TN - Chris Newsom, 23, & Channon Christian, 21, murdered, Knoxville, 6 Jan 2007 #1

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OK, if you what you guys say is true,, then the next time a black guy is killed by a gang of white guys (which is pretty rare these days), i don't want to hear the word "hate crime".
i lived in a black-majority city. i know how the animals like the ones shown in the photo view whites. i know how much hatred and disregard for their lives they have. sure, they "could have" done it to anyone, BUT THEY DIDN'T. but go on... keep making excuses for them. we as a society are so incredibly in denial about this. whites can be racist or commit hate crimes,, blacks can't. no way. never.
this my friends, is the result of decades of a sense of overblown entitlement being instilled in these people, and the sense that they can get away with anything and everyone will look the other way or they can use the "poor me" excuse. i have personally seen how little regard they have for the lives of other races-- expecially whites- and they will laugh at the beating or death of a white person... or at least secretly cheer when it happens. and no matter what horrible crime they do, their family & peers will see them as the victims of "the system", always.

you better bet your sweet *advertiser censored* this couple was targeted because they looked like a nice, innocent, unsuspecting, middle-class white couple that would not be afraid of being approached by them (as they were probably taught not to be-- why, that would be racist!).. and therefore vulnerable prey. no evidence it's a hate crime??? hello---- the evidence is right there in the photographs!!!!
btw... in a sense i don't understand the term 'hate crime' either... because, aren't all crimes hate crimes?? but, the fact is-- no, they aren't-- there are crimes for money, crimes of revenge, crimes of 'passion', the crime of rape, murder in self-defense,, mercy killing, etc... whereas a true hate crime would be purely a thrill kill, oftentimes by a group (power in numbers), to target someone of another race because of their percieved weakness or vulnerability, and usually a crime of EXCESSIVE violence... really going overboard to show they enjoyed every minute of it.

so.... if the term is going to used in reference to white-on-black crime, then it should also be used in reference to black-on-white crime, which is FAR more common than the first one. but of course the first one, always makes front page news and they will talk about it for months of CNN.. where as the second one, the media wants to sweep under the rug... because nobody wants to hear about whites getting murdered by blacks. it's not exciting and does not fit in with the "evil white man persecuting everyone" mythology.

then again, i'd rather them NOT report it too much... it would probably give the others ideas....
Give me a break, reb. There is so much that is wrong and offensive in your post that I don't even know where to begin.

As for CNN, I see all crimes covered - not just white on black. I think it is ridiculous to state that black on white crimes are not publicized.
sorry if you are offended,, if you are a decent, intelligent, civilized, non-murdering person then obviously i'm not talking about you. what i said is that W-on-B murders are publicized MORE... and sensationalized much more. the media will go on and on about it, devote whole talk shows to it, paula zahn will have her series asking, "are we, as a nation, racist?" meaning white on black racist-- never the other way around. i don't think there's anything wrong with my posts-- i'm just standing up for myself (or my people. am i allowed to say that? probably not.) fair is fair, right? but in this country, whites aren't allowed to do that. it's a double-standard.
I don't know anyone who believes that only whites can be racist. You just don't get it reb - all three of your posts say things like "my people" or implies an "us" versus "them" mentality. All you are doing is drawing distinctive lines down the middle and helping to widen the divide that already exists.
And don't get me started on your use of the word "civilized."

Every human being has the potential to choose a life of good versus evil. Not any one race is responsible for the horrors present in our everyday world. You might see it as defending your race, but the anger and animosity in your posts ring through loud and clear and this isn't the first postof yours that I and others have noticed it in.
And I've got no problem with seeing hate crimes when there is some evidence that is the motivation - I just don't see that motivation. White on black, black on white, or whatever - sometimes a crime is just a crime.
I just read about this horrible crime and I live in Knoxville. This is just terrible. Thoughts and prayers to these vitim's families.
reb said:
OK, if you what you guys say is true,, then the next time a black guy is killed by a gang of white guys (which is pretty rare these days), i don't want to hear the word "hate crime".
i lived in a black-majority city. i know how the animals like the ones shown in the photo view whites. i know how much hatred and disregard for their lives they have. sure, they "could have" done it to anyone, BUT THEY DIDN'T. but go on... keep making excuses for them. we as a society are so incredibly in denial about this. whites can be racist or commit hate crimes,, blacks can't. no way. never.
this my friends, is the result of decades of a sense of overblown entitlement being instilled in these people, and the sense that they can get away with anything and everyone will look the other way or they can use the "poor me" excuse. i have personally seen how little regard they have for the lives of other races-- expecially whites- and they will laugh at the beating or death of a white person... or at least secretly cheer when it happens. and no matter what horrible crime they do, their family & peers will see them as the victims of "the system", always.

you better bet your sweet *advertiser censored* this couple was targeted because they looked like a nice, innocent, unsuspecting, middle-class white couple that would not be afraid of being approached by them (as they were probably taught not to be-- why, that would be racist!).. and therefore vulnerable prey. no evidence it's a hate crime??? hello---- the evidence is right there in the photographs!!!!
Oh, reb, reb, reb....where in the world do I start? I can't possibly address EVERYTHING in your posts on this thread that are wrong. Maybe someone else here can take up my slack....

Who said blacks can't be racist? Nobody here said that. I don't hear people proclaiming that on TV or in the news. There is simply no evidence right now to say this is racially motivated, but I believe that YOU are being racist by proclaiming this a race crime.

Regarding the first bolded portion of your post and your usage of the term "these people"---you are referring to all blacks, correct? Let's not sugar coat it, your myopic viewpoints and feelings are towards all, or the vast majority of black people. Sounds like you had some negative experiences in your previous "black-majority city" that have influenced your attitude and viewpoint & I wonder if your attitude was a contributing factor.

Amazing that you can look at this case, and by simply seeing that the perps were black, you feel you can diagnose the cause and motivation behind this crime as quote: "the result of decades of a sense of overblown entitlement being instilled in these people." end quote. "These people"---good God, how telling! In other words, by "decades", you mean since, what, the civil rights movement? Desegregation? Equal rights? You mean since it was no longer allowed to forbid black people to drink from "whites only" fountains? By "decades", do you mean since Rosa Parks refused to give her seat on the bus up to a white person? Please, enlighten me as to what specifically you mean by "overblown entitlement."

If anything, I think our history proves unequivocably that us white people had (and obviously some still do) a sense of overblown entitlement, and a warped one at that. Like when "our people" felt they were ENTITLED to OWN black people, enslave them, torture them if the 16 hours hours toiled away wasn't good enough, shackle them like criminals, deprive them of basic liberties and human rights that everyone is born with, not allow black children to be educated next to the white children, lynch them if they dared to attempt to stand up for themselves, ........THAT is a sense of overblown entitlement. I could go on and on....

Initially your post made me really mad, honestly, because not only does it uncover your incredibly racist and myopic viewpoints, but you almost seem to proudly boast it. In thinking further, my anger is replaced by intense feelings of sadness for you. I can't imagine going through my life each day with so much hatred and animosity towards an entire group of people. Just the thought of it is incredibly draining to me. Don't say you don't have hatred---it's practically dripping off the words in your posts. Not to mention that because of your attitude, you are depriving yourself of the opportunity to meet some really incredible people in your life. So, in that aspect, I feel sorry for you that you carry this incredibly heavy burden. I hope someday that you can let it go, and evolve enough to point where you realize that we are all in this thing called life together, we all bleed red, and my white skin doesn't make me any better than someone with brown skin & neither does yours.

One day our descendants will think it incredible that we paid so much attention to things like the amount of melanin in our skin or the shape of our eyes or our gender instead of the unique identities of each of us as complex human beings. ~Franklin Thomas

Read it. Then read it again.
you know if we as a country really, REALLY do want to have an open, honest discussion about these things, we're going to have to open our minds to the fact that there are many, many, many people who feel the way i do-- who expect the 'other side' to grow up, take responsbility and act like an equal... and guess what, we're not hillbillies, neo-nazis, nor do we live in a trailer park. we don't fit your stereotype, and that's what confuses and infuriates you. we are actually educated, enlightened people with an strong opinion about it. it's just that most people won't dare talk about their frustration openly like i do, they are too afraid.

again- i know this was a racially-motivated crime... and you can continue to deny and call me the bad guy for even suggesting such a blasphemous thing. for everyone to defend them and say "there's no proof!!" well, hello--- look at the photos. look at the sheer hatred and intensity of the crime.

this is something this country is going to have to deal with at some time or another. and you can defend them, and take the easy route, saying, 'hey quit demonizing them'... well, in my opinion they are demonizing themselves- and i'm just pointing it out and saying stop it-- you can do better than this. would you rather me coddle them and say 'well, leave them alone- it's to be expected. they can't do any better' and you think THAT'S not racism?? take a look at yourself and your OWN reactions.

to be in denial about these things is not helping them (as an individual or a race), the victims, or your fellow americans/humans. we are going to have to deal with it sometime-- that racism exists on both sides-- and these days, MUCH moreso against whites... especially when it comes to violent crime. mostly because.. we have all been taught to treat everyone the same. but they (in general), are allowed to treat anyone however they want and get away with it... and no one can say anything. which leads me back to this crime-- i think most people know that this couple was targeted largely because of their skin color. but most people are afraid to admit that, even to themselves. no talk show would ever talk about it because they would be inundated with hate mail and death threats. obviously, it tells me that i am hitting a 'truth' button if it riles up so many strong emotions.

try living in the ghetto for 10 years like i did, and you will see for yourself. i used to have an idealistic viewpoint too.. i grew up watching roots and learning about the evil white man and all the terrible things he did. but that experience changed my thinking forever. i saw clearly, ever day, the huge hypocrisy and double-standard of our society... the one that no one wants to talk about.

the bottom line is.. if we are going to have the term 'hate/race crime' at all.. then at least be fair about it. only by understanding these motives and being honest about it can we have a real, open, honest dialogue.
This debate ought to moved off this young couple's thread. My opinion anyway
j... you completely misunderstand what i mean by entitlement.. so OK, i will enlighten you. and by the way, this has nothing to do with slavery... you don't have to educate me about all that, i already know, it was rammed down my throat during the 70's.
civil rights was obviously a good thing,, and obviously should never had to have happened in the first place (duh!!).. women went through a similar emancipation, remember....??? so, after civil rights.. everyone was more or less on equal footing, legally.. and could have been fine. but in terms of overblown sense of entitlement, the first generation is not what i am referring to, i am referring to the younger generation(s). those who have grown up with handouts, and expecting everyone to be submissive to them, and not take responsbility for their actions. it saddens me to think since civil rights they could have (as a whole) become so much more, and yet it's come to this. and i know among the educated blacks, they feel the same disappointment. how did this happen? that's what i want to know. at some point, you have to quit blaming slavery.
in terms of the difference of generations, i saw that so incredibly clearly while helping the katrina refugees in my town. you could have taken a sharpie and drawn a big black line between certain age groups of people-- and identified them by their behavior alone. the difference was frightening.... and i thought good god, these young adults/kids are now going to be unleashed all across the country?

but anyway... that's not the point of my posts.. the point is that 2 people died and we have to be real about why they did. and as a race.. i see their problems clearly and i expect more from them. is that so wrong? would you rather me expect less?
mocity- you are 100% correct, so that's all i'll say about it. for whatever reason they were killed, it was senseless one... and.. i hope they rest in peace.
reb said:
i DARE any one of you to tell me this was not a racially-motivated HATE CRIME!!!!!!!!!!!!

what disgusting, depraved, subhuman animals.
No see, honey it can only be hate crime if it's committed against an african american or a gay person. If someone of another color kills a white person then it's not a hate crime and therefore cannot be judge as harshly. I know I know that is so un PC and I am going to get slammed, but I have a huge problem with the whole hate crime law's a good bet that whenever someone murders someone else they pretty much are doing it out of hate. And having a hate crime law just seems to devalue my life....if someone were to murder my gay cousin or niece they would get more time in jail than if they murdered me. I don't agree with the law and for the record, neither do my cousin or niece, they too see it a devauluing another human being. My niece and I were just discussing the law last week so it's fresh in my mind and very off topic.


To get back on topic....these 'men' just need to be locked up somewhere with no food, water, heat or anything else and just left to die.
i can't blame you. hope you're not planning to go out on a date anytime soon.

maybe you knoxville residents can form a coalition to keep them all locked up? i would be livid... this is a slap in the face to your rights as a law-abiding citizen. but of course, the rights of criminals always come first.
ajc2804 said:
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. -- A fourth person was arrested Friday in connection with the killing of a young man, whose burned corpse was found dumped along railroad tracks, and the death of his date, who was kept alive for days and raped, authorities said.

All four suspects were being held on federal charges, Knoxville police spokesman Darrell DeBusk said. Two were arrested in Knoxville and the other two in Lebanon, Ky.

Hello Ajc2804,:)
Thank you for posting the article.

I am so upset about this crime that I am at a loss for words.

UTVolFan said:
As a resident of Knoxville, I find it highly disturbing that they would even think about letting one of these guys go.,1406,KNS_347_5289403,00.html
I didn't get the impression from that article that they were thinking of letting him go. I thought that his defense lawyer made the push to be released until trial, and the prosecution countered by listing the scum's 12 priors. I cannot believe for a second they would consider letting him go.

Also, after reading this article I still don't see anything that leads me to believe this is a hate crime (I too hate the term "hate crime"). An ex-girlfriend of one of the accused stated that they had been robbing restaurant workers for months and also committed several home invasions. She said they went out that night with the intent to rob and get some money. I honestly just think these despicable excuses for human beings didn't care who they attacked or robbed, just as long as they got what they wanted.
It is clear and he is convinced.

Eric Dewayne "E" Boyd, a convicted serial robber and accused accessory to a fatal carjacking, is too dangerous to go free pending trial, a federal magistrate judge has ruled.

The evidence and other information established by clear and convincing evidence that the defendant poses a serious risk of danger to the community," U.S. District Magistrate Judge Bruce Guyton wrote.,1406,KNS_347_5297896,00.html
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