Found Deceased TN - Riley Strain, 22, missing from a bar, Nashville, 8 March 2024

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Unfortunately I can easily see how this situation might have unfolded as a pure accident. He's intoxicated, meant to be heading back to the hotel but got turned around. He needs to heed a call of nature after all that drinking, and where better to go than by the river where no one will see him? He heads down, realizes he can't see where he's going without some light, so he reaches into his pocket to pull out his phone, dislodging his bank card that he stashed in there at the bar. At some point he slips and enters the water, and that was that. :(

IMO, MOO, etc., etc.
Or he’s trying to find a private place to barf his brains out.
You're correct. Dense bushes and brambles along the fence line, but only in some sections. Railing, unfortunately, is not very high or protective at all points along RS's known or potential path. LE ended up not being able to get his last location from his watch (location services were not set up) but they were able to see that his Apple Watch did not register a fall. And in my hiking experience that fall detection feature is pretty accurate.

well that's odd because he definitely fell and fell hard - it's on video
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Let's say you're right or close for the sake of discussion. If you're right that means that his bank card has been on that embankment counting today, nine days.
The Nashville PD have made it known it's been an all hands on deck search since he's been missing. Why did it take a group that's not law enforcement to find his bank card? Seems like LE would've already searched that area since it's a known he went missing hear the river.


"The search team used climbing gear to rappel down through the brush on the bank while other crews in boats used sonar to look in the water."

Bank cards aren’t large. It’s also possible someone found it earlier, realized it belonged to someone everyone was looking for, got scared and ditched it. But I think it’s more likely that it fell out of his pocket and because it’s small, no one found it. I mean whole dead bodies aren’t found, despite searches in the very areas where they had been laying so it would be even easier for a tiny bankcard to be missed.
That area is completely littered with trash. Law enforcement was probably more focused on finding his body than something like that.

That being said, we’ve seen professional searchers miss bodies in areas where bodies are ultimately found. If that happens, it’s not surprising to see this happen.
I should really read ahead before posting!
well that's od because he definitely fell and fell hard - it's on video
What video is your source for this?
Oh I see. In the street video. Yeah, I guess you're right about that! I wonder if it registered a fall at that time and not later? They didn't specify in the article. My brain was on the riverbank.
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I mean, they found the card on camera, and law enforcement said the card had been found. They’ve been interviewed by at least one outlet thus far.

So I’m not understanding the point here.
Not only that, but the family and detectives went to the scene to talk to the ladies who found the card. The family confirmed the card belongs to Riley. I mean... MOO
Nashville PD assembled their words a "rescue team" to find Strain. I think it's fair for citizens to expect them to be thorough.

"The search team used climbing gear to rappel down through the brush on the bank while other crews in boats used sonar to look in the water."

A rescue team would be looking for a body, not a credit card. And again, there have been multiple cases where professional searchers, rescuers, search dogs, etc., miss a whole human body in an area where it was later found to have been all along, despite searching there. So what makes anyone think that it would be so easy to find a bank card?
Right, we have a whole multi-page thread here of cases in which bodies were found in areas that had been extensively searched by law enforcement, dogs, etc. (If Websleuths has taught me anything, it's that bodies are incredibly hard to find even when you're well-trained and actively looking for them in the right spot.) It doesn't surprise me at all that searchers could miss something the size of a credit card.
Yup. In fact, it was a miracle it was found. Gave me chills to watch that snippet.
The business said Riley purchased and served a drink plus two waters. What <modsnip> boy goes to Nashville on a special trip and orders water? He's chugging back water due to dehydration caused by too much alcohol. moo

<modsnip-quoted post was snipped>

MANY- In fact, I know many college kids that carry liquid IV, Nuun, etc... to help with hydration. 2 orders of water could have been friends helping him, or him trying to sober up. Seems everyone thinks his friends are garbage and he's just another Mizzou "frat boy".


ETA- There are many things that could have happened (intentionally or unintentionally). Until I have more information, I'll reserve judgement.
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I saw it on a news video but can’t recall which one now. He ran and fell into a pole with a concrete bottom, hitting his head hard. It was painful to watch.
Oh yeah I saw this! My brain was on the riverbank and not on the street haha. It is weird it didn't register a fall, but the article did not specify if the watch did not register ANY fall or if it didn't register a fall just on the riverbank. That would be a good thing to know. If it didn't register the street fall, then I'd say it isn't a good source for info around the river either because that was a really hard fall.

I don't recall having to turn that feature on on my watch? But maybe RS's wasn't functioning or was dead? Weird.

I’m not sure I understand the logic here. If he fell down flat walking across flat pavement, it would be even easier for him to tumble down a steep embankment.
It was full of very sharp-looking rocks so there should be evidence of a fall such as his blood, torn clothing. I want to know if the Bar's security camera shows Riley was handed back his credit card.

I don't consider Tik Tok a reliable source because they pay for videos based on number of views.

YouTube also pays per view if you go that route, but the younger generation uses TikTok as a medium to share videos. I personally hate it, but it is what it is. Not all get paid for their TT or YT videos.
MAR 17, 2024
Police announced on X, formerly Twitter, that Strain’s bank card was found on Sunday. ...

BB, a TikToker who has been looking for Strain in a wooded area near the Cumberland River, told Nexstar’s WKRN that she and another woman found the card. BB said she decided to join the search on Tuesday, March 12, four days after Strain’s disappearance.

“I live 20 minutes away from this, and so once I heard [what] was happening… Tuesday night, I came down here with my boyfriend and we were like, ‘Let’s go,'” she said.

Strain’s family has also been at the scene, as well as detectives, to talk to the women who made the discovery.


The business said Riley purchased and served a drink plus two waters. What Frat boy goes to Nashville on a special trip and orders water? He's chugging back water due to dehydration caused by too much alcohol. moo

We may never see the interior footage of Riley inside Bryan's. I don't need to see it to know he probably fell down in that place so they cut him off. Perhaps he fell down or caused some other chaotic event like bumped into a waitress carrying a tray filled with cocktails. The bar TOS are listed online. The pubs are tolerant until they're not. It's beginning to look like foul play may have been involved. Such a tragic event for all who love him.

GrayHughes has a chilling short video, taken from a livestream, showing a figure running away 2 minutes after Riley's last ping location. Maybe someone here can recall the clothes and such of any other features you've seen in Riley's cctvs that may closely align with this shadowy figure.

The figure seen running away from the last ping area between the bridges....could that be the person Riley interacted with during the "commotion"? (The homeless man yelling up the slope, and the man saying...he's ok, just a drunk").
The timing is right on.
It's chilling to think Riley may have been victim to this guy......possibly.
If so, what happened to Riley? Went down the slope to escape and ended up in the water? Pushed down?
Did this guy steal his phone....possibly?
I saw it on a news video from channel 3.
He ran and fell into a pole with a concrete bottom, hitting his head hard. It was painful to watch.
Terrible. I wish someone had stopped or at least called police.

IMO, finding the card just laying there, and no known charges made on it, undermines a foul play theory. Who would do him harm and not at least sell the card, if not use it themselves.

I hope this is ok, since the family friend and spokesman Chris Dingman has confirmed it. The credit card found by two girls in a "wooded area" indeed is Riley's credit card. Police are in transit to verify it.
as per the Riley Strain Missing page, FB.
can you post the link to the page if it's an allowable link?
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