TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #17

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Remember a few weeks ago tha tmother of 5 was reported missing her husband went hunting it was the wrong weekend he came home and she was gone she ran away! No charges were filed.

Makes ya wonder dosent it!

But the thing is its 2 weeks now and thousands of ppl are looking for her she would have come in.. JMO

I still think she is with this guy hes afraid. Maybe he will turn himself in.

The "Runaway Bride" got charged because she claimed to have been kidnapped, filed a false police report, etc. Basically she was involved in criminal activity, fraud, etc. The lady that ran away a couple of weeks ago was involved in some domestic matter and never claimed to have been kidnapped, etc. When I saw her story on the news they said perhaps she had gone to a women's shelter or some safe place to get away from her husband. Thats a different scenario.

In Holly's case though it is odd that we do not really know excactly what crimes have taken place. I don't think she left on her own free will. But theoretically if she did, running away isnt a crime per se especially if you are an adult. Aside from her being missing we can only speculate that a kidnapping has occurred. Shes gone and someone did it. As to any other kind of crimes... assault, sexual assault, murder, etc. Who knows. In two weeks we basically know what we knew after the first 24-36 hours... Holly went missing, was seen going into the woods, her lunch bag and probabaly one other item have been confirmed to have been recovered. Thats it...
OMG i hate to say this but there is a Cave springs garbage collection i wonder if its a dump ...
Maybe they want the perp to be sweating it out not knowing what evidence has been found. I'm not of the mind that the perp has been planting the evidence. I'm of the mind that he threw stuff out willy nilly to just spread the evidence around. But that's just my opinion!

I'm in the same boat. Assuming what they found at 100 Eaton was her cell phone, do you also think that he ditched her cell phone there first before moving north and throwing her lunch box out of the window or do you still think that it's possible he went north first and then south.

If what they found was something other than her cell phone it makes a little less sense to happen that way but there are still other important things he would ditch before a lunch box in my mind. For instance he would want to get rid of the purse fast as well. If a man is stopped at a road block or pulled over for some reason and he has a women's purse while they're looking for an abductor, that's an immediate red flag where as a lunch box is what ever.

I am almost certain in my head that he went to Eaton St. first before proceeding north just due to the unimportance of a lunch box.
I remember a year or so back a girl and her mom made her prom dress out of duct tape! LOL It was on the HLN..

Actually....(I can't believe I am admitting this) my niece's date wore a white tux to prom two weeks ago...with a camo vest. She wore a dark green dress with camo accents in her hair. :crazy:

(We're in alabama, obviously, not far away...)
I think once LE releases information, It will be a bombshell. I think they have much more than they are letting on!
I think that the police are mum about what they have found because they need a way to determine if tips coming in are from someone with inside info, such as witness or an accomplice.

If they keep their findings to themselves but a tipster calls in refering to the item found or any other private detail, they know the info did not come from public knowledge.
I think that the police are mum about what they have found because they need a way to determine if tips coming in are from someone with inside info, such as witness or an accomplice.

If they keep their findings to themselves but a tipster calls in refering to the item found or any other private detail, they know the info did not come from public knowledge.

I totally agree. I think that is exactly the case.
Actually....(I can't believe I am admitting this) my niece's date wore a white tux to prom two weeks ago...with a camo vest. She wore a dark green dress with camo accents in her hair. :crazy:

(We're in alabama, obviously, not far away...)

LOL hey i live in south west florida when i drop my son off for school all the kids wear camo... heck it dosent get as dirty as white shorts lol:floorlaugh:

Did ya see the duct tape prom dress lol
I think they know each other too! I just am wondering about it being someone she dated because they were all accounted for. But people keep saying someone is missing. What if he's not? What if he goes to her at night? She could be tied up at his house. If it is someone that is not "missing" then I have to think they did NOT know each other. But I think they did know each other.

bbm..thank you for this tidbit of information, greengreen. I didn't know this.
Lots of 'maybes' and one of them could be right. What's so spooky about that picture is there's that flat, alter like rock right there in the front. If you recall, my 'imagination' said it wasn't a deep cave.

Tooo many maybes and way toooo much time is passing. I think its time to make a move dont u?
Good Morning!

In regards to the statement "sometimes things are not as they appear"... This was said after quite a few people called in questioning why the brother would not have gone out to help if he had seen someone leading her away in the woods. I personally took it to mean whatever the brother saw did not cause him alarm, but now that we know she was abducted it actually was in deed a critical situation. So in the brother's case it wasn't what it appeared to be - like an innocent situation with a BF. Does that make sense? :) Not sure if I explained that very well.

Makes total sense to me. Context is everything.

IMO, all LE statements - actually even family statements - in every case - need to be considered in their full original context. Otherwise they get twisted in their meaning and they are used to support theories that, in original context, they would not support.

Dragging the Thread. ;)

I would think many people realize "dragged" is slang for "having talked someone into going somewhere when they'd just as soon not go".

The expression is perhaps even more commonly used in the south - and I've heard it as "drug" rather than "dragged". i.e. "He drug me way to the woods to see that stupid dead animal".

I wish people would get off this point. LE publicly cleared it up - an it was plain they never were told that Holly was actually being dragged - rather than walking on her own towards the woods.


Other Random Coffee Break Thoughts:

Now LE did say they believe Holly was in fear for her life when she was walking - and that her abductor had her arm. I haven't heard that statement in a while. I wonder if they're backing off of it in favor of now believing that Holly knew her abductor and may not have been in fear for her life.


I have wondered if the abductor(s) could have a acquaintance type of relationship via the brother. Holly was acquainted with many people. I would say the first circles they check (after Holly's direct friends and school and nursing acquaintences) would be father, mother, brother's circles.


IMO, they've not found Holly. She's not in a hospital, hiding in a coma, etc..
If LE believes she could still be alive, they must have a reason to think this way - i.e. they must know the perp and understand motive. Have we heard LE say that this is still a rescue effort? That's an important distinction for me. Yesterday, the press reported that when asked about Holly, LE talked about narrowing the investigation and developing POI's. They avoided the question about Holly.

Frankly, the LE quoted phrase that was most significant to me yesterday was "game-changer".

The TBI quoted phrase that was 2nd most significant to me yesterday was "people of interest".

The fact that was most significant to me yesterday was that Holly's mom & dad tried to make it out to thank searchers on Easter Sunday ... but emotionally couldn't do it.

The fact that was 2nd most significant to me yesterday was that LE found a significant piece of evidence in the area/neighborhood of Holly's school and a hands and knees search of the area followed that find.

At least, I think that's what the facts were. (Correct me if I've got this wrong.)

Tooo many maybes and way toooo much time is passing. I think its time to make a move dont u?

They already did... Twin Peaks

My bad I thought you said MOVIE. Thats what happens when I dont have my glasses. But Twin Peaks is about as weird as this case. Maybe we should ask the Log Lady?
Good Morning!

In regards to the statement "sometimes things are not as they appear"... This was said after quite a few people called in questioning why the brother would not have gone out to help if he had seen someone leading her away in the woods. I personally took it to mean whatever the brother saw did not cause him alarm, but now that we know she was abducted it actually was in deed a critical situation. So in the brother's case it wasn't what it appeared to be - like an innocent situation with a BF. Does that make sense? :) Not sure if I explained that very well.

good morning sunshine:seeya:

bbm.. You posted regarding questions prior to the "statement". Did you see the person on a video or hear it on radio or tv? If there is a link to it, i'ld like to listen. tia.
Tooo many maybes and way toooo much time is passing. I think its time to make a move dont u?

Well, Eileen, some of the best criminal investigators in the country are working on this case, and I have faith they're doing the absolute best job they can in this case. I have no reason to suspect otherwise.

They can't convict someone on the imagination of someone. They have to have hard evidence, either a confession, or hard evidence that links a particular person to the deed. In murder cases they like to do the habeus corpus thing too, as in here it is. Which I hope isn't the case with Holly, but it's my deepest concern.
They already did... Twin Peaks

My bad I thought you said MOVIE. Thats what happens when I dont have my glasses. But Twin Peaks is about as weird as this case. Maybe we should ask the Log Lady?


I loved Twin Peaks!
Well, Eileen, some of the best criminal investigators in the country are working on this case, and I have faith they're doing the absolute best job they can in this case. I have no reason to suspect otherwise.

They can't convict someone on the imagination of someone. They have to have hard evidence, either a confession, or hard evidence that links a particular person to the deed. In murder cases they like to do the habeus corpus thing too, as in here it is. Which I hope isn't the case with Holly, but it's my deepest concern.

LOL I dont mean arrest someone but i think they maybe need to change their tactics...
Maybe the silence isnt working...

time to light a fire...

I believe they know WHO IT ISNT!!!!! Clear the air a little.... toss a few crumbs!
Well, Eileen, some of the best criminal investigators in the country are working on this case, and I have faith they're doing the absolute best job they can in this case. I have no reason to suspect otherwise.

They can't convict someone on the imagination of someone. They have to have hard evidence, either a confession, or hard evidence that links a particular person to the deed. In murder cases they like to do the habeus corpus thing too, as in here it is. Which I hope isn't the case with Holly, but it's my deepest concern.

The Anne Pressly case surprised me. After the initial flurry of vague, inaccurate and confusing info, the case died off for a month. You didn't hear a PEEP from LE. Their famous statement was they had a suspect but didn't know who that person was yet but someone had to have committed the crime... Then, out of the blue, a month later, it all came together and in one night they announced the name of their suspect and he was apprehended. Lots of behind the scenes work there with DNA, comparing her case to other similar and dissimilar cases. In the end it was an investigation into someone suspected of pawning stolen goods that came back to both Anne's rape and murder and an earlier rape in a near by town.
The Anne Pressly case surprised me. After the initial flurry of vague, inaccurate and confusing info, the case died off for a month. You didn't hear a PEEP from LE. Their famous statement was they had a suspect but didn't know who that person was yet but someone had to have committed the crime... Then, out of the blue, a month later, it all came together and in one night they announced the name of their suspect and he was apprehended. Lots of behind the scenes work there with DNA, comparing her case to other similar and dissimilar cases. In the end it was an investigation into someone suspected of pawning stolen goods that came back to both Anne's rape and murder and an earlier rape in a near by town.

Hi Carla!

I think if it was a rape and murder we would have found her already.
Do locals think it's at all significant that Easter's find was in the area of Holly's school?

I'm asking b/c I'm not familiar with the neighborhoods and traffic patterns.

To me, the location seems more purposeful (or significant) than coincidental. If you're tossing evidence ... why not toss it into random wooded terrain off a highway. Why toss evidence in front of Holly's own campus?

Weird to me, so I thought we might see what locals thought of that...
The Anne Pressly case surprised me. After the initial flurry of vague, inaccurate and confusing info, the case died off for a month. You didn't hear a PEEP from LE. Their famous statement was they had a suspect but didn't know who that person was yet but someone had to have committed the crime... Then, out of the blue, a month later, it all came together and in one night they announced the name of their suspect and he was apprehended. Lots of behind the scenes work there with DNA, comparing her case to other similar and dissimilar cases. In the end it was an investigation into someone suspected of pawning stolen goods that came back to both Anne's rape and murder and an earlier rape in a near by town.

Yes and IIRC, that all happened within like an hour (the announcement and the apprehension).
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