TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren,44, Signal Mountain, 30 April, 2011 - #11

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Sadly, I'm thinking of something more nefarious..Could there have been an issue in reference to time and place when a person/s were only available for hire on weekends? JMHO

Try as I might, Gem, I cannot get what you are thinkin! I am so tryin' to follow you. Can you clarify your theory for me? I get the "feel" but ....
Emeralgem, I realize you're stating it that as your opinion (you say 'I thought', just as I did in my post), rather than as statements of fact like the other two posts - I just wondered if you recalled where that thought originated.
I just want to make sure you know I'm not bugging you for links, as I do recognize that you were just stating your opinion, for which we don't have to provide links.

Thanks, all! Any info anyone can provide would be much appreciated!

BBM..No, off hand I don't but for me it really doesn't matter who showed up there first.. Perhaps, I should have just stated.. I thought the incident involving SMPD occurred at SMPD headquarters and not the residence..And left it at that...JMHO

IIRC.. Matt P returned earlier than expected and I don't know IF TH took him home or IF his mother took him to the residence on Ridgerock. And I don't know IF the other person at SMPD was TH or his mother.. I don't know IF the children were there either.. I do know this though...IF he had the gall to show up at my home with his girlfriend I would have bolted the doors and locked him out too..
And If he was my son and he had his girlfriend drop him off at my house and wanted me to take him home after spending the last couple of days in some hotel out of town with her, he would have walked up that mountain by himself.....I wouldn't have taken him home...JMHO
Try as I might, Gem, I cannot get what you are thinkin! I am so tryin' to follow you. Can you clarify your theory for me? I get the "feel" but ....

I've always suspected this is a MFH...I fully realize I could be wrong too, but until further notice and more information is revealed, I'm going to maintain my stance for now...Would still like to know where MP was the entire afternoon of the 30th before he went to the ballgame...And would also like to know IF he can be accounted for during the entire game..And were the children with him after the game for the entire night.. So many unanswered questions...

Lets just say IF Gail was indeed threatened and being given ultamatums two weeks in a row, both being on a Friday, is it possible person/s contracted were ONLY available to carry out the plan on the weekends? My understanding is Gail was home alone with the children prior to leaving for Alabama on Friday, no harm came to her during that time... JMHO
Lets just say IF Gail was indeed threatened and being given ultamatums two weeks in a row, both being on a Friday, is it possible person/s contracted were ONLY available to carry out the plan on the weekends? My understanding is Gail was home alone with the children prior to leaving for Alabama on Friday, no harm came to her during that time... JMHO

Are you suggesting a Murderer for hire who only works weekends? Just want to make sure I read that correctly?
I've always suspected this is a MFH...I fully realize I could be wrong too, but until further notice and more information is revealed, I'm going to maintain my stance for now...Would still like to know where MP was the entire afternoon of the 30th before he went to the ballgame...And would also like to know IF he can be accounted for during the entire game..And were the children with him after the game for the entire night.. So many unanswered questions...

Lets just say IF Gail was indeed threatened and being given ultamatums two weeks in a row, both being on a Friday, is it possible person/s contracted were ONLY available to carry out the plan on the weekends? My understanding is Gail was home alone with the children prior to leaving for Alabama on Friday, no harm came to her during that time... JMHO
IF it was MFH, I think it is logical to presume that the hiring person would provide the hired person a schedule of the victim's normal routine, along with any non-routine plans...along with any and all computerized methods of tracking the victim's whereabouts at any given time...

IF it was MFH, I think it is logical to presume that the hiring person would provide the hired person a schedule of the victim's normal routine, along with any non-routine plans...along with any and all computerized methods of tracking the victim's whereabouts at any given time...


It doesn't really seem like Gail had a routine. It seems like she pretty much did whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted.

As for the computerized tracking methods, poor Oriah has been working endlessly for months to figure out where Gail went using technology-If someone as intelligent and experienced as Oriah hasn't worked it out yet, I am guessing that your typical weekend murderer for hire would be totally lost in that respect.
It doesn't really seem like Gail had a routine. It seems like she pretty much did whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted.

As for the computerized tracking methods, poor Oriah has been working endlessly for months to figure out where Gail went using technology-If someone as intelligent and experienced as Oriah hasn't worked it out yet, I am guessing that your typical weekend murderer for hire would be totally lost in that respect.

Our amazing Oriah doesn't have access to the computer tracking it's alleged MP did...
I've always suspected this is a MFH...I fully realize I could be wrong too, but until further notice and more information is revealed, I'm going to maintain my stance for now...Would still like to know where MP was the entire afternoon of the 30th before he went to the ballgame...And would also like to know IF he can be accounted for during the entire game..And were the children with him after the game for the entire night.. So many unanswered questions...

Lets just say IF Gail was indeed threatened and being given ultamatums two weeks in a row, both being on a Friday, is it possible person/s contracted were ONLY available to carry out the plan on the weekends? My understanding is Gail was home alone with the children prior to leaving for Alabama on Friday, no harm came to her during that time... JMHO

Sounds smart to me. IMO it wasn't a hit like in the movies, I'd assume most MFH people in TN have to have jobs. More importantly, a desperate daddy might want to be around when the deed occurred to provide support/custody for the children. I think MP wouldn't be the type to allow the kids to find her, experience that, etc.
It doesn't really seem like Gail had a routine. It seems like she pretty much did whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted.

As for the computerized tracking methods, poor Oriah has been working endlessly for months to figure out where Gail went using technology-If someone as intelligent and experienced as Oriah hasn't worked it out yet, I am guessing that your typical weekend murderer for hire would be totally lost in that respect.
I did say "IF", in caps, btw.

Like most who read and post here at WS, I am hoping to help solve a mystery and perhaps even a crime. And hope to get some answers for 2 children about their missing mother...and the rest of Gail's family, and her friends.

Sounds smart to me. IMO it wasn't a hit like in the movies, I'd assume most MFH people in TN have to have jobs. More importantly, a desperate daddy might want to be around when the deed occurred to provide support/custody for the children. I think MP wouldn't be the type to allow the kids to find her, experience that, etc.
It is very hinky that MP won't allow the children to be interviewed by LE (god bless those kids!), and won't allow them to have unsupervised contact with Gail's family members.

Also very hinky that he hired a criminal defense attorney so very soon after Gail's disappearance...

I know that all of this has been posted long ago...maybe we just need to be reminded of these things. :)
Maybe the ultimatium was for her to "get out of Dodge" or else? The problem with this is...why wouldn't she tell AD about it...or tell LE within the scope of the domestic calls...or did she? Did Diane tell LE about it before GP went missing? Sounds like some pretty scary threats to me.........?? 10 hrs.....12 hrs...or WHAT? What was the other side of that ultimatium? Whatever it was....she took it seriously.

I'm just thinking these were calls made to Diane after he domestic calls and then Diane calls and relays the msg to GP. The first one GP could have been at the lake house when she called AD scared and wanting her to pick her up. (GP too afraid to drive apparently) but AD was unavailable and said she'd send her X over to get her. That's when she left to go to Birmingham to the G's. Help me here... Didn't she call AD and want her to meet her in B'ham too? ....and then Gail called LE there about the G's taking her kids? Through tracking...could MP have known Gail was at the G's and called to "talk" to her? Could this be why she was afraid they would try to take the kids? If GP wouldn't talk to Matt, the G's did...and she got that impression? Wasn't it said they got separated at the store and she panicked? In my mind, this time in B'ham would have been past the 10 hr threat.

The same situation with last 12 hr one. GP won't answer MP's call to her, so he calls Diane with the threat and she again relays the msg to GP. Gail leaves AL early and doesn't let AD know, but calls Diane for relay msg to SMPD and say she will be home/Chatt at around 12 noon.

I think GP was being careful with her calls because she was being traced/tracked...and not only because the kids were near. If GP was tracing her...(or someone else for MP), then Matt knew when and where she called or met her PI...and had that knowledge. Also, the person doing it for MP, if local, would be in a dilema with Gail taking off AL...and them not knowing the area...or maybe they couldn't leave the SM area because they had family to get back to...unnoiticed. I'm sure GP didn't venture out after dark much ....why would she except for the kid's activities or her Alanon meeting...which could also be during the day. ???

It's all just too hinky to me. But the most dangerous time for women is when they are in the act of actually leaving. And she was.

It doesn't really seem like Gail had a routine. It seems like she pretty much did whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted.

As for the computerized tracking methods, poor Oriah has been working endlessly for months to figure out where Gail went using technology-If someone as intelligent and experienced as Oriah hasn't worked it out yet, I am guessing that your typical weekend murderer for hire would be totally lost in that respect.

Ok, I am sure I should not be laughing about this, and I am way overtired so that explains a lot... but confused is totally right about this.

MOO of course- but I think we are wasting our time on the MFH trend of thought.
I always thought the ultimatums about having 10 hours or 12 hours might have to do with either money or the jewelry that MP was so worried about as soon as Gail was reported missing.

I took it this way: if he knew she had taken some of it out of state and left it with friends, he would give her a certain amount of time to go retrieve the items.

And the fact that the threats coincided with trips to Alabama makes sense in that light.

But I think Emeraldgem might be onto something with this MFH idea. If you want someone to be in a certain place at a certain time, threatening them is one way to do it. :twocents:
It is very hinky that MP won't allow the children to be interviewed by LE (god bless those kids!), and won't allow them to have unsupervised contact with Gail's family members.

Also very hinky that he hired a criminal defense attorney so very soon after Gail's disappearance...

I know that all of this has been posted long ago...maybe we just need to be reminded of these things. :)

Thanks. If we take each individual "quirk" with GP's case it's not too substantial, but putting it all together with a timeline....says probable cause and suspicion to me....loud and clear. And...that just from what we DO know. So.....? IMO.
Ok, I am sure I should not be laughing about this, and I am way overtired so that explains a lot... but confused is totally right about this.

MOO of course- but I think we are wasting our time on the MFH trend of thought.

MFH is not my current theory, but I'm not saying it couldn't have happened...very well could have and until it's ruled out I don't think it's a waste of time to contemplate, imo.

It wouldn't be that hard to teach someone how to use a cell or computer for tracking if MP had the capabilities. Especially if mothers can do it for their children now days. The phone has been dead can't track that now...and if the car was stripped....or anyone had the know how...the GPS and all other tracking devices could be removed, destroyed, resold or sitting on a shelf somewhere now and be you wouldn't be able to track or trace either would you?

It's all just too hinky to me. But the most dangerous time for women is when they are in the act of actually leaving. And she was.


Which should mean that MP is a POI and is under investigation. Maybe he is.

And hey, maybe he is innocent of wrongdoing with regards to Gail's disappearance.

But he hasn't been acting like most would expect someone (even a soon-to-be-ex) to act/do if their wife went missing.
MFH is not my current theory, but I'm not saying it couldn't have happened...very well could have and until it's ruled out I don't think it's a waste of time to contemplate, imo.

It wouldn't be that hard to teach someone how to use a cell or computer for tracking if MP had the capabilities. Especially if mothers can do it for their children now days. The phone has been dead can't track that now...and if the car was stripped....or anyone had the know how...the GPS and all other tracking devices could be removed, destroyed, resold or sitting on a shelf somewhere now because of you wouldn't be able to track or trace either would you?


Sorry- truly was not trying to tell others what to think or how to post. Just expressing my opinion about the MFH theory.
It certainly could be possible.
I just think it's a bit like looking for the zebra when there are obviously a herd of horses running around.

Gail's phone trace did not go quiet until several days after Gail went missing. Her vehicle trace did not either. MP's vehicle trace did not go quiet for weeks. Oh, and the new car purchased? Guess what- that's GPS enabled too. And she had a cell phone as well. So we have a lot of pings going on here, kwim?

Not trying to make light of this at all- and I have certainly seen some ridiculous measures taken to quiet folks up- but I just don't see a MFH situation going on with Gail.
So frustrating that justice is still so elusive in this case.
Sorry- truly was not trying to tell others what to think or how to post. Just expressing my opinion about the MFH theory.
It certainly could be possible.
I just think it's a bit like looking for the zebra when there are obviously a herd of horses running around.

Gail's phone trace did not go quiet until several days after Gail went missing. Her vehicle trace did not either. MP's vehicle trace did not go quiet for weeks. Oh, and the new car purchased? Guess what- that's GPS enabled too. And she had a cell phone as well. So we have a lot of pings going on here, kwim?

Not trying to make light of this at all- and I have certainly seen some ridiculous measures taken to quiet folks up- but I just don't see a MFH situation going on with Gail.

The reason I think a MFH in GP's case is possible it's because MP has a propensity for letting others do his work for him.

So are you saying you have tracking info on Gail's jeep?...and MP and TH's as well? <modsnip>
Sorry- truly was not trying to tell others what to think or how to post. Just expressing my opinion about the MFH theory.
It certainly could be possible.
I just think it's a bit like looking for the zebra when there are obviously a herd of horses running around.

Gail's phone trace did not go quiet until several days after Gail went missing. Her vehicle trace did not either. MP's vehicle trace did not go quiet for weeks. Oh, and the new car purchased? Guess what- that's GPS enabled too. And she had a cell phone as well. So we have a lot of pings going on here, kwim?

Not trying to make light of this at all- and I have certainly seen some ridiculous measures taken to quiet folks up- but I just don't see a MFH situation going on with Gail.
You have so much more expertise and info at many more connections (LE, SAR, etc.)... than the average poster please imagine our frustration in trying to brainstorm and help/solve this case :)

What about the new car purchased (?) whoim? I'm assuming (yeah, I know) that it was purchsed by MP after Gail that his vehicle was towed off (and then returned)....
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