TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #6

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4/30/11 12:00 GP arrives at the SM home, drops off the kids and dog

4/30/11 12:15 P.M., GP is seen by neighbor as she drives away from family home, is talking to her sis on the cell phone...................

4/30/11 MP tells the kids he's at the lake with AD (per AD)

BBM I don't remember seeing that anywhere before. When did AD say that Matt told the kids he was with her at the lake? Somehow, I don't think he would want to be with AD...JMO
Sprint was confirmed by Arlene via Sleuthy IIRC. I havent seen any MSM to date that indicates what her carrier was. I am certain there are reasons for that, just not sure what they might be.

Yes, I should have put that in there.
4/14/11 GP sends a $17K cashiers check to her sis (6 mos living expenses should MP cut her off bank accounts after she leaves him with kids)

4/16/11 GP tells AD she's getting everything ready for divorce...setting up counseling for children, waiting for PI report,

4/14/11 - 14/29/11 GP was sending AD things to keep them away from MP, getting ammunition for the impending divorce.

So, on 4/23/11, there's a call to 911 and the alleged subsequent argument that MP wouldn't get in the car.

on 4/23/11 GP goes to the lake house with the kids + dog. Calls AD, says she's scared, tells AD to come and get her. AD says she can't (she's out of state) and calls Mike = ex...............AD calls GP back says Mike is coming to get her and just stay there...................Mike gets there and GP and kids are gone. ? When AD spoke to GP, she explained she left because of the ? (dog?), AD said they could have taken care of that.

4/23/11 GP + kids + dog get to M&KG's house in Alabama........GP tells them she's being followed, tells them MP is cheating, has jewels and asks KG to hold them, goes to the pharmacy for Easter baskets, gets upset and accuses them of trying to take her children and she calls 911.

4/24/11 Easter

4/24 or 4/25 GP + kids + dog go back to SM, .........MP is out of town, left for already scheduled business trip.

4/25/11 - 4/28/11 While MP is out of town, leaves scheduled business meeting and drives out of state to allegedly meet g/f..............while gone he calls GP and tells her he's filing for a legal separation the next week.

4/28/11 GP meets with her PI. He gives her the goods on MP. He's having an affair. The PI also followed MP to the atm on one occasion and then he followed MP where he met with and unid'd stranger in a coffee shop.

4/29/11 MP was scheduled to return that evening after 11 P.M. at the airport. Instead he shows up at the home around noon. (apparently driving back with his g/f)

4/29/11 Reports of a 911 call and now rumors that the altercation took place at the police station. GP was given the # of a safe house and she was leaving for the lake house. MP was to stay at the family home on SM.

4/29/11 GP meets up with scheduled to meet up the next day for Mike's bday party.

4/30/11 Next thing AD knows, GP is on her way or at SM.......the night of 4/29 was the last time AD talked to GP.

4/30/11 6:30 a.m. GP calls her sister and she's going back to SM and is scared and wants her sis to call LE and have them meet her at the SM home.

4/30/11 12:00 GP arrives at the SM home, drops off the kids and dog

4/30/11 12:15 P.M., GP is seen by neighbor as she drives away from family home, is talking to her sis on the cell phone...................

4/30/11 MP tells the kids he's at the lake with AD (per AD)


Where is Gail?
Where is the PI report?
Where is AD's computer?
Where is the key to the boat?

5/02/11.............GP's cell phone *pings* ONCE on the road back to KY, and MP's mom and dad's homes....................

Where is Gail?


PS........coincidence? That MP now has the jewels GP left with M&KG and now MG has reportedly spoken THRU MP'S CRIMINAL ATTORNEY, that GP was all f'd up when she was there and now MG is employed by MP as his attorney against his previous employer so now has attorney/client obligations.........

Where is Gail?

bolded by me.

I wonder if the PI got pictures of MP and the unidentified man he met in the coffee shop? Wouldn't it also be apropo for the PI to follow the stranger and get a license plate number at the very least?
I am baffled as well, fbx. IIRC, Gail told a number of people - Matt, Arlene, the Birmingham people, Susie, her sister - that she thought she was being followed.

She wasn't shy about calling 911 - she called them, per LE, because her husband got out of the car and was walking home.

But she didn't call them to report she thought she was being followed?

The simple answer is usually the correct answer. She did. I'd bet on it.

One article or whatever I saw about what the G's said about GP calling 911 was that she 'thought they were trying to kidnap her kids!'

That's where the statement comes in that MG said to Davis, that Davis relayed to the media, that GP was 'all f'd up!'

Well, think on it. She'd just told M&KG that MP was cheating, she was leaving him, gave her jewels to them to hold for her. But then she accuses them of trying to kidnap the kids?

sorry, hit submit before I finished!

When GP goes home, MP is on his business trip and she doesn't see him until he gets home. Yet, while gone MP calls and says he's filing for separation. He gets home and the last weekend. Now M&KG gave the jewels back, MK is now representing MP so now he has attorney/client obligations..............yet he gets through the criminal lawyer the remarks about GP.....
I thought the most important statement from Jammer, or certainly the most interesting was him mentioning that he called MP's attorney for a statement. To me, it made everything make sense.

If Jammer Scott is going for being known for equally offending everyone and is attempting to gain employment...well then chances are he could care less about the facts of the case and more about anything to sensationalize it. If I am correct, he asked to speak with the family on his FB post. I think we are all aware that Gail's siblings are holding their cards tightly and perhaps they did speak with him and Jammer thought that he could better go the direction HE wanted with Arlene.

Also in my opinion, the details Jammer released that Arlene either was not aware of or was not willing to discuss (Gail seeing a psychologist ect.) help MP's attorney get the whole "Gail is unstable" message out. It is also my opinion that a huge goal of the program was to discredit Arlene. He not only questioned the validity of their friendship but the line of questioning about who was in the car...was it you? Jammer seemed to know exactly who AD thought was in the car and was ready to pounce on her answer.

So who gained what from this interview? Gail's name is out there, yes. But...a public broadcast and not a statement from the legal team of MP has just brought up the question of Gail's mental status and the fact that Arlene is not cooperating with requests from LE , and called Matt a nerd..Gail is/was the smart one. In other words Matt is too goofy to harm his wife, I mean nerds don't hurt people. An alibi was given to TH and possibly just possibly listeners may now think Arlene was the one in the car with Gail in the sighting that has, to the best of my knowledge, never been more than a maybe.
Sounds to me like a good day for a defense especially coming off a not so good day in court for the family and a nice interview for Jammer who released new information publicly which may score him a new gig.

Let me preface this by stating I dont know Jammer or SMM, but why couldnt the same be said for SMM?? What if she is also intent on sensationalizing it? Well, I guess all media is intent on sensationalizing, but I dont see where he crossed the line any more than SMM did. JMO. After all, we listened to a series of broadcasts with AD making a number of statements that are uncorroberated (sp?) by anyone other than her.

This does not mean I do not believe them-this simply means that at this point in time they are her word only imo. So on one side of the fence you have SMM stating (and I will oversimplify it) that LE has no idea what they are doing, that they should call her for help and that the only one out beating the bushes for Gail is AD. Oh and that MP has committed a crime against his wife.

Jammer, as represented by what I have read here, pushed AD for proofs (if you will) that her statements have a foundation. I dont notice that anyone has done that to date-in fact many people here seem hesitant to challenge her statements...just my observation. I think it appears on the surface to be SOP for the media to obtain statements from both sides. MP's atty is singing the same song as he was day one-Gail is unstable and a walkaway of some sort. If Diane and Kevin do not want to take this fight into the media, then the media is left with whoever is talking. At the moment, that appears to be AD and MP's attorney. Although we have seen a little bit of info from LE. Which is nice.

So I am still confused (no pun intended Confused!) and no further along in my theory except that I do not believe Gail would walk away from her children intentionally.
I don't think WS defines what are facts. I think WS defines what we can post. It's up to each of us, using our own personal criteria, to determine what is fact, or as I think of it, what is more likely and less likely.

JBean, please correct me if I'm misstating.

I 'rate' the 'to get tags' towards the higher end of my own personal likelihood scale, because more than one person is reported to have said that Gail told them she was being followed to get her tags. (Birmingham friend, Arlene, Matt)

Personally, I keep in mind with all this stuff in all these cases that the further away one gets from the original source (in this instance, Gail), the less reliable the info is. For all we know, unless and until we hear it from Gail, she may never have told anyone at all she thought she was being followed, no?

Thats what I was thinking really (bbm), and was just wondering how valid the statement made really sounded, before dismissing it as such.
I had remembered she was being followed and wrote down those tag #'s, but not that she had said to others that the followers were trying to get hers. Also....thanks for the fact comment, I was thinking MSM reports could be treated that way if we chose, but since this was not a direct quote the validity was even more questionable?

I'm not sure I understand what you're asking, fbx. Maybe a mod could answer your questions better than I could.
4/14/11 GP sends a $17K cashiers check to her sis (6 mos living expenses should MP cut her off bank accounts after she leaves him with kids)

<snipped for space>

Where is Gail?
Where is the PI report?
Where is AD's computer?
Where is the key to the boat?

5/02/11.............GP's cell phone *pings* ONCE on the road back to KY, and MP's mom and dad's homes....................Where is Gail?


PS........coincidence? That MP now has the jewels GP left with M&KG and now MG has reportedly spoken THRU MP'S CRIMINAL ATTORNEY, that GP was all f'd up when she was there and now MG is employed by MP as his attorney against his previous employer so now has attorney/client obligations.........

Where is Gail?

On 5/2 there are known pings on road back to KY and MP's mom's house and where MP's dad is??????

Do you mean at the bottom of Signal mountain on mountain creek road??
You are getting warmer... I've been thinking of this for awhile. My personal theory is that it would not be a professional, either. I am concerned that there may be someone out there with a pocket full of money and maybe a guilty conscience? In other cases where this has happened, someone usually ends up talking.

BBM. Really? How do you know?
IIRC, the first thing the Jammer did was say he'd contacted the attorney for the husband, Davis. (imho, he shoulda' said his CRIMINAL def lawyer!)

Within the first few minutes or two he talked to AD, he asked her, 'was that you on the logging trail with Gail?'

I think this was the first <hint> of what was to come.

OTOH, AD get in that GP was attending AL-ANON! ;)

just sayin'

To me it would seem that contacting the other side in something like this is appropriate. Katie Couric would have done that (she would really have had someone do it for her, but YKWIM) As for calling him the attorney for the husband or Criminal Def. Lawyer????? Don't see that it makes a difference. If he was going to be that picky about it, he should have said that he contacted Dr. Palmgren's criminal def. attorney. I don't see the point, and I don't think it's a big deal.

I think that if AD thought she was being unfairly treated or ambushed, all she needed to do was hang up the phone. She's not being paid for talking-or we haven't heard that she is, so she could have politely said that she didn't like the way he was doing it and then click.

Sorry BeanE!

I meant HE said (to the kids!) SHE meaning GP was at the lake with AD when she was missing on 4/30 to 5/02 when the sis and AD insisted he call LE....

Sorry for the typo! I seem to be doing that a lot today! I'll go and change it!

One article or whatever I saw about what the G's said about GP calling 911 was that she 'thought they were trying to kidnap her kids!'

That's where the statement comes in that MG said to Davis, that Davis relayed to the media, that GP was 'all f'd up!'

Well, think on it. She'd just told M&KG that MP was cheating, she was leaving him, gave her jewels to them to hold for her. But then she accuses them of trying to kidnap the kids?

sorry, hit submit before I finished!

When GP goes home, MP is on his business trip and she doesn't see him until he gets home. Yet, while gone MP calls and says he's filing for separation. He gets home and the last weekend. Now M&KG gave the jewels back, MK is now representing MP so now he has attorney/client obligations..............yet he gets through the criminal lawyer the remarks about GP.....

BBM. Are M&KG the Birmingham people? Was that in the Jammer interview? Is the Jammer show where it came from that Gail told them Matt was cheating and she was leaving him?

I didn't see the Jammer show and there is no archive I've found, so I'm at the mercy of those who listened to it.
FWIW, I think it was a great question regarding whether or not Arlene was in the car with Gail during the siting-a perfect means for Arlene to absolutely state that she was the event anyone was actually thinking that. Perfect question, perfect response and then you move on. Kudos to both.
Let me preface this by stating I dont know Jammer or SMM, but why couldnt the same be said for SMM?? What if she is also intent on sensationalizing it? Well, I guess all media is intent on sensationalizing, but I dont see where he crossed the line any more than SMM did. JMO. After all, we listened to a series of broadcasts with AD making a number of statements that are uncorroberated (sp?) by anyone other than her.

This does not mean I do not believe them-this simply means that at this point in time they are her word only imo. So on one side of the fence you have SMM stating (and I will oversimplify it) that LE has no idea what they are doing, that they should call her for help and that the only one out beating the bushes for Gail is AD. Oh and that MP has committed a crime against his wife.

Jammer, as represented by what I have read here, pushed AD for proofs (if you will) that her statements have a foundation. I dont notice that anyone has done that to date-in fact many people here seem hesitant to challenge her statements...just my observation. I think it appears on the surface to be SOP for the media to obtain statements from both sides. MP's atty is singing the same song as he was day one-Gail is unstable and a walkaway of some sort. If Diane and Kevin do not want to take this fight into the media, then the media is left with whoever is talking. At the moment, that appears to be AD and MP's attorney. Although we have seen a little bit of info from LE. Which is nice.

So I am still confused (no pun intended Confused!) and no further along in my theory except that I do not believe Gail would walk away from her children intentionally.

I agree about the SMM interviews. I actually preferred Jammer to her. I'm not sure I wrote that Jammer crossed a line...maybe I did. I may not have been clear, so let's try again. My main point was, again just my opinion, that MP's attorney was getting what he wants the public to know out there.
I would have also liked him to state if an invitation to participate in this interview was offered to the family, outside of a facebook post. And where I do think he was a little cross-examiner to and with Arlene, honestly, I have wanted someone to dig into her statements. I personally don't go off too much of what she says because much of it has been backed up. I'm not saying it is false -just unverified.
Generally speaking, I'm not on the questioning side of the LE because I don't know what they know. I imagine they want answers and truth like the rest of us.
I'm not sure that is an clearer, but hey, I tried.
BBM I don't remember seeing that anywhere before. When did AD say that Matt told the kids he was with her at the lake? Somehow, I don't think he would want to be with AD...JMO

Sorry, confused. I corrected it after I saw a note from someone else. I misspoke.

Per AD, during the time Gail disappeared until 5/02 and they talked him into calling 911 and report Gail missing, he'd told the kids Gail was at the lake with AD.

Sorry BeanE!

I meant HE said (to the kids!) SHE meaning GP was at the lake with AD when she was missing on 4/30 to 5/02 when the sis and AD insisted he call LE....

Sorry for the typo! I seem to be doing that a lot today! I'll go and change it!


Phew! Okay. I did hear Arlene say that.

It actually seems reasonable to me that he wouldn't want to upset the kids by telling them he didn't know where in the heck she was.

I'm not big on scaring the bejesus out of kids without any need to do so. Life's hard enough. I'm not big on lying to them either, but given a choice between telling a 12 and a 9 year old:


and saying:

"Your mom's with Arlene at the lake house for a few days. Let's go out to the yard and throw a ball around for a while, shall we?"

I'd choose curtain #2 until I figured out what was going on, and hopefully had less upsetting info to give them.

But that's just me.
So I am still confused (no pun intended Confused!) and no further along in my theory except that I do not believe Gail would walk away from her children intentionally.

Not sure if you were replying to me or clarifying the use of confused, but I seem to agree with your comments about this. I listened to both and think that Jammer did a much better job interviewing than SMM. I didn't even see that he was questioning AD's statements, just wanting her to show why she thought what she did. Like you said he "pushed AD for proofs (if you will) that her statements have a foundation." That was an excellent way to phrase it.

I don't think I learned anything new from the interview, but it was interesting.
Absolutely. :)

From a SAR perspective, when you research the last known cell pings and the timeline of Gail's disappearance, along with towers that may have shot signals during that time period; you can establish the possibilities of routes of travel. Working from that, one of those routes of travel (IIRC) heads toward the location of MP's mothers home as well as MP's father's location.

It seems possible that either Gail or Matt (or both) may have traveled that route to see either of MP's parents.

So it raises (in my mind, anyway) the possibilty that after dropping off the children, Gail headed along that route. Which also raises the possibility that a search area should be established along that route- considering the last known pings.

Wow, that's a bit of a ramble! But does it help to explain?

On 5/2 there are known pings on road back to KY and MP's mom's house and where MP's dad is??????

Do you mean at the bottom of Signal mountain on mountain creek road??

Ok, I may have been confused here as to what Oriah was saying. I thought it was the same route. But as you can see, I'm not from that area and have no sense of direction. Heck, I needed a GPS and mapquest to get me across the U.S. and back. (needed a back-up!)

Anyway, perhaps you have more of a sense of what the road leads to where the last *ping* of GP's cell phone was.

Phew! Okay. I did hear Arlene say that.

It actually seems reasonable to me that he wouldn't want to upset the kids by telling them he didn't know where in the heck she was.

I'm not big on scaring the bejesus out of kids without any need to do so. Life's hard enough. I'm not big on lying to them either, but given a choice between telling a 12 and a 9 year old:


and saying:

"Your mom's with Arlene at the lake house for a few days. Let's go out to the yard and throw a ball around for a while, shall we?"

I'd choose curtain #2 until I figured out what was going on, and hopefully had less upsetting info to give them.

But that's just me.

Actually, when you put it that way, sounds reasonable. Not wanting to scare the kids.

Makes sense to me!
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