TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #13

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You're welcome, but the thanks really goes to Melodie for citing the article. I never would have thought to look more closely otherwise.

This case has taught me a lot about the dangers of taking media reports at face value. And about the differences between legitimate media articles and blogs. And social media? Where to start with that one! Probably not on WS!

A couple of things. First of all I agree with you about the sad state of "news reporting" today. I have learned a lot following this story, too. We may not appreciate the way it is done now compared to what we remember from many years ago as responsible journalism, but unfortunately, I don't think we have much choice anymore. I mentioned a few days ago statements made by a reporter on a news site's FB page. He or she was answering a question asked by many viewers about the other car found. The answer in the form of a FB post seems to be the norm for reporting now. This is how young people get their news now and they are satisfied with a post made to answer a question delivered at lightening speed. They get their news from Twitter! It's not like the old days where journalists spent days or weeks investigating stories and triple checking sources. They also made sure every quote was perfect and triple checked that, too. Those days are gone forever, I'm afraid. That leaves us, to sadly, take everything we read even from supposedly reputable news sources with a gigantic grain of salt. Don't even get me started on the depressing grammar, punctuation and spelling in news articles today. Gail's story received zero national media coverage, so we are left with the local news outlets and trying to string together truths and accurate quotes from what they give us.

I see that the statement was not a direct quote from Ms. Atkinson; however, I still believe that the topic of the cost of recovery came from LE and not the media. While "hefty price tag" may not have been the exact words the spokeswoman used, I believe that she brought it up and said something along those lines to the reporter. That's just what I believe. JMO
[snipped for space]
And where did the 23 minute time frame come from? Last I heard, Gail was seen leaving her home at 12:15 pm by SB! And why....if MP, his legal counsel and LE knew that Gail's cell phone took a plunge 10 or so minutes after reportably seen leaving her home, why did they continue to insist that she took off with MP even publicly supporting reported out of state sightings?

Why would such a seemingly articulate, responsible person and loving, devoted parent as Gail toss her phone out of her vehicle and ride off into the sunset?...Does not add up!!

Blessings to all those mourning the loss of Gail!



This article references the 23 minute timeline.

Did MP publicly (or privately) support the possibility of the out-of-state sightings? I don't know. I think he consistently said as little as possible.

Fact and interpretation have been so mashed up together in this case that it's become nearly impossible to separate without going back to the original source in each case IMO.
A couple of things. First of all I agree with you about the sad state of "news reporting" today. I have learned a lot following this story, too. We may not appreciate the way it is done now compared to what we remember from many years ago as responsible journalism, but unfortunately, I don't think we have much choice anymore. I mentioned a few days ago statements made by a reporter on a news site's FB page. He or she was answering a question asked by many viewers about the other car found. The answer in the form of a FB post seems to be the norm for reporting now. This is how young people get their news now and they are satisfied with a post made to answer a question delivered at lightening speed. They get their news from Twitter! It's not like the old days where journalists spent days or weeks investigating stories and triple checking sources. They also made sure every quote was perfect and triple checked that, too. Those days are gone forever, I'm afraid. That leaves us, to sadly, take everything we read even from supposedly reputable news sources with a gigantic grain of salt. Don't even get me started on the depressing grammar, punctuation and spelling in news articles today. Gail's story received zero national media coverage, so we are left with the local news outlets and trying to string together truths and accurate quotes from what they give us.

I see that the statement was not a direct quote from Ms. Atkinson; however, I still believe that the topic of the cost of recovery came from LE and not the media. While "hefty price tag" may not have been the exact words the spokeswoman used, I believe that she brought it up and said something along those lines to the reporter. That's just what I believe. JMO

Thanks for the feedback, Melodie. I do wonder why you believe LE brought up the subject of cost. Seems to me that Callie has consistently probed for a story; I see little reason to believe LE would have approached the media. In listening to the video clip, what I hear is Atkinson emphasizing HCSO's dedication to the case and explaining why they didn't want to be talking much at that point. Then, her explanation about the potential risks of talking too much was twisted into a very manipulative headline, in my opinion.

If Atkinson made comments about finances, I don't know why those comments would have been edited out. I hear Atkinson trying to diplomatically appease Callie in her search for information. HCSO has been sharply criticized for being silent. They just can't satisfy the public either way. I can see how the details Atkinson offered in trying to emphasize how hard they were working could have logically brought Callie to ask about cost. I think if Atkinson had taken the bait, Callie would have quoted her. Instead, the comment is that Atkinson would NOT provide figures, and Callie put her own spin on a paraphrase. It's no surprise that the investigation was expensive, but "hefty price tag" is a more memorable phrase, I think.

I wonder why no other media station took the angle of doing a story about money, especially if LE were volunteering such information.

It is an interesting coincidence that Callie was promoted in the midst of this case. I'd not put that together until Confused wrote her post.

Personally, I've gained a lot more respect for LE through the course of this case and LOST faith in what was previously my most trusted local media station.

I'll add that, despite my differences with CB in the course of this case, WRCB wasted no time throwing him under the bus in a "story" about the Reward Fund, and I thought that was an unfair hit as well. Did any other media station create a feature out of that?
Thanks for the feedback, Melodie. I do wonder why you believe LE brought up the subject of cost. Seems to me that Callie has consistently probed for a story; I see little reason to believe LE would have approached the media. In listening to the video clip, what I hear is Atkinson emphasizing HCSO's dedication to the case and explaining why they didn't want to be talking much at that point. Then, her explanation about the potential risks of talking too much was twisted into a very manipulative headline, in my opinion.

If Atkinson made comments about finances, I don't know why those comments would have been edited out. I hear Atkinson trying to diplomatically appease Callie in her search for information. HCSO has been sharply criticized for being silent. They just can't satisfy the public either way. I can see how the details Atkinson offered in trying to emphasize how hard they were working could have logically brought Callie to ask about cost. I think if Atkinson had taken the bait, Callie would have quoted her. Instead, the comment is that Atkinson would NOT provide figures, and Callie put her own spin on a paraphrase. It's no surprise that the investigation was expensive, but "hefty price tag" is a more memorable phrase, I think.

I wonder why no other media station took the angle of doing a story about money, especially if LE were volunteering such information.

It is an interesting coincidence that Callie was promoted in the midst of this case. I'd not put that together until Confused wrote her post.

Personally, I've gained a lot more respect for LE through the course of this case and LOST faith in what was previously my most trusted local media station.

I'll add that, despite my differences with CB in the course of this case, WRCB wasted no time throwing him under the bus in a "story" about the Reward Fund, and I thought that was an unfair hit as well. Did any other media station create a feature out of that?

BBM- I agree with Glorias' previous post about this. I imagine it's very expensive to prove or disprove a theory. JMO
Good points! Generally, ping info is not exact. She could have been in a mile or 3 mile radius from the tower her phone pinged from.

Hmmmmm, Why do I have a yellow sign with an exclamation point on top of my post? I must have touched something accidently on my ipad . . . . . .

You must have accidentally hit one of the little icons at the bottom of the reply box...

Regarding the cell phone...on another site that I can't link to, it was stated that a cell phone tower was right on the other side of the rocks (north)...yards from the road...where GP had gone off. Said you could you see it in Google Earth. fwiw

Why didn't LE subpoena the computers from the lawyers to "search" for GP? It just appears to me that MP's lawyers...and one of them who happened to be a former Asst. DA, by the way....was running the show from the get go.

It wouldn't surprise me one bit if we see MP or Tammy Helton's name in another the future.

At this point in time, I feel sadly, Gail committed suicide. (From what has been released..and IF more is made available I may change my mind) I believe her family had that belief also remotely near the beginning of her disappearance..and why they chose not go national with her missing. Either that...or maybe they were as scared as Gail...for whatever reason. I'm thinking they are going along with "a terrible accident" for the children's sake, as it would be a form of her indeed leaving them. JMO, IMO, etc.
Wow, haven't been here in a while.

I can see the bluffs from my bleak and sad they look now that I know about Gail...

I honestly believe it was a tragic accident, brought on by driver error...we all know how poorly we drive when extremely upset...perhaps she dropped her phone, her purse, coffee - who knows - drifted into the other lane, overcompensated, lost control...and the accident took a form that you couldn't replicate if you tried. I just don't think that the 23 minute time frame on a bright sunny afternoon on a public road was a scenario in which to coordinate such a plot and pull it off perfectly in the manner in which it accident is much more likely.

One thing I do hope, (that I haven't heard mentioned) is that when Gail was preparing for a possible relocation etc, that she changed her will & insurance policy to benefit her children with a trustee to manage the funds in place until they are adults. Since Matt is the surviving parent, he will benefit anyway somewhat, but at least he wouldn't get the funds in bulk.
Wow, haven't been here in a while.

I can see the bluffs from my bleak and sad they look now that I know about Gail...

I honestly believe it was a tragic accident, brought on by driver error...we all know how poorly we drive when extremely upset...perhaps she dropped her phone, her purse, coffee - who knows - drifted into the other lane, overcompensated, lost control...and the accident took a form that you couldn't replicate if you tried. I just don't think that the 23 minute time frame on a bright sunny afternoon on a public road was a scenario in which to coordinate such a plot and pull it off perfectly in the manner in which it accident is much more likely.

One thing I do hope, (that I haven't heard mentioned) is that when Gail was preparing for a possible relocation etc, that she changed her will & insurance policy to benefit her children with a trustee to manage the funds in place until they are adults. Since Matt is the surviving parent, he will benefit anyway somewhat, but at least he wouldn't get the funds in bulk.

BBM..I honestly believe foul play is involved and believe her husband strategically orchestrated and managed to have the incident staged to look like a tragic accident or a suicide.....I pray Law Enforcement doesn't allow him to get away with this however its apparent to me, as well as some others, LE has allowed MM and MP's attorneys to dictate how this investigation should be handled from the beginning, so I doubt Gail or her children will ever get justice....JMHO

Roy Exum: Christmas Eve 2011

I WISH a blanket of peace will warm the children of Gail Palmgren, the Signal Mountain woman whose remains were recently finally found after being reported missing in April, and that they will always know she was a decent and fine lady respected by so many of us.
You must have accidentally hit one of the little icons at the bottom of the reply box...

Regarding the cell phone...on another site that I can't link to, it was stated that a cell phone tower was right on the other side of the rocks (north)...yards from the road...where GP had gone off. Said you could you see it in Google Earth. fwiw

Why didn't LE subpoena the computers from the lawyers to "search" for GP? It just appears to me that MP's lawyers...and one of them who happened to be a former Asst. DA, by the way....was running the show from the get go.

It wouldn't surprise me one bit if we see MP or Tammy Helton's name in another the future.

At this point in time, I feel sadly, Gail committed suicide. (From what has been released..and IF more is made available I may change my mind) I believe her family had that belief also remotely near the beginning of her disappearance..and why they chose not go national with her missing. Either that...or maybe they were as scared as Gail...for whatever reason. I'm thinking they are going along with "a terrible accident" for the children's sake, as it would be a form of her indeed leaving them. JMO, IMO, etc.


This has crossed my mind too. In a way, it almost looked deliberate, as if she floored the gas pedal. There was no doubt she was very distraught. One clue for me was when she won the vacation and took Matt along. I think she was hoping the marriage could be repaired, but apparently he treated her like an old shoe on that vacation, which understandably deeply disappointed her. This is only my opinion. I think the marriage went down hill even further as time went on, then money and custody became an issue too. Her life was turned upside down. However, I wouldn't be surprised if her husband was involved. It wouldn't surprise me at all, because of his past actions. Although, an accident was possible too. She could have became sloppy and distracted, because she was
emotional and going through a very rough time. It will be very interesting to find out the results of the examination and I hope it is the right answer--not an asumption.

Roy Exum: Christmas Eve 2011

I WISH a blanket of peace will warm the children of Gail Palmgren, the Signal Mountain woman whose remains were recently finally found after being reported missing in April, and that they will always know she was a decent and fine lady respected by so many of us.

Good old Roy Exum! :) That's a nice editorial all in one sentence, and I bet there's alot more that he wishes he could write about it.

(Roy's grandfather McDonald of Lookout Mountain founded the Chattanooga News Free Press, and Roy was a sports writer and later Executive Vice President until it merged with the Chatt Times. His mother Helen McDonald Exum wrote the locally famous Chattanooga Cookbook. Now he's a columnist on The Chattanoogan. )

This article references the 23 minute timeline.

Did MP publicly (or privately) support the possibility of the out-of-state sightings? I don't know. I think he consistently said as little as possible.

Fact and interpretation have been so mashed up together in this case that it's become nearly impossible to separate without going back to the original source in each case IMO.

I recall that MP mentioned (and imho seemed to support the theory) out-of- state sightings of Gail and her Jeep in his one and only 'press conference' (for lack of a better term).
Thank you EmeralGem for sharing that Beautiful tribute to Gail!
Good old Roy Exum! :) That's a nice editorial all in one sentence, and I bet there's alot more that he wishes he could write about it.

(Roy's grandfather McDonald of Lookout Mountain founded the Chattanooga News Free Press, and Roy was a sports writer and later Executive Vice President until it merged with the Chatt Times. His mother Helen McDonald Exum wrote the locally famous Chattanooga Cookbook. Now he's a columnist on The Chattanoogan. )

BBM...I am in total agreement especially since he and his wife's family did experience a horrific loss of a younger family member, this past year, due to what really was an unfortunate tragic accident...JMHO
BBM..I honestly believe foul play is involved and believe her husband strategically orchestrated and managed to have the incident staged to look like a tragic accident or a suicide...

I am curious about those who believe it to have been planned...I am open to a change of opinion, based on reasonability and would like to hear some possible scenarios of how this could have been coordinated. I am not presently able to visualize, given the 23 minute time frame, how another person could have been able to get Gail and her vehicle over the bluff at the exact point at which it went over. Did someone know she was going down that road? Did they know just how to hit the jeep to cause it to veer at that angle which would set it in the direction that would either go between the rocks (if the bear shaped rock was already down the mountain) or take the rock with the jeep?

I would like to hear some plausible scenarios.
Weren't the children questioned when this happened? Surely they would be able to tell LE if their dad could have followed their mom down the mountain, or if he appeared to be doing something to the Jeep to disable it.
Sorry, I haven't kept up with this case, so I'm way behind.
I am curious about those who believe it to have been planned...I am open to a change of opinion, based on reasonability and would like to hear some possible scenarios of how this could have been coordinated. I am not presently able to visualize, given the 23 minute time frame, how another person could have been able to get Gail and her vehicle over the bluff at the exact point at which it went over. Did someone know she was going down that road? Did they know just how to hit the jeep to cause it to veer at that angle which would set it in the direction that would either go between the rocks (if the bear shaped rock was already down the mountain) or take the rock with the jeep?

I would like to hear some plausible scenarios.

I have the same questions as well. There are so many variables's not that I don't believe there might have been motive, but I am having trouble seeing how this would actually work.
For those of you are are unable to see how foul play would work given the time frame that has been revealed, I'm more than willing to explain how this could have all been planned out.. Unfortunately, I won't be able to explain at this time since I really don't have much time today or tomorrow, but as soon as I have the time, I will....JMHO
Weren't the children questioned when this happened? Surely they would be able to tell LE if their dad could have followed their mom down the mountain, or if he appeared to be doing something to the Jeep to disable it.
Sorry, I haven't kept up with this case, so I'm way behind.

As far as we know, the children were never allowed to be interviewed by LE. Gail was reported missing on May 2 and he lawyered up(criminal) only days later and filed for custody, house and restraining order. IIRC, it was May 6.

This has crossed my mind too. In a way, it almost looked deliberate, as if she floored the gas pedal. There was no doubt she was very distraught. One clue for me was when she won the vacation and took Matt along. I think she was hoping the marriage could be repaired, but apparently he treated her like an old shoe on that vacation, which understandably deeply disappointed her. This is only my opinion. I think the marriage went down hill even further as time went on, then money and custody became an issue too. Her life was turned upside down. However, I wouldn't be surprised if her husband was involved. It wouldn't surprise me at all, because of his past actions. Although, an accident was possible too. She could have became sloppy and distracted, because she was
emotional and going through a very rough time. It will be very interesting to find out the results of the examination and I hope it is the right answer--not an asumption.

I hope we get the correct answer, but admit I have my doubts. IMO, some of the words of his attorney(s) during her missing were shameful and not relevant/necessary, but in-your-face bold! I'm not familiar with the road or how wide/long the grassy area is, but she may not have had time to stop a Jeep that heavy going 30-40 mph. I'm waiting on the report to see if the brakes were even applied...but will it ever be reported? I actually could see all three scenarios, but basing mine on the speculation of LE. (atm) There is just so much info we don't have. Why did she stop at he convenience store, what her last conversation with her sister included, etc? So many things are left unanswered and we may never know.
The problem with the jeep being pushed over, imo, is the cell phone. LE is basing the time of the jeep going over on it and it's ping and loss of altitude.....and it was found the jeep. Not being knowledgeable in "pings", etc., but what caused the ping on the 2nd at 5 PM? I can't see someone in the act of pushing the jeep over at mid-day, but ?. It was mentioned no one was living in the house directly across the street at the time that true? Was Le able to distinguish from the pings/satellite how fast she lost altitude and how much...and if so...wouldn't they have searched in the local near the ping for cliffs or places this could have happened? Why bother with river search if was true? :banghead: We may never know...and always have doubt....and questions that will never be answered. :sigh:
I hope we get the correct answer, but admit I have my doubts. IMO, some of the words of his attorney(s) during her missing were shameful and not relevant/necessary, but in-your-face bold! I'm not familiar with the road or how wide/long the grassy area is, but she may not have had time to stop a Jeep that heavy going 30-40 mph. I'm waiting on the report to see if the brakes were even applied...but will it ever be reported? I actually could see all three scenarios, but basing mine on the speculation of LE. (atm) There is just so much info we don't have. Why did she stop at he convenience store, what her last conversation with her sister included, etc? So many things are left unanswered and we may never know.
The problem with the jeep being pushed over, imo, is the cell phone. LE is basing the time of the jeep going over on it and it's ping and loss of altitude.....and it was found the jeep. Not being knowledgeable in "pings", etc., but what caused the ping on the 2nd at 5 PM? I can't see someone in the act of pushing the jeep over at mid-day, but ?. It was mentioned no one was living in the house directly across the street at the time that true? Was Le able to distinguish from the pings/satellite how fast she lost altitude and how much...and if so...wouldn't they have searched in the local near the ping for cliffs or places this could have happened? Why bother with river search if was true? :banghead: We may never know...and always have doubt....and questions that will never be answered. :sigh:

IIRC, there was a 70 + yr old man that lived across the street from the spot where Gail's jeep allegedly went off the cliff. It was discussed upthread that this homeowner had put (or had someone else place) the boulders (including the missing flat bear-shaped boulder) along E Brow across from his home. Past the boulders was a wide expanse of lawn and then a hedge before the cliff edge.

It was reported that this neighbor did see tire tracks leading to the edge of the cliff...why no report?

According to posts I have read on here, E Brow is fairly heavily traveled?! Therefore, why didn't neighbors or other people traveling along the road report to LE damaged lawn and hedges as well as possibly paint scraped boulders, etc since the community knew a SM woman was missing...or maybe someone did report some irregularities but it wasn't followed up on?!

In fact, why didn't anyone see the jeep go off the cliff during the middle of a clear day or, at the very least hear the horriffic noise it must have made, esp if it involved metal on rock. Or did someone see it happen? Did someone hear it happen? If so, did they report what they heard to LE right away? If not, why not?
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