TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #20

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Holly Lynn Bobo was last seen early on the morning of April 13, 2011, outside of her home in Darden, Tennessee. She was seen being led away from the carport of her home toward a wooded area by a man described as approximately 5'8" to 6'0" tall and 200 pounds, wearing camouflage clothing.
Holly Lynn Bobo was last seen wearing a pink shirt and light blue jeans.


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Thread #19

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Holly Bobo Map
Created by Hollye Thanks!

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I'm bumping because rumors are starting to take over this thread once again.

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Ok this took some work...

Here is the aerial photo of part of the Bobo property and the house. I do not know actual compass directions so for any discussion I use top/bottom/left/right.

I zoomed in a bit from the image I linked to earlier, and used Gimp 2 to remove some very heavy shadows around the house. This makes it easier to actually see the house and where it stands in relation to the trees. The shadows made the house look twice as big. Note the large outbuilding to the left... the shadow is still around that so you can see what I mean.


Now here is the cleaned up image with some comments. I think they are accurate based on descriptions of the house and some ground level photos.


Note that I ghosted in the tree line around the house with blue. You can see depending on which direction Clint was looking when he saw Holly entering the woods, there are different amounts of distance. Just above the house is a line of trees with open area behind it (visible in other photos as well). Notice also the trees are NOT as heavy as described in the immediate area around the house. Much denser woods are farther off to the bottom or top right areas.

If a vehicle was used by the suspect it would be easy to park off the main road, off the long driveway, or along the lake at the bottom of the photo. It looks like a stright shot to the right from the lake back to the road.

I hope this helps.

From this link, I noticed:

Holly’s 25-year-old brother, Clint, was in his bed upstairs in the family’s Parsons home when he heard his sister screaming outside about 7:30 a.m. Wednesday, according to family friends.

Anyone else hear of this before, that Clint was IN BED when he heard Holly's scream? Not that he just happened by a window and saw her being taken?This could explain why he did not go outside; he was undressed, no shoes, maybe took a minute or two to wake up enough to think what to do. (Sometimes when wakened by a noise, I wonder whether it was real or part of a dream.)
Carla Lashelle, Great entry!!! Thank you.

To let you know, I came across a photo of the property from the back looking forward. I'll try to find it again. (I last saw it at least a week ago). It showed that the pool is above ground and would obstruct any view in that direction. Also you are correct and that is a car, there was a dirt drive wrapping around the pool to the rear of the house.
From this link, I noticed:

Holly’s 25-year-old brother, Clint, was in his bed upstairs in the family’s Parsons home when he heard his sister screaming outside about 7:30 a.m. Wednesday, according to family friends.

Anyone else hear of this before, that Clint was IN BED when he heard Holly's scream? Not that he just happened by a window and saw her being taken?This could explain why he did not go outside; he was undressed, no shoes, maybe took a minute or two to wake up enough to think what to do. (Sometimes when wakened by a noise, I wonder whether it was real or part of a dream.)

Nope! Not I!
Carla Lashelle, Great entry!!! Thank you.

To let you know, I came across a photo of the property from the back looking forward. I'll try to find it again. (I last saw it at least a week ago). It showed that the pool is above ground and would obstruct any view in that direction. Also you are correct and that is a car, there was a dirt drive wrapping around the pool to the rear of the house.

Yes I drew the dirt road back in with Gimp based on other photos. The shadows were bad...
From this link, I noticed:

Holly’s 25-year-old brother, Clint, was in his bed upstairs in the family’s Parsons home when he heard his sister screaming outside about 7:30 a.m. Wednesday, according to family friends.

Anyone else hear of this before, that Clint was IN BED when he heard Holly's scream? Not that he just happened by a window and saw her being taken?This could explain why he did not go outside; he was undressed, no shoes, maybe took a minute or two to wake up enough to think what to do. (Sometimes when wakened by a noise, I wonder whether it was real or part of a dream.)

I believe this was one of the versions that proved to be incorrect reporting. We see these continue to pop up because law enforcement has not release the 911 tapes to clear things up.

The best reconstruction of events that have been laid out are as follows:

7:30ish -Clint looked out a window and saw a man leading HB by her arm or wrist into the woods. She was not being dragged. He assumed it to be her boyfriend showing her something in the morning.

-Clint never heard a scream, that was apparently reported by a neighbor. "It was confirmed by the local sheriff that a neighbor of the Bobos heard screams as she was leaving her home the morning of Holly's abduction." Read more here.

8ish -Clint saw HB's car still outside later, checked it and saw blood near it, and called their mother, then 911.

8ish after Clint's call- A neighbor calls 911, reports screams heard.

Clint may have reported the screams and it was just never released, or he may have never heard them because he was inside of the house and the neighbor was going to their car outside. Unfortunately, rumors will continue to swirl and perpetuate until LE releases the 911 tapes.

Hope this helps squash some rumors!
Ok this took some work...

Here is the aerial photo of part of the Bobo property and the house. I do not know actual compass directions so for any discussion I use top/bottom/left/right.

I zoomed in a bit from the image I linked to earlier, and used Gimp 2 to remove some very heavy shadows around the house. This makes it easier to actually see the house and where it stands in relation to the trees. The shadows made the house look twice as big. Note the large outbuilding to the left... the shadow is still around that so you can see what I mean.


Now here is the cleaned up image with some comments. I think they are accurate based on descriptions of the house and some ground level photos.


Note that I ghosted in the tree line around the house with blue. You can see depending on which direction Clint was looking when he saw Holly entering the woods, there are different amounts of distance. Just above the house is a line of trees with open area behind it (visible in other photos as well). Notice also the trees are NOT as heavy as described in the immediate area around the house. Much denser woods are farther off to the bottom or top right areas.

If a vehicle was used by the suspect it would be easy to park off the main road, off the long driveway, or along the lake at the bottom of the photo. It looks like a stright shot to the right from the lake back to the road.

I hope this helps.

As we look at this picture, how can they say the brush was so thick the dogs couldnt get in to it they had to be carried?????? It sure does not look that dense to me. Im aware that these pics were taken at anothe rtime but the trees seem to be spaced apart and the underbrush would just be starting to grow back after the winter.
If you posted a TOS violation complaining about moderation, I suggest you edit that post immediately.
Pls forgive me....I can't find the link in previous threads, but I know it's there.

The TBI person, I believe his last name is Helm, told the media to his knowledge
there was only one 911 call and it was from Clint. He advised there was no second 911 call from any neighbor, which would mean there was no scream heard....IMO.

This is a great photo. Especially b/c it's a winter shot - defoiled. Thanks so much for all your work Carla. One can see how there would be a couple of paths through the woods, especially towards the direction of the water. Then it looks like you could probably get from the water directly back to the road, bypassing the driveway.

I stared at it for a while wondering - how do you get a victim - against their will - from the carport, towards the woods and manage to get the victim back out of the woods into a vehicle of some type?

Again...we can see that not only did the perp know Holly & the family's schedule, they knew this land - these particular woods - as a hunter or 4-wheeler would know them. "Ins and outs".

Class Schedule from Campus Course Catalogue:

Spring Semester, 2011
Jan. 14, Friday.............................................. Advising
Jan. 17, Monday................Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Jan. 18, Tuesday........Day and Evening Classes Begin
March 7, Monday.... Mid-Term Progress Reports Due
March 14-20, Monday-Sunday...............Spring Break
April 22, Friday...................................... Good Friday
May 2, Monday........................................ Classes End
May 3-4, Tuesday-Wednesday....................Study Days
May 5-11, Thursday-Wednesday...............Final Exams
May 14, Saturday..............................Commencement

So, someone (male) that knew her school schedule, knew her regular class schedule was ending in 2 weeks, knew her parent's schedule, and the woods around her house, would not raise much suspicion if his timing was off/mission failed and he was found on the property by Holly's parents - hunting possibly - has ATV handy, and laid in wait to nab Holly for themselves... :waitasec:

IMO, this is exactly what Holly's father was trying to say the day the family made their only statements. His statement, combined with the family's silence ever since - makes me think the family really does know who did this. That would also explain why they've been so silent...

Of course LE's been through this process of elimination - hopefully the list is very short and they are applying pressure in the right place...

Still trying to understand out how LE has been able to follow tips, apparently successfully, collecting things related to Holly in (seemingly) random places they could not find them so quickly without said tips...

Who is providing these tips? People that also know who did this to Holly?

Just noodling things. So many things to this case that just stick with you and make you believe they should be able to figure this one out.

As we look at this picture, how can they say the brush was so thick the dogs couldnt get in to it they had to be carried?????? It sure does not look that dense to me. Im aware that these pics were taken at anothe rtime but the trees seem to be spaced apart and the underbrush would just be starting to grow back after the winter.

what I found more interesting/useful is that there are plenty of places were you could park not only a pick up or a jeep but just an old beater car. This isnt the Amazon rain forrest here. And you could get fairly close to the house with a vehicle from most directions and still make it back to the main road. I assume since the garage seems enclosed and not used to house cars they park either on the paved area by the front door or perhaps around back (where it looks like there is a white car). I know a lot of houses where the people that live there go in and out the back and park in the back.
Pls forgive me....I can't find the link in previous threads, but I know it's there.

The TBI person, I believe his last name is Helm, told the media to his knowledge
there was only one 911 call and it was from Clint. He advised there was no second 911 call from any neighbor, which would mean there was no scream heard....IMO.

With respect, I have to completely disagree. Even if we postulate that there was not a 911 call about a scream does not mean there was no scream reported by the neighbor.

The scream is absolutely key for LE in this case. I have no doubt the neighbor/reporter of that scream is a critical witness, as critical as Clint. :cow:
As we look at this picture, how can they say the brush was so thick the dogs couldnt get in to it they had to be carried?????? It sure does not look that dense to me. Im aware that these pics were taken at anothe rtime but the trees seem to be spaced apart and the underbrush would just be starting to grow back after the winter.

I live in the eastern part of TN and the woods by our house is easy to walk through in the winter but as soon as everything starts growing back you can hardly walk. I'm guessing it's much the same there.
Just wanted to add to a previous thought .... IMO ... that it's entirely possible the neighbor reporting the scream cared enough about their neighbors to call their neighbors to see if they heard it too.

If I try to think with a rural and small town sensibility - as a neighbor - you'd have to be a first responder even if you called 911 - assuming you cared about your neighbor - you'd do the responsible thing and see if immediate assistance was needed. :cow:
Well for one, based on a photo like this, I could find my way around that property fairly easy without having to spend days and hours casing the house.

Ive been in the woods in FLorida year round. I imagine its very similar. In some ways FL may be more impenetrable in a lot of areas since its swampier, more mangroves, marshes. We live in a wetlands area but you can still get around pretty good. Ive played paintball in the woods here year round. At least TN doesnt have crocodiles and alligators that I know of.
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