TN - Chris Newsom, 23, & Channon Christian, 21, murdered, Knoxville, 6 Jan 2007 #1

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Okay, I realize that my rant will mean nothing to no one, but I feel as if I need to get this off my chest. I live right outside of Knoxville where this heinous murder happened. And I have listened to the crap being spouted by the defense attorneys for all the animals charged. A month ago it was one of them wanted his "confession" of seeing someone else do the murders thrown out because at the time he didn't know they were gonna find his fingerprints.
Today in the Knoxville News Sentinel ( they are talking about Vanessa Coleman, the female accomplice in all of this, doesn't understand why she is being treated as a criminal. All she did was observe and cook. She cooked a huge breakfast for the murderers, she didn't flip out when she found out her boyfriend, who was involved, had slept with Channon Christian, one of the murder victims!! Sorry, but he did NOT sleep with the poor girl, he RAPED her.
She never picked up the phone and tried to save a life, she obviously has zero compassion for ANY living thing. None of these monsters do. I am constantly sickened by the fact that any of these sickos even get the chance to walk into court in regular clothes, that they get to speak even through their attorneys and use the words "I just cooked and observed" and "I don't know why they are treating me like a criminal".
I cannot imagine the pain families who lose a member to violence go through. But to have their faces rubbed in it by these pigs is sorry.
Okay, I'm sorry, I am climbing off my soapbox now, I am sickened by this story and just had nowhere else to vent tonight. :furious:

I couldn't agree with you more. All to often people don't realize that their lack of action and uncaring have crushed the families of the victims. I tell my son who is 4 that there are two things to do in any situation, the right and the wrong, and anything in between is the wrong just making yourself feel better. This woman was WRONG. I can only pray that justice prevails
What kind of lawyer would even let their client make such an ignorant statement? If she was able to cook, then she was able to call 911. She observed, then she was able to see that this couple was being tortured and then murdered. She is GUILTY.

I know it's the law but after these 's DNA was found I don't even think they deserve a trial.
Okay, I realize that my rant will mean nothing to no one, but I feel as if I need to get this off my chest. I live right outside of Knoxville where this heinous murder happened.

And I have listened to the crap being spouted by the defense attorneys for all the animals charged.
A month ago it was one of them wanted his "confession" of seeing someone else do the murders thrown out because at the time he didn't know they were gonna find his fingerprints.
Today in the Knoxville News Sentinel ( they are talking about Vanessa Coleman, the female accomplice in all of this, doesn't understand why she is being treated as a criminal.

All she did was observe and cook.
She cooked a huge breakfast for the murderers, she didn't flip out when she found out her boyfriend, who was involved, had slept with Channon Christian, one of the murder victims!!
Sorry, but he did NOT sleep with the poor girl, he RAPED her.

She never picked up the phone and tried to save a life, she obviously has zero compassion for ANY living thing.
None of these monsters do.
I am constantly sickened by the fact that any of these sickos even get the chance to walk into court in regular clothes, that they get to speak even through their attorneys and use the words

"I just cooked and observed" and "I don't know why they are treating me like a criminal".

I cannot imagine the pain families who lose a member to violence go through. But to have their faces rubbed in it by these pigs is sorry.

Okay, I'm sorry, I am climbing off my soapbox now, I am sickened by this story and just had nowhere else to vent tonight. ...:furious:

SW, well said!!
One reason for the death penalty is so creatures like these, shouldn't be allowed to continue masquerading as people/humans...:puke:
This is one of those cases where anything short of the Death Penalty is no justice at all.:furious:
I'm sure you have seen this, but wanted to post it regardless.
Judge denies defense motion in carjacking case

Judge Richard Baumgartner denied Thursday two motions by defense attorneys to appeal his earlier court rulings.

Defense attorneys for Letalvis Cobbins filed motions to appeal the judge's court orders dated May 28 and June 11.

Cobbins is one of four defendants accused of carjacking, raping and killing Channon Christian and Chris Newsom in January 2007.

Scott Green and Kim Parton wanted to appeal the judge's decision not to compel Vanessa Coleman to testify in Cobbins' trial scheduled for August 12.

Coleman is a co-defendant in the case and was Cobbins' girlfriend at the time of the crimes.

In January 2007, Coleman told investigators that Cobbins was not involved in the couple's murders.

Parton and Green could not be reached for comment.
DNA expert in question in carjacking case
Defendant says evidence should be barred at trial

With a suspect in the torture slaying of a Knox County couple pressing a judge to bar the use of DNA evidence against him because of state money woes, a prosecutor is fighting back with a demand to hear the case his defenders made for those funds in a closed-door meeting with the judge.
Cobbins trial begins Monday, and will be covered by as well as CourtTV or now TruTV
Does anybody know if Tru TV will be airing this live on Monday or if it will be recorded and shown at a later date?
I haven't had a chance to read through all the posts so I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, but I thought I'd go ahead and post this link to a local news station with a link to live trial coverage:

This station is also showing coverage on 10 news 2.
Her friend is on the stand identifying the clothing Channon was last seen in. They just pulled out her pretty pink shoes.
Witness is now under cross.....

ETA: not sure if she's under defense cross or not. The questions seem to be that of a prosecutor.
Gary Christian, Channon's father is on the stand.
Deena Christian, Channon's mother is on the stand.
How heartbreaking to sit on the stand and identify your daughter's clothing.
I'm so confused. So far the defense cross seems to be merely confirming and verifying information brought up by the prosecution and witnesses.
SuziQ, I thought the same thing. How is that going to prove their client wasn't involved in the murders?
SuziQ, I thought the same thing. How is that going to prove their client wasn't involved in the murders?

I'm having a hard time figuring out defense stradegy. They don't appear to be disputing anything. Maybe their only goal is to appeal to the jury at sentencing to get LWOP instead of death. IIRC, this defendant plead guilty to rape but claims he didn't murder anyone. However, Tennessee has a Felony Murder Rule, which means all the defendants involved in a crime at the time a death occurs is as responsible as the murderer. So this defendant is just as responsible as whoever killed the victims.
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