TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #6

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kas227: I think Arlene was pointing out that when MP calls Gail "crazy" it is all relative because his own behaviour has been rather strange.

And actually, Arlene's story is somewhat backed up by the fact that he is now unemployed thanks to his affair and "misuse of company emails" (we can use our imaginations).

As for whether Arlene is exaggerating, possibly. However, I assumed that the stuff about the constant money withdrawals came from documents that Gail gave her to keep.

As far as the drinking goes, that might or might not be important to this case at all. In that case, it might just reflect Arlene's low opinion of MP.
believe09 ... I totally agree with you. "Data dump" is very appropriate terminology in this case.

When I read this interview with Arleen, my initial feeling was that it was really strange that number one, her best friend would give such a huge, personal information overload to the media and number two, the media would actually publish all of it! There are some VERY bold accusations in this article, both spoken and unspoken and I can't help but think they could come with some repercussions not only to Arleen but to the case itself. History has shown sometimes it is best NOT to put all of the information out there. Many a perpetrator has been caught by reveling a piece of information that had purposely not been released by the media and/or police. I'm sure she is heartbroken by the disappearance of her friend and probably running on empty from the energy she is putting out to find her but I just can't wrap my arms around why she would think that talking about Hilton rewards, sexting entries on MP's phone, where his mistress bought a house and how much money was withdrawn from the ATM is a good idea. Her commentary reads like a movie of the week and frankly, IMO, is more indicative of the work of The National Inquirer than The Chattanoogan. I don't mean to offend anyone. I'll be the first to admit that I may be totally off base here because maybe I'm just not "getting it". If that is true, I humbly apologize. But am I the only one that finds this article totally bizarre???

Some of that information was covered by Callie Starnes on WRCB a week or so earlier, so no it didn't strike me as that bizarre.

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Catching up and seems like there's a bit of focus on A's role so far.

Some of the posts have validated some uneasy feelings I have had regarding her statements. I do feel she is genuine in her concern and wish to assist, however, JMO, is that she has one of those personalities that can throw situations into turmoil in general. I believe that there is truth to much of what she says, but she tends to distort and spin much of what she says, although not intentionally. Just my opinion!

One earlier statement from A. that bothered me - unless the media messed up the article - (and they do mess up consistently) is when A. stated that she was GP's best friend and followed it by stating that she did not even know about GP having a brother in FL. That made me think perhaps she was a "self-appointed" best friend. It would seem to me, one would know one's best friend's immediate family.
Catching up and seems like there's a bit of focus on A's role so far.

Some of the posts have validated some uneasy feelings I have had regarding her statements. I do feel she is genuine in her concern and wish to assist, however, JMO, is that she has one of those personalities that can throw situations into turmoil in general. I believe that there is truth to much of what she says, but she tends to distort and spin much of what she says, although not intentionally. Just my opinion!

One earlier statement from A. that bothered me - unless the media messed up the article - (and they do mess up consistently) is when A. stated that she was GP's best friend and followed it by stating that she did not even know about GP having a brother in FL. That made me think perhaps she was a "self-appointed" best friend. It would seem to me, one would know one's best friend's immediate family.
JMO~:twocents: Maybe the FL brother and GP were estranged:twocents: oh yes and with regard to your remark about AD being a self appointed best friend....I don't believe AD ever said she was GP's best friend. I believe AD stated GP was her best friend....there is a difference, ad WAS SPEAKING FOR HERSELF. As for who GP considers her best friend ....we will have to let GP answer that question herself someday...(if given the chance)... with that said...GP did entrust AD with many documents (over the weeks leading up to her disappearance) and a audio/video DVR was given to AD by GP for safe keeping, with instructions to never turn it over to MP. :twocents:~JMO but those actions sound like they were made by someone towards someone she thought of as a best friend~:twocents:JMO~AD made promises to GP and as I look at it, AD has kept her word. Seems to me that GP made the correct decision in choosing Ad to securely hold the documents & DVR ...she is quite the "pitbull" ...if I had to choose someone to do the same for me...I would want a "dopple-ganger" of AD for sure! ~JMOHO:twocents:
From the TFP article linked above:


The consent order to search the Palmgrens’ Signal Mountain home included these parameters:
  • Mike Mathis, a former Chattanooga Police Department investigator, who has been hired by Palmgren, must be present during the searches.
  • Any documents that investigators wish to copy must be copied through Palmgren and his attorneys.
  • Testing of trace evidence is allowed as long as it does not damage the property.
  • Detectives must get permission to further test items from the house from Palmgren’s attorney and the Hamilton County District Attorney’s Office.
  • If investigators damage the property, the sheriff’s office must replace the property.
Source: Consent Order

I always thought a consensual search was a permitted search. IE: LE responds to a missing person call, they do a write up report, and then may ask to search around the property....anything unusual. That didn't happen here. As I've said before, Hoss keeps saying Matt was open in the beginning to a what has changed in the past 50+ days since they have to now have a scripted consent/agreement from the defense lawyer?

Sorry, but I guess I just don't understand all.
This may be slightly off topic (not wanting to sway the discussion away from the direction its going) but it's been nagging at me and it's just a quick question....

Do we know if any of the items/documents/etc left with friends were purely sentimental and of no monetary value? TIA if anyone can recall mention of this somewhere.
That is a heck of a consent order. LE sounds like they are at the mercy of MP and his experts and attorneys. He had an attorney who used to work for Signal Mountain, now he has hired a former police officer from SMPD.

He's worried something serious will be found, that much is clear.
Catching up and seems like there's a bit of focus on A's role so far.

Some of the posts have validated some uneasy feelings I have had regarding her statements. I do feel she is genuine in her concern and wish to assist, however, JMO, is that she has one of those personalities that can throw situations into turmoil in general. I believe that there is truth to much of what she says, but she tends to distort and spin much of what she says, although not intentionally. Just my opinion!

One earlier statement from A. that bothered me - unless the media messed up the article - (and they do mess up consistently) is when A. stated that she was GP's best friend and followed it by stating that she did not even know about GP having a brother in FL. That made me think perhaps she was a "self-appointed" best friend. It would seem to me, one would know one's best friend's immediate family.

Lalalu, thank you for offering your perspective. I think you have brought up some very good points! I see you haven't posted a lot yet, but I hope you will continue to contribute your thoughts. :twocents:

It makes me wonder if someone was pretending to be LE when they texted her, but I don't know if that's possible.

Long time lurker here, first time poster. It is possible to do this by simply going to a cell phone website (I've used and inputting both "from" and "to" numbers. If someone close to the case knows the cell phone number of the detective involved, that number could simply be entered into the "from" area and it would appear as though it came from that person.
JMO~:twocents: Maybe the FL brother and GP were estranged:twocents: oh yes and with regard to your remark about AD being a self appointed best friend.... do the same for me...:

As for the brother, I believe from looking him up on the net, that he died about 2 years ago. If Gail and AD were friends at that time, I would think AD would have known. I also wondered if maybe the "best friend" thing was a bit exaggerated by AD. She may have felt they were best friends, but Gail just thought of them as casual friends.

All JMO.
Long time lurker here, first time poster. It is possible to do this by simply going to a cell phone website (I've used and inputting both "from" and "to" numbers. If someone close to the case knows the cell phone number of the detective involved, that number could simply be entered into the "from" area and it would appear as though it came from that person.

Welcome jwpmoyer!

This is an interesting point. LE (in my experience) does not typically text outside parties that may/may not have information regarding an active investigation.
Is that just me, or do others have a different experience?
That is a heck of a consent order. LE sounds like they are at the mercy of MP and his experts and attorneys. He had an attorney who used to work for Signal Mountain, now he has hired a former police officer from SMPD.

He's worried something serious will be found, that much is clear.

He hired Mathias weeks ago. He was hired to find Gail....,but also was the one down in AL asking ---per introduction letter from Matt to Mr. Mathias-- to turn over all the goodies GP had given to AD in confidence.
This may be slightly off topic (not wanting to sway the discussion away from the direction its going) but it's been nagging at me and it's just a quick question....

Do we know if any of the items/documents/etc left with friends were purely sentimental and of no monetary value? TIA if anyone can recall mention of this somewhere.

The only thing of sentimental value that was mentioned are her family's jewelry. It's worth may be substantial....or it may be something rather small in value....a little simple brooch, pendant or a gold wedding band. ???
Long time lurker here, first time poster. It is possible to do this by simply going to a cell phone website (I've used and inputting both "from" and "to" numbers. If someone close to the case knows the cell phone number of the detective involved, that number could simply be entered into the "from" area and it would appear as though it came from that person.

I had posted on one of the earlier threads a thought of the possibility that LE needed to contact her quickly, having difficulty considering AD's being "on the go," and maybe using every contact effort available. Not an ideal way to contact her for sure--not the most professional on the surface--but wondered if there might have been a circumstance that would have made it reasonable.

Your suggestion is more interesting. I have received texts like that before. And I know there was a point when AD posted a phone number on another site. I also remember reading on the other site (I hope okay to mention in the context I'm going for here....) comments regarding a very problematic poster who persisted until being blocked. I know we had a little of that on here as well. I wonder about the timing of those scenarios coorelated with the texting incident. I seem to recall a point when someone (maybe AD but not sure) received some sort of direct message discouraging citizen efforts to locate Gail. Perhaps an anonymous phone call.

In light of all that especially, I think your idea is a very reasonable possibility.

Please keep posting. I think it's very helpful to continue to get new members/posters on this case. Some of us (me) are running out of fresh ideas! I hope more lurkers out there will do the same. I consistently see at the bottom of our screens that we have high numbers of "guests" online. I hope more will come aboard! Registering is really a simple process.
I am thrilled they released the terms of the consent order. I do think it indicates that there is something Mr Palmgren is uncomfortable about. It may not be related to Gail's case at all.

Anyone know how this would impact the treatment and admissibility of evidence here in the future? For example, let's say they find a bloodstain in a closet. Matt and his attorney have to approve the processing of it?

It strikes me that in relationship to Gail's case, this is a dog and pony show. In relationship to anything else Mr Palmgren might have been doing...well it may apply to that.

What frustrates me is the possibility that evidence has been contaminated on all sides. LE must be beside themselves.
From the TFP article linked above:


The consent order to search the Palmgrens’ Signal Mountain home included these parameters:
  • Mike Mathis, a former Chattanooga Police Department investigator, who has been hired by Palmgren, must be present during the searches.
  • Any documents that investigators wish to copy must be copied through Palmgren and his attorneys.
  • Testing of trace evidence is allowed as long as it does not damage the property.
  • Detectives must get permission to further test items from the house from Palmgren’s attorney and the Hamilton County District Attorney’s Office.
  • If investigators damage the property, the sheriff’s office must replace the property.
Source: Consent Order

I always thought a consensual search was a permitted search. IE: LE responds to a missing person call, they do a write up report, and then may ask to search around the property....anything unusual. That didn't happen here. As I've said before, Hoss keeps saying Matt was open in the beginning to a what has changed in the past 50+ days since they have to now have a scripted consent/agreement from the defense lawyer?

Sorry, but I guess I just don't understand all.

Wow, this guy is unbelievable. How on earth is he getting away with this? Clearly, his priority is not to find his missing spouse.
:wagon: JWP-what an interesting idea. So I would think to prove or disprove the veracity of the story, you would need to have the cell records of both parties. I doubt the Detective will be releasing them to the media, but it is food for thought down the line. Or he was just that frustrated.
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