TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - # 9

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willnunley Will Nunley
Family to Sheriff: "do whatever it takes to bring her home" #hollybobo

willnunley Will Nunley
Sheriff spends time talking with family today, and will share a special message during tonight's prayer service. #hollybobo #teamholly

willnunley Will Nunley
Multiple Churches setup large stage for tonights 7:30 Community Vigil #hollybobo

willnunley Will Nunley
Candle sticks, similar to these, requested for tonight's prayer vigil. #hollybobo!/willnunley
Gotta go do offline stuff. Hopefully when I return Holly is home and the healing has begun.

Reporter asks where investigation is headed on Day 5.
“Well, we have over 250 leads, um, that we’re looking at. Uh, we also have a good bit of evidence that’s being analyzed at the TBI crime lab right now, and we’ve also engaged the community, uh, and asked for their support and their help. Uh, so I think we’re on the right track. Uh, it’s just gonna take for something to come in, uh, and really take us to the next level in the investigation.”
Reporter asks about conflicting reports that she was dragged to woods or walked to woods.
“Well, we don’t believe that Holly was dragged into the woods, we, we think based on, uh, her brother, who is the only witness, that she walked into the woods. Uh, as far as the suspects, uh, we have not eliminated anyone, um, from this investigation. Uh, obviously there are people that are, that we feel are witnesses, and we’ve treated as such, uh, but we have not eliminated anyone, and that’s why we ask the community to really look amongst themselves. Uh, this is a very rural area, a very wooded area, and someone would have had to known how to navigate around the area. Uh, either a hunter or a resident or something of that nature in order to be able to, uh, in order to enter and exit, uh, like they did.”Reporter asks if that means that brother and bf are still suspects:
“There is nobody been ruled out of this investigation. We have not, uh, got tunnel vision, uh, and, and, ruled anybody out. Uh, everybody, at this point, based on the su-, evidence that we have, based on the leads that we have, could potentially be a subject.
Reporter asks if varying eyewitness testimonies affect the chances of finding Holly:
“Well, you know, obviously, we would like to have, um, uh, s-, all of your witnesses and eyewitnesses give you the same story, in a perfect world. But that rarely happens, so, basically what you have to do is take all your evidence, collect it, analyze it, and you’ve got to take the evidence, where, uh, you’ve got to take the investigation where the evidence is going to lead you.”

And this is why I say beware the sound bite. And I would like to add, even here, where the media has reported his statement as "everyone could be a suspect," that is not even the word that he used. He used the word "subject"...not a lot of difference, but it does make me wonder if maybe our reliable mass media doesn't sometimes hear what they want to hear.


"in order to enter and exit"........did anyone else catch they have an entrance and exit point for the abductor???

Sorry if this has been discussed, but trying to catch up and spend time in the darn basement!!


Okay, leaving in a minute:
This is what I cannot figure out. Holly does not meet AA criteria.
Who Operates the Amber Alert Program in Tennessee?
The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation oversees the Amber Alert program for the state. This agency determines whether or not to issue an Amber Alert for a missing child. While the TBI generally adheres to the Department of Justice guidelines for issuing an alert, they have their own set of criteria:
TBI will issue an AMBER Alert when requested by a law enforcement agency when the following conditions are met:

1) Accurate information on at least one of the following:
Description of child
Description of suspect
Description of vehicle

2) Child must be 17 years of age or younger

3) A belief that the child is in imminent danger of bodily injury or death such as:
The missing child is believed to be out of the zone of safety for his or her age and development stage.
The missing child is drug dependent, on prescribed medication and/or illegal substances, and the dependency is potentially life threatening.
The missing child has been absent from the home for more than 24 hours before the incident was reported to the police.
It is believed that the missing child is in a life-threatening situation.
It is believed that the missing child is in the company of adults who could endanger his or her welfare.
Probably just knowing his way around the area, small roads, back roads and trails.
IMO absolutely nothing of any accuracy can be discerned from what has been "reported" that the brother said or didn't say to the dispatcher[i.e. stating it was a home invasion as some believe..] or what the brother did or did not say about the entire events that took place one week ago today..IMO the reason why is because this is being said by news media outlets..which from my experience basically means that one news media source/site/print made the statements "about" what Clint supposedly said did or did not happen that morning and from there[one news media outlets]decision to make public these statements that IMO in reality who knows exactly where they came from because to my knowledge the brother Clint has not given any news media outlet an interview or statement to them about the events of that morning nor has any recordings of the 911 call been released to the media/public]..

thus leading to my point which is the accuracy of the reporting that goes on in these type cases[esp. in small rural towns that have had zero experience with this type of high profile case that they are reporting on]is spotty at best..especially in the early stages of a case[following cases on WS would be evidence of this as many of us have seen]but IMO its as if one news media outlet makes this decision to report to the public "about" what Clint stated happened and all other news media outlets seem to immediately follow suit and then they all are reporting these statements "about" Clint's statements[hope that made sense]..

So IMO we really cannot make decisions on Clint's actions..reactions..etc on that morning because basically we have no concrete..accurate "statements" from Clint about what happened that morning[and I am not attempting to speak for anyone but myself in stating "we" cannot accurately gauge his motives..actions..etc..strictly MOO]

I understand what you are saying! But !!!! LOL Look at all the missing cases we sit and read here on websluths, Im sure every one of you are on at least 3 other threads here from Hailey Dunn, Haleigh Cummings, Kyron Horman, etc etc,
I cant ever remember MSM being this messed up they usually have to confirm
everything before it is let out to the public. And they have kept us abreast in all these cases.

This one is diff Why??

I honestly believe its been reported as it happend but after talking too the
person again they decided to edit it a bit... he may have exagerated in his first
phone call or his first interview and after the fact it came out a bit diff.

I only hope they can bring Holly home!

"in order to enter and exit"........did anyone else catch they have an entrance and exit point for the abductor???

Sorry if this has been discussed, but trying to catch up and spend time in the darn basement!!



Yes, I noticed this too. The brother could see her walked into the woods, but would not know the exit. I think they know how he got in and out. Personally, I think that means she is somewhere else and not in the woods. But my opinion is subject to change.
"On behalf of Perry County, Sheriff Tommy Hickerson committed resources to the Decatur County Sheriffs Office Task Force to assist in the Amber Alert on Ms. Holly Bobo."

Question: What are the guidelines for an Amber Alert in Tennessee? I thought that you needed a vehicle description? HMMMMM

I'd like to know as well because it certainly seems to be different state to to city..county to to what the exact rules and regulations are with the Amber Alert prerequisites and IMO it is more than a little frustrating at the lack of consistency in these "must haves" in order to get an Amber Alert issued[I can only imagine how the fam members of the missing children that are denied their child to be even put on the Amber Alert]..

ETA: I was also under the impression that Amber ALert was a system of notification used for missing "children" and not used for adults..So why does an adult such as Holly get an Amber Alert but not the other young woman who disappeared a month ago+ from Tennessee whose car was found burning several hours after her last being seen[sorry her name escapes me at the moment]..

I just don't understand?:waitasec:
Meanwhile, the TBI been testing the blood found on the carport outside her home and we learned those test results are back in on Wednesday afternoon. But the TBI is not saying whose blood it is or why.

So LE got the blood test results back today. And this from Twitter!/willnunley

Per THP via nunley: No public volunteers needed tomorrow as investigators "regroup" and explore new leads.
Okay, leaving in a minute:
This is what I cannot figure out. Holly does not meet AA criteria.
Who Operates the Amber Alert Program in Tennessee?
The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation oversees the Amber Alert program for the state. This agency determines whether or not to issue an Amber Alert for a missing child. While the TBI generally adheres to the Department of Justice guidelines for issuing an alert, they have their own set of criteria:
TBI will issue an AMBER Alert when requested by a law enforcement agency when the following conditions are met:

1) Accurate information on at least one of the following:
Description of child
Description of suspect
Description of vehicle

2) Child must be 17 years of age or younger

3) A belief that the child is in imminent danger of bodily injury or death such as:
The missing child is believed to be out of the zone of safety for his or her age and development stage.
The missing child is drug dependent, on prescribed medication and/or illegal substances, and the dependency is potentially life threatening.
The missing child has been absent from the home for more than 24 hours before the incident was reported to the police.
It is believed that the missing child is in a life-threatening situation.
It is believed that the missing child is in the company of adults who could endanger his or her welfare.

I suppose #1a fits and #3. But I have really cried over the number of children that have not been given this status.... due to no discription of perp or veh. Not complaining that Holly got attention, but still lamenting the loss of so many others.
I'd like to know as well because it certainly seems to be different state to to city..county to to what the exact rules and regulations are with the Amber Alert prerequisites and IMO it is more than a little frustrating at the lack of consistency in these "must haves" in order to get an Amber Alert issued[I can only imagine how the fam members of the missing children that are denied their child to be even put on the Amber Alert]..

ETA: I was also under the impression that Amber ALert was a system of notification used for missing "children" and not used for adults..So why does an adult such as Holly get an Amber Alert but not the other young woman who disappeared a month ago+ from Tennessee whose car was found burning several hours after her last being seen[sorry her name escapes me at the moment]..

I just don't understand?:waitasec:
Me niether. The TN guidelines I posted above.
Holly is not under 17.
She had not been missing for more than 24 hours before the report was made...Don't get me wrong. i'm glad that she is getting exposure. But why thru the AA and the NCMEC. All too often we hear that AA's are not issued because LE is worried about desentizing the public. What's their excuse for doing it now?

ETA: Unless they really had strong reason to believe that she would be out in public...Hmmm.
I hope after searches are called off during the day a couple of searchers decided they want to look for evidence some more.

That's how they found Jodi Sanderholm.
I'd like to know as well because it certainly seems to be different state to to city..county to to what the exact rules and regulations are with the Amber Alert prerequisites and IMO it is more than a little frustrating at the lack of consistency in these "must haves" in order to get an Amber Alert issued[I can only imagine how the fam members of the missing children that are denied their child to be even put on the Amber Alert]..

ETA: I was also under the impression that Amber ALert was a system of notification used for missing "children" and not used for adults..So why does an adult such as Holly get an Amber Alert but not the other young woman who disappeared a month ago+ from Tennessee whose car was found burning several hours after her last being seen[sorry her name escapes me at the moment]..

I just don't understand?:waitasec:

I believe they can be up to 21 years of age if they think the child or young adult is in a life threatening situation....

Why they did it here and not for others i cant figure out nor the fact the state gave 50 thou. What is going on here?
I'd like to know as well because it certainly seems to be different state to to city..county to to what the exact rules and regulations are with the Amber Alert prerequisites and IMO it is more than a little frustrating at the lack of consistency in these "must haves" in order to get an Amber Alert issued[I can only imagine how the fam members of the missing children that are denied their child to be even put on the Amber Alert]..

ETA: I was also under the impression that Amber ALert was a system of notification used for missing "children" and not used for adults..So why does an adult such as Holly get an Amber Alert but not the other young woman who disappeared a month ago+ from Tennessee whose car was found burning several hours after her last being seen[sorry her name escapes me at the moment]..

I just don't understand?:waitasec:

Shelley Mook is the missing woman whose car was found burning and I agree with you that I don't understand the criteria for an AA in TN.

"in order to enter and exit"........did anyone else catch they have an entrance and exit point for the abductor???

Sorry if this has been discussed, but trying to catch up and spend time in the darn basement!!



I honestly don't think it's a big deal.

They know that the perp entered because Holly is gone, and her brother saw them.

They know that the perp exited because they can't find him or Holly.

I don't think it means that they know where they entered and/or exited, just that they know that they entered and exited.
I believe they can be up to 21 years of age if they think the child or young adult is in a life threatening situation....

Why they did it here and not for others i cant figure out nor the fact the state gave 50 thou. What is going on here?

You're half right, but both federal and TN criteria say 17.
I'd like to know as well because it certainly seems to be different state to to city..county to to what the exact rules and regulations are with the Amber Alert prerequisites and IMO it is more than a little frustrating at the lack of consistency in these "must haves" in order to get an Amber Alert issued[I can only imagine how the fam members of the missing children that are denied their child to be even put on the Amber Alert]..

ETA: I was also under the impression that Amber ALert was a system of notification used for missing "children" and not used for adults..So why does an adult such as Holly get an Amber Alert but not the other young woman who disappeared a month ago+ from Tennessee whose car was found burning several hours after her last being seen[sorry her name escapes me at the moment]..

I just don't understand?:waitasec:

Really good question. This was brought up yesterday on WS's and it seems exceptions can be made to include minors under 21yrs. So it seems exceptions were made along with an additional 50K from state government. I fear there will be a backlash down the road because if you do it for one then it should be done for all. I'm glad this was done for Holly, but at the same time, if I had a missing or murdered child at some point in the past in TN, I would be wanting to know why this wasn't also done for my child. No disrespect here, but perhaps a legitimate concern other victims families may have.
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