To all who believe Caylee is ALIVE, explain this?

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Nope not true, I am in the I think Caylee is dead camp and I even believe KC did it. Get this, I dont even think it was an accident, I think it was intentional murder 1. But I don't see any evidence to support my personal opinion either.

I think it was intentional murder, too.

I don't think Casey would use chloroform to make Caylee sleep. There are too many other safer, over the counter meds for that. I think she researched and got Chloroform to "humanely" put Caylee down.

But, I haven't seen any evidence to support that theory.
I couldn't vote guilty of premeditation based on the known facts.

I don't doubt that Caylee is gone though. I also think Casey acted alone.
Yeah the red stuff is clear, I Got that.

I'm wondering ... did no one that actually read the documents? ... Not see a disjointed, oblique line of questioning to the "players" by LE?

That line of questioning was beveled at the very least!

As have been all the leaks! Oh I mean triumphs! [depending on your perspective here]

No one here doubts that Casey has/is/does/will ... and continues to lie ... or [at the very least tells half truths]

But you know why that doesn't make her murderer? ... Cause it's been a life-long pattern ... At least according to her friends ... the sworn testament's of her friendships from at least high school graduation to now. state at least a theory of dishonesty?

Let's Hash it out ... cuz ... I'm starting to feel spent.
It seems to me that her behavior had escalated. She went from lying to stealing to G-d knows what. It's this escalation that worries me greatly.
I question whether or not there would be so many supporters of Caylee is alive theory if, say, KC was an overweight Latina (nothing against Latinas...just rhetorical) with missing teeth and clothes from K-Mart and not this attractive, thin, white girl.

IOW....A cute girl just can't do that!

I'm so sorry. In my personal, pure, unadultered opinion, I think that is the most inappropriate statement made regarding this case. Just wrong.
I'm so sorry. In my personal, pure, unadultered opinion, I think that is the most inappropriate statement made regarding this case. Just wrong.

AHA! But isn't this what KC is doing by saying "ZG" did it? Understand??!!
AHA! But isn't this what KC is doing by saying "ZG" did it? Understand??!!

Well, I stand corrected, and withdraw my comment. Sorry. Not the first time on this thread somebody just completely missed the humor. Wish someone would find an icon for tongue in cheek. Yep, now I see it. :blowkiss: See, if I'm wrong, I can back-pedal.
Well, I stand corrected, and withdraw my comment. Sorry. Not the first time on this thread somebody just completely missed the humor. Wish someone would find an icon for tongue in cheek. Yep, now I see it. :blowkiss: See, if I'm wrong, I can back-pedal.

Actually, my posts are short and to the point as I am working and can't expand as much as I would like....Kisses accepted! :blowkiss:
Show me the DNA evidence, show me the reports.
Dont show me a link where the Sheriff says "evidence". Show me the actual reports.

All Im saying, to stay objective and remember words are words, evidence is evidence.

True. And we are going off of the words of the law enforcement sworn to uphold truth and justice while you go off of the words of a proven serial thief and liar.
I'm confused. Wasn't KC in jail not accepting visitors including her own family? That might have been a good time to go out and follow up on tips. I've wondered about the PI. How come we've never heard a word about what he's been doing? As he may be ex-LE himself, perhaps he's not good at his job either.

There's a lot we haven't heard a Proficient word on ... IE: INCOMING CALLS FROM THOSE SUPPOSED SIGNIFICANT DATES [16th, 17th, 18th] . . HOW LONG THE CALLS LASTED? Any Messages left? How about text messages? AT THE VERY MINIMUM FOR AT LEAST THE TWO DATES LE, tey themselves, RELEASED?

Read through the docs and write down AT THE MOMENT a question you KNOW is relevant ... a premordial question, to the answer given ... was that question later asked ... or even anwered? MOST LIKELY, IT WASN'T even ASKED!

MEDIA REPORTS all their evidence as coming from "sources close to the case" One's of which who will never be revealed as receiving a dollar or two?

Ya know ... I just think Optimism is of pivitol importance here. For those who can't and/or refuse to see that ... The only person it hurts is Caylee.

We can all spend our day's/nights attacking CaseY OR even each other... but then in that case no one wins! No one disagrees that Casey is the huggermugger in this case ... all we are trying to do is THINK! plain and simple. THINK with an attachment of bouyancy? NO ONE can assume in this case that all involved are bona fide.
True. And we are going off of the words of the law enforcement sworn to uphold truth and justice while you go off of the words of a proven serial thief and liar.

Yeah, I'd never believe the police and the FBI over a pathological liar and petty criminal. ESPECIALLY if the cops, feds, and the media all engaged in a plot against an obscure 23-year old, to some secret benefit, and for some secret agenda.

Hey! Maybe the CIA came up with the Invisible Nanny? THEY could delete ALL of her phone calls! ;-)
And Brini, when did she begin her walk across every inch of the earth to find her grandchild, as she said early on she was going to do? Most I've seen her walk is to the edge of the street carrying a hammer, to cars that are taking her someplace, a few other places. But she doesn't even seem to be looking around as she walks in those places. Just looking for cameras or microphones.

And the family said they were running their own investigation. Haven't seen anything about the findings there, either.

Oh, yeah! And. "open every door." Maybe she just meant her garage door?

If I was a parent, or GP, I WOULD be walking every inch of earth. And, the cops would not be able to get RID of me. I'd be there every day, asking them about investigation progress.

In ANY of KCs calls, did you hear her ask whether there was any progress re: finding Caylee?
Yeah, I'd never believe the police and the FBI over a pathological liar and petty criminal. ESPECIALLY if the cops, feds, and the media all engaged in a plot against an obscure 23-year old, to some secret benefit, and for some secret agenda.

Hey! Maybe the CIA came up with the Invisible Nanny? THEY could delete ALL of her phone calls! ;-)

Really? What .. besides NG's "Sources close to the Case" statements have you heard FBI make?

The Media by the way ... it's thier job to CREATE headlines!

I"m SURE I would believe you too... well at least God Forbid, until it happened to you... the rest I'd have to leave up to the media.

Everyone ... LMAO .. seems and deems themselves perfectionists. Knowing exactly what they would do under the [unknown] circumstances. I'm so proud of you all I can hardly control myslef.
Good summary. Actually I think the posters who believe Caylee alive are because they really do have a good heart, and can't believe a parent could murder their own child. Some of us old-timers have been around long enough and seen enough cases to know it happens: Scott Peterson, Jon Benet Ramsey, Maddie McCann, Susan Smith, and others just to name a few...

MY mom was once on a jury for a drunk, hit and run driver. She said there was a TON of evidence against him. But, one juror said, "I think he's innocent, because he has a kind face." Another said, "Jesus will forgive him, and that's good enough for me."

Hung jury-- because of personal feelings, NOT evidence.
This is my point exactly! I came onto this thread waiting for photographic evidence, plane tickets, phone calls, something to follow this alive theory as at this point I ONLY want to find Caylee, dead or alive. I have posted questions before with the same answers. I just posted a question about a photograph. All I get is DNA evidence blah, blah, blah, and we are really circling around the subject. I thought this thread was to ask those who believe Caylee is alive for tips, hints, evidence, etc.

Those who believe Caylee is alive have no evidence.

Those who don't, so believe because of the evidence.
MY mom was once on a jury for a drunk, hit and run driver. She said there was a TON of evidence against him. But, one juror said, "I think he's innocent, because he has a kind face." Another said, "Jesus will forgive him, and that's good enough for me."

Hung jury-- because of personal feelings, NOT evidence.

Very good post and point.
CMA's assertion that she was given a script is what bothers me the most. If this is true, does that mean she made up everything? ZFG, Samantha, the kids, the park being the location of the kidnapping.
Is she adhering to the script by the "real" kidnappers?

OR....if the ZFG kidnapping really happened, didn't she put Caylee's life in danger by telling LE their names?

Exactly! If she can tell LE their names, she can tell them everything else. Telling LE their names is the most "dangerous" revelation.
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