TN - Jamie Darlene Hickman, 27, Unsolved Torture Murder, Knox County, 17 April 1979

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Mar 12, 2017
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*See victim photo at under Cold Cases

Victim name: Jamie D. Hickman, 27, white female, red hair, may have had collapsed nose
Body found: 4/17/1989
Date and time of murder: Approx. midnight 4/17/1989
Location of murder: Knox County, TN (ditch in rural area in east part of the county, Frazier Rd. at Kodak Rd.
Cause of death: Multiple stab wounds

Jamie was a known prostitute, but she was working hard to change her life. According to toxicology reports, she had been drug-free and alcohol-free for nearly a year. She was sometimes homeless. Her main territories were Central St., Magnolia Ave., the Circle N Tavern, the Greyhound terminal, Bertrand St., Asbury Quarry, Chilhowee Park, and Asheville Highway. Central and Magnolia are the main part of the traditional prostitution track. This area, which was a very dangerous part of Knoxville in 1989, also extended to East Fifth Ave., Depot Ave., Jackson Ave., Lay Ave., Gay St., Cherry St., and Broadway. There were numerous other bars nearby that patronized prostitution, such as the Lil' Brown Jug, but the Circle N was the worst. Its name changed to Izetti's for a while. Eventually, the bar was shut down by the City of Knoxville because it was a house of iniquity. The traditional prostitution track for the male prostitutes was Market Square and Clinch Ave., so it is believed that Jamie didn't work that area.

Jamie was last seen alive getting out of, then back into a small dark blue or black car Sunday, Apr. 16 , 1989 with tinted windows at the Circle N Tavern. Some of the patrons of the tavern
said it was 7 p.m., while others said they saw her at 9 p.m. They said Jamie seemed nervous. She went into the tavern and borrowed $2, then went to the parking lot, and got back into the car. This may have been a sports car. We don't know if she was the passenger or the driver.

Jamie was then taken to a location, possibly the Asbury Quarry, where she was beaten, tortured, raped, and stabbed to death over a period of approximately two hours. The next morning, her body was found in a ditch about a mile from the quarry. This area is approximately eight miles from the Circle N Tavern.

A trail of blood was on the road, leading down into the ditch. This indicated Jamie may have been thrown from a car. She was found gripping a clump of dirt in her hand, indicating she was still alive when her body landed in the ditch, where she died around midnight.

Detectives believe that more than one person was involved, and that the murder weapon might have been a razor blade. There were a total of 15 stab wounds. Detectives believe Jamie likely knew her killer because of the rage and torture inflicted. The killer wanted her to feel pain. There were multiple blows to the face, another indication her killer knew her and hated her. The face symbolizes who a person is.

Detectives don't believe Jamie had a pimp.

Theory #1: Jamie may have had a drug debt. Since she was no longer using cocaine, why was she sometimes homeless? Perhaps she was working as hard as she could to pay off that debt, sometimes giving up shelter. We know for a fact that she was robbed and beaten twice in the last four weeks of her life. Was that money promised to someone who was getting impatient?

Theory #2: Jamie was murdered by a customer she picked up. We know one prostitute said two guys picked her up from the Circle N Tavern the previous day in the same description of vehicle Jamie was seen getting into hours before her death. The other prostitute suffered a rather severe beating from these two guys, but no stab wounds. A different prostitute said a man grabbed her right off the street a week after Jamie's murder and raped her at knife point. He actually told the woman he had killed Jamie, and threatened to do the same to her. Police questioned him, but couldn't find evidence against him. He may have told the other prostitute he killed Jamie just to put fear into her and make her cooperate.

Theory #3: We know Jamie was charging less than the other prostitutes. People were angry. It's unlikely this was the motive. Prostitutes threaten each other all the time over these types of disputes, but they rarely kill each other.

Theory #4: Was Jamie an informant? We know a big cocaine bust happened a couple days after her death. The drug bust was the result of a tip to police. An even bigger drug ring was brought down three months prior to her murder. Perhaps someone wanted revenge. This would explain the torture and the frenzied attack of fifteen stab wounds.

Theory #5: Jamie was possibly tortured to extract information. Maybe she knew where a big stash of drugs or cash was hidden and refused to give up that information.

Theory #6: Jamie was killed by someone, perhaps a customer, pimp, drug dealer, or other prostitute, who thought she was an undercover cop. Jamie was no longer using drugs or drinking, so some people might have been suspicious of why she continued working as a prostitute.

Because of the code of silence on the streets, someone has gotten away with murder for three decades. Police questioned 30 prostitutes, people at the Circle N Tavern, and people at various motels. It is unknown if homeless people, drug dealers, pimps, or people from the bus station were questioned.

Zoo Man and Frederick Adam Smith were ruled out as the killer.
If any of the web sleuths happen to know someone who frequented the Circle N, or someone who was "in the life", in Knoxville during the 1989 time frame, please run this case by him or her. Unfortunately, most people who run in these circles don't live past age forty, so if anyone knew anything, they may have taken that knowledge to the grave. I think it would be helpful to talk with someone who was on the scene, in this environment back then. It's been 29 years. Maybe someone with knowledge would be willing to come forward with information now. I understand the fear of retaliation and the code of silence on the streets, but it's been three decades. It's unlikely someone would fear retaliation so many years later. The killer could be dead after all this time, or he could be in prison for an unrelated crime bragging about killing a woman in Knoxville back in the days when he was young. Homeless people are often witnesses to murders, but they are distrustful of police and don't stay in town very long. I don't know if any homeless people were questioned, but they had to have seen Jamie walking the streets.

I don't know if any DNA survived. The budget and backlog for DNA testing in cold cases are often part of the problem. In 1989 police were overwhelmed because of the crack epidemic. All types of crime soared, and police didn't have the manpower or funding to solve a lot of these cases. Forensics was nothing like it is now. Prostitute homicides are the most difficult of all murders to solve because most of the people they associate with are flying under the radar. This is why it's important for police to make alliances with certain people in the criminal underworld. It's not something law enforcement likes, but they have to have connections to solve a case like this.
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Jamie is my aunt....please if anyone has any info about her murder let authorities know. She has family that loves and misses her and it would bring us some closure. It's been almost 30 yrs. She matters just as much as anyone and deserves justice so she can rest in peace. She wasnt just some piece of trash or someone forgotten,She was a daughter, sister,mother,and aunt. Just because she made some poor decisions and lived a lifestyle most wouldnt, doesnt mean shes less worthy. That lifestyle isn't one that someone just chooses. Theres always a back story that noone knows,but are quick to judge. Once u are in that lifestyle it's hard to get out of or away from.No matter how bad you want it or try to get out,sometimes it's easy to fall back into it because that's all you know. In her case it cost her her life. I continue to tell her story when I meet locals that have lived here for years in hopes something new will come to light. I currently live close to the downtown area,some of the before mentioned rd.I pray someone else other than family cares enough to continue pursuing her case.

The tragic case of your aunt is one that has gotten to me more so than other cases. I think it's because the news coverage was so little compared to other murders that happened that year. It wasn't right that she didn't get as much news coverage. When a local doctor, a nurse, and three students died that year, the newspapers went crazy. There were others who died that year--people the news media forgot. Jamie was one of them.

I've come to the realization that whoever did this is no longer alive. This killed was experienced and wouldn't hesitate to kill again. I doubt Jamie was his first victim. I cannot imagine this guy didn't kill again. This guy's fingerprints or DNA had to get taken at some point. If the DNA didn't make it into VICAP or CODIS, he died before that law went into effect. Anyone who knew information is probably deceased by now.

Jamie was just one of many victims murdered right after leaving the Circle N. The whole community rejoiced when the City demolished that place. Now, it's a gym.

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