I live in the country in TN and am also single. I have taken extra precautions since this abduction, and will continue to do so. I can only pray that they find Holly, and the person responsible!
I would have sent you a private message, but don't know how to do it, and don't even know if I have those privileges.
You don't know how glad I am to hear you say this. I too am a single woman living in the country (Benton County). I moved here from Northern Illinois and have lived here for a year. Up until Holly's disappearance, I felt very safe. I never closed the curtains, left the back door wide open at night, really thought that I could practically walk around naked in my backyard if I wanted to, and nobody would be the wiser.
I wasn't even aware of the SO in Benton County who was arrested on 4/19 for stalking women until I read it here.
I've become VERY uncomfortable - won't even go out to my car after dark. I do NOT like feeling these feelings.
There is something that rings true in ignorance being bliss, and living an oblivious sort of life.......
Thank you for sharing your feelings - I thought it was just me becoming overly paranoid.
I hope that big dogs and a shotgun are enough protection if necessary.
Also, something that keeps coming back to my head is something I learned on the Oprah show - NEVER, EVER let an attacker take you to another location...
Boy, that felt good to get it out there.
For now, I am NOT Happy Bonnie.