Found Deceased TN - Evelyn Boswell, 15 months, Sullivan County, 26 DEC 2019 *Arrests* #2

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The missing child cases are so hard on all of us...sending out a virtual hug to all my fellow WS'ers.

I keep saying I'm not going to following another missing child thread, but here I am.

I keep telling myself I need to let this one go, for my own mental health, but here I am, clicking refresh, refresh, refresh.

Is there a way to post a poll on here that thread participants can answer?
I think MB may have told him that. There has been some speculation that CPS had been involved but I'm not sure what the source of that is or whether or not it's true. Jmo

That's the conclusion I'm starting to come to as well. But there's more to the story, I think. Not everything is adding up to me where HW is concerned either, and maybe THAT'S the mistake I am making...trying to figure out which of the two are lying when perhaps they are BOTH lying.
I keep telling myself I need to let this one go, for my own mental health, but here I am, clicking refresh, refresh, refresh.

Is there a way to post a poll on here that thread participants can answer?

Isn't that the truth....refresh, refresh, refresh. :p

I know polls can be done, but I'm not sure how. I would report your post and ask a mod.
I think MB may have told him that. There has been some speculation that CPS had been involved but I'm not sure what the source of that is or whether or not it's true. Jmo

Well, CPS was involved because TB notified them before the Amber Alert was issued on Wednesday night. I'm not sure how long before the Amber Alert, though. And I'm not sure when HW did his " Chicken shack, chicken shack, broken arm, chicken shack " interview. Let me go back and see if I can try to figure out these parts of the timeline.
That's the conclusion I'm starting to come to as well. But there's more to the story, I think. Not everything is adding up to me where HW is concerned either, and maybe THAT'S the mistake I am making...trying to figure out which of the two are lying when perhaps they are BOTH lying.
I don't believe HW has lied about anything nor do I believe he seriously dated MB. MB is giving interviews at a cemetery, is posting on social media using his last name and now claims she is pregnant. I think she's obsessed with him.

Well, CPS was involved because TB notified them before the Amber Alert was issued on Wednesday night. I'm not sure how long before the Amber Alert, though. And I'm not sure when HW did his " Chicken shack, chicken shack, broken arm, chicken shack " interview. Let me go back and see if I can try to figure out these parts of the timeline.

February 20, 2020 - News Channel 11 interviews HW, ex-boyfriend of MB
IMO LE isn't going to get anything out of any of the closest family at this point. Instead of working this case from the closest to the furthest associates of MB and AB ; LE would be better off starting with the furthest and least invested associations and moving inward.

Rumors will be flying and in those rumors is going to be the truth. The only ones willing to give up some of that are going to be the ones farthest from the families involved.
I don't believe HW has lied about anything nor do I believe he seriously dated MB. MB is giving interviews at a cemetery, is posting on social media using his last name and now claims she is pregnant. I think she's obsessed with him.


I wonder if HW didn't want to seriously date someone with a kid - fair enough, he's young - so she got rid of the kid. He's still not biting, so she gets pregnant by him, thinking he'll have to be with her.
I wonder if HW didn't want to seriously date someone with a kid - fair enough, he's young - so she got rid of the kid. He's still not biting, so she gets pregnant by him, thinking he'll have to be with her.

This is a possibility, however: HW is an adult. He should be very aware of how babies are made and how to prevent unplanned pregnancies. Men are not victimized by unplanned pregnancies. They have a choice in the matter.

Sorry, I cringe a little when anyone insinuates that males have zero control over the appropriate use of contraceptives. I was married for 4 years before becoming pregnant, and I was not a candidate for oral contraceptives. My husband had total control over that situation, and I can assure you that I was not impregnated until we both made the decision that we wanted children.
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This is a possibility, however: HW is an adult. He should be very aware of how babies are made and how to prevent unplanned pregnancies.

Sorry, I cringe a little when anyone insinuates that makes have zero control over the appropriate use of contraception.

Of course he had control, I didn't mean to imply that he didn't. He could have thrown caution to the wind, she could have poked a hole in a condom. My point was she may have gotten rid of Evelyn because she knew HW didn't want to raise another man's child.

How she got pregnant (if she actually is) wasn't REALLY the main point of my theory. :rolleyes:
I'm a lurker, but I had to post this:

I genuinely think everyone here means well, and the main goal is to make sure that Evelyn is safe. That being said, the comments against Romani people are downright racist. I am not Romani and don't think I personally know anyone that is, but just because we don't understand their culture doesn't mean it's okay to bash it and assume the worst. There are approximately 1 million Romani people in the US, and they are frequently discriminated against. Just because they live a lifestyle that we don't agree with doesn't make them inherently bad. Imagine some of the things that have been said, but insert another race. Now tell me if those things would be called racist. I don't even know if MB and her family really are Romani, but either way... it's not okay to run an entire culture into the ground just because this 19 year old girl brought them up in an interview.

I won't claim to know where Evelyn is, but IF she really is okay and IF she really is being passed between other Romani families, would it be so hard to understand why they're doing that? They have good reason to not trust the general population, LE, and any government in general. Discrimination leads to distrust, and it transcends generations.

It's possible that they believe Evelyn would be better off being brought up with Romani family instead of tossed into the system because of MB's actions. Is it legal to hide a child from LE? Absolutely not. Is it at least understandable in some cases? Unfortunately, I think yes. I hope that someone does have her, and I hope that person comes forward. It's far better than the alternatives. Also, if someone does have her and they manage to keep her hidden but safe, I'm okay with that, too. Sure, that would be frustrating because we'll never know (and let's be honest... curiosity and wanting to know is the main reason most of us are here), but Evelyn being SAFE is the main thing we should want. If she is never found, I'll hope with all my might that she's running around happy and free in a Romani village.

In case you're interested: Roma Culture: Customs, Traditions & Beliefs | Live Science

P.S. I'm not trying to come after anyone, and I'm not expecting anyone to walk on eggshells to keep from offending anyone. I'm only asking that people pause and think about Roma being any other minority. "Gypsy" is slang and offensive to many Roma. "Gypped" is thought to come from that derogatory term and stereotype of being dishonest and sly. You don't make fun of people from Mexico for celebrating Día de Muertos in a cemetery, so maybe don't judge this girl for doing an interview in the same location? They're a different kind of spiritual than you, and that's okay.
Judge her for lying, not for her belief system or lifestyle.

Thank you so much for this post. I've been baffled why the racism is being allowed but I'm telling myself it's because people don't know what they don't know. I'll add this link here.
The "G" Word Isn't for You: How "Gypsy" Erases Romani Women | National Organization for Women
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