TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #12

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Shelby thanks for the link...

According to that information.....

Matt P. said he was at his mothers (25 minutes away)
he proposed to meet Mrs. Palmgren at the residence on April 30,
but when he arrived (at what time?) she was gone, having left the two children "by themselves without any supervision."

First off, his mother doesn't live 25 minutes away form the residence on Ridgerock..

Secondly, didn't someone state he arrived 10 minutes after Gail left?

Where did that information come from and do we have any knowledge of what he was doing from the time he supposedly came home and then supposedly left for the ballgame with the children? Did he take the children to the game that night or did someone else take the children to the ball game and he met them there? Do we know? I suspect someone knows....JMHO

There have been rumors that he was out running errands with his mom, not at his mom's house. The first time I heard that he was at his mom's house was here on WS, and after that on another forum (I think in those TFP comments again) someone said he was out running errands. I don't think either was mentioned in a newspaper article proper, but don't hold me to that.

Arlene mentioned the 10 minutes in the comments of a newspaper article:

And they was only left for 10min before the dad came home, according to the neighbor.

The baseball game was mentioned here on WS, I think McGyver told us, again I'll have to check on that. I'm nowhere near my notes on the case so I'll have to get back to you with some links if I have any.

Something odd about the baseball game is that the first Jammer interview had Jammer telling Arlene that Lee Davis told him TH's alibi for the night was also a baseball game. It was an alibi to prove she wasn't the lady in the Jeep that was seen on the trails. That always seemed really odd to me, because the trails sighting was never confirmed and barely mentioned after those first news articles anyway. I've always wondered if TH's "alibi" was the same baseball game with MP and the kids.
There have been rumors that he was out running errands with his mom, not at his mom's house. The first time I heard that he was at his mom's house was here on WS, and after that on another forum (I think in those TFP comments again) someone said he was out running errands. I don't think either was mentioned in a newspaper article proper, but don't hold me to that.

Arlene mentioned the 10 minutes in the comments of a newspaper article:

The baseball game was mentioned here on WS, I think McGyver told us, again I'll have to check on that. I'm nowhere near my notes on the case so I'll have to get back to you with some links if I have any.

Something odd about the baseball game is that the first Jammer interview had Jammer telling Arlene that Lee Davis told him TH's alibi for the night was also a baseball game. It was an alibi to prove she wasn't the lady in the Jeep that was seen on the trails. That always seemed really odd to me, because the trails sighting was never confirmed and barely mentioned after those first news articles anyway. I've always wondered if TH's "alibi" was the same baseball game with MP and the kids.

BBM.. For some reason I'm thinking the alibi provided for her was a softball tournament being held in another location other than Chattanooga..
BTW..Do we even know when TH moved to Mississippi, or WHY she even moved there? JMHO..
Okay, finally home with my ginormous file of notes. This stuff may have been answered already by now.

Regarding the kids being alone 10 minutes and MP running errands with his mom: It seems AD saying a neighbor (possibly SB?) saw MP return about 10 minutes later is the only info we have on this. I notice fbx, who is verified, questioned how accurate the 10 minutes was:

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TN TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #4[/ame]

fbx also questioned whether MP was at his mom's house or not. I don't think anyone could find anything more specific than AD's comment on TFP that I linked earlier.

The rumor about errands was very very early on, I see mentions of it on WS as early as May 15. Also on May 15, Forums4Justice has this in the timeline saying MP was at his mom's house 25 minutes away. I cannot find the original source of the info for either claim.

[ame=""]TN Gail Palmgren Timeline - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Notice that it says 25 minutes away, but F. Lee (a local) said they drove that route and it was only 13 minutes.

[ame=""]TN TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #4 - Page 21 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Regarding the baseball game: I'm having a heck of a time finding the source on this. As far as I know, it was first mentioned as only a possibility by Confused back in May:

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TN TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #1[/ame]

It looks like somewhere around August 7 or 8 we heard MP really was seen at the Lookouts game being jovial and very outgoing because that's when we started talking about it.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TN TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #9[/ame]

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TN TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #9[/ame]

There's more out there, but that's the best I can do with a migraine.

As for TH, I checked the transcript and Emeralgem is right, Jammer says it was a "softball weekend tournament in Mississippi" so not the same game.
Attention! Please.....

Ok, I'm going to reopen this thread so those interested can discuss the disappearance of Gail Palmgren. We would like to ask that from here forward, you please NOT refer to any facebook or blogs that are talking about this case. That would include links or references to anything they've posted on those forums.

Listen. This is not a contest and it's not a game. This is about a missing mother/sister and attempting to figure out, what the heck happened to her. Just like all the other missing women/men cases, this is unique, but yet the same. There are the usual cast of charactors/possible POI. After you've watched a few of these types of cases, there's normal behavior and then there's 'suspicious' behavior. Everyone here on Websleuths has their own ideas of what happened to Gail and who THEY think may be responsible. It's not for anyone of us to tell others how they should think, it is after all, THEIR OPINION. But we do NOT accuse anyone that has not been named a suspect or a POI by LE. You can say their behavior is 'unusual' or however you feel, but that doesn't mean the poster is accusing them. It means they are suspicious of how they reacted to Gail's disappearance and subsequently.

There are also individuals who are involved in this case and have been named in MSM, though their own doing. You may discuss them, but just like everyone else involved in this case, you may NOT accuse them of anything. You can say you find their actions suspicious and state your case, but be ready for others to disagree. Please don't alert on a post just because you 'disagree' with it. If it's stated as opinion and not stating someone is guilty of anything, it will be left on the forum.

IF you are related in any way to someone connected to the case and you get upset because what someone is saying about your acquaintanace, perhaps you should stop reading here. I'm not trying to discourage participation by any member, but everyone of us is entitled to our opinion. Just because it isn't what you want to hear, the posters are still allowed to voice their concerns as long as they're NOT accusing anyone. Saying someone's actions are suspicious, is not ACCUSING them.

Remember, this is about Gail. It isn't about the husband, his family, his mistress or anything else. It's not about Facebook or other blogs. It's trying to figure out what happened to Gail and if there's anything any of us can think of that might HELP bring Gail home to her children/family.

Thank you for your cooperation. IF you have any questions, you may contact me or any of the other mods by pm.



Where is Gail?
Ok, I had this thought last night, while the thread was closed and reading the Susan Powell thread. Mods, if you feel this is inappropiated, please delete.

Because of some of the suspicious circumstances surrounding MP in Gail's case, I was wondering why he had not been named a POI. Those following other missing person's cases with the same circumstance are aware-- the hubby is usually named a POI and the circumstances are frequently labeled as suspicious by LE---not so here. It's just a missing person's case..not suspicious. Josh Powell is one of those hubbies. His children were removed from his custody--mainly because he is a POI under suspicion and being investigated in Susan's disappearance...along with being suspected and investigated in voyeurism , as his father was recently arrested and charged. Heads of organizations advocating for children and their lawyers have stated this is the main reason for the children being taken, and he would most likely not be given custody of the children again until cleared of both. I'm just speculating on whether this would be a factor MP's attorneys would be working hard to thwart, because of a custody issue?
I totally see what you're saying, but I think for these two people, it WAS important enough....I think they thought no one would notice if they snuck off for a little "nookie".


They were planning and scheming about something that would make it possible for them to be together......

I think what's odd about this trip is the fact the conference was supposedly in MN and they allegedly went to PA for some reason. Was it only to buy the car? If so, was it a specific car that was only available there...or did they know someone in the area? Have other reasons for going there. They had opportunity to in MN and not have to travel the distance to PA. imo
I think what's odd about this trip is the fact the conference was supposedly in MN and they allegedly went to PA for some reason. Was it only to buy the car? If so, was it a specific car that was only available there...or did they know someone in the area? Have other reasons for going there. They had opportunity to in MN and not have to travel the distance to PA. imo

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that MP was at a conference in MN and TH was at another conference in PA.
Ok, I had this thought last night, while the thread was closed and reading the Susan Powell thread. Mods, if you feel this is inappropiated, please delete.

Because of some of the suspicious circumstances surrounding MP in Gail's case, I was wondering why he had not been named a POI. Those following other missing person's cases with the same circumstance are aware-- the hubby is usually named a POI and the circumstances are frequently labeled as suspicious by LE---not so here. It's just a missing person's case..not suspicious. Josh Powell is one of those hubbies. His children were removed from his custody--mainly because he is a POI under suspicion and being investigated in Susan's disappearance...along with being suspected and investigated in voyeurism , as his father was recently arrested and charged. Heads of organizations advocating for children and their lawyers have stated this is the main reason for the children being taken, and he would most likely not be given custody of the children again until cleared of both. I'm just speculating on whether this would be a factor MP's attorneys would be working hard to thwart, because of a custody issue?

Good question as to why he hasn't been IMHO..

I can't locate the article but IIRC when DN called SMPD for a wellness check on the 2nd, SMPD went out there and no one was at home.. What is puzzling to me is the officer claims no one was home and goes on to state there was no evidence of foul play. My question is how did he know there wasn't any foul play involved, IF no one was home? Did he go back to the residence when MP called and reported her missing and look around inside the house at that time?

Also, Sheriff Hammond stated... "It would be very difficult for you to plan to get rid of someone and a Jeep and not leave some piece of evidence that someone saw"

After reading the article I can't imagine Sheriff Hammond not thinking foul play is invoved..JMHO

And IF MP is refusing to sit down and talk to LE, or allowing the children to speak with LE, I don't know how they can clear him.. I would suspect under those circumstances he is a POI even IF he has not been officially named a POI...JMHO
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that MP was at a conference in MN and TH was at another conference in PA.

I've haven't seen that stated anywhere Snowbunny, but if it has, I missed it and would appreciate a link to clarify. I know MSM stated the conference was in PA, but someone here posted that it was in MN and then someone found on the web where there was one indeed in MN. There was a conference in PA, but I believe it was only for the company sponsoring it, and it wasn't BCBS, iirc. I don't believe it was ever stated where exactly TH was or if she was suppose to be in MN, but the only place MSM places them together was in PA and then driving back to TN. If, I'm incorrect....or my memory is slipping, please someone correct me. tia
Good question as to why he hasn't been IMHO..

I can't locate the article but IIRC when DN called SMPD for a wellness check on the 2nd, SMPD went out there and no one was at home.. What is puzzling to me is the officer claims no one was home and goes on to state there was no evidence of foul play. My question is how did he know there wasn't any foul play involved, IF no one was home? Did he go back to the residence when MP called and reported her missing and look around inside the house at that time?

Also, Sheriff Hammond stated... "It would be very difficult for you to plan to get rid of someone and a Jeep and not leave some piece of evidence that someone saw"

After reading the article I can't imagine Sheriff Hammond not thinking foul play is invoved..JMHO

And IF MP is refusing to sit down and talk to LE, or allowing the children to speak with LE, I don't know how they can clear him.. I would suspect under those circumstances he is a POI even IF he has not been officially named a POI...JMHO
I've wonder that also...along with did they even call MP to question him about Gail's whereabouts before MP was cornered into filing a MPR?

I know the family doesn't want any national attention, but I'd love for someone or the media to bring this issue up, because I think like you and I, many are contemplating the same question. IMO, JMO

Josh was very guarded with his two boys also, in not letting them talk to Susan's family, etc. The oldest boy at the time of her disappearce was close to 4 at the time..and did talk to LE, but under the circumstances, I really don't think LE could count on his recollections and thought they could be emeshed with other "outings" the family had taken. LE even stated so. Not so in Gail's case, they are older and are said to be very smart kids, and MP and his attorneys probably has a very good reason for not allowing them to talk to LE...or anyone about what happened that day. IMO.
I have been following a case local to me on WS for the past few days. Patrick Borally. It is worth a read IMHO because it shows a very different reaction by LE to a case of a missing adult who seemingly drove into oblivion. Comparing the responses in these two cases is more eye opening when you consider the contacts Gail had with LE leading up to her disappearance.
I've haven't seen that stated anywhere Snowbunny, but if it has, I missed it and would appreciate a link to clarify. I know MSM stated the conference was in PA, but someone here posted that it was in MN and then someone found on the web where there was one indeed in MN. There was a conference in PA, but I believe it was only for the company sponsoring it, and it wasn't BCBS, iirc. I don't believe it was ever stated where exactly TH was or if she was suppose to be in MN, but the only place MSM places them together was in PA and then driving back to TN. If, I'm incorrect....or my memory is slipping, please someone correct me. tia

IMO.Thats a long drive..

And an even longer drive from Minnesoto to Pennsylvania.. IMHO. So If he even bothered to fly to Minnesoto he most probably caught the next flight out to Pennsylvania..That is IF they both drove in to Chattanooga on Friday the 29th together..JMHO
Ok, I had this thought last night, while the thread was closed and reading the Susan Powell thread. Mods, if you feel this is inappropiated, please delete.

Because of some of the suspicious circumstances surrounding MP in Gail's case, I was wondering why he had not been named a POI. Those following other missing person's cases with the same circumstance are aware-- the hubby is usually named a POI and the circumstances are frequently labeled as suspicious by LE---not so here. It's just a missing person's case..not suspicious. Josh Powell is one of those hubbies. His children were removed from his custody--mainly because he is a POI under suspicion and being investigated in Susan's disappearance...along with being suspected and investigated in voyeurism , as his father was recently arrested and charged. Heads of organizations advocating for children and their lawyers have stated this is the main reason for the children being taken, and he would most likely not be given custody of the children again until cleared of both. I'm just speculating on whether this would be a factor MP's attorneys would be working hard to thwart, because of a custody issue?

I have seen so many comments on this thread and the previous 11 threads trying to compare this case to all the other missing person cases that we see. However, as Fran said in her statement above, each case is different. Each case is unique! It has been stated that Matt must be guilty of something, because he hasn't done this or that, and because that is how all these cases go, well, that is taking a lot for granted and in my opinion is increasing the chances of never finding the truth. Yes, if it were my family member missing, I would want her found, but I would not want the wrong person accused. I would want to know the truth-the real truth of the matter, not what everyone thought, because that is how it happened with this case and that case.

In answer to your question, there are some very odd circumstances with Gail's case. She was seen driving away, under her own steam. She also had a conversation WITH LE and her sister just before she disappeared. We have not been given the contents of those conversations. Those conversations are the key here. I believe that she told LE what she was planning to do. I think she may have even told Diane. The problem arises when she did not end up where she stated she was going. I believe that Matt has not been named a POI because the LE know where Gail was planning to be and how far she got on that journey, and they also know where Matt was and what he was doing. They may have knowledge that Matt had no idea where Gail was headed and therefore could not have possibly followed her or had her followed. LE has much more info than we do, and the fact that they haven't named Matt a POI, they continually state there is no evidence of foul play and that this is a missing persons case clearly shows that whatever Gail told them, it was not that Matt was after her.

Continually bringing up the other cases and names like Josh Powell, Drew Peterson, and Sam Parker seems to be an attempt to associate Matt with them. Again, in my opinion, that is taking the easy way out - not spending the effort and time to search out what really happened, but jumping to the 'usual' conclusion. Gail deserves better than that. Her children deserve to know what really happened, not what was thought to have happened, based on what happened in other big cases of the time. Again, if this were my family memeber, I wouldn't feel they were getting justice unless I was positive the right person was accused, charged, and prosecuted. It doesn't matter how many times those names are listed together, it does not change any of the facts in any of the cases, and so far in this case, the LE does not appear to consider Matt a POI.

In fact-there has been no POI named at all in Gail's case. Why? Because LE has not found evidence of a crime, and you can't have a POI unless you have evidence of a crime. Those of you who follow these cases know that the naming of a POI or suspect, means LE has found some evidence. It may be circumstantial and not enough to be confident in a conviction, but it indicates that they have something. That's the major difference between this case and every other case that has been brought up. In all the other cases, LE *knew* they had a crime. In Gail's, they don't appear think they do, and based on what they were told in that last phone conversation with her - may know for sure they don't.
Confused, do you know what the context of the threats were to DN regarding Gail having 12hrs and 10hrs?

I respect your thoughts and opinions, but I feel, in my own opinion, he should be a POI at this point.
IMO.Thats a long drive..

And an even longer drive from Minnesoto to Pennsylvania.. IMHO. So If he even bothered to fly to Minnesoto he most probably caught the next flight out to Pennsylvania..That is IF they both drove in to Chattanooga on Friday the 29th together..JMHO
posted June 7, 2011

Sources said about a week prior to the disappearance of Gail Palmgren that Matt Palmgren flew to Pennsylvania to attend an insurance conference.

Sources said he left the conference without attending any of the sessions and joined a female BlueCross employee at another location, then they drove back to Chattanooga together after she allegedly bought a car there.

I'd love to know who wrote that article. I don't believe a correction was ever printed. ?

He left the conference, so he was there apparently. The ? is where was the other location he met the female employee who later purchased the vehicle? Was it PA...I thought so, but it could it have been MS or nearby Memphis?

Maybe confused can help with any info she may have gathered?
snipped to save space

She also had a conversation WITH LE and her sister just before she disappeared. We have not been given the contents of those conversations. Those conversations are the key here. I believe that she told LE what she was planning to do. I think she may have even told Diane.

The comments DN has made sound like she didn't tell DN why she was scared or what she was doing. I'm referring to what was in the media as well as what was on that Cue website before it was taken down. Then DN came to Signal to search and pass out fliers, and she said on news interviews that she and Dan had driven all over Chattanooga. Wouldn't she have searched where Gail was supposed to have gone if Gail told her where she was headed next? Or do you think Gail was just going somewhere nearby in Signal or the surrounding area?

Continually bringing up the other cases and names like Josh Powell, Drew Peterson, and Sam Parker seems to be an attempt to associate Matt with them.

With respect, Websleuths is a huge website with tons of forums on a bunch of missing persons. It's only natural comparisons are going to be made, many of us follow multiple cases while here.

In fact-there has been no POI named at all in Gail's case. Why? Because LE has not found evidence of a crime, and you can't have a POI unless you have evidence of a crime.

Well... I don't know if I personally agree with that. I've followed some missing persons cases where there was no real evidence of a crime. In one case I've followed for a while, I believe the sum total of evidence is an unconfirmed sighting and a broken light bulb. Not much, but police treat it like a crime, even though the circumstances are such that it's possible those ladies drove off on their own.

This is just my opinion: I don't believe "there's nothing to say she didn't run off to start a new life" is compelling evidence to support that theory. Thus far, I haven't heard anything to support that theory, only the idea that police might have some evidence which might point to Gail running off and abandoning everything.

For me, I can't be convinced that Gail would have abandoned hundreds of thousands of dollars in her own accounts, her kids, her sister, her family jewelry which she cared enough to hide with the G's, her credit cards, and the cash she left with others. And if AD, SB, DN and DN's husband all say Gail wouldn't run off like this, I'm taking their word for it, because they know her.
Just because a POI has not been named does NOT mean that LE doesn't have one or several. It just means they haven't named one publicly. There are lots of reasons for doing that.
Attention! Please.....

Ok, I'm going to reopen this thread so those interested can discuss the disappearance of Gail Palmgren. We would like to ask that from here forward, you please NOT refer to any facebook or blogs that are talking about this case. That would include links or references to anything they've posted on those forums.

Listen. This is not a contest and it's not a game. This is about a missing mother/sister and attempting to figure out, what the heck happened to her. Just like all the other missing women/men cases, this is unique, but yet the same. There are the usual cast of charactors/possible POI. After you've watched a few of these types of cases, there's normal behavior and then there's 'suspicious' behavior. Everyone here on Websleuths has their own ideas of what happened to Gail and who THEY think may be responsible. It's not for anyone of us to tell others how they should think, it is after all, THEIR OPINION. But we do NOT accuse anyone that has not been named a suspect or a POI by LE. You can say their behavior is 'unusual' or however you feel, but that doesn't mean the poster is accusing them. It means they are suspicious of how they reacted to Gail's disappearance and subsequently.

There are also individuals who are involved in this case and have been named in MSM, though their own doing. You may discuss them, but just like everyone else involved in this case, you may NOT accuse them of anything. You can say you find their actions suspicious and state your case, but be ready for others to disagree. Please don't alert on a post just because you 'disagree' with it. If it's stated as opinion and not stating someone is guilty of anything, it will be left on the forum.

IF you are related in any way to someone connected to the case and you get upset because what someone is saying about your acquaintanace, perhaps you should stop reading here. I'm not trying to discourage participation by any member, but everyone of us is entitled to our opinion. Just because it isn't what you want to hear, the posters are still allowed to voice their concerns as long as they're NOT accusing anyone. Saying someone's actions are suspicious, is not ACCUSING them.

Remember, this is about Gail. It isn't about the husband, his family, his mistress or anything else. It's not about Facebook or other blogs. It's trying to figure out what happened to Gail and if there's anything any of us can think of that might HELP bring Gail home to her children/family.

Thank you for your cooperation. IF you have any questions, you may contact me or any of the other mods by pm.



Where is Gail?

Just bumping fran's rules of the road-

Gail where are you??
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