Time to move on/How best to honor Caylee now *merged*

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I think its going to take me a while to get over this. I'm not sure I can even bring myself to invest in another case like I did with Caylee. I'm emotionally drained and I didn't think I would be feeling like this.
It will take a long time for people to get over this... There is nowhere to move on to. Where can we go?? Haleigh Cummings??? Seems people have gotten away with murder there, too. Kyron Horman??? Same story. Haylie Dunn?? Has she even been found yet? I'll admit to not being sure, as I haven't been overly active here since around April... I'm guessing not, and somebody is getting away with murder there, too??

I want to say that Casey took Caylee's life, but she can't have any more of mine. That is easier said than done, though- we are mourning Caylee today. It was easier to cope these past 3 years with the hope that justice would be served. Today we know that it will not, and that is devastating. Last night I cried and said my goodbyes to Caylee- I am trying to move on, if only because I refuse to give Casey any more attention. Yesterday it became more about Casey than Caylee, so I am done.
I'm getting dressed for work and wondering how I can put on a happy face and pretend all in well. It's not. A monumental injustice has been done. A beautiful young child was brutally taken out of this world by her own mother and no one pays. I also didn't realize this would take the enormous toll on me that it has. It's brought back years of grief for the loss of my own daughter that I thought was long buried. I painfully recall people telling me I needed to 'get over it' for my own good. It's going to take a while to decompress and adjust.
Its not the end. We can have justice for little Caylee, there will be book deals, interviews, and such. Let our voices be heard loud and clear! We will not tolerate anyone making money off our America's little lady, Caylee. Just like OJ's If I did it book. That will be the only way people, we can make sure that Caylee will have justice.

God Help Us All
I am just lost. I have lost faith in humanity. I think that this case has changed me - and not in a positive way. It feels like grief. I am forcing myself to go to the gym right now - something I haven't done in 2 months. I am praying that I will gain perspective. I have always been a positive, glass half full type person. I need to find that again. I have lost my mojo. I am trying very hard to keep the negative nasty thoughts towards the A's and the DT out of my mind and heart. It is not productive or productive. I will follow along here for a while and then search out another case to put my energy toward; but I will never allow a case to affect me as this one has. Only you all here can understand that. Friends and family are saying - get over it - move on - and I know I should.

Off to see if I can run some of the anger and confusion out of my head.

Love you all - hugs all the way around.
It's hard to just up and leave a case that has been in our hearts for the past 3 years. I still remember that very first Caylee missing thread that was started on July 15th, and how all of us were saying "Jeez, what wild turn will this case take next?" Little did we know at that time how we would all feel today. I am heartbroken for Caylee. The day they found her I cried like she was my own. I can't just up and leave and move on that easily.
Its really hard for me because I feel really let down by our Justice system here in Orlando. I am sickened by what acts are punished and what aren't. Right now the city is arresting people for feeding the homeless in a park, but Casey gets off. It just doesn't sit right with me. I blame the jurors, I blame the judge for being too lenient with Baez, I blame the prosecution for all the evidence they didn't present, I blame Baez for throwing the curve ball and admitting Caylee died on 7/16, which would have save us, the taxpayers a heck of a ton of $. I blame the Anthony's for raising a daughter like Casey and for not telling the truth consistently for Caylee's sake.

So no, I can't move on yet. It will take a while for me to get over this perversion of justice.
Time to let interest in the case rest to negate book deals and tv movies. Everyone wanted to find out what happened to Caylee and in our hearts we know. Come help me pull weeds from my obviously overgrown flower garden.
I agree with everything you are all saying and I apologize it was probably too soon. I will try to get a mod to delete this thread

Please don't do that. I understand your sentiment. I've been thinking much the same myself. I've been wondering what we can do with our energy, anger and frustration and turn it into something positive. What can we take from this case and use in a way to help other children? For Caylee to leave a legacy which other children will benefit from ... well, maybe that's almost as good as a conviction.

I don't know what to do but I'm open to all suggestions. We can't change the outcome of this trial but maybe we can change something in how future charges or trials are handled. JMO and I'm sorry for not making myself clear, still trying to process everything ....
I am quite new here, but the discussion of JonBenet Ramsey is still quite active. These are two children who died and we do not know why--while I agree that there are many children out there who need help, I also believe, as someone said, it is an individual decision and IMHO not time to move on.
For me the best way to move on from a painful life event is to move through it, not away from it. If something has annoyey or upset me I have to sit with it; this enables me to discharge the emotional energy attached to it, acknowledge my right to have an emotional reaction, normalise the experience and then move on. Eventually all emotion has gone and my mind is able to validate the overall experience and produces an unemotional decision at the end of it. There is usually a very good reason why I had the reaction and I have to hang around with the experience long enough to gain full understanding and useful insights from it. If we pretend we can overcome our emotional reactions by 'thinking positive thoughts' and just move on we are fooling ourselves... Emotional energy is far more powerful than mental energy and when we try to force ourselves to be 'positive' against our feelings we merely run from ourselves. This is 'denial'. Through it; not away from it.

We all experienced a great loss yesterday and there are 5 stages we need to work through in order to come to terms with what happened...For me moving on and acceptance can't happen until I work through the other four stages..JMHO
I am sure this wont be a popular thread, but as most of you I am sickened by the verdict, but it is time for us as a group to stand up for another child the way we have for Caylee. There are so many missing and murdered children still out there, so in honor of her lets try to help another.

Thank you, chckmate22! It is, indeed, time to move on to seeking justice for others. That does not mean that we will forget about Caylee and her tragedy, because we will not. I am sure we will hear from KC again as a leopard does not change their spots, and she will soon be in the news again, having refused to pay taxes, or having accused JB of inappropriate behaviour, or for stealing from someone. I will now hope for justice for Stacy Peterson. Let's all pray for Caylee to be at peace and hope that her killer will find none. Hugs to all of my fellow sleuthers. It's been quite a ride.
I think its going to take me a while to get over this. I'm not sure I can even bring myself to invest in another case like I did with Caylee. I'm emotionally drained and I didn't think I would be feeling like this.

I can relate, I have followed the Haleigh Cummings case for two years...
I am sure this wont be a popular thread, but as most of you I am sickened by the verdict, but it is time for us as a group to stand up for another child the way we have for Caylee. There are so many missing and murdered children still out there, so in honor of her lets try to help another.

In the beginning I thought KC was pretty and I was aware that she did not have a violent background. I felt she probably had experienced incest. I thought her odd behavior during the 31 days was a "fugue". I gave her every benefit of the doubt. I "identified" with KC (a very unpopular position, in the early days many of my posts were shot down). My screen name has to do with "understanding" KC. In time, however, I got educated here and further, through the trial I completely changed my mind and became 100% certain that KC killed Caylee on purpose. Today, I am searching for positive things to do with all the new time that I previously spent on the case. I agree with chckmate, it is time (for me) to move on. I am kicking myself for getting involved in this case. I could have been doing so many other productive things. I'll throw out an alternative idea to chckmates; there are legions of live children who would love some attention. Spending time with a live child who needs love would be a good way to heal from this travesty of justice too.

P.S. I dreamt that Jose Baez wanted me to testify, but he gave me a copy of my credit report and said: "you've got to fix item #26 before you can take the stand". And this coming from a guy who a couple of days ago was in foreclosure. Ah, the irony. the irony.
I am sure this wont be a popular thread, but as most of you I am sickened by the verdict, but it is time for us as a group to stand up for another child the way we have for Caylee. There are so many missing and murdered children still out there, so in honor of her lets try to help another.

I agree....soon.....but some of us still feel like we woke up from a nightmare this morning. I think a lot of us are still shocked and in disbelief. Maybe some people are even mourning. I think it's healthy to process these feelings and WS is a wonderful place to do that. I am up here doing that.....and at the same time planning what I can do to help kids in the future.

My first step is get my drivers license renewed. I was too sick to drive for years....but I want to volunteer and I am having better days. I may see about my son and I helping a boy as a big brother sort of thing. He is an only child. It could be a great thing all around. Anyway. First things first.
Farewell, friends. God bless you all. It is time for me to go on a self-imposed media fast and catch up with my duties that can truly make a difference for the children in my life, as it is sadly too late for me to do anything about sweet little Caylee who was murdered at the hand of her own mother.

In parting, I leave you with the post I wrote late last night for "today I learned"

Today I learned that I have wasted huge chunks of the last several months of my life.

I learned that I was deluding myself to think I had any part in justice for Caylee. It felt good to sit here and share with fellow human beings, who actually have hearts, and believe that somehow we could make a difference. But alas we didn't make a difference.

In fact today I learned that even the finest prosecution team anyone could hope for, could, for some unexplicable reason, not win against sleaze and corruption.

I learned that there are attorneys and jurors and media figures who care not one whit for the law or truth and integrity.

In fact, I learned the true meaning of "Evil shall be called good, and good shall be called evil."

I learned that my priorities were sorely out of order; that it was a mistake to spend time on a problem I had no power to solve, that I should have been spending on my own family.
God bless Jeff Ashton, Linda Drane Burdick and Frank George, and Yuri Melich too, for working so hard and sacrificing for little Caylee. They are the true heroes in this case. All I did is sit here and somehow feel like I was part of something important, while neglecting my own duties.

I learned that it has become even more important to me than ever before, to teach the little ones under my care, right from wrong, and that lying is unacceptable to me and that I will never cover for them.
Because I learned that a twisted version of "unconditional love" is not love at all, but a license to kill.

I learned that I will never again be part of a case like this, unless there is something I can truly to do help, such as search for a missing child, or fight to pass laws which could rewrite our justice system.

I learned that I am done with any part of following true crime. Although I have "met" some incredibly intelligent and mentally stimulating people here on this forum, that it is not healthy for me to care so much.

I learned that the only thing that gives me comfort just now, is to know that God is still God; He is in control; those involved in this travesty of justice, from Casey down to the people who enabled her and those who were not willing to do what it takes to stop her now, will be dealt with by a Judge who sees all, knows all, and cannot be swayed from eternal justice.
Yes, I will move on and go forward. Caylee will be in my thoughts forever. Hurt? Yes, Devastated? Yes but I will fight the good fight for the children who can't. Is there no justice and accountability for these missing/murdered children? Maybe, but I'm not one to give up so easily. I don't understand but Gawd willing, maybe someday I will. Until then, I will continue at WS. I have seen plaques that read..."Home is where your heart is." I'm at home at WS and this is where I will do my grieving and mourning surrounded by folks that truly understand what I'm feeling. Not to mention the fact that I wouldn't give ICA and the DT the satisfaction that they were able to control ME in the manner that they have controlled others.:grouphug:
I wish I could move on! I saw so much of my own family in this mess. I guess getting justice for caylee, in my mind, would be like seeing someone finally pay for all their wrong deeds and not get rewarded for them, like in my own family. But when I saw another person get what they wanted by being a cruel , disgusting, sociopathic human being, I lost it. I dont know how to deal. This was like my therapy I guess and now Im crushed cuz i no longer believe in good over evil, or truth over dishonesty, cuz its the good people that get victimized over and over. I never thought that I could be so emotional over this. Im just spent and hurt and shocked that there are more people in this world that are more like casey, instead of like you guys or me. Im seriously considering counseling, cuz its obvious im not over my own family issues and the world as we know it today doesnt help my thinking. Thank you guys for being here.

I'm so sorry Belle3. I understand what you are saying. Dysfunctional family crap is so hard to leave in the past. I've been in and out of counseling through the years. It really helps. I can see how this whole trial and verdict could bring up all kinds of excrement. I hope you feel better and find someone you trust to speak with. :seeya:

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