Found Safe TN - Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas, 15, Maury County, 13 March 2017 #9

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This is the second case I've followed on websleuths. I've read 75% of the posts. I do hope more information emerges soon and she is found quickly.

It seems clear to me that ET is under The Creep's control. He made her break up with her boyfriend in December. He made he go out to lunch when she didn't want to. See him when she didn't want to. He made her leave and she asked her sister to come find her and call the police (after time for a day out). Maybe it's wildly possible for a 15 year old to be in the drivers seat in a relationship with a 50 year old but there is zero evidence that this is the case here. She was abused for most of her childhood, to the extent that she has scars from it. She is extremely vulnerable to manipulation by people in authority who claim to love her. He's the only driver here, probably the only one with access to a phone or to media. I doubt he or they are communicating to any supporters. Too risky and she is the only one who would want contact. He won't allow it. I imagine if she does want to leave him it's going to be very difficult to do so. He has power over her.

Her swimsuit might not be significant. She tends to grab clothes belonging to her sister as she leaves the house, usually socks (as her sister explained earlier in this forum). This time a swimsuit. Maybe to bathe without getting naked, maybe he told her to, maybe she just wanted something that reminded her of her sister more than socks would. But the fact that Tad packed warm weather clothes is significant, they were not heading anywhere cold.

I have one pet peeve with websleuths, and it's more annoying when you are reading hundreds of posts. Unless we say, according to x, or make a link, it's obvious that someone's post is their own opinion. It's really repetitive and boring and eventually downright irritating to constantly read, just my opinion, IMO, MOO, my opinion only, the above is my opinion, on and on. We KNOW it's your opinion. I wish they would make a rule about this because it's so prevalent. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is tired of reading those words again and again.

Other than that I really like the forum. In the last case I followed posters provided a lot of new details. Quite a few knew the victim. I hope someone somewhere can give some information that will lead to finding her. I'm not in the states now so I can't help much. I kind of doubt he left the country. He's not fluent in Spanish is he? It would be hard not to be noticed and he wouldn't feel as in control. Clearly that's important to him.

I think hAving his kids and grandkids make an appeal might be the only thing that would motivate him. Or an immunity deal. But they can hardly offer that without knowing what's happened these last few weeks according to Elizabeth.

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Gaius, we are here on thread 9 and we have discussed the possibility that ET went willingly many times - and we all still agree that TC is a predator and ET is a victim. So I do appreciate what you are trying to say....- so far you have suggested that this means she will be found where she could be having fun. I think that that is a definite possibility, and we have discussed it before. What other ideas do you have about where we could be looking? They may have already been discussed, and maybe not.

Personally, I was quite taken with Mountain Kat's observation that she was unlikely to have taken a toothbrush for a day trip. That has really stuck with me.


As a teen I had "problems" with my mother & was targeted by a popular guitar-playing teacher. My very religious mother didn't seem to have an issue with an adult teacher turning up at her home for months to hang out & take her 16 yr old daughter places at night. She almost seemed proud of it. (I've got 14 & 15 yr old daughters myself now & still don't understand that part)

I was a pretty street smart kid by then & eventually I was able to handle it myself with minimal fallout. I was very lucky. I didn't say a thing to anyone at the time because I was so embarrassed. I would've been RAGING if people found out - from shame though, not because I wanted to protect him. I specifically didn't want to protect him. My feelings turned from flattered & intrigued to cringey, then distaste, then total grossed out disgust & finally outright hatred within weeks of his true intent becoming clear (& this was a MUCH younger teacher), but there was no way to call him to account without humiliating myself (which is how I viewed it back then)

It was a horrible, confusing time. Even now I can't explain why I was unable to stand up for myself because I was usually well-known for being very outspoken. It was like I suddenly had the responses of a rabbit caught in headlights. It took something pretty extreme occurring - & then me being able to get some time/distance away from any contact with him, before the numbing "spell" suddenly broke. Until then it was just so strange. I didnt even want to speak to him, but then when I did it was like I was compelled to do as instructed. There was no soc med then though, so getting that time & distance to break away was a lot easier for me than girls in the same position now.

Anyway, this reply is really for everyone following the case, but re the toothbrush/hairbrush - DO NOT make the assumption that taking them is an indication that she intended to be away overnight because ...

If you feel compelled to meet with someone who makes you uncomfortable & you have good reason to worry that they might ignore your body language/deliberate lack of enthusiasm, even the word "no" & insist on kissing you anyway, you might make a point of bringing a toothbrush with you to scrub them off your mouth at the first opportunity.

Same for the hairbrush. You can end up looking pretty dishevelled trying to politely fend off someone like that. So unless you have exceptionally short hair, you'd probably want to head for a bathroom to tidy up & get that grossed out/creep feeling off of you as soon as he's out of sight.


& just sayin', I'm not posting much in here because I really worry about him reading this stuff - not because it might tip him off, but because every time one of us says something that hits close to the bone for him, her position will become more precarious. If he's reading & he's as manipulative & controlling as we all believe, she's going to have to spend a lot of time reassuring him & building him up. That's not easy for an adult to do - it really wears you down, & she's only 15. It worries me a lot :(
Admins could you kindly update the bit at the beginning to change her height to 5'2"? Her sister clarified that for us and the family is trying to get the correct information out.

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tried to write my theory but when I tired to relate them all back to the facts they don't all fit together. I hope ET is ok and is found safe soon. I read some stuff that we can't talk about here because it's in SM and ever since then it's disturbed me day and night. Especially since it's been weeks. My heart is breaking, how can someone do this to someone :(
I agree. I also hate to bring this up because it involves another forum but I'm not discussing anything FROM that forum, just the actual forum in general, because it relates to this idea of staying "one step ahead" via social media. I think I'll be okay with TOS since I'm notdicsussing comments or anything like that, more generalizations, but If I'm messing up by mentioning it at all, delete me, mods. Sorry in advance.

So... when things started circling the drain last night here on WS, I did some Twitter searching (just for news stories -- not sleuthing anyone) and quickly got sick of that. Still couldn't sleep so I jumped over to a site that starts with "R", where I've been a member for 7+ years. Did a search for "Elizabeth Thomas" and did another one for "Tad Cummins," again, just to make sure there were no legit news articles I hadn't seen yet -- not for commentary. ANYWAY, I noticed that there are private subs set up under both names, /ElizabethThomas and /TadCummins. I requested to be added to both of them, never got a reply. It's just very bizarre in a missing person's case that the subs would be set to private like that -- since it doesn't allow for any public discussion, unless you're manually approved to join by the moderators.

Kinda thought that was weird. Never seen it before for a case like this. Hope the family looks into this because it's very unusual as I said, and it's not like "TadCummins" is a common name or anything. That forum is notorious for their "free speech" BS and are similar to Apple when authorities request access to or removal of... borderline criminal content. I'm only bringing this up because my first thought was that doing something like that would be a pretty easy way for "friends" to communicate with ET or TC on the downlow without using text messaging, emails, phone numbers, or anything else that couldn't mask their IDs with a little browser tweak.

If you were trying to use a SM forum to communicate secretly and evade LE, why would you name that forum after yourselves, the people LE are looking for? That doesn't really make sense imo. Not exactly flying under the radar. (And I think even That Place would draw the line at hosting a discussion with people actively involved in a kidnapping, if they knew that's what was going on.) Maybe they want to keep ET and TC *out* precisely because of that "one step ahead" idea, or maybe they are discussing the more sensitive details/theories? Just speculating.

But the larger idea of them arranging some other kind of SM presence to communicate with people they know does make some sense, imo. But I'm not sure how that would be detected unless LE starts monitoring the internet activity of some people back home.
I think they could easily blend in nearly anywhere as 'father-daughter' - I went in many road trips with my dad.

I agree, I think if anyone would ask them they could say they are on the road looking at colleges or something along those lines.
Morning everyone. After yesterday, my heart is still racing. IMO I still think someone needs to be held accountable for whatever that was. But moving on...

This may have been answered, but why wasn't the Amber Alert broadcasted into more states? Is there a "standard" for these things? I ask because there could be people in the neighboring states that have not heard of this yet.

Hoping for good news today.
My guess is that they are not in Tennessee any longer. I base my opinion on these facts: 1. TC had 5 weeks to plan this and he knew Tennessee LE would be hot on his trail. 2. I believe in the simplest theory, and that, to me, means that ET's phone pinged in Alabama because they were in Alabama at the time of the ping.

I wonder about the Texas sighting. Maybe it was real, but there was no way to confirm it.


Hoping for better news tomorrow.

Ordinarily, I would agree with you 100 %. But that single cellphone ping just screams "red herring" to me. Having said that, I should also add that I am completely ignorant when it comes to how people use cell phones. I don't have one and never have had one. Maybe this one ping isn't as odd in reality as it seems in my mind? I dunno.
Man arrested after mistakenly thought to be Amber Alert suspect
Stamps and his daughter drove to Midtown for his daughter to go to the doctor.

"While I was in there, I got Facebook messages my van was on this Amber Alert thing," Stamps said.

He had parked his van at Krystal on Union Avenue, located next to the doctor's office.

"When I got there I found the van surrounded by police," Stamps said.

When Stamps went to get in his van, police asked to see his driver's license. That's when police discovered he had a warrant for his arrest out of Collierville for a mailbox he hit while on the job as an electrician last year.

Stamps was arrested and transported to the Collierville jail.

His wife spent hours trying to get him out of the jail.

His bond was set at $200.
I can't keep up here, so sorry if it's been said. Many Christians believe it is not okay to have sex until after marriage. In his twisted mind, he might be justifying a physical relationship with a marriage, although it would be an illegal one in his case, since he's already married. You know, the whole "we're married in the eyes of the Lord" thing.
I'm heading to a doctor's appointment this morning and trying to speed catch up, but one thing I did want to say is this:

Many of us check here frequently, or park here waiting for updates. Not every poster can do that. So I think it's REALLY important that we don't unintentionally ignore those posters who come here and post " old news", and say that they are alerting friends and family to be on the look out. We want as many people aware and on the lookout as is possible, even if a sighting in a certain area turns out to be a false lead. I would like to see us all be mindful of that and thank and encourage EVERY new poster we see here to spread the word.

ETA: This is badly worded because I'm running late this morning. Sorry. But you guys get my point, I'm sure.
Do you think it's possible that TC has already stolen and switched license plates on the Rogue, maybe several times? It's such a common car I've been noticing them everywhere since he abducted ET. Just a thought.....

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Do you think it's possible that TC has already stolen and switched license plates on the Rogue, maybe several times? It's such a common car I've been noticing them everywhere since he abducted ET. Just a thought.....

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I think that is incredibly likely.
Do you think it's possible that TC has already stolen and switched license plates on the Rogue, maybe several times? It's such a common car I've been noticing them everywhere since he abducted ET. Just a thought.....

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I also think if he's doing any travelling it is all being done at night.
A couple of noob questions here:

1) I am guessing because he googled if the car could be made to be untraceable, LE have tried to trace it?

2) Why is the Amber Alert not going farther out into neighboring states?

Do you think he has a police scanner??
I can't keep up here, so sorry if it's been said. Many Christians believe it is not okay to have sex until after marriage. In his twisted mind, he might be justifying a physical relationship with a marriage, although it would be an illegal one in his case, since he's already married. You know, the whole "we're married in the eyes of the Lord" thing.

This was one of my 1st thoughts as well. I doubt he cared, but ET probably did. He was probably pressuring her to have sex, but she may not have wanted to unless they were married. I think he went away somewhere where they could have a ceremony performed to "get married".
Admins could you kindly update the bit at the beginning to change her height to 5'2"? Her sister clarified that for us and the family is trying to get the correct information out.

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May help to update her picture also, her appearance is more mature now
I can't keep up here, so sorry if it's been said. Many Christians believe it is not okay to have sex until after marriage. In his twisted mind, he might be justifying a physical relationship with a marriage, although it would be an illegal one in his case, since he's already married. You know, the whole "we're married in the eyes of the Lord" thing.

This has always been my thought as well.

She has likely been raised to believe sex should be saved for marriage. And the belief system he ascribes to, given the sect of Christianity of his previous two churches, would likely teach that too. Imho.

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Do you think it's possible that TC has already stolen and switched license plates on the Rogue, maybe several times? It's such a common car I've been noticing them everywhere since he abducted ET. Just a thought.....

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Um absolutely. I think most of us would be blown away, jaw on the ground shocked if he is still cruising around in a silver Nissan Rogue with his same ol' TN plates on it. Might as well buy a neon car top sign and a loud speaker that blared, "I am Abductor Tad Cummins" at that point.

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