GUILTY TN - Correctional officer Wayne Morgan, 56, shot dead by escapee's wife, 9 Aug 2005

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[. However, the correctional officer's family is in my thoughts and prayers. Bless you, Wayne "Cotton" Morgan.[/QUOTE]Thank you for saying this, I was remiss. He left behind a wife and two kids, how terrible for that family.
The fugitive couple accused of murdering a corrections officer in Tennessee should get the harshest penalty available, Roane County, Tenn., Sheriff Dave Haggard said Thursday.

"I would recommend death," Haggard said during an afternoon press conference. He added: "I'm sure they can get a fair trial in this state."

George Hyatte had a long and violent criminal record. Before the escape Tuesday, he had been in court on a robbery charge.

It was at least the fifth time he had gotten way from law enforcement officials. The other escapes were from local authorities in east Tennessee in 1990, 1991, 1998 and 2002.,2933,165363,00.html
This is not a nice case, but I live here in Columbus Ohio, and a friend of mine, Baleuf, told me they would be in court this morning, not in Federal Court as we all thought.
This is the couple who got married 3 months ago, in Tennessee, he was behind bars, she was a nurse there, she was fired for bringing him extra food, so they let her go, and then let them get married.(!).
He had to go to court for an other incident, she was waiting for him outside, and killed a deputy.
They escaped, and made their way to Columbus, were arrested, and this morning they faced a judge to tell her if they would fight to go back to Tennessee, Jenifer did.
She cut her own hair, and colored it black.
She did not look very good.
Her husband did not want to appear, but the judge made him.
He was arguing with his lawyer, was not a very happy dude.
He did not want to fight about going back to Tennessee, but after he heard that his wife did not want to go, he changed his mind.
So I saw all that about 10 feet away from me.
I come home and go to the puter, guess what? I saw the video they made in the courtroom, and I'm in it.
Also court tv has a photo of George and his lawyer, and there I am sitting with my face in between them.
This is weird.
I just watched CTV's news, and yes, there I am.
So weird.
So now all of you can see what I look 15 min of fame (hubby said that).
I don't know if anybody else made a new post of this, if you did, I'm sorry I could not find it, I did look for it.
Mabel said:
Can we find the video online, Noorbe?
Yes it's on CNN. Go to the home page.
I just saw it, also on CTV at the half hour they have news, I just saw it, and yes me is in there again.
Now I have to be incognito when I post here.
I'm the one wearing a green shirt. you see my little head, sticking around the lawyer.
OMG it will be all over.
The pic. om CTV you will see the defendant and his lawyer, you'll see my head (blury) in between......
I will watch CC tonight.
Mabel said:
Oh, is that you in the yellow top in the pic on Court TV? You're so blurry.
It's green. I should have dressed in RED.
Yes it's blury, the video on CNN is not.
I saw Baleuf, the darlin, today, we had lunch.
I think it's all over, MSNBC, FOX where ever./......
Jules said:
Mabel, it's on Fox's website.

Very cool Noorbe!
Thanks Jules, it's kinda weird.
It was tense in the courtroom, when they brought the guy out, he was pissed, and was arguing with his lawyer. The Judge asked him many times: you want to talk to your lawyer in private?
He kept saying NO NO, but the tension was bad, you could slice it with a knife.
He did not want to appear, but the judge made him, because of rules, the judge could not just instruct counsel, it had to be face to face with the defendant.
He's real small and skinny. I thought he would be a lot taller.
There where at least 6 deputies standing behind him. He was cursing a lot, they won't let you hear that on tv.
Also he was complaining about his cuffs, accoording to him, where too tight.:boohoo:
He was shackeld with the hands to the waist, handcuffs on his back, and then a chain to his feet.
He was wearing the CCCO "uniform". Columbus Correctional something something shirt.
I don't know if you saw the highway shooter from Columbus, I was there during the trial, he did wear the same thing every day.
He was too big for his own clothes, why did the family not buy him some new clothes???
Noorbe, tell me you didn't call off sick from work to go to court today? ;)
Lili said:
Noorbe, tell me you didn't call off sick from work to go to court today? ;)

Ummmm, I asked my boss, Noorbe if it was ok, and Noorbe told Me, Noorbe, it was ok.
It was a little harder to tell hubby, but what you do?
He'll watch the news tonight, and see me more than a couple of times.
So, I had no other choice.:innocent:
LOL noorbe this guy is a bad dude. He has escaped several other times before. So no wonder his cuffs were so tight.
The Tenn. sherrif said he thought that they should get the death penalty. Said they could get a fair trial in Tenn. :laugh:
What was she like? Were they in the courtroom at the same time? Was there any looks between them? Did she say anything?
Wow, thanks for the information, Noorbe. It's interesting hearing the details from someone who posts here. I can imagine he's pissed...he and his wife are going to get the DP.

You have to wonder what in the world was that girl thinking????
noorbe said:
Thanks Jules, it's kinda weird.
It was tense in the courtroom, when they brought the guy out, he was pissed, and was arguing with his lawyer. The Judge asked him many times: you want to talk to your lawyer in private?
He kept saying NO NO, but the tension was bad, you could slice it with a knife.
He did not want to appear, but the judge made him, because of rules, the judge could not just instruct counsel, it had to be face to face with the defendant.
He's real small and skinny. I thought he would be a lot taller.
There where at least 6 deputies standing behind him. He was cursing a lot, they won't let you hear that on tv.
Also he was complaining about his cuffs, accoording to him, where too tight.:boohoo:
He was shackeld with the hands to the waist, handcuffs on his back, and then a chain to his feet.
He was wearing the CCCO "uniform". Columbus Correctional something something shirt.
I don't know if you saw the highway shooter from Columbus, I was there during the trial, he did wear the same thing every day.
He was too big for his own clothes, why did the family not buy him some new clothes???

Yeah, I watched the video feeds on Fox. He did look a bit ticked at being there. And then when he said he wanted to do whatever his wife did... :sick:

I also watched a video clip about the wife. This is her third marriage - she was married to the first hubby up until 5 years ago. They had 3 children together. When they divorced, she decided to go to nursing school. She passed her exam last year and was placed at one of the TN prisons. In there somewhere, she had married again. Actually, it now appears she is still legally married to hubby #2.

Anyway, she met hubby #3 while working at the prison. She was fired last November after she admitted to sneaking in food for him. They were not allowed to visit after that other than when they got married. All other correspondence was through monitored phone calls and mail. Or so they thought...

Apparently a neighbor of the wife's told LE the wife and her hubby had hours long phone conversations because he had a cell phone in jail. That is how they were able to plan the escape without tipping off any of the prison personnel.

I find it all rather interesting... I know, in a sick, twisted kinda way... :D
Jules said:
Anyway, she met hubby #3 while working at the prison. She was fired last November after she admitted to sneaking in food for him. They were not allowed to visit after that other than when they got married. All other correspondence was through monitored phone calls and mail. Or so they thought...

Apparently a neighbor of the wife's told LE the wife and her hubby had hours long phone conversations because he had a cell phone in jail. That is how they were able to plan the escape without tipping off any of the prison personnel.

I find it all rather interesting... I know, in a sick, twisted kinda way... :D

I hadn't heard about the cell phone! How did he get and conceal a cell phone in prison? And if he was using it for hours, how did the guards not notice?
I wonder where her kids are now?
mysteriew said:
I hadn't heard about the cell phone! How did he get and conceal a cell phone in prison? And if he was using it for hours, how did the guards not notice?
I wonder where her kids are now?

I'm not sure. The video didn't say. It was a video clip listed on CNN about the wife and it said it there. I have no idea how he would have been able to conceal that and keep it charged... weird.

The ex didn't say anything about the kids other than that they had 3. He is apparently remarried as there was a woman standing with him during the interview. He lives in Utah. I'm curious where the kids are now too. The ex hubby was saying what a devoted mom she was, etc. Sad that she through her life away for this loser.

ETA - the video clip is entitled "Questions Surround Jennifer Hyatte" on CNN's main page.
mysteriew said:
LOL noorbe this guy is a bad dude. He has escaped several other times before. So no wonder his cuffs were so tight.
The Tenn. sherrif said he thought that they should get the death penalty. Said they could get a fair trial in Tenn. :laugh:
What was she like? Were they in the courtroom at the same time? Was there any looks between them? Did she say anything?

She looked like a ghost, so white, with her hair all black and cut, so stupid.
After she came in, all in chains, she looked kinda happy to be out, god knows how long she's been in a holding cell, you can see that on the video tv, after she sat down next to her lawyer, she kept looking behind her to see who was in the courtroom, I was right behind her, and her eyes and my eyes locked, it was weird, it lasted, I felt for an eternity. Very sad look in her eyes.

No, she came first. So no, they did not apear at the same time.
She did not say anything, just had this blank look, as in shock, very very pale looking, and when she was escorded out by the deputies, in shackels, you could see her right leg was hurting. I think she was shot in the right leg.

Then his lawyer came and the other dude did not want to be there, the judge explaind he had to be there.
So they brought him out, also in shackels.
He was not happy.
My friend saw it life on tv. as it was going on.
and he was cursing a lot, he knows his life is over,
A friend told me, that the guy have told people in jail that he" never told the to come and help him escape" blah blah. He was heard by witnesses saying: shoot, shoot now, saying this to his new wife.
This is an other thing that people don't no about: she was still married to her 2nd husband when she married him, about 3 days after the marriage their divorce was final So. legaly she's not his wife, a wife and husband can't testify against each other...but he's not his wife....!!!!!!!
They have cells next to the courtroom to keep the inmates in untill the judge is ready to see them. forgive all the sp mistakes.:truce:
I watched it tonight on Nancy's show. Noorbe, was that you in the greenish/yellowish sleeveless top? How cool for you!!! :D
NewMom2003 said:
I watched it tonight on Nancy's show. Noorbe, was that you in the greenish/yellowish sleeveless top? How cool for you!!! :D

Yes that was/is me......
wow. it's all over the news and the web
I was there, for real but it was so tense.....
how weird is that. I was there, I saw it all.
she was looking for support, looked right into my eyes, for a long time....
He, as before, as a cat catching a mouse caught her,
I don't know
she is a crimal because of him
How sad.
if you you fall in love........I was there before, but never commited a murder or a crime, but cried and cried......
I know he told her to shoot , shoot,
that was his order to her......oh my.
The mother of the woman accused of killing a Tennessee prison guard to free her convict husband calls Jennifer Hyatte gullible about the men in her life.

Sally Lambson issued a statement to the news media Thursday at her home in Utah, beginning with an apology to the family of Wayne Morgan, the Roane County deputy gunned down on Tuesday, the Salt Lake City News reported.

Lambson described her daughter as a loving wife and mother who tried to make a new life in Tennessee put herself through nursing school after her divorce from her drug-abusing first husband.

"She was always very subservient to men and when told to do something, she just did it without thinking about the consequences," Lambson said. "We realize that what she has allegedly done is terrible, but we feel the horrible man she got involved with is truly to blame for this whole situation. We also feel that he had her brainwashed from the first time they met."

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