Timeline Discussion

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Drive your child on main roads!
IMO cause if there is an emergancy or your car gets stuck you would have a heck of a time getting her quickly to an emergancy room.

Oh yeah I forgot luckly she drove the truck. She thinks of everything! Oh and how lucky for her that her daughter healed quickly enough for her to get in her hour workout. Smart and Lucky!

Um nope sorry, I am not buying it.
The grocery store videos would have shown her in the store. Plus she may have had debit or credit card transactions there.

So if she went back to pick him up around 10:10, then where was he from 8:45 to 10:10? Do you mean he went around with the other kids on the tour of the science fair projects?

It absolutely sickens me greatly to say this but could our Kyron have been in the back of the pickup during that time? :(
I don't see the reason for resorting to a costly remedy of driving around to soothe a child to sleep during the time of day WHEN DOCTOR OFFICES ARE OPEN.

But now if it was in the middle of the night, with hours before I could take my child into the doctor, and there was NO OTHER soothing him... then sure, I'd waste the gas. Otherwise, no.
Gee, I wonder why Desiree and Kaine don't believe her? This sounds perfectly logical to me.

If you aren't being sarcastic I agree with you. Of course we don't know the rest of the puzzle...surveillance videos, witnesses, bank card records or cell pings.

The initial story about the store surveillance video did say "there is no indication that Kyron is in any of the video".
I guess 90 minutes in a car cures earaches in babies, because after that she goes about her day like nothing is wrong with Baby K. Kaine walks with her to the bus stop, and doesn't mention that she's sick, or even fussy.

I don't buy this part of her story. It just doesn't make sense.

BTW-Baby K's name is spelled out in several posts in this thread.
My kids always fell asleep much faster on main roads than back roads. Are the rural roads well-paved, I wonder?
Well perhaps she did give her meds and drove her around so she would /could fall asleep. We have done that with one of our kids when he was small it was the only thing that would soothe him (car ride). Okay perhaps not for 90 mins more like 20 max.

This where it gets iffy for me.. ok so you drive for that long trying to soothe your baby but then you drive to the gym and go workout for an hour?? Are you friggin kidding me... you wouldn't take her home and put her to bed you would drop her at a daycare??

hmmm JMO...

So hopefully Kaine will address whether or not baby K had an earache that day and if so was it standard practice for them to drive her around for nearly 90 minutes to soothe her. Truthfully, I've never heard of that practice used before for an earache, maybe if a baby won't go to sleep but definitely not an earache. A dose of Children's Tylenol would have soothed the earache far better than being in a car seat for 90 minutes but whatever works for her I suppose.

Maybe if the baby was screaming her head off for 90 minutes in agony from an ear ache, the drive was to soothe herself (Terri). This is all just crazy.
And she drives around with her groceries for 4 hours...I guess they weren't perishables.

She could have gone home and unloaded groceries...thrown a load in the dryer...and...left baby in the car with the car running thinking she'd run more errands...

I dunno. It's good to be scheduled, but when they get sick, you also have to be a little flexible & creative with time management with that age....
This should be, in a way, something that can be verified. Had baby K been to the dr for an ear infection before or after? If not, one would reason that baby K never had an earache.

I don't take my kids to the dr for earaches, pain relief & heat presses. They rarely give antibiotics here for earaches. TH did not say earache but ear infection so perhaps antibiotics were prescribed and a visit did happen idk.

Having said that KH should know and i have never in all my life seen a child well enough to go to daycare with an earache it is one of the most painful things and as any mom, childminder etc would know makes them pure miserable.

BTW don't you find it ironic that the school thought Kyron was at the dr's that day....
The motion of riding in a car always made my son fussier ... like he was in pain ... when he had ear infections (and he had a lot of them).

Yep, my kid hated it too. She would scream and cry when riding in a car, especially when sick. So, might work for some kids...I just don't see it.
If anyone can refresh my memory--how does this timeline square with the gentleman who complained he called in a tip to LE about a red-haired woman in a white truck that LE never followed up on? "If the timeline fits, you must acquit?":innocent:

I think his sighting was too early...if this is true, he said between 9:15-9:45 I believe,
It absolutely sickens me greatly to say this but could our Kyron have been in the back of the pickup during that time? :(

Exactly, so her supposedly getting groceries or whatever does not mean sh#t to me.
Yes - the formal class time beginnig that day was at 10:15? Or am I misremembering?

Science Fair 8 - 10 AM
Groups formed in classrooms at 8:45 (regular school start time)
10 AM back to class (marked absent)
So it sounds like from about 10:10 until 11:40, there is nothing to verify her story? Is that about it?
If anyone can refresh my memory--how does this timeline square with the gentleman who complained he called in a tip to LE about a red-haired woman in a white truck that LE never followed up on? "If the timeline fits, you must acquit?":innocent:

Also, looks like TH's friend DS has red hair too. Too easy to switch trucks, DS takes Baby K and TH's cell phone and TH takes Kyron in landscaper's white truck. I really wish LE would take some cadaver dogs over there as that witness stated seeing this truck. :banghead:
I don't think the earache driving thing means much at all. It's really a lame alibi but all 3 of my boys would fall asleep in the car if they were fussy and sick. My girls never needed it. I always thought it had to do males being big babies (joking), but seriously I think it helps some kids and not others. The swing worked with one of them but I had to wind it (yes it was a prehistoric swing)every 20 minutes all night long every night for months.
I think his sighting was too early...if this is true, he said between 9:15-9:45 I believe,

Wait what? Sighting of red headed woman in white truck? I don't know of that sighting.

Are we talking about the sighting Jim saw of a woman in white truck? That was 3 PM and then again 2 AM.
My editorial comments (that means this is speculation/my opinion stuff)

Look again at the list of roads LE requested video from. These are the 'rural roads' near the Hormon home + the school.

freefallzzz & I were driving around up there last week. free was driving, and I didn't get queasy, but she noted that she gets carsick as a passenger up that road, and I have experienced that myself. I don't even like driving across Cornelius Pass for that reason.

If *I* were going to go for a soothing-baby drive (disclaimer, I have no baby, fussy or otherwise, just my own horse sense), I would head out the scenic, flat Hwy 30, or out west by the golf course or.. well, pretty much anywhere BUT the roads immediately around their home + school.
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