TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden; believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #33

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I hope this is okay to post. If not, mods, feel free to delete.

I saw that on June 1 DS's brother (whose initials are also DS) posted a picture of himself, Drew and their mom. In the picture, their mom is wearing a Holly Bobo shirt. The profile is public, so anyone can see it.

Just wanted to mention this since it's a statement of support from the bf's family, and there's been a lot said about how he and his family haven't seemed to say or do much that we know of related to the case.

I guess it is worth mentioning, though, that it was the mom and not Drew who was wearing the shirt, but it was a shirt with a girly pattern, so that probably means nothing. Still, though, I wish Drew would make a public statement.
I hope this is okay to post. If not, mods, feel free to delete.

I saw that on June 1 DS's brother (whose initials are also DS) posted a picture of himself, Drew and their mom. In the picture, their mom is wearing a Holly Bobo shirt. The profile is public, so anyone can see it.

Just wanted to mention this since it's a statement of support from the bf's family, and there's been a lot said about how he and his family haven't seemed to say or do much that we know of related to the case.

I guess it is worth mentioning, though, that it was the mom and not Drew who was wearing the shirt, but it was a shirt with a girly pattern, so that probably means nothing. Still, though, I wish Drew would make a public statement.

His mom is very pretty.

The tshirt says "Still Waiting for Holly Bobo". I thought that was very odd. Normally they have a photo of the missing person with Please Help Find or something along those lines. The tshirt she's wearing doesn't have a photo of Holly on the front. Perhaps on the back, IDK.

Still. Weird wording, imo.
My guess is LE doesn't want the tape released because it is prejudicial to the family. No other scenario fits.

or there is no 911 call from anyone but the neighbour? We know Clint was about to call 911 when the neighbour showed up but I don't think he ever did. As for Karen, perhaps she called the school and everyone else but not 911 thinking perhaps Clint or the neighbour called? If that emergency system was triggered, perhaps nobody called 911 but the neighbour.

Sorry I don't recall what the system is called but it was posted here by a local.
driving to my daughters wedding in gatlinburg. We passed an indian bureau of investigation command center mobile unit. I'd never seen one b4. iare they searching in tn today?
I totally agree Wishuwerehere. If there was some sort of terrible accident then that would explain Karen's reaction to the phone call. First thought that comes to mind is she was accidentally shot but not enough blood and no gunshot was reported. What other accident scenarios could there be in which Holly died with just a small amount of blood?

When the blood was first discussed there was word that there was splatter found on the lawn (that tells me out front of the house). Later Clint claims blood in the "garage" where they were kneeling. Later it was described as a small puddle.

A small puddle conjures up (for me) a severe wound...that came from a wound free of clothing. It had to be dripping and she wasn't moving when it was.

I suspect there was more blood than what was mentioned. LE won't say, as usual.

I'm out here with the Sierra Lamar case and LE tells much info about what they find. This whole rural TN thing drives me crazy. If they wanted help, LE would share. They don't want help. They want it to go away. I think they know who did it...and I don't think Holly is alive.
When the blood was first discussed there was word that there was splatter found on the lawn (that tells me out front of the house). Later Clint claims blood in the "garage" where they were kneeling. Later it was described as a small puddle.

A small puddle conjures up (for me) a severe wound...that came from a wound free of clothing. It had to be dripping and she wasn't moving when it was.

I suspect there was more blood than what was mentioned. LE won't say, as usual.

I'm out here with the Sierra Lamar case and LE tells much info about what they find. This whole rural TN thing drives me crazy. If they wanted help, LE would share. They don't want help. They want it to go away. I think they know who did it...and I don't think Holly is alive.

Unfortunately, I don't think she is alive either. During the 20-30 minute "abduction" there could have been time for someone to transport Holly's body.
Wonder if they ever had cadaver dogs on the property?
Alright, this more than anything else confirms for me that something is weird.

I noticed that a particular Holly Bobo Facebook page hadn't posted any updates for a while. I searched for the page and realized that EVERY HB-related page was taken down.

I know one of the ladies who ran one of the pages, and I asked her what happened to the page. She told me that the Bobo family asked that all Holly-related pages be taken down, because there were no updates to post.

WHAT?! How do they know there won't be updates in the future? Why wouldn't they want those pages up in the event that there are more searches organized, more information that comes in, or more information to pass on to the public? What can it hurt to have those pages up with information on how the public can pass on tips?

I just can't fathom a family asking for all pages relating to their missing child to be removed, but that's what she told me.
His mom is very pretty.

The tshirt says "Still Waiting for Holly Bobo". I thought that was very odd. Normally they have a photo of the missing person with Please Help Find or something along those lines. The tshirt she's wearing doesn't have a photo of Holly on the front. Perhaps on the back, IDK.

Still. Weird wording, imo.

Good catch. I actually couldn't read the rest of the wording on the shirt, so I hadn't noticed that. You're right, that's odd...
Alright, this more than anything else confirms for me that something is weird.

I noticed that a particular Holly Bobo Facebook page hadn't posted any updates for a while. I searched for the page and realized that EVERY HB-related page was taken down.

I know one of the ladies who ran one of the pages, and I asked her what happened to the page. She told me that the Bobo family asked that all Holly-related pages be taken down, because there were no updates to post.

WHAT?! How do they know there won't be updates in the future? Why wouldn't they want those pages up in the event that there are more searches organized, more information that comes in, or more information to pass on to the public? What can it hurt to have those pages up with information on how the public can pass on tips?

I just can't fathom a family asking for all pages relating to their missing child to be removed, but that's what she told me.

IMHO a family asks that webpages of their missing loved one be taken down because they do not want any more scrutiny on a painful family situation. The painful family situation could be anything - as unique as individual families are. But my guess is that it involves some sort of internal family crisis or longtime dysfunction that is too traumatic for them to reveal, perhaps even to themselves. And I am not casting stones. I believe EVERY family has some kind of dysfunction - mine included. Some of us are in such deep denial we truly don't see it especially when it is closest to us, God bless us all.
His mom is very pretty.

The tshirt says "Still Waiting for Holly Bobo". I thought that was very odd. Normally they have a photo of the missing person with Please Help Find or something along those lines. The tshirt she's wearing doesn't have a photo of Holly on the front. Perhaps on the back, IDK.

Still. Weird wording, imo.

Very weird wording, I agree. I think it implies that HB herself has the ability to show up to end the waiting. It could also be a subtle but pointed dig at the whole situation. This is all specuation of course, and others may make something else of those 4 words. But I think it is a significant comment from a person who no doubt knows more than we do about that morning, and the days and weeks leading up to it.
I belong to a Holly Bobo group on FB and its still active. There isnt much info, but it hasn't been taken down. Actually I belong to a couple pages on there. I know at least one that did have some involvement with the family also had a huge struggle with trolling, abuse, etc. and the people that started the page quite after it had been hacked. There are at least 10 Holly Bobo FB pages as of today
I belong to a Holly Bobo group on FB and its still active. There isnt much info, but it hasn't been taken down. Actually I belong to a couple pages on there. I know at least one that did have some involvement with the family also had a huge struggle with trolling, abuse, etc. and the people that started the page quite after it had been hacked. There are at least 10 Holly Bobo FB pages as of today

Interesting. I still can't find any of them. I was a member of three. The particular page I referenced was not taken down because of trolling or hacking. I know that the admins had contact with the Bobo family, because it was the same group that tried to organize a fundraiser that was called off after the Bobos requested it. There were some hurt feelings for a while after that, because KB said they "had everything they needed". But basically the family did ask them to take down the page because "there were no updates to post".
Alright, this more than anything else confirms for me that something is weird.

I noticed that a particular Holly Bobo Facebook page hadn't posted any updates for a while. I searched for the page and realized that EVERY HB-related page was taken down.

I know one of the ladies who ran one of the pages, and I asked her what happened to the page. She told me that the Bobo family asked that all Holly-related pages be taken down, because there were no updates to post.

WHAT?! How do they know there won't be updates in the future? Why wouldn't they want those pages up in the event that there are more searches organized, more information that comes in, or more information to pass on to the public? What can it hurt to have those pages up with information on how the public can pass on tips?

I just can't fathom a family asking for all pages relating to their missing child to be removed, but that's what she told me.

This page is still active:

Thanks. That's one I hadn't seen before. All I know is what I was told. Maybe she didn't literally mean ALL pages (although that's what she wrote), or maybe KB couldn't reach the admins of some of the pages. Although the woman I talked to did say "all", I'll just stick to the point for now that KB at least asked her to take down her page, which was one of the main ones, and the reason she gave was that "there were no updates to post". I'll stop talking about it now, but I just thought that was odd.
When the blood was first discussed there was word that there was splatter found on the lawn (that tells me out front of the house). Later Clint claims blood in the "garage" where they were kneeling. Later it was described as a small puddle.

A small puddle conjures up (for me) a severe wound...that came from a wound free of clothing. It had to be dripping and she wasn't moving when it was.

I suspect there was more blood than what was mentioned. LE won't say, as usual.

I'm out here with the Sierra Lamar case and LE tells much info about what they find. This whole rural TN thing drives me crazy. If they wanted help, LE would share. They don't want help. They want it to go away. I think they know who did it...and I don't think Holly is alive.

I think you are probably right!
To add ```I think the reward is bogus they know no one will come forward to claim it....No one else saw what happend. No one else knows tiddly squat!

And i dont think Holly is alive!

Thanks. That's one I hadn't seen before. All I know is what I was told. Maybe she didn't literally mean ALL pages (although that's what she wrote), or maybe KB couldn't reach the admins of some of the pages. Although the woman I talked to did say "all", I'll just stick to the point for now that KB at least asked her to take down her page, which was one of the main ones, and the reason she gave was that "there were no updates to post". I'll stop talking about it now, but I just thought that was odd.

It's ok, it's the only one I've ever "liked". Although I did search "Holly Bobo" & found these: (this one has over 23,000 likes)

I guess it just seems strange to me that the Bobo family, who hasn't talked to anyone recently, would ask someone to remove a FB page?
It's ok, it's the only one I've ever "liked". Although I did search "Holly Bobo" & found these: (this one has over 23,000 likes)

I guess it just seems strange to me that the Bobo family, who hasn't talked to anyone recently, would ask someone to remove a FB page?

She told me they removed it quite a while ago. I had stopped following the FB pages and just checked WS for my updates, so I didn't notice. I agree that that seems strange, but I think this probably happened around the time when this particular FB group was planning a fundraiser that the Bobos asked them to cancel. It may have happened within the same conversation. I was just late to find out.

ETA: And that really was a loooong time ago. I don't remember when that fundraiser was scheduled, but I don't even think it was within the last 6 months (could be wrong).
She told me they removed it quite a while ago. I had stopped following the FB pages and just checked WS for my updates, so I didn't notice. I agree that that seems strange, but I think this probably happened around the time when this particular FB group was planning a fundraiser that the Bobos asked them to cancel. It may have happened within the same conversation. I was just late to find out.

ETA: And that really was a loooong time ago. I don't remember when that fundraiser was scheduled, but I don't even think it was within the last 6 months (could be wrong).


Ahh I see. I thought this was recently.
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