Found Deceased TN - Riley Strain, 22, missing from a bar, Nashville, 8 March 2024

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As I mentioned in a previous post, I'm in Chicago, and Inaki Bascaran left a bar, got turned around and ended up in the Chicago River downtown. They did have divers very early on- I believe they had a rough idea of where he might have gone in and then they computed the current flow and searched accordingly (finding him relatively quickly, unfortunately). His family hired a private investigator pretty quickly to help coordinate the search and pull video, so maybe they did have more info to work from. I don't know for sure, but I do think they could dive already...but it could also be based upon how fast that river flows. From the one picture I saw, it looks bigger and wider than the Chicago River. JMO.
I don't think they can have a diving team when they have no idea where he might be. If in the water, he could be anywhere, even taken far away by the current. I'd think they'd need a particular area to search. Don't think they could drag a river.
Right now their liability extends to not over serving. To have some special room where bar workers are responsible for people’s well being while intoxicated, would increase that liability and potentially, the danger to employees.
Again, not to mention, holding someone against their will, which is kidnapping.
Recently a local to me restaurant temporarily lost their liquor license because they served a customer a ton of shots in a short period. This customer left, made it only a few kilometres where he crashed his car and died. While the restaurant doesn't seem to have a legal obligation once the customer leaves the venue, I wonder where the moral line is.

I've never worked in the restaurant or bar industry. Maybe they see so many inebriated patrons that they become numb to the realities of the situation.
BBM and of course, we can't legislate morality.

HOWEVER, I wonder if establishments that serve alcohol might be better served re-thinking their policies -- especially when it involves nice quiet people who seem to have been compliant when asked to leave as Riley was.

The local tavern takes care of a regular customer who stops by every night between work and home. It's good for their bottom line to have his regular business. So, the tavern may take him home or make arrangements to on those evenings he's had an extra drink or two.

Bars in tourist cities are in a completely different category. I suspect they tend to think most are one-time customers. Soak them for as much money tonight as you can. When the limit is reached, toss'em to free up space for another one-time customer. That seems short sighted. Especially in today's mobile world. If Riley and his friends had had a great time here and this particular adventure stayed part of their talking memories, there is no way to know how much future business this evening might have provided the bar. They could do re-creations with the same group of friends or bring other friends and relatives whenever they happened to be in Nashville and were looking for a nice place.

It's easy to understand bouncers tossing a loud, belligerent drunk. But it's difficult to understand why they couldn't just hold Riley somewhere out of sight, around a corner a minute or two until a tab got paid and a friend could leave with him -- as it appears the buddies tried to do. Unfortunately, Riley was apparently run out the front entrance, then shooed off. Why not a different door, a quiet location with a hidden bench and a door that was locked to the outside world. A door a server could lead a friend to. Or better still, lead tossee to a quiet corner or alcove inside the bar and allow them to leave together?

Is it the law? no. And not required. Bottom line is Riley was responsible for drinking too much. He's old enough to vote and go to war. But, I wonder if the bar's bottom line would not benefit from better care for its customers by offering a place to wait - "If you would like to". no kidnapping, no forced holding. A courtesy offered to a guest.
There are cases like this all over the country and there have been for years, but yet the go to is “these men are leaving bars, drunk, and walking into water“ are you kidding me? When are we gonna open to our eyes to the fact that the probability that there could be a group targeting these young Caucasian males across the country is extremely high at this point. Let’s open our eyes here folks if this were women we would call it what it is. MOO IMO
It’s happening to young black and Hispanic males in multiple states as well. In some of the missing persons groups I’m in, they’ve wondered if there was a serial killer possibly responsible.
Maybe...but if so, they would have found him by now. He has to be in the river, in my opinion.

I live in MI and a 36 year old man was found in an HVAC room where he went to shelter. Could Riley possibly have done something like that if he suffered a head injury?
I know someone upthread stated dilapidated buildings, etc. were already checked, but I too am wondering about other commercial buildings. They typically have sprinkler rooms, mechanical rooms, etc. I hope the occupants of local buildings on his known route have taken the time to check these places out as well.

We had a homeless person once utilizing the sprinkler room behind our office building because it did not have a lock.

It would not be unheard of for an intoxicated person to find themselves in random places like this.

I think back to Kenneka Jenkins who stumbled her way to the hotel freezer, as well as the more recent case of the intoxicated lady Persia Nelson. She made her way into the GE plant where she dropped her baby in a utility shed tunnel before finding herself in another area of the property.

There is a chance Riley found himself somewhere random like this. He may have laid down to stop the spinning and nausea effects and passed from alcohol poisoning. He also could have suffered anaphylaxis from aspirations if he vomited while laying down.

Based on what we know though and where he was last tracked to, I believe it's most likely that he will be found in the river.

I hate how many threads we have here on WS of young men, drinking in a bar, "disappearing", and being found in a river. It is sad. I wish we could help them understand the dangers of leaving a bar drunk and alone. The young believe they are invincible, but we have found that they are not. :(
Has it been mentioned if RS paid his own tab before leaving?
This article mentions his friends paying their tab while Riley was escorted out of the bar and encouraged to move from in front of the entrance. (Do not know if 'their' tab included Riley but I think it's likely due to his state. Also thinking that's why it slowed friends down to get multiple tabs together). Riley then called his friend after leaving (presumably one of those paying the tab) saying he was in his way to the hotel.

I'm wondering if the last drink/shot(s) Riley took before being escorted out hit him AFTER he made the call. So he was already drunk, escorted out, but was able to call his friend and then got more drunk/sick from last drink and couldn't navigate. His friend could have thought Riley sounded 'ok' on the phone but he got worse? MOO
But, I wonder if the bar's bottom line would not benefit from better care for its customers by offering a place to wait - "If you would like to". no kidnapping, no forced holding. A courtesy offered to a guest.
I *think* from a practical perspective, bars don't want drunk people to either vomit (mess for staff to deal with and other customers will leave) or fall and get injured (ambulance comes, bureaucratic hassles ensue, customers leave). These in addition to the serving-an-intoxicated-person issues. I'm not saying it's right, but I think it's the reality.
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I was just reviewing Snapchat maps to see if there are videos still up from Saturday and there are. I don’t have the best vision to really zoom in and see if RS can be spotted at the bar or anywhere around that area. Not sure that it would really be relevant even if he was spotted though. But wanted to mention it in case anyone wanted to look at it.
I came back hoping for good news. Unfortunately, there isn’t any.
i hate to say this, but, I believe he is in the water especially after 5 days. How far does that river go? I’m sure the current took him way further than where they’re searching.

Still hoping for a miracle! I feel for his parents.
It’s happening to young black and Hispanic males in multiple states as well. In some of the missing persons groups I’m in, they’ve wondered if there was a serial killer possibly responsible.
It’s happening all around the world men missing after night out usually found in water. I think imo its not serial killer at play here
This article mentions his friends paying their tab while Riley was escorted out of the bar and encouraged to move from in front of the entrance. (Do not know if 'their' tab included Riley but I think it's likely due to his state. Also thinking that's why it slowed friends down to get multiple tabs together). Riley then called his friend after leaving (presumably one of those paying the tab) saying he was in his way to the hotel.

I'm wondering if the last drink/shot(s) Riley took before being escorted out hit him AFTER he made the call. So he was already drunk, escorted out, but was able to call his friend and then got more drunk/sick from last drink and couldn't navigate. His friend could have thought Riley sounded 'ok' on the phone but he got worse? MOO
This is what often happens, takes time for the alcohol to hit. When they drink too much too fast it hits real hard
I really couldn't tell what you meant by this, mst?

No one is seen on video following Riley, though. And in some similar cases, the man falling into the water - with no one around - has even been captured on security footage.
I know it feels illogical, feels like it has to be more. It's just so tragic, and you think, Why him? It is truly unfair. But there is no reason to think he was targeted, or?
What I meant by this is when you see a 6 foot something guy stumbling down the street, I understand why some people wouldn't be to keen on going to see what's up with him. Especially these days with tranq and spice out there. Now I do think someone should have called the police
What I meant by this is when you see a 6 foot something guy stumbling down the street, I understand why some people wouldn't be to keen on going to see what's up with him. Especially these days with tranq and spice out there. Now I do think someone should have called the police
Yes. If only he'd been arrested for Public Drunkenness that would probably just be an embarrassment now without him even knowing he could have vanished.
I know this isn't going to be a very popular post however I really am not seeing any fault here as of yet. We have a 22yr old out, got intoxicated and kicked out of a bar. According to post # 374 pg 19 by @Jade posted that the whole group got kicked out and other MSM reported "HE" got kicked out. We have no clue what time they arrived there, we don't know how intoxicated he was when he arrived either. A bar having a safe room kind of thing is also a libablity IMO ( mentioned above as well). I would love nothing more to blame someone/something but from what I've read it really comes down to RS and being vulnerable in his condition that night. I am praying for Riley and his family that they get answers or better yet, Riley comes home safe. IMO
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