TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #15

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I know they don't need the physical cell to get all the call and text transmissions to and from the phone they can get that from the service provider. BUT you do need the physical cell to see what was actually written in the texts, or what pics are taken with the cell. The sim card could help if something interesting is on the cell.

I dont think anything will be on the phone. He would not toss out the phone if there was anything on it that led to HIM JMO

I would think he would run over it with his car and smash it!
What if the perp took the SIM card out? Just saying. I hope if it is the cell phone that he did not do that.

I was thinking the same thing. Those pictures of people that Will Nunley posted yesterday gave me the impression that the searchers were on their hands and knees looking for something very small.
This is what I have been wondering.
Maybe someone with more experience with these vehicles in a hunting or farming setting can explain how he would have transported her via ATV.

Would he have sat in the back, gun or weapon to her back and made her drive? That seems risky, they could see someone who knows her. She would stand out in her clothes compared to his camo.

Is there a human size cargo box that attaches to the back of these? I just can't visualize how he would use an ATV. I'm hoping someone can explain that.

My personal opinion is that if there were an ATV, the ATV went onto a trailer on the back of a truck, or was driven into a horse trailer being pulled by a truck. While riding ATVs here is very popular, I can't imagine: that someone is driving whilst riding a blonde on the front or back of one with her either bleeding and silent, or screaming. JMO of course.
I can see the perp dumping something down the road from the school campus-- not knowing that he was spied at the home, he'd think it pointed at the school as the site of the abduction. jmo
exactly! He might not have known (until he dumped everything) that he had been spotted... that makes sense to me...

but the part about the school being the site of the abduction...that wouldn't work with her car being at home (and if she didn't have a car and got a ride... she wouldn't have been there for the pick up etc)..

note: I am only throwing out all possibilities because we don't know much of anything about that morning (re: if Holly even has a car and what kind of car it is!!!!)

but I so agree with you... the perp may not have even known he was spied from the window...
Post 847 on the scanner thread may be of interest...not anything big, just an fyi. Sorry I don't know how to link to a specific post on another thread...
The fact that the volunteers were searching in the UT Parsons Campus roadway yesterday makes me think that LE believes he was watching (stalking) her. Why else would they be looking there? Doesn't make sense that they are looking for something of Holly's after the fact.

I am thinking more and more that he saw her first at school.

That is on the same highway as some of the other places. I believe they were searching the roadways and shoulders.
This is totally a one-man crime to me...

ITA... and I also think (at this time) that it is a horse... not a zebra...

eta: that is what we say in the medical profession... in other words start with the simplest explanation
He is Bright enuff to not be in custody and Holly is still missing.
I'm not sure he/they are all that bright. There are countless really dumb criminals that get away with things.

Does anyone really think Holly would be riding along with him in a car, and not tied up, probably in the back seat or on the floor? I just don't get a picture of her with hands free, rummaging through her purse for clues to leave, etc...
No. That's why I'm guessing this was an after the fact thing or done by an accomplice?

Why would the phone really change anything other than to indicate that the perp was in that area at some point over the past two weeks?

What if it was storing GPS data like the iphone does even without a sim card? And that GPS data could be correlated to a perps cell data or car GPS data?

He's too big. Holly's brother thought it was the boyfriend, and this guy is too heavy. I don't think he would have confused this guy for the boyfriend.

Where would one get the booking info for him? Does anyone know?
When I looked up his name I got a bookings site listed him at 6 feet 210 pounds which isn't far off the description from the brother.

What if the perp took the SIM card out? Just saying. I hope if it is the cell phone that he did not do that.

I'm not sure it matters. That's a tv crime show stunt. If it's an iphone it doesn't need the SIM card for GPS functions to work and far as I know the flaw announced last week of it storing GPS data....that's done on the phone not the SIM.

Think about it. IF they do have her phone they can do what the brother did in the case in GA. They can now look at the phones that may have been in the general area of the exact trail her phone took, or better yet was in the same area as the end point signal of her phone.

I think this is the game changer if it's her phone. I pray that it is and I'm not a religous person.
Just a thought here that I don't think anyone else has mentioned. I doubt that the abductor thought he was seen. He most likely didn't know that Holly's brother was home. Remember, he did this after the parents left for work. Does that change the thoughts about why items might have been discarded in the way they were? I wonder if he left something at the school of significance thinking that she would most likely never be thought to have been abducted way out in the woods that she lives in. It would be more likely that she would be abducted perhaps at school. Her car would have been left there at her home, but people would be confused about that and wonder if she somehow got a ride to school for whatever reason and was abducted at the school. Would that possibly point to another abductor? I'm getting the picture that this guy had a plan to confuse LE in the first place by planting the clues. This would be good news in that (in this scenario) he abducted her and got her out of there by car as quickly as he could, got her to the place he is holding her (incapacitated of course) and went back either that day or even a couple of days after (I don't remember what day they found the lunch bag) and then began to leave "clues" that would lead LE in another direction.

If the purpose was something more sinister, he would have done it in the beginning and wouldn't really care if she was found because he thought he had kept any trace of his identity out of it.

There are other scenarios I'm sure could be thought of because he doesn't know that LE had a witness seeing him do the abduction.

Also, the guy listed above as a possible abductor who was stalking other girls, I think this actually could be another possibility. If the brother was able to make out camo and it being worn by a man, he would just logically relate it to the boyfriend because it is what Holly and him wore a lot when hunting. From a distance, and with no glasses on, he might have been able to make out the camo, but not the exact height and weight and guessed on that. After all, that guesstimate about the ht and wt of the abductor was pretty general.

Just a thought. Would love to hear all of yours.
Reportedly, the cell phone was located on side of the road on Hwy. 69 in Parsons, near Holly's father's place of employment,

WOW! Now that last sentence IS significant information.
got to be careful with this article.. it is not main stream media...

also didn't Green say that Dana Bobo ran his own tree service company out of his home? Media has also described him as being in tree service and self employed..

I have to say though... when I first read that fox news tweet I was like...for real????

but I am starting to really think they could have found her phone...

Wow...this RSO sure does seem RSO in Benton Co. which is north of Decatur. I'll have to look at the map to see if you would take 69 to get there....BUT....currently in Jackson (Henderson Co.) for stalking two women in malls and making inappropriate sexual comments to them and also being publicly indecent....AND Dickson has pending charges of indecency, simple assault and attempted kidnapping...!!!!....Dickson county is due North of Hickman County where HS's attacker was frightened off in January. A possibility for sure
Wow...this RSO sure does seem RSO in Benton Co. which is north of Decatur. I'll have to look at the map to see if you would take 69 to get there....BUT....currently in Jackson (Henderson Co.) for stalking two women in malls and making inappropriate sexual comments to them and also being publicly indecent....AND Dickson has pending charges of indecency, simple assault and attempted kidnapping...!!!!....Dickson county is due North of Hickman County where HS's attacker was frightened off in January. A possibility for sure

I wonder if Heather Sullivan could identify him?
got to be careful with this article.. it is not main stream media...

also didn't Green say that Dana Bobo ran his own tree service company out of his home? Media has also described him as being in tree service and self employed..

I have to say though... when I first read that fox news tweet I was like...for real????

but I am starting to really think they could have found her phone...


No. I never said he had his own tree service.
Just a thought here that I don't think anyone else has mentioned. I doubt that the abductor thought he was seen. He most likely didn't know that Holly's brother was home. Remember, he did this after the parents left for work. Does that change the thoughts about why items might have been discarded in the way they were? I wonder if he left something at the school of significance thinking that she would most likely never be thought to have been abducted way out in the woods that she lives in. It would be more likely that she would be abducted perhaps at school. Her car would have been left there at her home, but people would be confused about that and wonder if she somehow got a ride to school for whatever reason and was abducted at the school. Would that possibly point to another abductor? I'm getting the picture that this guy had a plan to confuse LE in the first place by planting the clues. This would be good news in that (in this scenario) he abducted her and got her out of there by car as quickly as he could, got her to the place he is holding her (incapacitated of course) and went back either that day or even a couple of days after (I don't remember what day they found the lunch bag) and then began to leave "clues" that would lead LE in another direction.

If the purpose was something more sinister, he would have done it in the beginning and wouldn't really care if she was found because he thought he had kept any trace of his identity out of it.

There are other scenarios I'm sure could be thought of because he doesn't know that LE had a witness seeing him do the abduction.

Also, the guy listed above as a possible abductor who was stalking other girls, I think this actually could be another possibility. If the brother was able to make out camo and it being worn by a man, he would just logically relate it to the boyfriend because it is what Holly and him wore a lot when hunting. From a distance, and with no glasses on, he might have been able to make out the camo, but not the exact height and weight and guessed on that. After all, that guesstimate about the ht and wt of the abductor was pretty general.

Just a thought. Would love to hear all of yours.

I think the brother may have done what we all do. When you look at something quickly your mind can play tricks on you. It's like when you see someone in a public place from a weird angle and think it's your friend but it's a total stranger. The thing that's different about the guy in reports he stalked people in camo. I get the impression he's been ruled out on this but I'm not sure why or how.

As far as the evidence thought is if it is a local person he was dumping stuff after he found out there was a big response and prior to heading home. IE, looking for places to dump stuff that might implicate him absent any trace of her or other evidence.

Anyway, time for some other things. I hope they're getting as close as we think.
I don't necessarily suspect the family, but I do think it is very strange that they don't appear to be searching, or speaking out on Her behalf. Boyfriend either for that matter.
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