The fact that she was found in the same clothes she reported last seeing her in is probably what directly connects her to the crime.
BBM, and SBM
I'm a dozen pages behind... trying to catch up after work... but just had to chime in. THIS is exactly what pushed me over the edge towards reason. I may still have a tiny niggling question about whether MB caused or was at least present for Evelyn's death, but this news solidified for me that she ~ AT THE VERY LEAST ~ was absolutely aware that she was no longer with us, and for how long. I'd had so much faith that blame was being misdirected, and so much hope that Baby Evelyn were still alive somewhere. EVERYTHING changed for me when I read this news. It was like a dagger to my gut and heart. While I still have a million questions, I no longer have any doubt whatsoever that MB deliberately led LE on wild goosechases in their search for baby Evelyn. I fully believe that, whatever the circumstances, she KNEW her daughter was never coming home. For that, she cannot ever be forgiven, regardless of her level of participation.