Found Deceased TN - Tamia Taylor, 21, met friend at 11:30pm and got on a riverboat, when riverboat docked she was missing, Memphis, 9 Sep 2023

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Dock Ellis Foundation Inc

Tamia Taylor's family understands the impact Tamia Taylor's case has on the community, most importantly her family wants her home. We believe by creating a clear understanding of what may have occurred that night will assist with additonal information, witnesses and tips. Dock Ellis Foundation is working with the family of Tamia Taylor to create a timeline of events and bring awareness. We ask that everyone stay vigilant and keep their faith as we continue our efforts to get Tamia home. Please understand this timeline may not reflect actual events investigated by law enforcment as we respect this is an open investigation.

Again, this timeline is based off multiple sources and recollection . If you have any information contact Memphis Police department immediately at 901-636-4479 or CrimeStoppers at 901-528-CASH.

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I don’t know if it was an oversight, but did anyone else find it odd that this timeline doesn’t mention Tamia’s last visit to the restroom (as reported by her friends) and how her friends obtained Tamia’s phone?

Praying for her family while they wait for identification.
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“My heart. My heart just grieves for Tamia’s experience that night. It just grieves for it. It just seemed as if no one cared about Tamia’s life,” said Taylor’s cousin Devante Hill.

“We don’t know, one, if this was Tamia’s body, and secondly, if it is, we don’t know if she was dumped there or placed there, put there or did she wash up on the water,” Hill said.

“She is just a beacon of strength, a beacon of hope. She’s just a beacon of courage for a lot of people who don’t know what to do or say in this moment,” Hill said.

WREG learned DNA samples from Taylor’s mother were taken Monday morning to identify the body found in the river.

“We need to know what happened to Tamia, and someone needs to be held accountable for their negligence that night, whether its Memphis Riverboat, whether its the peers,” Hill said.

“I have a hard time calling these individuals friends. I have traveled all across the world with my friends and I cannot go to the bathroom yet alone, the bathroom inebriated without my cell phone, and my friends leave me when we came together,” Hill said.

“You cannot take people into the middle of the Mississippi River and have no cameras and if anything goes wrong no one sees it. It’s the perfect crime scene,” he said.
“My heart. My heart just grieves for Tamia’s experience that night. It just grieves for it. It just seemed as if no one cared about Tamia’s life,” said Taylor’s cousin Devante Hill.

“We don’t know, one, if this was Tamia’s body, and secondly, if it is, we don’t know if she was dumped there or placed there, put there or did she wash up on the water,” Hill said.

“She is just a beacon of strength, a beacon of hope. She’s just a beacon of courage for a lot of people who don’t know what to do or say in this moment,” Hill said.

WREG learned DNA samples from Taylor’s mother were taken Monday morning to identify the body found in the river.

“We need to know what happened to Tamia, and someone needs to be held accountable for their negligence that night, whether its Memphis Riverboat, whether its the peers,” Hill said.

“I have a hard time calling these individuals friends. I have traveled all across the world with my friends and I cannot go to the bathroom yet alone, the bathroom inebriated without my cell phone, and my friends leave me when we came together,” Hill said.

“You cannot take people into the middle of the Mississippi River and have no cameras and if anything goes wrong no one sees it. It’s the perfect crime scene,” he said.

I understand that they must be hurting but blaming others is not the right approach - it will not bring Tamia back.

The friends were all drunk - you don’t always think or act logically when you’re drunk - the friends will be hurting to and these articles will be adding to their hurt.
I have a couple thoughts, mostly just to vent/ramble.

First, I’m so sorry for the family of Tamia as they wait. But I’m confused on why this may be a “long wait”. I guess I don’t understand the process. Are they waiting on the technology they need? In that case is there no way to expedite it as they have done with other cases (Eliza Fletcher as someone else mentioned)? Or is it a wait due to being backed up on cases? In which case, again, is it not possible to prioritize this case? Because it just seems absolutely horrible to say “well, we have a body, but that will just have to wait.” Why doesn’t this take priority? Not to sound grim but, what do they do with the body in the meantime? And during that time is there no way to determine any features that might help them say “we’re fairly certain that this is/isn’t Tamia”? Can they at least say a gender, skin color, hair, tattoos? I guess I just don’t understand why her family has to be left COMPLETELY in the dark. It’s heartbreaking.

Second, I have a feeling that no matter what the outcome/ruling is in regards to manner and cause of death, there are going to be theorists that come out of the woodwork who won’t accept it. Just like we saw with Kiely Rodni, Jelani Day, Toni Anderson, etc…..I fear no matter what the ruling, many will not be satisfied with it. This is one of those cases where the police just won’t be able to provide an answer that satisfies everyone, IMO.

All very much just my opinion.
Or is it a wait due to being backed up on cases? In which case, again, is it not possible to prioritize this case?
I'm not sure how that would work? Would it not be then awful for some other family who gets told that sorry, we postponed the ID of your potential relative, because we'd rather ID this other person instead?

The wait sure will feel super long to the family, but I get the vibe it's pretty sure it's her. I don't think there will be any benefits to speculate how likely the match is or is not and give the family more details to stress about, more hope and hopelessness. A female body was found at the logical time and place to be her. It most likely is her. They don't need speculations about the age and race and so forth, they need to know for sure. I have a feeling that had it been easy to rule her out, say, if the deceased was an Asian lady in her 70s, then the family would already know that.

All my very unprofessional own opinion.
But I’m confused on why this may be a “long wait”. I guess I don’t understand the process.
My best GUESS is that because the body was taken to the state lab in Little Rock that the county where the body was found lacks the resources to have its own lab. Eliza Fletcher was in Memphis, which is in Tennessee's most populous county, Shelby. I suspect that accounts for the timing difference in DNA confirmation. We don't know exactly what the family has been told. LE may feel fairly certain because of timing and size of body that it is Tamia and may or may not have passed that along to family. Or they may think it is someone else and also passed that along to the families involved. However, obtaining DNA from Tamia's mother would be a way to be 100 percent positive one way or the other. Plus, if this is not Tamia, they still need her mother's DNA. I'm from a county in Tennessee that uses a state lab, and yes the wait is longer.

I wonder if the extreme amount of coverage this case has gotten won't make LE more cautious about saying anything that MIGHT possibly turn out to be wrong?
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In addition, LE may be aware of other persons who may be in the river. Tamia has gotten the coverage, but we don't know there aren't others waiting as well.
True. While living in New Orleans, searches were conducted to find a man who fell overboard in the Mississippi. During the search two other bodies were found.
The body found must not have been clothed or the clothes could help identify her.

No exactly. They could have lots of clues on the body about who this might be - length and colour of hair, rings, shoes and clothing, dentals, but for a positive identification, they would need to know that this was indeed Tamia and not an imposter. Thus the DNA test. I expect that the family already knows from those clues, and are waiting for verification.
I'm not sure how that would work? Would it not be then awful for some other family who gets told that sorry, we postponed the ID of your potential relative, because we'd rather ID this other person instead?

The wait sure will feel super long to the family, but I get the vibe it's pretty sure it's her. I don't think there will be any benefits to speculate how likely the match is or is not and give the family more details to stress about, more hope and hopelessness. A female body was found at the logical time and place to be her. It most likely is her. They don't need speculations about the age and race and so forth, they need to know for sure. I have a feeling that had it been easy to rule her out, say, if the deceased was an Asian lady in her 70s, then the family would already know that.

All my very unprofessional own opinion.
I wasn’t implying they should prioritize her over other families who are waiting. Of course that would be disrespectful. I meant it should take priority over other more mundane, non-urgent activities, in the same way that Eliza was quickly identified.
No exactly. They could have lots of clues on the body about who this might be - length and colour of hair, rings, shoes and clothing, dentals, but for a positive identification, they would need to know that this was indeed Tamia and not an imposter. Thus the DNA test. I expect that the family already knows from those clues, and are waiting for verification.
I understand that an official identification has to be made based upon the DNA test. I'm just saying that an unofficial identification most likely has been done by investigators already, they just can't say until the DNA tests return.

The body was identified as that of a black woman
If I am remembering correctly, there was a young missing black girl in West Memphis recently. Maybe that is playing a part in the delay?? I am uncertain where I saw that, but I think it may have been on this site?
I understand that they must be hurting but blaming others is not the right approach - it will not bring Tamia back.

The friends were all drunk - you don’t always think or act logically when you’re drunk - the friends will be hurting to and these articles will be adding to their hurt.
If it is her, I wonder if the family will file a law suit against the cruise company for low railings or some other safety feature missing? Although I do not think they are to blame and it is just an accident.
If it is her, I wonder if the family will file a law suit against the cruise company for low railings or some other safety feature missing? Although I do not think they are to blame and it is just an accident.
I wonder if the participants had to sign a waiver.

I once went on a booze cruise in Bermuda and had to sign one beforehand, basically that I understand alcohol is served and I’m responsible to not fall off the boat/get injured, I suppose.

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