Thank you for your opinions! You are still healing. Everyone here should be learning from your pain! (hugs)
Now, every child loves their parents no matter the amount of abuse and neglect. Children dont know any different, they have no choice. Attempts are always made to keep the children in the home if possible.
Get these girls out of there! The whole family is dysfunctional and creepy. GB is creepy and down the line...I think Jb was trying to escape this whole mess a freaks and I suspect the older daughter was trying to confront her mother and their life with the truth that there was something very wrong with AM and those people.
I can not for the life of me imagine letting my kids around any of these players, ever!!!
I cant feel sorry for anyone here. I cant explain their dysfunction away. I cant forgive and forget. There are red flags everywhere and these relationships have been going on for decades.
I pray, hope and believe that an entire community and nation will demand that these girls will only be surrounded by love, support, and nurturing.