Ok I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around this case because I don't understand how everyone is related.
1. How exactly are Adam Mayes and Gary Bain connected? I have heard two different possibly contradictory stories. The first is that at one time Adam and Gary were married to a pair of sisters. The second is that Gary was married to Adam's sister Pamela. What are the names of Gary and Adam's previous wives?
GB was previously married to AM's sister Pamela.
2. Is Gary Bain the biological father of all 3 of these girls?
GB is only the father to youngest age 8 (and she looks like him).
3. Is Jo Ann the biological mother of all 3 of these girls?
Yes, but their is an older daughter that belongs just to GB and his former wife, PMB. Daughter #4 who spent the night there the night before the kidnapping, she also has a child who is GB's grandchild. (This is from a press link but I dont remember which one, go back a thread or two.)
I keep seeing speculation that the eldest daughter is Gary's daughter with Adam's sister Pamela but I've also seen speculation that Adam is the father of the oldest daughter with Jo Ann (did they date as teenagers?) then I also see rumors that the two youngest daughters are Adam's and not Gary's and another rumor that at least 2 of the children were fathered by a man who is neither Adam or Gary.
Two oldest girls have another father, however they have the last name of GB, so either he adopted them or they took his last name for whatever reasons. The middle daughter looks like this father, the oldest daughter looks very much like her mother JB.
I'm confused.