Found Deceased TN - Robert Qucsai III, 42, Cummings Falls State Park, 3 Feb 2021

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I find the timing of his disappearance interesting considering he went missing the day prior to this decision.
DISCIPLINARY COUNSEL v. Q | 2021-Ohio-299 | 20210204347 |
No. 2021-0032.
Supreme Court of Ohio.
Submitted January 8, 2021.
Decided February 4, 2021.

Robert's Linked in profile
IG - bobqucsai - extrovert, introvert, loner, lover, dancer, adventurer, hiker, friend, son, brother,

He did not file a response to whatever was going on in his professional life. This kind of thing you don’t want to ignore.
Eta: We’re sorry Bob that the stress got to you.
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I never met Bob, but I can relate to him. Bob was smarter than I. Bob graduated in the top of his high school class. I just graduated. Bob was double-major; I was double-major. Bob went to law school. I went to law school. Bob became a lawyer. I made a career in IT. There are always other doors.

I guess I'm a digital "creeper". I've now viewed every Instagram photo and comment he has posted, and every AllTrails entry. I want to believe. I want to believe Bob is more clever than all of us. I want to believe that Bob is now safe and warm and wondering what the hoopla is about. Against all odds, I want Bob to make a digital mistake and post to an old account. Then, like a religious zealot, I'll post, "He lives!"

On Facebook, his brother Carl, and his father Bob, their facebook sites are like tribute pages now. When Bob went to Jamaica but his family knew. They know, SweetBob1978, a moniker he used on one site, could not do this by design.

Over beers, a dissatisfied title attorney once told me he was mad a 17-year-old version of him had chosen his career. Sometimes, people feel trapped in their profession. Crank up "take this job and shove it" for Bob.

I would have liked to have a beer with Bob and to have hiked a trail with him. Now when I visit these places and the lighting is just right, I'll think "Bob Qucsai would have taken a photo" I never met Bob, but I wish I had.
I have met Bob, we went to college together. He was in the same fraternity as my now husband. We have had many drinks together over the years. He did moved back to Ohio, but I would usually see him at the fraternity alumni holiday party and other events like weddings over the years. One year we had the holiday party at my house. Bob has been to my house!

I have been living vicariously through Bob and all his travels this past year. I remember when I saw his first post about Jamaica. He was there for so long, I thought he wasn’t coming back, but he did. I really miss seeing his posts. I check daily for updates and nothing.

I would like to have another drink Bob and talk about the crazy things we did in college.

I have met Bob and I hope to see him again soon! <3
I never met Bob, but I can relate to him. Bob was smarter than I. Bob graduated in the top of his high school class. I just graduated. Bob was double-major; I was double-major. Bob went to law school. I went to law school. Bob became a lawyer. I made a career in IT. There are always other doors.

I guess I'm a digital "creeper". I've now viewed every Instagram photo and comment he has posted, and every AllTrails entry. I want to believe. I want to believe Bob is more clever than all of us. I want to believe that Bob is now safe and warm and wondering what the hoopla is about. Against all odds, I want Bob to make a digital mistake and post to an old account. Then, like a religious zealot, I'll post, "He lives!"

On Facebook, his brother Carl, and his father Bob, their facebook sites are like tribute pages now. When Bob went to Jamaica but his family knew. They know, SweetBob1978, a moniker he used on one site, could not do this by design.

Over beers, a dissatisfied title attorney once told me he was mad a 17-year-old version of him had chosen his career. Sometimes, people feel trapped in their profession. Crank up "take this job and shove it" for Bob.

I would have liked to have a beer with Bob and to have hiked a trail with him. Now when I visit these places and the lighting is just right, I'll think "Bob Qucsai would have taken a photo" I never met Bob, but I wish I had.
I have met Bob, we went to college together. He was in the same fraternity as my now husband. We have had many drinks together over the years. He did moved back to Ohio, but I would usually see him at the fraternity alumni holiday party and other events like weddings over the years. One year we had the holiday party at my house. Bob has been to my house!

I have been living vicariously through Bob and all his travels this past year. I remember when I saw his first post about Jamaica. He was there for so long, I thought he wasn’t coming back, but he did. I really miss seeing his posts. I check daily for updates and nothing.

I would like to have another drink Bob and talk about the crazy things we did in college.

I have met Bob and I hope to see him again soon! <3
I have met Bob, we went to college together. He was in the same fraternity as my now husband. We have had many drinks together over the years. He did moved back to Ohio, but I would usually see him at the fraternity alumni holiday party and other events like weddings over the years. One year we had the holiday party at my house. Bob has been to my house!

I have been living vicariously through Bob and all his travels this past year. I remember when I saw his first post about Jamaica. He was there for so long, I thought he wasn’t coming back, but he did. I really miss seeing his posts. I check daily for updates and nothing.

I would like to have another drink Bob and talk about the crazy things we did in college.

I have met Bob and I hope to see him again soon! <3
I think it is very important. Maybe he knew pretty much how the decision would go and couldn't handle losing his ability to practice law. jmo
Those who had contact with him in last few weeks may know more. It reminds me of the line from the Office space movie. "Bob, I've noticed you've been missing a lot of work lately!" Bob replies, "Oh, I wouldn't say I've been missing it.'
@thazzy WELCOME!

Good to hear from someone who is familiar with RQ.

Hoping for a good outcome’s been so long now.

Thanks! I have been a member for many years, but mostly just followed cases. Bob is the first person I know to have gone missing.

I keep asking, but everyone seems to have all the same questions...

I would be interested to know what case he was defending when he walked up to the magistrate in the hallway and quit. That sounds like intense disillusionment to me, either because he couldn't stand seeing the kids he was defending getting unfair punishment over and over again, or opposite, getting sick of defending drug dealers or violent offenders who didn't respect him. Perhaps when he went into law, he envisioned doing something else, or his worldview changed and he felt the legal system was too corrupt to be involved with anymore (this is just the vibe I get from him). I don't think he cares about the disbarment. Is there any other repercussion such as financial or was it just his license at stake? I hope he has disappeared to start over and wish him the best. He very likely had the resources and connections to pull it off.
No one is speculating about the big "D". Depression. The mass of men live lives of quiet desperation. The house they had lived in was foreclosed on in 2019. He moved in with Dad and continued to work. (Mom died a few years ago. It still bothered him.) He's working but for what? What's the point? The court could find someone else to handle his cases. He walked away. He went to Jamaica. When his money ran out, he came back. Then, every couple of days he'd walk through a different park State Park. It was cheap, and he didn't have to answer to anyone. He'd come back home and sleep. One day, he decided to go further than usual. He would drive 5 hours to TN. Why? Why not? Then, he started walking. Why? Why not.? They searched the park property, but he didn't stay on park property. Why would he care? Someday they'll find his remains and try to make sense of it. It won't make sense. He took the road not taken.

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
No one is speculating about the big "D". Depression. The mass of men live lives of quiet desperation. The house they had lived in was foreclosed on in 2019. He moved in with Dad and continued to work. (Mom died a few years ago. It still bothered him.) He's working but for what? What's the point? The court could find someone else to handle his cases. He walked away. He went to Jamaica. When his money ran out, he came back. Then, every couple of days he'd walk through a different park State Park. It was cheap, and he didn't have to answer to anyone. He'd come back home and sleep. One day, he decided to go further than usual. He would drive 5 hours to TN. Why? Why not? Then, he started walking. Why? Why not.? They searched the park property, but he didn't stay on park property. Why would he care? Someday they'll find his remains and try to make sense of it. It won't make sense. He took the road not taken.

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

First read it when I was in elementary school, and has been my favorite poem ever since.
No one is speculating about the big "D". Depression. The mass of men live lives of quiet desperation. The house they had lived in was foreclosed on in 2019. He moved in with Dad and continued to work. (Mom died a few years ago. It still bothered him.) He's working but for what? What's the point? The court could find someone else to handle his cases. He walked away. He went to Jamaica. When his money ran out, he came back. Then, every couple of days he'd walk through a different park State Park. It was cheap, and he didn't have to answer to anyone. He'd come back home and sleep. One day, he decided to go further than usual. He would drive 5 hours to TN. Why? Why not? Then, he started walking. Why? Why not.? They searched the park property, but he didn't stay on park property. Why would he care? Someday they'll find his remains and try to make sense of it. It won't make sense. He took the road not taken.

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
@OldProtozoan I hope with my whole heart and soul that you are wrong and hope is all there is right now.</3

p.s. You are very good with words.
@OldProtozoan I hope with my whole heart and soul that you are wrong and hope is all there is right now.</3

p.s. You are very good with words.
Thank you. It would help if TBI would issue a statement. Clues? Did someone report seeing him? e.g. hiking, walking, walking along a road, hitch-hiking, loitering, etc. They're sure making it hard on us would be websleuths.
I realize this may not solve the mystery of where RQ is, but I noticed Cummins Falls is one of the few sites where the trails have been surveyed for Google Streetview. So you can zoom in and see what the trails in the park look like at ground level, or at least what they looked like in March 2016. It seems to have been done through a project called Google Trekker where someone carries a 40 lb. backpack equipped with a Google 360 degree camera along the trails.

There's a promotional video here of how they did it. I think it includes a few brief snips of Cummins Falls trails.

Among other things, it gives you a sense of how limited the park space is. Along one section of river there's a wooden fence opposite the park. The park location is not in an extensive wilderness area. It's largely bordered by roads and farms.
In fact, until we know what happened, we won't know how to classify the Bob Qucsai story. Is going into the 'wild' and disappearing a thing? (OK, maybe Cummins Falls isn't 'the wild', but maybe it is 'wild enough' if you're hell bent on the devil's mission?) I mean, if depressed people think similarly, then maybe depressed people do similar things. It's like the joke, "you're unique, just like everyone else." While we all like to think we are masters of our own destiny, observed from afar, humans look much like ants scurrying about. Are there patterns, but we don't look for them because we don't like what they reveal? It seems getting lost in the wild as a means of leaving this existence is a thing. The Cold Vanish: Seeking The Missing In North America’s Wildlands . I hope that's not the case here. (Oh, by the way, cell phone records might be useless. I saw one hiker's account that they had no T-mobile service once they started on the hike. So, cell phone records may not tell anymore than we know, i.e. at 1:30 pm he arrived at the park, and he never returned to his car.
I guess my thinking about the dog was- I it was left behind (which it was), was it in an apartment where it would have to fend for itself? Left with someone else? Lived with other people? If it was left at home alone, I see no way he did this on purpose. Because he clearly cared about the dog.

I believe the dog belongs to his father and lives with his father and not him, he just takes him with him from time to time when hiking. IMO
In fact, until we know what happened, we won't know how to classify the Bob Qucsai story. Is going into the 'wild' and disappearing a thing? (OK, maybe Cummins Falls isn't 'the wild', but maybe it is 'wild enough' if you're hell bent on the devil's mission?) I mean, if depressed people think similarly, then maybe depressed people do similar things. It's like the joke, "you're unique, just like everyone else." While we all like to think we are masters of our own destiny, observed from afar, humans look much like ants scurrying about. Are there patterns, but we don't look for them because we don't like what they reveal? It seems getting lost in the wild as a means of leaving this existence is a thing. The Cold Vanish: Seeking The Missing In North America’s Wildlands . I hope that's not the case here. (Oh, by the way, cell phone records might be useless. I saw one hiker's account that they had no T-mobile service once they started on the hike. So, cell phone records may not tell anymore than we know, i.e. at 1:30 pm he arrived at the park, and he never returned to his car.


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