TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #30

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A Simple Observation:

Why was everyone, CB, and the neighbor who heard the scream, calling Karen instead of LE or getting a gun and going after them?

There is something here, in my opinion, that doesn't add up AT ALL. Does anyone remember a fund raiser in the beginning where Karen said the money would be used for a "vacation" for Holly? That sure makes a lot of sense.

It seems to be there are so many things left out - on purpose - that none of us know the truth and are wasting our time even bothering to try. All I've seen are half-hearted pleas for her return, some searches which turned up questionable "clues", one of which gave Karen "hope", or made her feel better.

I think something smells here, and people do know what happened, OR Holly will be added to the list of women who have gone missing in Tennessee, never to be heard from again.

I wonder about LE. I wonder about the family. There was/is something in the wind no one will talk about, and if so, it's something they ALL will have to live with.

My opinion only
For those who believe Holly may have been threatened before she was abducted.

Here is a quote from Clint. This may have been a slip. Did they tell Clint later that she was threatened? If so, why?

He corrects himself and adds, "I mean". There is no way he could have known she was threatened whilst she was walking with the perp. Yes, perhaps the blood was an indication that something wasn't right but remember he thought the blood was turkey blood.,0,6800717.story?page=2

I dont take Clint's quote to mean Holly was threatened in the days or weeks prior to the abduction. I understand it to mean that when he first saw her and saw them walking, he didn't know about the blood and that she could have been hurt or threatened by the suspect.
I dont take Clint's quote to mean Holly was threatened in the days or weeks prior to the abduction. I understand it to mean that when he first saw her and saw them walking, he didn't know about the blood and that she could have been hurt or threatened by the suspect.

He said he found out later that she had been threatened. How do you find out when you're the only eye witness?
He said he found out later that she had been threatened. How do you find out when you're the only eye witness?

At times I have really wondered about CB's story, and if maybe he was on drugs or something, but I have been thinking...when I was in the military, I was with a kid that was from rural alabama, and he had the same kind of way of saying things that CB does, I mean at first things didn't make sense just because of the way he worded them, but then you realized that he just used a different from of the English Langauge than us "yankees" or whatever. I think that the CB translation here is "When I saw them walking, everything seemed ok, but later when I saw the blood and the spilled coke can, I understood she had left against her will". I think its kind of how the family approaches this too, if they are deeply religious people, they are more likely to listen to a pastor or something and say "hey, keep quiet and put your faith in God, and trust that he will lead LE to Holly, and in the mean time have a bake sale and save the money for Holly to go on vacation when she gets home". I think this is just so different from what most of us would do that in makes everything seem suspisious. Does that make any sense?
Yes it makes sense if that's what happened but it's not. Even after he saw the blood, he thought it was turkey blood and couldn't understand why "Drew" would take the turkey back into the woods. (I believe that was in the JVM interview).

So when did he find out she was threatened? He saw her casually walking, no gun to her head, no visible weapon, not being dragged. He thought it was Drew all along. Who told him she was threatened. When I find out something, it's usually because someone told me and not something I thought of. KWIM?
hmmmm typing that just made me realize something. If he thought it was a turkey, why did he not see a turkey being carried by the perp? What did he think happened to the turkey?
Yes it makes sense if that's what happened but it's not. Even after he saw the blood, he thought it was turkey blood and couldn't understand why "Drew" would take the turkey back into the woods. (I believe that was in the JVM interview).

So when did he find out she was threatened? He saw her casually walking, no gun to her head, no visible weapon, not being dragged. He thought it was Drew all along. Who told him she was threatened. When I find out something, it's usually because someone told me and not something I thought of. KWIM?

I still think he is talking about the events of that morning... Like once Holly was missing he put 2 and 2 together and realized someone probably had/did hurt or threaten her. The trouble is that most of the statements ANYONE have made have been rather open ended and vague. I do not think Clint means that someone told him that X person had been threatening Holly before her abduction. Besides, if that were the case, how come no one has ever mentioned that? To me IF someone had done that (no evidence) then they would certainly be someone LE would want too look into.

And no I do not believe they know who did this and are hiding it for whatever reason.

I will say this whole case is very frustrating :banghead:
I think you are right on target, I think its entirely probable that the book bag evidence is planted, but I think there is another senerio that is also possible, and that is that the perp leaves the bobo residence in a hurry, possibly because he is alerted by CB..and thus intially has holly in his vehicle front seat with him in an unsecured way for travelling in populated areas, so he takes a series of back roads through the bible hill area and ends up on gooch rd. IMO this is about 10 mins after he leaves the bobo residence..He then stops and secures HB and hides her/say in the trunk or in the back of a pickup truck, and he doesn't know whats in the bag/backpack so he doesn't want her to be alone or risk somebody seeing it in the front seat with him if he is stopped by the police, so he tosses it quickly on the side of the road. Gooch road is pretty isolated spot from the google earth IMO he would feel pretty safe not being seem, and at this point this is the last risk he is taking, and its just to sevure his load and make himself and his vehicle look as normal as possible. I also do thing he might have kept the phone that he could moniter the incoming calls and texts, at least intially.

There is no book bag. There was a lunch bag found.

I am not convinced the lunch bag was planted. My first assumption was that the suspect was driving down the road and tossed it out of the window. I assume LE would consider what side of the road it was found on and at least entertain an idea about what direction the car was travelling if it indeed were thrown from a window.

I think some of the assumption that the bag and possibly other items had been planted may come from the assorted and random locations where items were found. It seems perhaps that you would not normally drive by all those places going in a straight line from point A to B...

No definitive description of what Holly had with her that morning has ever been made public. We know she had a lunch bag and we know she had a phone. At some point LE had asked people to be on the look out for items like you might find in a woman's bag or purse. People assume she had some sort of bag with her but it has not been confirmed.

No details about any jewelry or personal items have been made public that I know of. The description of her clothing was amended some months later when sneakers were replaced with black flip flops.
Thread #30 Round-Up
Missing in Tennessee

Shelly Mook.......273 days
Holly Bobo........229 days
Zaylee Fryar......213 days
Gail Palmgren....208 days
My guess is he "learned" she was "threatened" when they found out for sure the blood was Holly's. But I always feel like I am trying to read Braille without knowing how when trying to determine what any of the Bobos mean when they speak.
hmmmm typing that just made me realize something. If he thought it was a turkey, why did he not see a turkey being carried by the perp? What did he think happened to the turkey?

I thought about that too, but I guess I kind of think from the way he talks that CB would be the last one in the room to get the nub of a joke, so I guess it doesn't bother me to much.
There is no book bag. There was a lunch bag found.

I am not convinced the lunch bag was planted. My first assumption was that the suspect was driving down the road and tossed it out of the window. I assume LE would consider what side of the road it was found on and at least entertain an idea about what direction the car was travelling if it indeed were thrown from a window.

I think some of the assumption that the bag and possibly other items had been planted may come from the assorted and random locations where items were found. It seems perhaps that you would not normally drive by all those places going in a straight line from point A to B...

No definitive description of what Holly had with her that morning has ever been made public. We know she had a lunch bag and we know she had a phone. At some point LE had asked people to be on the look out for items like you might find in a woman's bag or purse. People assume she had some sort of bag with her but it has not been confirmed.

No details about any jewelry or personal items have been made public that I know of. The description of her clothing was amended some months later when sneakers were replaced with black flip flops.

Right, no book bag that we know of..I was more so speaking hypothically. I don't think its very likely that any of the evidence is planted..I have always though that the places where the evidence where found do make sense, and that although I agree its a mystery how Holly was taken along with her things, I think its just the kind of thing that would happen, and that after escaping the crime scene and getting to a remote/quiet place some distance away(gooch rd), the perp would put everything into order, organize so that nothing would look out of the ordinary. During the escape, the lunchbag gets taken along somehow, so he ditch's it. The phone he either ditches first, or he keeps it for a while to monitor calls and texts, so that he can have an idea whats going on. Either way...I think thats the most likely senerio. If the evidence is planted...what's the point. Why not plant it out in the desert of west Texas or something, so that people would think, Hey the perp is from Texas, what does planting it on gooch road or the concrete plant buy the person who put it there, nothing in my opinion, except to get it out of his/her vehicle so that if cops stop him he doesn't look suspisious.
Yeah somehow I don't see the suspect going around like the Easter Bunny leaving evidence here and there. After all, even if planted its still evidence and indication the suspect was there at some point. If you leave NOTHING then there is no reason to know the suspect had even been there. I always wonder why suspects throw items away or don't dispose of them properly. I mean like how hard would it be to get rid of a bag versus throwing it out a car window. Same with a phone, purse, clothes, etc. that cops usually find in various cases.
Right, no book bag that we know of..I was more so speaking hypothically. I don't think its very likely that any of the evidence is planted..I have always though that the places where the evidence where found do make sense, and that although I agree its a mystery how Holly was taken along with her things, I think its just the kind of thing that would happen, and that after escaping the crime scene and getting to a remote/quiet place some distance away(gooch rd), the perp would put everything into order, organize so that nothing would look out of the ordinary. During the escape, the lunchbag gets taken along somehow, so he ditch's it. The phone he either ditches first, or he keeps it for a while to monitor calls and texts, so that he can have an idea whats going on. Either way...I think thats the most likely senerio. If the evidence is planted...what's the point. Why not plant it out in the desert of west Texas or something, so that people would think, Hey the perp is from Texas, what does planting it on gooch road or the concrete plant buy the person who put it there, nothing in my opinion, except to get it out of his/her vehicle so that if cops stop him he doesn't look suspisious.
Let us first agree that we do not know the condition of the items found, therefore it is all speculation. If for example the lunchbag looked in good shape two days after the abduction, chances are it was not there the whole time. Or if the phone was found in good shape, it would be hard to imagine somebody throwing a phone from their vehicle and it staying intact almost two weeks later. With that said, IMO it is still hard to see how that evidence was not planted with some type of intention in mind. The supposed Easter find was found in an area already searched, or at the very least EXTREMELY close to AREAS that had already been searched.. The perp seems to have had plenty of time to make HB leave her things at her home, it would be hard for him to not notice a lunchbag/bookbag on HB. As something to consider, and Mr. Noatak also brought this up not very long ago, if the perp has HB in his vehicle with him, what is the point of tossing out her items at that time? And if HB is still with him, does it make any sense for him to stop at a given location, say the middle of gooch road for example (not very far from other homes at a time when people are quickly heading toward the Bobo home), and toss out her lunchbag but take her and her other items with him? If that was the case, don't you think EVERYTHING HB had at that time would be found in one spot?
Also, I get the impression from this post that you feel the perp did not have a plan for escaping with HB, because you are attributing many things to the perp having no foresight and just making it up as he goes along. And the point of planting evidence, well that could be a few reasons. To mislead a search direction, to frame somebody else, to create a false trail after the fact (something a local may try to do, especially aiming the items toward the highway from the spot of the abduction), specifically to this case the perp may have used the woods to escape and later planted her items on paved roads that would take you toward the town and I'm sure we could brainstorm some other reasons if we wanted. Also, many times in a stranger abduction scenario the victim's items get dumped ASAP, usually together, to be done with them and give no directionality. HB items seems to have been scattered around, like somebody was trying to mix and match and hope people would get confused.
In conclusion, it makes little sense to me that the abductor would dump THINGS as he goes along the path he took to escape the area, it would slow him down and would also give directionality.
Let us first agree that we do not know the condition of the items found, therefore it is all speculation. If for example the lunchbag looked in good shape two days after the abduction, chances are it was not there the whole time. Or if the phone was found in good shape, it would be hard to imagine somebody throwing a phone from their vehicle and it staying intact almost two weeks later. With that said, IMO it is still hard to see how that evidence was not planted with some type of intention in mind. The supposed Easter find was found in an area already searched, or at the very least EXTREMELY close to AREAS that had already been searched.. The perp seems to have had plenty of time to make HB leave her things at her home, it would be hard for him to not notice a lunchbag/bookbag on HB. As something to consider, and Mr. Noatak also brought this up not very long ago, if the perp has HB in his vehicle with him, what is the point of tossing out her items at that time? And if HB is still with him, does it make any sense for him to stop at a given location, say the middle of gooch road for example (not very far from other homes at a time when people are quickly heading toward the Bobo home), and toss out her lunchbag but take her and her other items with him? If that was the case, don't you think EVERYTHING HB had at that time would be found in one spot?
Also, I get the impression from this post that you feel the perp did not have a plan for escaping with HB, because you are attributing many things to the perp having no foresight and just making it up as he goes along. And the point of planting evidence, well that could be a few reasons. To mislead a search direction, to frame somebody else, to create a false trail after the fact (something a local may try to do, especially aiming the items toward the highway from the spot of the abduction), specifically to this case the perp may have used the woods to escape and later planted her items on paved roads that would take you toward the town and I'm sure we could brainstorm some other reasons if we wanted. Also, many times in a stranger abduction scenario the victim's items get dumped ASAP, usually together, to be done with them and give no directionality. HB items seems to have been scattered around, like somebody was trying to mix and match and hope people would get confused.
In conclusion, it makes little sense to me that the abductor would dump THINGS as he goes along the path he took to escape the area, it would slow him down and would also give directionality.

I don't see how you could have a "plan" per say, I mean you could have a general idea, like go north on Swan Johnson, but I feel like with most plans, as soon as the perp takes the first step towards the woods with Holly, or really from the first confrontation with her, the plan is out the window, and you just do whatever it takes to acomplish your goal..but the guideline you follow is to always be careful, and to not attract attention..etc.
I always liked the idea that the perp travels from the Bobo residence on Swan Johnson directly to highway 69(I think it is) to the area of concrete plant on eaton rd. and and throws away the phone first because he/she knows that it can be traced. The reason I think this is that its a direct route, and it gets you onto a well traveled road where you blend in better. I mean if your travelling around the back roads of bible hill and you pass a sheriff, the word is out, your more likely to get stopped, but if your traveling on highway 69 your basically just in traffic, and also it gives you a better chance if you have to run. Then the perp heads north, away from the crime scene, my guess is he had the interstate in mind and putting some real distance betweeen them fast, but at the last minute, he realizes its possble that there is a roadblock, or checkpoint maybe set up at the interstate. He can't take a chance, so he pulls off 69, and quickly gets to the gooch rd location where he feels comfortable enought to put things in order, at least enough to pass a quick roadside inspection or traffic stop...then he books to I 40, and is gone, before LE at the bobo's is really even got a good grasp of what happened.
As far as Carla's comment, I have always though in most cases throwing stuff out the window is to unpredictable, its more likely to end up in the middle of the road..I mean the Manson Family throws the gun and the clothes from the Sharon Tate Murder out the window, but there its out the window and down the side of a cliff..I think the Perp in this case tossed the phone and stopped at the gooch road location.
Let us first agree that we do not know the condition of the items found, therefore it is all speculation. If for example the lunchbag looked in good shape two days after the abduction, chances are it was not there the whole time. Or if the phone was found in good shape, it would be hard to imagine somebody throwing a phone from their vehicle and it staying intact almost two weeks later. With that said, IMO it is still hard to see how that evidence was not planted with some type of intention in mind. The supposed Easter find was found in an area already searched, or at the very least EXTREMELY close to AREAS that had already been searched.. The perp seems to have had plenty of time to make HB leave her things at her home, it would be hard for him to not notice a lunchbag/bookbag on HB. As something to consider, and Mr. Noatak also brought this up not very long ago, if the perp has HB in his vehicle with him, what is the point of tossing out her items at that time? And if HB is still with him, does it make any sense for him to stop at a given location, say the middle of gooch road for example (not very far from other homes at a time when people are quickly heading toward the Bobo home), and toss out her lunchbag but take her and her other items with him? If that was the case, don't you think EVERYTHING HB had at that time would be found in one spot?
Also, I get the impression from this post that you feel the perp did not have a plan for escaping with HB, because you are attributing many things to the perp having no foresight and just making it up as he goes along. And the point of planting evidence, well that could be a few reasons. To mislead a search direction, to frame somebody else, to create a false trail after the fact (something a local may try to do, especially aiming the items toward the highway from the spot of the abduction), specifically to this case the perp may have used the woods to escape and later planted her items on paved roads that would take you toward the town and I'm sure we could brainstorm some other reasons if we wanted. Also, many times in a stranger abduction scenario the victim's items get dumped ASAP, usually together, to be done with them and give no directionality. HB items seems to have been scattered around, like somebody was trying to mix and match and hope people would get confused.
In conclusion, it makes little sense to me that the abductor would dump THINGS as he goes along the path he took to escape the area, it would slow him down and would also give directionality.

And as someone mentioned before, it might be done to taunt police. If this was a very young perpetrator, as I feel it is, I could see some cocky young guy phoning in an anonymous tip on Easter. As if to say to LE, go look for this evidence like hunting for Easter eggs. I tend not to gravitate toward TV/CSI-like motives and methods, but I could see a teenager or 20-something doing this.
And as someone mentioned before, it might be done to taunt police. If this was a very young perpetrator, as I feel it is, I could see some cocky young guy phoning in an anonymous tip on Easter. As if to say to LE, go look for this evidence like hunting for Easter eggs. I tend not to gravitate toward TV/CSI-like motives and methods, but I could see a teenager or 20-something doing this.

Thats an interesting thought. I wonder why KB was so relieved.
Thats an interesting thought. I wonder why KB was so relieved.

Not picking on you, but can someone please give a link to her saying she was so relieved? I do not recall that at all...I do recall her saying she was "grateful" or "thankful" on Easter, meaning toward the searchers, and maybe even "hopeful" but I can't find "relieved" anywhere. JMO
Another point that bugs me (among dozens in this case) is why not issue descriptions and possibly even photos of any items still missing that Holly may have been carrying that day? Whose to say that someone not from the local area might be hunting there in the woods one day and come across a book or a brush or something, and not bother to report it, since there has not been any publiity about what is still missing? Shouldn't all the items not found be on the "Missing" poster info and flyers? Why so many secrets about what has been found, or not found?
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