This is just my opinion and I definitely dont know how the law works, but this is what I think may be the issues with delays in arresting people in certain TN cases lately. Two examples is the Karen Swift case + Megan's case in how long it took them to arrest someone. In Karen's case, I still dont think anyone is arrested yet.
I wonder if LE is not using the tactical approach of "arresting someone for suspicoun of murder". This is different than "Charges being filed and charging someone".
I don't know how the law works, so someone please correct me if I am wrong please.
But isnt there a way that LE can arrest someone for suspicoun and further questioning, and hold them for a certain number of days without charges being filed. Then, if no charges are brought, they have to be released, but my understanding is they can arrest and hold a person for a certain number of days.
This approach is one way to possibly get more questioning of the suspect as well as the pressure maybe would force the person to give out more information. It also allows LE to acquire more evidience during these number of days, and other people then hear that a person is arrested, and they may come forward with more information too. If no charges are brought, then they have to release them, but they could always arrest them again in the future is my understanding so long as no charges were initially brought against them.
I may have this all wrong, but am just wondering if this is the type of thing that TN is not using to their advantage. Because we never seem to hear of them arresting someone unless they already have the case practically wrapped up.
My understanding is there is a big difference between arresting someone and holding them versus charging someone. I am wondering if TN LE in some places are not using the "arresting someone" approach and getting mixed up in thinking they have to have all their ducks in a row before they even arrest someone to hold them for further questioning or suspicoun of murder.
Again, I may be totally wrong about this, but am just wondering if this is a tool and tactic that certain TN LE places are not using to their advantage and maybe is why there seems to be huge delays in getting people brought to justice there. If I basically have this correct, I do think it would help get a lot more people to come forward with information in these types of cases. Even if the perp clams up and lawyers up, people on the outside would hear about the arrest and possibly come forward once they know they are arrested.
Any coments from others that know more about how this works would be appreciated. Thanks.