the car in the Amscot lot at 7am on June 27th.
I don't know if this helps, but I posted most of this on the ping thread, which corresponds to Georgia PI's ping map HERE:

Here’s my evaluation of the critical time period of the 6/27 pings:

All pings from 6:54am to 10:22am consistent with Casey being at Tony's apt and are not hit again until 12:25pm, when she was most likely back at Tony's apt.

Ping 3 - 10:35:10 – voice call to JG for 3min 4sec *She’s probably driving from Tony’s to her parents’ house. She does have a window here of 30 minutes where she could turn off her phone, drive down to where Padilla says she dumped the body and then drive back up to her parents’ house. But there is no evidence that this would happen in this time period.
Ping 4 - 11:09:04 – voice call to JCPenney Credit for 1min 18sec *She is now in the house, probably has stolen her mother’s credit card and is checking to see if it is still active.
Ping 5 - 11:28:17 – text msg from AL *Remember this is a Friday, as in Fusion Friday, and she’s now “in charge” of the shot girls. So I think the rest of these text messages with Jenna and phone calls with AL are all about that evening. She is still at her parents’ house.
Ping 6 -11:28:50 – voice call to AL for 2min 32sec
Ping 7 -11:31:55 – text msg to Jenna (shot girl at Fusion)
Ping 7 -11:32:26 – text msg from Jenna
Ping 7 -11:33:11 – text msg to Jenna
Ping 8 -11:34:05 – text msg from Jenna
Ping 8 -11:34:07 – text msg to AH – There was definitely part of a dead animal plastered to the frame of my car *This is her last text message while at her parents’ house. It was probably sent right after she got back in the car and was assaulted with the smell.
Ping 9 -11:37:24 – text msg to Jenna *At this point, she’s back in the car driving.
Ping 9 -11:39:48 – text msg from Jenna *At this point she is most likely near or at Amscot.
Ping 10 -11:40:51 – text msg to Jenna
Ping 10 -11:41:14 – text msg from Jenna
Ping 10 -11:41:39 – text msg to Jenna
Ping 11 -11:42:29 – text msg to Jenna
Ping 11 -11:43:10 – text msg to Jenna
Ping 12 -11:44:13 – text msg from Jenna
Ping 12 -11:47:08 – voice call to AL for 1min 55sec
Ping 12 -11:49:38 – text msg to Jenna
Ping 12 -11:49:54 – text msg to AH - My car ran out of gas again
Ping 12 -11:51:09 – voice call to JG for 5min 5sec *Asking for a ride, as per his interview
Ping 12 -11:58:20 – text msg to AH - Two weeks in a row..on Friday..my stupid car runs out of gas. Wow.
Ping 13 -12:25:12 – text msg from someone (unidentified # displayed in log) *At this point she’s been rescued because now she’s back at Tony’s
Ping 13 -12:38:04 – text msg to JG *Probably telling him she's gotten a ride.

Thanks for putting the ping info here. That's how I read it too generally. She didn't get TonE to pick her up until 12:30ish not 11:30ish.

Did I read correctly that the police had to get a search warrant to search KC's car?

How did I miss this before? Is this really true? If this is the case, and it delayed the searching of the car, then I am all sorts of suspicious about the A's all over again. Why in the world would you NOT tell LE to take the car, search it, do whatever you need to do in order to find out where your granddaughter is? This makes no sense to me (not that a whole lot of what the A's does makes a lot of sense tho). WOW

As far as I am aware, I don't think LE knew of the stinky car until they got ahold of the 911 call (I could be wrong but I think this is how it went down).

But if that stinky car was in the garage while the various investigators were taking everyone's statements (splitting up the family members) and if any LE or detective smelled it and failed to take the car into evidence then that is just WRONG!
1. tow truck driver said ,first time he had ever seen car run out of gas in parking spot. kc told le in interview that she left note on car stating it was out of gas, and that she would be coming back to get it. Maybe this is why driver made this statement.

2. Car was parked directly next to the dumpster. kc stated that when she ran out of gas two guys pushed her car into the amscot parking lot. if the car was truly out of gas, and had to be pushed into the parking lot imo would have been very difficult to steer into this spot with the car not running. good samaritans that supposedly pushed car into spot have never come forward.

3. If "the plan" was for the car to hopefully be stolen, the car thief wouldnt have been able to start the car as it was out of gas. ga brought gas cans with him to the tow yard, the tow yard mgr desribes the gas can ga brings with him, as old, red, with paint chipped off, like you use for your lawnmower.

4.The amscot has a surveilance camera in the parking lot, I do not know if it works, nothing concerning it has ever been released by le, but this alone would make me believe that kc did not put caylee in this dumpster.

5. kc was not trying to hide the car per say, as it was parked in the amscot and not the much larger sam's parking lot. imo she parked it there so she could visually check it out on the way to the parents house.

6. The possibilities of what kc could have done to "get rid" of the car are endless. burn the car- would have virtually destroyed all evidence, drove it into a retention pond- it may have never been found, not to mention evidence destroyed from being under water. No instead she uses her precious little amount of gas to take her daily trek to her parents house for freezer pops and tyson chicken. There had to be something more substantial at or near her parents home that she had to retrieve.

7. When tone picked kc up at the amscot she told him she was out of gas, when le asked tone why he didnt bring gas with him he says something about kc knowing he is busy with school (why wasnt he in school then it was friday? and close to noon), he had already driven to the parents neighborhood to rescue her(she had run out of gas and was walking from the neighborhood next to her parents neighborhood, that she had cut through, on her way to her parents home, and help her steal the gas cans from the parents on 6/23),anyway he picks her up at the amscot on the 6/27, she tells him her dad will get the car later.

conclusion: I think we are giving kc too much credit, the car thing was not well thought out at all.

1. if kc really left the car there on purpose she had to know eventually it would be towed as abandoned. If it was towed the tow co. would use the vin # to identify the owner and would notify.

2. If she really did plan to retrieve it (and I think she may have, but it just kinda got away from her) she had no intention of doing anything to get it on 6/27-fusion night(she had a one track mind when it came to fusion fridays.)6-28 calls or text jesse, out of gas on goldenrod, hes on the other side of town and cant help her. 6/29 text amy about her gas cans (theyre in storage with most of amy's other belongings) 6/30 shows up at rics and kc and amy go to trgt and buy a gas can,around noonish, but even then it looks like kc didnt check amscot until early evening, the sunfire had been towed that morning at 9:16 am. I really think she didnt know what to do with the car, she just wanted to be rid of it. The thing that is so ironic about the car is that without it le would not have much of a case against kc.

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