TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - # 9

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SARX, I always appreciate your insight. I haven't been able to read every post so if you've already given any opinions on what happened I apologize for asking, but would you share any thoughts you have? TIA
Thanks for the kind words.
My thoughts mesh with a lot that are already on here.
I think it's someone she knows peripherally. Right now I don't think it's an X or anyone that close to her, but I could be wrong, heck I could be wrong about all of it. I think it was planned, hence the getaway without being noticed. I don't think he was expecting to be seen by the brother. I think the dogs lost the trail because they were not trained for car trailing and they got in a vehicle. I think that the evidence found may have been planted and that the direction of actual travel may be completely the other direction. I think he is infatuated with her and she may very well still be alive. I think with enough digging LE will figure out who he is. He watched her, he may have interacted with her via computer/cell/etc. I think that he has been involved in the search efforts at the minimum he has been following them. I think LE has way more evidence than they are leading onto (tire tracks, shoe prints, dna, etc). I think that while massive amounts of searchers is heart warming it needs to be controlled very tightly, and I'm not sure that has been happening. A yellow pad that you right your name down on is not enough and they should be being broken into teams led by experienced SAR or at bare minimum off duty LE, military, etc. That is just too many people going every which way. I hope that they used them to do a line search, but I fear that they just went off into the woods and may have trampled on very crucial evidence. Hope not.... Not sure any of that is particularly helpful, but there it is. I've sent in a few tips to TBI, needless to say I'm following this one closely and hoping for a good outcome. I need a positive ending to a case, badly.
I'm just going to put this out there.. IMO it is only logical that th eblood spot would be Holly's blood..IMO others think it's likely that it is NOT Holly's?[am just trying to get a gauge on what people feel is most likely the case?..Holly's blood or perp's blood?

One would assume IMO that it would be Holly's as she was the one that was being abducted and number 2 I feel that if it wasn;t Holly's blood that we would hae definitely heard that they are doing immediate DNA testing on all those involved[of course starting with family and most likely boyfriend]..I'm certain it would be asked to be done by those voluntarily and then if there is refusal to have the cheek swabbed for their DNA..well.. that would indicate a red flag IMO as well as LE going thru necessary steps to receive permission through the courts to have the individual DNA tested..IMO..

But what I was wanting to "put out there" is that as I said IMO most likely it is Holly's blood so this makes me question the actual visual that has been reported that was seen by the brother of Holly being led into the woods with the mystery man in camo.. Meaning if this blood is Holly's[indicative of some type of injury]that all the more I now do not believe that there was a visual made by brother of Holly being led into the woods..Again because not only the fact that I believe Clint would have made the 911 call earlier due to I don't care if he did believe it was her boyfriend that was leading her off into the woods..regardless this would not be normal but rather abnormal esp. considering she was en route to her car to leave for class..but now upon thinking about the blood being Holly's it also points in this same direction..

Because with Holly having extremely light blond..extremely long hair..combined with her having had a pink Tshirt on..combined with her also have light colored blue jeans on..all of these IMO would clearly and extremely easily show blood that would have been present from the the injury that produced the blood spot in the carport..

Regardless of it NOT being a life threatening injury the presence of blood given her long hair..esp. the extreme light color..and the shirt and pants both light in color IMO would have shown blood on Holly..This is of course just my opinion but I do feel strongly about it..

IMO it is pointing more and more away from what is being reported in the media[i.e that Clint saw Holly being led into the woods by mystery man in camo]..

All just MOO!!
I hope LE gets a sketch of the guy that tried to abduct the young women not far from would be nice to show around town....sorry I don't remember her name (no disrepect to the victim but I'm downstairs monitoring the scanner and came up here to try and catch up)


I went on her FB page (public, not private) and scrolled back to posts she made at the time of the incident and she expressed concerns that it might have been the same person who was looking in her windows perviously. That definately sounds like a stalker situation to me. Hopefully, if this was the case with Holly, she told a friend or someone.
I don't believe that it was necessarily Holly's blood, simply because everyone already believes it is Holly's blood, so why withhold the info if it is? husband just can't stand to even listen to her voice. Also, I think that the person killed was a boyfriend or fiance. As dramatic as she is, it probably was just a guy she knew in school and she grand standed it into a fiance...

I don't think that's true. You can tell NG is still deeply hurt by losing her fiance when she speaks about it IMO. She is crime victim. Anyone who loses a loved one is. I don't mean to jump on your post/opinion, I know what you mean she can be dramatic but you have to respect the fact that she covers these cases nightly, missing people have been found due to her show. Sorry to vent, now back to Holly. Lord, please bring her home.:praying:
Well, all very interesting. Don't think we learned anything. Well we did not, but more questions have arised. You know, I read other sites and lots of questions and then answers , just as here, are arrived at. Or not arrived at. Disheartening. I pray the family copes and deals. My belief is that Holly is long gone. The 1st day. They keep expanding the search when they need to go back to the area of her house. Just my opinion, but she is either there, or a fast drive in a vehicle dumped her 100's of miles from her home. This will probably be like Hailey Dunn's case, in that no body, and not enough evidence is found. Maybe off base here, but who knows. Going to put this out here, and let the chips fall where they may. Holly is getting alot more than most missing children or young adults get in this country. She deserves it, as any living being does. She is getting more though, TN is known for being the "Volunteer State", and it makes your heart melt with the kindness. But, she has gotten more. Maybe if this effort was put into all cases of missing persons perps might think twice, who knows. Just thoughts here, and I do not mean to offend anyone. I'm sure I'm not alone. Just thoughts about why some people are percieved as more important than others. If a full out effort was made on everyones behalf, then this s**t might slow down. Go all out equally, regardless of race, socioeconomic background, and really do it, like they are in this case, and maybe this stuff will slow down. In Mexico so many people are murdered every day it's just another statistic, in the U.S., we fail to realize that so many woman and children are murdered everyday it is also just another statistic. It's heartbreaking, and we need everyone of them to count for something. Everyone counts. People are people, I understand why the prettiest get the most attention, but, if EVERYONE got the same attention, don't you think that effort and humanpower could posibly have an impact on the violence that women and children are subjugated to in the U.S.?

OK, sorry for comment, doesn't belong in this forum, way off topic.
I don't believe that it was necessarily Holly's blood, simply because everyone already believes it is Holly's blood, so why withhold the info if it is?

I agree. Why would they be cagey if it is her blood. They have already stated that the amount of blood did not indicate a serious injury. The only reason I can see for them to keep mum is that if it is NOT her blood this is very critical evidence against the perp. The perp knows who was injured tho, so.... I don't really know anything!!!!
It sure is hit or miss which missing person cases get the media attention and take off and get national attention.

In this case, seems that her cousin being a country singer (locally known, never heard of her before, but then again, I don't do country music) has pushed it into the forefront.

I watched Issues with JVM the other day and was taken aback by the video played featuring her cousin's music video. All I could think was HUH? WTH? Seemed highly inappropriate and a plug for the cousin.
Thanks for the kind words.
My thoughts mesh with a lot that are already on here.
I think it's someone she knows peripherally. Right now I don't think it's an X or anyone that close to her, but I could be wrong, heck I could be wrong about all of it. I think it was planned, hence the getaway without being noticed. I don't think he was expecting to be seen by the brother. I think the dogs lost the trail because they were not trained for car trailing and they got in a vehicle. I think that the evidence found may have been planted and that the direction of actual travel may be completely the other direction. I think he is infatuated with her and she may very well still be alive. I think with enough digging LE will figure out who he is. He watched her, he may have interacted with her via computer/cell/etc. I think that he has been involved in the search efforts at the minimum he has been following them. I think LE has way more evidence than they are leading onto (tire tracks, shoe prints, dna, etc). I think that while massive amounts of searchers is heart warming it needs to be controlled very tightly, and I'm not sure that has been happening. A yellow pad that you right your name down on is not enough and they should be being broken into teams led by experienced SAR or at bare minimum off duty LE, military, etc. That is just too many people going every which way. I hope that they used them to do a line search, but I fear that they just went off into the woods and may have trampled on very crucial evidence. Hope not.... Not sure any of that is particularly helpful, but there it is. I've sent in a few tips to TBI, needless to say I'm following this one closely and hoping for a good outcome. I need a positive ending to a case, badly.

I wasn't aware that dogs could do "car trailing". Learn something new every day! Thank you for your input. I too hope they've had some organization in their searches!
Well, all very interesting. Don't think we learned anything. Well we did not, but more questions have arised. You know, I read other sites and lots of questions and then answers , just as here, are arrived at. Or not arrived at. Disheartening. I pray the family copes and deals. My belief is that Holly is long gone. The 1st day. They keep expanding the search when they need to go back to the area of her house. Just my opinion, but she is either there, or a fast drive in a vehicle dumped her 100's of miles from her home. This will probably be like Hailey Dunn's case, in that no body, and not enough evidence is found. Maybe off base here, but who knows. Going to put this out here, and let the chips fall where they may. Holly is getting alot more than most missing children or young adults get in this country. She deserves it, as any living being does. She is getting more though, TN is known for being the "Volunteer State", and it makes your heart melt with the kindness. But, she has gotten more. Maybe if this effort was put into all cases of missing persons perps might think twice, who knows. Just thoughts here, and I do not mean to offend anyone. I'm sure I'm not alone. Just thoughts about why some people are percieved as more important than others. If a full out effort was made on everyones behalf, then this s**t might slow down. Go all out equally, regardless of race, socioeconomic background, and really do it, like they are in this case, and maybe this stuff will slow down. In Mexico so many people are murdered every day it's just another statistic, in the U.S., we fail to realize that so many woman and children are murdered everyday it is also just another statistic. It's heartbreaking, and we need everyone of them to count for something. Everyone counts. People are people, I understand why the prettiest get the most attention, but, if EVERYONE got the same attention, don't you think that effort and humanpower could posibly have an impact on the violence that women and children are subjugated to in the U.S.?

I agree but if you are going to say everyone, include everyone, not just women and children. Men go missing too, in startling numbers. See, it's not that easy to give everyone equal attention.
Hi All. I've been following along with the case but did not have anything to add.
But I listened to Nancy Grace on the way home tonight and had a thought.

Kristi Cornwell was abducted while taking a walk in Blairsville, Georgia back August 2010. She was found in January this year by her brother. The GBI had a suspect in her abduction. They used his cell phone records and cell tower data to identify the site where Carringer was the night Kristi Cornwell disappeared.
NG show stated "flecks" of blood in the grass. I think flecks is a curious description. Drops? Small drops..droplets? Have no conclusion, but it is much different than a bit of blood on the carport.
I work in a maximum security state hospital and have seen several people get attacked by others, no weapons involved except the patient's fists. Many times this will cause injuries that result in blood (bloody noses, split lips, eye gashes, or other cuts). Again, we don't know how much blood they found in this case. Where I work, a ladys head was split open. You couldn't tell from the back of her until you got closer to her and saw the blood. She was walking fine and oriented, but went out to the hospital and had to get staples. My point is, an attack, no matter how little or big, may cause blood. Also, just because there was blood does not mean that she couldn't have walked on her own or that anyone could have known she was bleeding, especially depending on the angle they see her or the seriousness of the injury. JMO.

I'm just going to put this out there.. IMO it is only logical that th eblood spot would be Holly's blood..IMO others think it's likely that it is NOT Holly's?[am just trying to get a gauge on what people feel is most likely the case?..Holly's blood or perp's blood?

One would assume IMO that it would be Holly's as she was the one that was being abducted and number 2 I feel that if it wasn;t Holly's blood that we would hae definitely heard that they are doing immediate DNA testing on all those involved[of course starting with family and most likely boyfriend]..I'm certain it would be asked to be done by those voluntarily and then if there is refusal to have the cheek swabbed for their DNA..well.. that would indicate a red flag IMO as well as LE going thru necessary steps to receive permission through the courts to have the individual DNA tested..IMO..

But what I was wanting to "put out there" is that as I said IMO most likely it is Holly's blood so this makes me question the actual visual that has been reported that was seen by the brother of Holly being led into the woods with the mystery man in camo.. Meaning if this blood is Holly's[indicative of some type of injury]that all the more I now do not believe that there was a visual made by brother of Holly being led into the woods..Again because not only the fact that I believe Clint would have made the 911 call earlier due to I don't care if he did believe it was her boyfriend that was leading her off into the woods..regardless this would not be normal but rather abnormal esp. considering she was en route to her car to leave for class..but now upon thinking about the blood being Holly's it also points in this same direction..

Because with Holly having extremely light blond..extremely long hair..combined with her having had a pink Tshirt on..combined with her also have light colored blue jeans on..all of these IMO would clearly and extremely easily show blood that would have been present from the the injury that produced the blood spot in the carport..

Regardless of it NOT being a life threatening injury the presence of blood given her long hair..esp. the extreme light color..and the shirt and pants both light in color IMO would have shown blood on Holly..This is of course just my opinion but I do feel strongly about it..

IMO it is pointing more and more away from what is being reported in the media[i.e that Clint saw Holly being led into the woods by mystery man in camo]..

All just MOO!!
NG show stated "flecks" of blood in the grass. I think flecks it a curious description. Drops? Small drops..droplets? Have no conclusion, but it is much different than a bit of blood on the carport.

I tend to believe the "flecks" of blood (although droplets would be more appropriate, imo) more so than one single drop of blood in the carport/driveway if indeed it is Holly's or the abductor's blood. An injury that would cause blood to fall to the ground when Holly is being led off into the woods would continue to bleed until it is bandaged, not just leave "one drop". MOO
NG show stated "flecks" of blood in the grass. I think flecks it a curious description. Drops? Small drops..droplets? Have no conclusion, but it is much different than a bit of blood on the carport.

"Flecks", to me, means "dried pieces". If that is true, the flecks were originally blood splatter that dried before being detected. Hopefully the pattern of the flecks was carefully examined and not accidentally trampled.
Fleck: [flɛk]
1. a small marking or streak; speckle
2. a small particle; speck a fleck of dust

I had to look it up for myself and figured Id share it...
Can anyone link to an article that says the Bobo property has actually been searched? I looked on the map and didn't see it noted. I assume it was done one of the first days, but has it actually been reported??
Here is the definition of fleck according to The good news is that all of these descriptions show a SMALL amount.
1. A tiny mark or spot
2. A small bit or flake
3. To spot or streak
Hi all, sorry to interupt the flow. I've been following along with the case, but had nothing to add. I listened to Nancy Grace on the way home tonight and had a thought.

Kristi Cornwell was abducted while taking a walk on a rural road in Blairsville, Georgia back in August 2010. She was found in January of this year by her brother, Richard Cornwell. The GBI had identified a potential suspect in her abduction. They used his cell phone records and cell tower data to identify where Carringer was the night Kristi Cornwell disappeared. Richard set up a grid search based on that data and found her body.

I have not seen any cell tower info in Holly's case. This may be next to impossible, but what if her abductor had been in the area watching Holly? Perhaps he made or received calls/texts in the hours, days or weeks leading up to her abduction. Depending on the amount of traffic on the nearest tower, it may help investigators to identify a potential suspect.

Just a thought ...
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