TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #2

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HI Fran. IMO, the news conference was for the family to get on TV and make a personal plea for Gail's safe return.

Oh, ok, tks JBean. That makes perfect sense. I know they'd been concerned about that, per their comments in a few articles. It is a BIG job looking when you don't even know where to begin. They must feel overwhelmed.

Now, the question is, why was the hubby there and wouldn't take any questions?

I know we've commented before on the NOT POI keeps talking. But this was his first appearance and there was no reason why he shouldn't have answered questions. That is unless he has something to hide!

IMO a couple of things about the News Conference...


Audio wasn't great, but this is what I heard from the link above:

"So, for myself, we've done everything in our power to keep to finding Gail. We've hired a private investigator, we’ve continued to look, we're turning over everything we can."

- To me, it seemed like MP's style of delivery was more like that of someone giving a speech or presentation at a board meeting. Considering his job, I would think that he's given a few speeches over the years, so maybe that's just his style.

But as others have mentioned, the sudden switch from "myself" to "we've" and "we're", seemed strange. And actually somewhat self-serving. Almost as though justifying himself was a bullet point on his speech list. Thus, the start of "So, for myself" and then the switch to "we've" and "we're".

IMO, that wording seems to make it appear as though he is united with Gail's family in the desire to find her. It also makes me wonder if he has done all of those things he preceded with "we've" and "we're", or if he chose to use that wording because he himself hasn't done all of those things.

Also, I think he said "Gail if you hear us" instead of "yell if you hear us".

- In the news video that shows what appears to be the BOLO going out for Gail, it's for a Missing ENDANGERED Party (about 00:57 mark). I have to wonder if that's because of MP's statements about her mental health, or because of something else.
Oh, ok, tks JBean. That makes perfect sense. I know they'd been concerned about that, per their comments in a few articles. It is a BIG job looking when you don't even know where to begin. They must feel overwhelmed.

Now, the question is, why was the hubby there and wouldn't take any questions?

I know we've commented before on the NOT POI keeps talking. But this was his first appearance and there was no reason why he shouldn't have answered questions. That is unless he has something to hide!

That is just my opinion Fran. But I think when the interest starts to die down, the best thig to do is get on TV. I think the dh should have answered questions too, but then againhe sure is in the hot seat.

As for the sightings, not sure what the dealio is but don't forget there were sightings of laci ,pregnant and walking the dog too.
The fact that he also had TWO criminal defense attorneys there (on his payroll) and they kept in check he didn't answer ANY questions,........well, just doesn't sit right with me. Why not answer questions? seriously, he may have been able to shed some light to the public at large to something that may *click* a light bulb in someone's mind and think, "Hey, I might have seen her, and this is why." 'no comment'.................bothersome.

As far as the "TWO" criminal defense attorneys ... Davis and Hoss are partners. The like the face time ... it draws new clients to their firm ... Much the same way that Joel Brodsky brings folks that work with him to public appearances ...
Hate to do this, I'm already wordy enough! But.....;)

The other thing that really bothers me, is the phone ping the DAY Gail was reported missing. Coincidence? Well, you know the saying, "There is no coincidence when it comes to murder."

Oh, I'm not SAYING it is murder, just that it is POSSIBLY, unfortunately.:(

But why that day, at the base of the mountain? The one thing it does tell us is HER PHONE was moving. Where did it come from? Who had it? Where had it been BEFORE it pinged there? Where is it now?


This strikes me as odd as well for a few reasons, but first do we know if that was the ONLY ping since the 30th or the LAST ping registered on the phone?

If it was the last in a series since she disappeared then the phone died, but why would she keep the phone on for 2 days only to let it die? If she didn't want the phone anymore/didn't want to be traced from it I would think she would have turned it off right away and that would have been that. Did she have a car charger? Did she ever turn her phone off?

If it is one of the only pings SINCE she left the house it makes me even more nervous for her. I doubt she'd turn the phone off for 2 days and coincidentally turn it back on the day she is reported missing. Possible that someone turned it on to delete messages/texts and toss it.

It also pinged close to home. If she was going to "take off" she should have been MUCH further away from home by that point. Why spend a couple days within such close proximity? Doesn't make much sense, IMO.
Has it been mentioned whether or not there were cell outages after the tornadoes?
HI Fran. IMO, the news conference was for the family to get on TV and make a personal plea for Gail's safe return.

To add to this, it was a means to highlight the changing of the guard so to speak-what struck me the most was the collaberation between SMPD and Hamilton County Sheriff's. Bigger jurisdiction with bigger resources.

That was the point to me...secondary, the demeanor of the person closest to Gail and what he might add since he has been so silent.

I am wondering, yet again, regarding the cooperation LE is receiving given the reaction of his lawyers.
Has it been mentioned whether or not there were cell outages after the tornadoes?

Not to my knowledge.. The only way I could communicate with anyone via telephone was to use my granddaughter's cell phone. We did have to go to my place of business everday though in order to charge the phone since we had no electricity. I do know many people who didn't have any power for a week or longer had to recharge their phones in their cars..JMHO
Has it been mentioned whether or not there were cell outages after the tornadoes?

There were on my side of town (east of Chattanooga), for sure. We never lost our signal with AT&T, but our neighbors were having a bad time with Verizon and at least one other (can't recall which company it was). Probably due to trees falling on or near the towers or something.

ETA: I should have added that several times we did get a message that said "Emergency Use Only," because there were so many rescue workers around where I live, but we could still call out. However, in Ringgold, GA, they were asking people not to use cellphones in the north Georgia area because the system was overloaded and emergency crews needed the network open. I heard that for several days on the radio.

Another ETA: Our land lines were out in the east county until Sunday afternoon, May 1st.
Not to my knowledge.. The only way I could communicate with anyone via telephone was to use my granddaughter's cell phone. We did have to go to my place of business everday though in order to charge the phone since we had no electricity. I do know many people who didn't have any power for a week or longer had to recharge their phones in their cars..JMHO

We were able to charge my daughter's iPhone in the car, but we had no car charger for our other phones. So my husband had to take one of the phones to work with him every day and charge it up, and we swapped phones back and forth for a few days.

Our neighbors were nearly frantic when their signals kept falling out. I'm not sure how long that lasted because they got their land lines back on Sunday.
Couple thoughts...

Oh, and hello and welcome to all our new WS'rs! My heart goes out to the friends and family members, as well as all of the local people who have a concern and interest in Gail -- which has brought us all together.

First, I'm not liking this at all. In my dreams, Gail is resting, regrouping and will emerge with new strength. In my mind, I'm feeling the same discomfort that the many of you have laid out: woman leaving children she doesn't leave, passport gone but not DL? etc. and so on...

So the loose thoughts...
Gail going to Alabama, not husband...
Maybe the husband didn't go to Alabama (or leave) because he was soused and the police could not say "you leave until the two of you cool off." If he has a drinking issue, perhaps he was pickled at the time, became aggressive (to the point that caused Gail to become fearful of getting hit -- re:blackeye), and it all drove Gail to the 911 call. If/when LE arrived, they probably noticed he was looped, asked Gail if she and the children had a place to go and suggested she go -- he stay and "sleep it off."

Someone following Gail...or someone "spying on" Gail or both?
Girlfriend checking to see if Gail's Jeep was gone? Did she leave it parked in plain view at home or did she garage it on a regular basis?

Maybe hubby had a PI following Gail for a while prior? Maybe he had someone else "watching her" prior?

What was Gail's routine with the car, let the kids out to go in the house, then pull the car into the garage? If so, Gail could have let the kids out, pulled into the garage, had someone jump in the car with her, get down in the back seat area covering her with a gun and telling her, "if you want the kids to be okay, back out and start driving." If that were the case, it would explain her not stopping to talk to a neighbor with whom she was friendly.

Jewelry gone...
If jewelry was gone, it is likely it was hers and if there was some of husband's family jewelry in the mix, it may have been gifted to Gail. Since it looks like they were winding toward a divorce, since there were hotel receipts, it is possible that Gail feared that her jewelry would be yanked from her by husband and gifted and/or remade for the girlfriend. If it was hers, she probably wanted to remove it before someone who may likely have given her the blackeye decided to get ugly with the jewelry too.

Changing pin numbers...
Big dang deal... If they were moving toward the divorce, she was doing what was normal, natural and wise. Whereas there may have been Gail handling some $420K, there is no report of how many K got left in funds that husband could touch. This is a two "nice home" family who presumably worked, earned well, and saved -- it is possible that some 800K was left in funds that received no pin change. On the other hand, it is possible that there was less, but that there was a lot of equity in the home, and Gail knew the husband would want the home i.e. "I'll take this, you have that." Also, it is possible that some of the funds handled were 401K funds that got rolled into something when Gail ended her work with one company or another in the past. Husband would have similar funds, I would guess -- both sets of funds would be in their "individual" names, by law. Gail might have known if these funds were relatively equal, thus she just changed the pins on hers.

Not knowing Gail, it is difficult to know whether she was thinking, "I will only take what is equitable" OR if she was thinking, "I'm going to wipe him out." My guess is that she was the equitable type, after sounds like someone blackened her eye and didn't get reported. Sounds like she didn't want to "dirty" the image of the children's father to them, or she would have discussed some things in front of the neighbor with whom she spoke in Alabama on the 29th (wasn't it the neighbor in Alabama that said she didn't want to talk because the children were present?)

About the "she left the children" and then some type of wording like "alone"...
If that man didn't know whether his children could be left unattended for a few minutes and some brief errands while parent was away, then he was "out of touch." IF on the other hand he knew they could not be trusted, or safe alone, then he may have set someone up to deal with Gail, make it look like she disappeared of her own volition, and further made it look like she was irresponsible in leaving children like that. i.e. making a case for him to get custody due to a chick that disappears and leaves minor children alone.

I think it is possible that there was alcohol noticed by LE in two 911 occasions. If that did happen, we have a few calls and possible overt inebriation of one parent making it more of a case for the mom to get custody. Why not set something up, have a mom disappear, make it look like mom abandoned, separate/get custody, not have to pay child support, make it look like "I just know you left without the kids you bad mom" ... That's supposed to look like "we're just disputing, she's cuckoo and left, I just have to protect myself and the kids."

Oh...and about not taking the kids out of the country, do the kids have passports? IDs that would be needed if they were to be taken out of the country? Is there any proof that those IDs or passports are missing WHILE DL is not with Gail? don't leave your DL, you need that to prove that you are the person on the VISA or AMEX card at times. IF Gail had intended to leave for any length of time, she would NOT have left her DL.

More thoughts later... Keep thinking everyone, good to see all the thinking caps.

Oh...Redfish mentioned something of a theory, Gail returning home, then thinking that when husband wasn't home when she arrived she might go looking for him at some place she thought he might be?

How far away were those hotels for which she found receipts? Did she go looking there? Was husband supposed to have met up with her at the house at the time she arrived home and when he wasn't there she went hunting to confront him? Was she going to call a neighbor and say, "Could you check on the kids" or "Go get the kids?"

Or...did she pass the person who had been following her on the way to the house, drop the kids off quickly then head out to follow them or distract them from the children?

We know she was scared, we know she thought she was being followed, we know that her DL isn't with her (why why why), we know she didn't stop to talk to a friend on the way out... She was in a hurry for some reason and no one has heard a word since, BUT her phone mysteriously pings on the day that someone finally forces a missing person report.

I'm sad, I'm not at all liking how this looks. Sadder still is that there is too much that has gone unsearched for too long.

the scenario of someone jumping in the backseat of her car, or being arranged to meet with her elsewhere w her thinking it is hubby, is interesting. it could explain SB possibly seeing hubby arrive home shortly after GP left.
As I have stated before if Gail took off on her own I still believe there would be at least ONE person who knows that she did this. If she had some huge master plan of leaving, including taking the money and other items than I truly believe she would have left and taken her kids with her.

Someone mentioned before that all this going on is just like the Lisa Stebic case (we in this area have a theory on what happened to her) and Stacy Peterson.

Again the fact that there has not been any confirmed sightings of her car--an easy car to identify. Nothing adds up in this case at all and in my opinion nothing adds up to her just leaving on her own.
I cannot believe more is not being done to help search for her.
To some degree it sounds like LE isn't taking this case very seriously. I'm getting the impression that they just consider this another domestic dispute between a couple that was heading for divorce anyway and the wife just split, but after hearing that she had a blackeye, felt like she was being stalked and a neighbor verified seeing said vehicle in the area, etc they had better start considering the fact that something very wrong may have gone on here if its not already too late.

I know this will sound sexist, but could this be an example of a southern good 'ol boys network where everyone believe's the man's side of the story? Because, like Snowbunny said, they don't seem to be taking this very seriously. We are at Day 18 and there has been NO SEARCH WHATSOEVER!!!!! :banghead:
I know this will sound sexist, but could this be an example of a southern good 'ol boys network where everyone believe's the man's side of the story? Because, like Snowbunny said, they don't seem to be taking this very seriously. We are at Day 18 and there has been NO SEARCH WHATSOEVER!!!!! :banghead:

I still cannot believe there has not been any searching. Utterly ridiculous and your good ol boy theory could be true.
Okay, notice that at the press conference, Matt says "As you can see, the Jeep has been spotted, we’ve been told, on a few occasions out there." It sounds like meant that this info was on the press handouts given to the media at the press conference.

However, Diane Nichols specifically stated the Jeep had not been seen. Spokeswoman Janice Atkinson would not confirm anything, and when asked by the male reporter at the end, she said the Jeep had NOT been put in a national registry for cars.

This is very curious. I already emailed Callie Starnes to see if anything about the Jeep being sighted was in the press info. But since two reporters specifically asked for more information about these sightings (and were given no answers), it sounds a LOT like Matt just made that up.

I gotta say, of all the hinky things Matt has done up to now, that one really burns my biscuit.

When I talked to Det. Tizzio on Sunday, he said that there were numerous sightings, but none that could be corrorborated or verified.
I know this will sound sexist, but could this be an example of a southern good 'ol boys network where everyone believe's the man's side of the story? Because, like Snowbunny said, they don't seem to be taking this very seriously. We are at Day 18 and there has been NO SEARCH WHATSOEVER!!!!! :banghead:

You may be right to a certain extent... they may have picked up on the steps she had been quietly taking to protect her interests and the good 'ol boy in them only saw that far.... we picked up on it but I believe that someone else did too and panic set in.... her foe stepped up his game and nipped it right there.

Whooooops I forgot..... M O O
Or maybe she was quick enough to get away.... I hope that is the case. And she will call her family soon.
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