TN - Joann, 31, & Adrienne Bain, 14, Whiteville, 27 April 2012 - #4

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IMO, TM's life sentence began the day she met AM.
I do think Mayes had a plan and it worked for two weeks with just about every LE agency in the country looking for him. But that never means his plan would continue to work. I dont think he had plans to kill himself. That plan would only be done if LE should find him and close in on him to capture him. He took the cowardly way out.

I think he had prepared beforehand to be on the run with the two girls and in one article it said that the girls looked like they had been out in the woods for 2-3days. So where have they been the rest of the two weeks?

He stayed in the area he knew well and even then it took LE two weeks to catch him.

While he may not have been a hunter imo he had lived in the country and knew how to move around in the wooded areas.

Ok this part really bothers me and hits too close to home.
Sorry I only quoted a little bit but I have to say this and admit this.
My cousin accused my step dad (her uncle) of abuse when she was only 11 years old.
The police came to my house as part if their investigation and interviewed me after.
They said what my cousin was accusing him of and asked if he ever did anything to me after all those years living with him.
I totally denied it then. I lied to the police.
I was sick and scared and in denial even though the truth was I had been abused for like 6 years by him as a teenager.
And you know what?
I was an adult then. 20 years old, married, on bed rest with my first baby on the way.
I still lied.
I felt some warped sense of loyalty to him and wasn't ready for everything to come out yet. I thought it would destroy my mom.
I stayed quiet then and the charges were dropped.
My poor cousin who was only an 11 year old kid did something that I couldn't even handle as an adult!
I will always live with the guilt that inlet him get to her. I swear u didn't know it was going on when it was with her and by then it was over, but she lost so much after that. One being the whole side of the family cuz no one believed her.
He even convinced me as an adult that she was lying.
For those of you who have heard my story, it took until last year (I'm 35 now!) for us to get him convicted and finally in jail.
Thank God she forgave me for not telling the truth back then.

Sorry my whole point is, can I believe as a 7 year old that poor baby could have been scared to death of hurting her family or even her"molester" if she told the truth?
She probably and most likely loved Adam too. After all, her whole family did.
I dunno....just saying.....
I wouldn't expect a 7 year old to always be ready to accuse her "molestir" if this story was true . :(
Sorry for being so long winded and sorry for any typos but I'm so tired my eyes are blurry and I'm typing from my iPhone!!

Wow. Just wow. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

I, too, think it is possible that K told investigators that nothing happened even if something did. Sadly, it happens all of the time.

As a parent, I think I would still err on the side of caution and perhaps limit any contact to visits in MY home, with me there at all times.

Even if the accused person were innocent, it's probably not a good idea to let a child who isn't even a relative, stay with people who have such a toxic family dynamic. (accusing one another of child molestation) Especially without a parent there to supervise.

That's just me and I know there are great parents who might make a different choice. MOO.

Oh, and I KWYM about the iphone typing, lol!

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Thank you, Hope. I was reading through all the comments about let him die, rot in hell, hope he lives and suffers and it upset me. I counted over 14 posts like that. Seriously, is an eye for an eye the best policy? I really don't think that was how our constitutional rights were established. Is it possible to get a fair trial...or does the general public decide your fate. Is it so easy for us to focus on the highs and lows the sensational media want us to and not see that there is no justice in a case like this, ever.

Mainly, because, I think in some ways AM was a victim to pressure, society, delusion or what not as well. And the fact he DID NOT kill these children shows in some way he was attached and bonded to them. What ever his trip, in his death, the opportunity is lost for LE, researchers, psychologists and the courts to learn what mental issues, pressure, etc can do prevent further incidents like this.

I honestly think that the deaths of JB and AB may have been an accident...they strangled from being tied up in a car wrong during the kidnapping...Who knows, but, AM being dead doesn't bring me any joy or triumph or any sense of closure or pleasure.

Thank you. I was going "really?" at some of the posts that wanted him to suffer either by being someone's girlfriend in prison or wanting the ambulance to take it's sweet time getting to the hospital or some other fate. Those are things rational people don't think about, yes they want him to be punished for his crime but not an eye for an eye, civilized societies don't do that for a reason.
I'm just glad the two girls were found and are okay. He is dead so he can't hurt them or any other child anymore. Those two girls have a lot to deal with now and it's going to take time to heal. I'm sorry for the death of their mom and sister but thank God they're alive. I hope LE can get all this sorted out and as far as I'm concerned... I don't need to know all the details.
What a sad, sad case!
The Madison (Miss.) deputies got the referral on Feb. 23, checked with other agencies, and didn't actually go to AM's house until March 3. So AM would have had time to get rid of a stash of child *advertiser censored* under the bed.

Whether it was AM's sister ot TM who walked in on him, he had plenty of time to get rid of the stash of child *advertiser censored* alleged in the referral.

AM wasn't interviewed until April 20. If he had kicked his sister out a few months before, perhaps the incident that led to the child *advertiser censored* allegations is what precipitated it.

The mail check and sting attempt seems to have occurred after deputies went to AM's house on March 3. So he would have been on notice that he was being investigated. It's not surprising that he wouldn't have responded to the enticement.

As far as KB's forensic interview, she likely described the specifics the person who reported alleged but it would not have had sexual significance to a 7-year-old.

From the article you posted:

The report says that “prior to any visit,” several agencies and information centers were contacted in an effort to obtain past records of child *advertiser censored* allegations against Mayes. None were found.


Are you saying that you believe one or more agencies alerted AM to the investigation before deputies visited the home? If so, that would have been highly unethical. I'm not a lawyer but I believe that would also have been illegal.

If he hadn't been alerted, then how did he pass the 30 day mail check?

If KB said that the scene as described in the allegation was true, while she may not have realised the sexual implications, I am absolutely and completely certain that any forensic investigator would have realised it was child molestation.

The child *advertiser censored* mags or the alleged incident with KB are both enough to have gotten AM charged, I think (I'm not a lawyer). LE didn't just brush off the allegations, they clearly took them seriously and made a multi-pronged effort to investigate them.

No charges were filed.

I'm just not ready to accuse GB and JB of being negligent parents. GB does not appear to be a target of LE and I can't imagine that he hasn't been undergoing some intensive investigation since this all started.

I could be wrong; I've certainly guessed wrong in the past.
So thankful those girls are safe...:rose:

greatful the took his own life, it saved the taxpayers the money to execute this ...

Now his exwife and MIL will take the heat and do HIS time as well..JMHO

Yes, looks like he left them to take the public focus of his crimes. Apparently he doesn't care one iota about them, either. Selfish to the end.
Thank you, Hope. I was reading through all the comments about let him die, rot in hell, hope he lives and suffers and it upset me. I counted over 14 posts like that. Seriously, is an eye for an eye the best policy? I really don't think that was how our constitutional rights were established. Is it possible to get a fair trial...or does the general public decide your fate. Is it so easy for us to focus on the highs and lows the sensational media want us to and not see that there is no justice in a case like this, ever.

Mainly, because, I think in some ways AM was a victim to pressure, society, delusion or what not as well. And the fact he DID NOT kill these children shows in some way he was attached and bonded to them. What ever his trip, in his death, the opportunity is lost for LE, researchers, psychologists and the courts to learn what mental issues, pressure, etc can do prevent further incidents like this.

I honestly think that the deaths of JB and AB may have been an accident...they strangled from being tied up in a car wrong during the kidnapping...Who knows, but, AM being dead doesn't bring me any joy or triumph or any sense of closure or pleasure.

It isnt like they accidently got themselves tangled in fishing line. Nothing accidental about them getting strangled on ligatures that were tied arround their necks by someone else. I honestly think the scenerio you presented is still 1st degree murder . At some point rope was needed to execute a plan to tie two people up. Tieing people up is a crime and that crime lead to 2 deaths. felony murder JMO.

Felony murder rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I also think the ex wife complied becaused she "loves " Adam and would do anything for him and abuse or controling hubby or not I have no compassion for her.
I'm so sorry you went through that.

If you read the article that Bodhi posted, the investigation didn't just consist of police officers questioning KB. She went to the Carl Perkins Child Advocacy Center; I'm assuming they have experts there in questioning children.

But the investigation didn't end there, either. LE ran a 30 day mail check to see if AM had been receiving child *advertiser censored* mags, which came up negative. They conducted a sting operation to try to entice him into subscribing to a fake child *advertiser censored* magazine.

And finally, they did a search of his property (home and camper trailer) to see if they could find any child *advertiser censored* magazines.

So unlike what you went through, the investigation did not hinge solely on KB's word. LE really put in the time and resources into the investigation to validate or rule out the allegations.

I had thought at first that Mayes may have been obsessed by the two younger girls because he was a closet pedophile but I no longer think that was the motive.

In some twisted delusional thinking Mayes really thought these girls were his children whether bio or just a sick bond he had with them.

They have been released very quickly from the hospital and that shows me all the injuries they had sustained were those that happened while being in the woods for several days.
That is exactly what I said. I was responding to two prior posters who said the murders were accidents.

I don't think I would describe the murders as accidents.

I do wonder if AM was delusional and had this "we'll all run away together and be a big happy family" fantasy going. And then when JB and AB resisted, he lashed out and killed them for destroying his happy fantasy. Maybe in his head he really believed they loved him and once they proved to him that they didn't, he couldn't handle it.

And then I think it was all downhill from there. I don't think he had a backup plan for what to do with the two younger girls, particularly after LE contacted him so quickly.

If he'd had a background as a hunter, then I could believe that he may have thought he could camp out in the woods for several months until attention faded, then go somewhere else with the girls. But he wasn't a hunter or outdoorsman, so what on earth made him think he could survive in the woods with 2 little girls? Particularly since it sounds like he really did have a heart condition.

I don't know. I guess I'm on the fence about AM as to whether he was delusional or a calculating pedophile. Every time I decide one way, something else pops up that makes me lean the other way.

I'm hoping that the FBI investigation turns up enough evidence to really get a fix on what was in AM's mind.
It isnt like they accidently got themselves tangled in fishing line. Nothing accidental about them getting strangled on ligatures that were tied arround their necks by someone else. I honestly think the scenerio you presented is still 1st degree murder . At some point rope was needed to execute a plan to tie two people up. Tieing people up is a crime and that crime lead to 2 deaths. felony murder JMO.

I also think the ex wife complied becaused she "loves " Adam and would do anything for him and abuse or controling hubby or not I have no compassion for her.

Aboslutely! If they died while in the commission of felony kidnapping that would be first degree murder and a capital offense.

I dont think they accidentally did anything. He murdered the other two because they would give him problems when trying to take the two young children he wanted.

From the article you posted:


Are you saying that you believe one or more agencies alerted AM to the investigation before deputies visited the home? If so, that would have been highly unethical. I'm not a lawyer but I believe that would also have been illegal.

If he hadn't been alerted, then how did he pass the 30 day mail check?

If KB said that the scene as described in the allegation was true, while she may not have realised the sexual implications, I am absolutely and completely certain that any forensic investigator would have realised it was child molestation.

The child *advertiser censored* mags or the alleged incident with KB are both enough to have gotten AM charged, I think (I'm not a lawyer). LE didn't just brush off the allegations, they clearly took them seriously and made a multi-pronged effort to investigate them.

No charges were filed.

I'm just not ready to accuse GB and JB of being negligent parents. GB does not appear to be a target of LE and I can't imagine that he hasn't been undergoing some intensive investigation since this all started.

I could be wrong; I've certainly guessed wrong in the past.

In fact I think the girls are going to be returned to Gary Bain. There is nothing saying he is an unfit father and Martin Savich (?) said last night that the FBI has been in contant contact with Gary and Gary has been very traumatized since this all began for JoAnn and the girls.

I had thought at first that Mayes may have been obsessed by the two younger girls because he was a closet pedophile but I no longer think that was the motive.

In some twisted delusional thinking Mayes really thought these girls were his children whether bio or just a sick bond he had with them.

They have been released very quickly from the hospital and that shows me all the injuries they had sustained were those that happened while being in the woods for several days.

I lean that way as well.

More and more I'm reminded of Clark Roberts, the man who shot the 10 Amish girls in Nickel Mines PA. There was obviously something really, really wrong with him mentally but no one around him realised it.

He told his wife that he molested two relatives when he was 12 and they were 5 and 3 but both women denied it. And it looks like the 3 year old wasn't even at the family reunion where he said he molested them.

That sounds pretty delusional to me and yet he successfully hid it from everyone around him. Until one day, he snapped.
respectfully snipped

I didn't!

I apologise; I got lost in my thoughts and miscommunicated what I was trying to say.

I did know you had not referred to them as accidents, that you were addressing other posters who had speculated the murders may have been accidents.

I was trying to explain that I felt the murders may not have been in AM's plans and after he committed them, he panicked.

I'm so sorry I offended you with my carelessness.
I lean that way as well.

More and more I'm reminded of Clark Roberts, the man who shot the 10 Amish girls in Nickel Mines PA. There was obviously something really, really wrong with him mentally but no one around him realised it.

He told his wife that he molested two relatives when he was 12 and they were 5 and 3 but both women denied it. And it looks like the 3 year old wasn't even at the family reunion where he said he molested them.

That sounds pretty delusional to me and yet he successfully hid it from everyone around him. Until one day, he snapped.

Mayes didnt have children of his own did he or did he? I missed that part. If he didnt that may have been the start of the weird bond he seem to have with these two younger girls.

Mayes didnt have children of his own did he or did he? I missed that part. If he didnt that may have been the start of the weird bond he seem to have with these two younger girls.


I haven't seen any mention of other children fathered by AM; just his own allegations that he was the biological father of one or two of JB's children.
I think JB and Ab were killed because he only wanted the 2 younger ones
they were in the way!

I do not think the children knew their mom and sister were dead!

I do think it will come out that the two younger children do know he killed their mother and older sister.
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