To all who believe Caylee is ALIVE, explain this?

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We're not talking about media spin here. We're talking about a statement directly from a lead investigator on the case, captured on video.

Who cares, he's not under oath in a court of law. His story can change and no one can do anything about it.


You're NOT wrong, and NEITHER am I. No one is wrong. There is NO PHYSICAL EVIDENCE in this case that the public is aware of. NOTHING. Think like a lawyer.

No paperwork = no evidence. End of discussion, move on.
Once again, Brini, it's very debatable whether there was ever any body in the car. This has not been proved yet. There are only "leaks" and lots of media spin claiming that this is the case. There is no need to jump to that conclusion yet. I won't restate all the discussion on the topic.

Ok then, this is supposing that any evidence the public hears from the media is questionable at best.
I have to resond with SO WHAT? The lead investigator said??? Let me give you a direct quote on National TV... "I did not have sexual relations with that woman". Ring a bell? How about. "Read my lips, no new taxes". Both on National TV, both said by "important" people, both proven lies.

The proof as it stands right this minute only proves one thing...

Caylee is missing either alive or dead.

Thanks for this post. A voice of reason.
Who cares, he's not under oath in a court of law. His story can change and no one can do anything about it.


You're NOT wrong, and NEITHER am I. No one is wrong. There is NO PHYSICAL EVIDENCE in this case that the public is aware of. NOTHING. Think like a lawyer.

No paperwork = no evidence. End of discussion, move on.

You forgot

All I'm saying is everything that has been released...Caylee missing, no one in Casey's circle having seen her since the beginning of June, ZG doesn't exist in the form that Casey has told LE, no money indicating she was sold, Casey's attitude of being disconnected from the situation, forensic results, etc.. all points IMO to supporting the theory of Caylee being deceased. I would just like to see something that could change my mind. Those ppl that think Caylee is alive try to debunk all of this but have yet to produce any facts that could sway me to their way of thinking. You want us non-believers to give you facts on why we think she is deceased all we ask is the same consideration for your side of the debate.

Zenaida's script made Casey act the way she did.


I'm taking your baby. Now smile! Dance on a pole, get a tattoo, lie about a job, make out with a lot of guys and wipe out your best friends bank account.

You're never going to see Caylee again regardless, but if I catch you not agreeing to dance with another woman or turning down an invitation to celebrate at a holiday party like you normally would - Caylee dies.

Have fun, or else the girl gets it.
IMO the reason Casey isn't upset is because Caylee wasn't taken, she was given away.

And she didn't tell anyone, didn't miss her, and went out and partied? Can a normal mom give a 2 year old away and go on like life is normal??? I would have thought if she loved Caylee, the pain of separation would have been apparent. IMOO
I have to resond with SO WHAT? The lead investigator said??? Let me give you a direct quote on National TV... "I did not have sexual relations with that woman". Ring a bell? How about. "Read my lips, no new taxes". Both on National TV, both said by "important" people, both proven lies.

Sorry, but that is a ridiculous comparison. The first was said by a president who had sex with an intern in the Oval Office, and knew that his world was going to come crumbling down around him if he told the truth. He risked the lie, hoping to not get caught. I could see a comparison with CASEY there, but a comparison with law enforcement? C'mon! And your second quote is from a politician hoping for victory in an election. Again, explain the comparison to law enforcement, because I don't think it's there. Is law enforcement afraid of being caught in a lie and impeached? Is law enforcement trying to get elected?

Seriously, if you won't believe a direct statement from law enforcement, you won't believe anything in this case.

Your posts are starting to sound more and more trollish all the time, IMO. I can't continue a debate with someone who compares Sgt. John Allen with Bill Clinton, sorry.
All I'm saying is everything that has been released...Caylee missing, no one in Casey's circle having seen her since the beginning of June, ZG doesn't exist in the form that Casey has told LE, no money indicating she was sold, Casey's attitude of being disconnected from the situation, forensic results, etc.. all points IMO to supporting the theory of Caylee being deceased. I would just like to see something that could change my mind. Those ppl that think Caylee is alive try to debunk all of this but have yet to produce any facts that could sway me to their way of thinking. You want us non-believers to give you facts on why we think she is deceased all we ask is the same consideration for your side of the debate.

LOL, again, you have no facts that she is dead, only missing. Show me one hard fact that she's dead and I'll shut up, until then, you're JUST GUESSING based on what the TV and Internet have said. I can literally show you thousands upon thousands of examples that people have lied on TV. I can read just as good as everyone on this site -- and I've got quite a bit of experience in the court room. Based on what we've seen, they have no case.

This doesn't mean that they have no case. This means that they have no case based on what we've seen. Again, no paperwork = no evidence. You can't trust someone's words as far as you can spit. This is reality.
Look at that ZG again ,look at her friends list ,all family except LR ,also I searched alot of comments sent by LR ,by punching in her name on myspace ,
She is apparently Jewish and from what I can tell ZG doesn't fit with the friends she has either ,She is no longer on WW friends list ,just in the comments.
I searched Casey's friends on facebook ,no LR,and I don't believe LR was on her myspace friends.To get ZG's real name ,they would of had to of known each other because on myspace it does not say her name.
This forum is so big that I haven't been able to keep up with all of the different threads regarding interactions between different players, etc. I'm not sure what you're saying about the people in your post. I remember someone metioning a certain Myspace connection before ... that there was someone on THE ZG's friends list that was also connected to a male myspace user that was on Casey's visitor list in jail. Am I understanding that correctly?

So the ZG that police interviewed ... the one that stated that she didn't know Casey and the one whom Casey says she doesn't know either ... is this the very same ZG that we're talking about now on myspace? Because if so, even if they never met, it certainly seems (based on some great sleuthing by fellow WS'ers) that they had mutual friends. That would be enough of a link for Casey to pull in real names of people she knows exist and real details that she's overheard or that were relayed to her incidentally.
I'm taking your baby. Now smile! Dance on a pole, get a tattoo, lie about a job, make out with a lot of guys and wipe out your best friends bank account.

You're never going to see Caylee again regardless, but if I catch you not agreeing to dance with another woman or turning down an invitation to celebrate at a holiday party like you normally would - Caylee dies.

Have fun, or else the girl gets it.

This is so telling, isn't it? The question I have is this: Was Casey hitting the party scene harder after Caylee disappeared or was it always at this level, 'cause I can see her behavior as a frenzy to wipe the horror out of her mind with this partying.
There is also the police report where that woman's house or office was broken into and her computer was stolen. If Casey was into something illegal like stealing for drugs or even connected with people who were, it would be very easy to get all of that information off that woman's computer.

I have always found it strange that long before Caylee disappeared the SAME woman was the victim of a robbery.
THE ZG? Wow, I had never heard that. That's very interesting indeed.
I think that is how Casey made her money in addition to stealing checks, etc. she fenced stolen merchandise.
Sorry, but that is a ridiculous comparison. The first was said by a president who had sex with an intern in the Oval Office, and knew that his world was going to come crumbling down around him if he told the truth.

Dude, they took him in front of the board, proved he lied, made him apologize on national television -- AND HE STILL HAD THE HIGHEST RATINGS of a President since, and some time before.

It's a good comparison -- 'cause it means the same thing.

*punches you in the face*

TV Reporter: "Sources close to the investigation say that Jim, a 28 year old white male punched Poster Tailson in the face on a message board. The suspect denies those claims. Sources also say that Law Enforcement Officials have DNA evidence that supports this accusation."
Law Enforcement: "We are keeping Jim as a person of interest in this ongoing investigation, however, at this time we are not ready to release any more information."
TV Reporter: "When contacted, Jim released this brief statement."
Me: "I have no idea what this person is talking about, the cops came to my house and told me someone said I punched them in the face. I was just minding my own business posting on a web forum and all of a sudden cops are at my house."
TV Reporter: "The victim in this crime was unable to be reached for further comment. Live from the Internet, this is TV Reporter signing off."

Is that proof I did it? Nope.
Ok then, this is supposing that any evidence the public hears from the media is questionable at best.

Not intentionally twisted, just a lot of spin on it. Many people in the media were assuming Casey was a murderer from virtually the first couple days of the case, simply because of the investigators going to Universal and finding out that Casey didn't work there anymore. The rhetoric started as early as that with the strong suggestions and sometime outright statements that she must be a lying sociopath and therefore must have killed her child. Every leak since then has been described by many in the media as proof of this. Though that isn't established at all. We won't have any idea what the body of evidence is or what it means until we see it in court.
What do you mean specifically? Other than the discovery docs with the witness statements? GA drove it home from impound without getting gas so it could not have been out.

doc 2, pg 56
George returned to car with can of gas and put it in. (paraphrased)
Her other boyfriend Tony has now been fired from the police force and several others have moved. Lots of people have been affected by this in a big way . . . oh, except Casey. She's just talking and smiling and acting like nothing happened, according to Leonard P. and Rob D.
LOL, again, you have no facts that she is dead, only missing. Show me one hard fact that she's dead and I'll shut up, until then, you're JUST GUESSING based on what the TV and Internet have said. I can literally show you thousands upon thousands of examples that people have lied on TV. I can read just as good as everyone on this site -- and I've got quite a bit of experience in the court room. Based on what we've seen, they have no case.

This doesn't mean that they have no case. This means that they have no case based on what we've seen. Again, no paperwork = no evidence. You can't trust someone's words as far as you can spit. This is reality.

I have said that until we have the formal evidence in hand this is all theory. But in saying that, the information given by the LE and the 400 pg documents lead me in that direction.
Again you show no proof for your statements. Your experience is not proof and not having Caylee in hand is not proof she is alive. All I'm asking is that someone provide compelling evidence that would give credence to the theory of her being alive. Or give proof or something reasonable that what has been leaked is false.
One of the things that amazes me the most is how often people keep saying that Casey is a sociopath and has narcissistic personality. This is because they've heard "therapists" on TV who are saying this without having ever tested, evaluated, or even met Casey Anthony. They are saying this totally based on the assumption that Casey did kill someone and is lying. So far, that assumption is based totally on appearances and suggestion, there isn't any proof, thank heavens, that has been admitted as evidence, ready to stand up to examination in a court of law.
Her mother called her a Sociopath and had sought the help of a therapist.
I believe that Caylee is deceased with that being said. What could it hurt if for a few days all the WS'rs took the leads from the "believers" and tried to connect some dots. It may not lead to Caylee alive but it may lead to Caylee. I for one, am tired of the KC & A's Show. There are smart, my gawd ya'll are smart, posters on here and I have read some of the stuff they have and I don't know how to decipher it, but some of ya'll could. If it leads to a dead end then it's just a dead end.

Somebody was on their thread with a "tip" and when it was asked about calling in the tip to the police, etc., the poster said they weren't supposed to get involved or something to that effect. They say they have tips but then say don't go over there. They say they have leads, but they say we can't talk about it. It's one big circle that just keeps the A's on a goose chase. This should be very obvious: The LE is not looking for a LIVE Caylee as they have evidence of a DEAD Caylee.
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