To all who believe Caylee is ALIVE, explain this?

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Find the FBI statements, yourself. If you were following the news carefully, you SAW the death band picture the FBI released to Fox, and other media.

Excellent post, BRINI!!!

You Rock!!! I wish everyone took the time & energy to support their posts with links.
Once again, you are assuming that has been confirmed as true, it has NOT, no one has issued a statement or published a report to that effect. No one, not anywhere at any time. They may very well have that information, but WE do NOT have it.

Good point.

Just because we don't have it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.:)
Great idea for a thread, since the other "alive" thread does not welcome questions concerning the "alive" theories.
Find the FBI statements, yourself. If you were following the news carefully, you SAW the death band picture the FBI released to Fox, and other media.

That picture was an example of what they were speaking about. They did not state that the picture was of the actual sample from the car, did they? Such examples, possibly the exact same ones can be found on a google search.
The video of the bond hearing lays the groundwork out for the investigation. The Judge obviously believed LE. It does introduce the decomposition in the car, the stain, the dirt, the hair, and the dog hits. Now, let's move on to where those items are confirmed by LE.

A 500K bond, no priors, upheld at reduction hearing with NO OPINION, no filing with Supreme Court due to it.. That is all I need to hear to know this is a strong physical case. I keep going back to the same thing.

Their is no full DNA panel on the hair/stain because they have to establish Caylee paternity first.. By exclusion it HAS to be Caylee's hair. If it WERE Casey's there would be a full result.. People are assuming that there was only a mitochondrial result achievable- I disagree.

Look for a motion to test JO sample, which was preserved for this case months ago.
That's another rumor that has been passed around so much that some people take it as a fact, (a) that Casey has been a "liar" all her life and (b) that this is because the Anthonys never held her accountable. These are parents who possibly were having her pay them rent while she lived there with her baby. There is no evidence that they were too permissive or that they were too easy on her. People are only assuming this could be true, creating a picture in their own mind to explain all the unanswered questions. Just speculation. Actually, habitual lying or compulsive lying sometimes develops in children who grow up with constant fear of punishment, quite the opposite.

Rent? How did she pay rent? She had no job and stealing money from her Grandparents or parents doesn't count, so how could she possibly pay rent?
I find all your info to be accurate, but I respectfully snipped this to say that if she was fearful, she would not likely have wanted to be out of jail and in her home...

ITA, why wouldn't Casey seek the protection of LE?
I respect all those believers out there, I really do! I wish I could be sitting on your side, but unfortunately I can't.

When I tried to believe this whole kidnapping story, my mother sat down with me and asked me two questions..
What would your own mother do?, and What would you as a mother do?, if your child was kidnapped..
My mother isn't a cop, she's not a therapist, a nurse, she is just a plain ole housewife who has raised 5 kids..

The only logical thing I can conclude in this case is that something very bad happened. And the only logical end to this case is for Casey to tell the truth. If the truth leads to an Alive Caylee, wonderful! If the truth leads to a dead Caylee, then lets put her little soul to rest. Being a liar does not make you a murderer, however lying about your childs whereabouts makes you just as guilty as the person who possibly took her.
I am a firm believer in the evidence, and when it is all laid out in front of me I can make a better judgement.
Right now, I sitting on this side though,
Casey is 22 years old, and broke as broke gets..She is being offered over 1 million to tell her story if it is the truth. If this child was alive and she knew it, and or knew where this child was, no 22 year old would turn down 1 million dollars unless they in fact had more to do with this crime than meets the eye.
1 million dollars would change her life forever, but only if she tells the truth. Its her choice as to take this offer, not Baez's, he is working for her, she is not working for him.
A 500K bond, no priors, upheld at reduction hearing with NO OPINION, no filing with Supreme Court due to it.. That is all I need to hear to know this is a strong physical case. I keep going back to the same thing.

There is no full DNA panel on the hair/stain because they have to establish Caylee paternity first.. By exclusion it HAS to be Caylee's hair. If it WERE Casey's there would be a full result.. People are assuming that there was only a mitochondrial result achievable- I disagree.

Look for a motion to test JO sample, which was preserved for this case months ago.
You are correct.
I respect all those believers out there, I really do! I wish I could be sitting on your side, but unfortunately I can't.

If this child was alive and she knew it, and or knew where this child was, no 22 year old would turn down 1 million dollars unless they in fact had more to do with this crime than meets the eye.
1 million dollars would change her life forever, but only if she tells the truth. Its her choice as to take this offer, not Baez's, he is working for her, she is not working for him.

Great point, and one I totally agree with. If the truth is that someone is holding Caylee, then $1 million offers her the opportunity to get her back and live an incredible lifestyle (once she pays Amy back of course. And pays the rent to Baez for the use of his law office during the day. And...).

ETA: respectfully snipped.
I respect all those believers out there, I really do! I wish I could be sitting on your side, but unfortunately I can't.

When I tried to believe this whole kidnapping story, my mother sat down with me and asked me two questions..
What would your own mother do?, and What would you as a mother do?, if your child was kidnapped..
My mother isn't a cop, she's not a therapist, a nurse, she is just a plain ole housewife who has raised 5 kids..

The only logical thing I can conclude in this case is that something very bad happened. And the only logical end to this case is for Casey to tell the truth. If the truth leads to an Alive Caylee, wonderful! If the truth leads to a dead Caylee, then lets put her little soul to rest. Being a liar does not make you a murderer, however lying about your childs whereabouts makes you just as guilty as the person who possibly took her.
I am a firm believer in the evidence, and when it is all laid out in front of me I can make a better judgement.
Right now, I sitting on this side though,
Casey is 22 years old, and broke as broke gets..She is being offered over 1 million to tell her story if it is the truth. If this child was alive and she knew it, and or knew where this child was, no 22 year old would turn down 1 million dollars unless they in fact had more to do with this crime than meets the eye.
1 million dollars would change her life forever, but only if she tells the truth. Its her choice as to take this offer, not Baez's, he is working for her, she is not working for him.

I'm not sure what happened or how. Can I ask a question? Can anyone here believe that someone can be so scared (no, not showing it to the public), but so so scared that they can't talk out of fear.
Let's forget what we all observers (believers and non-believers) think and let's see for a minute what the PROTAGONISTS of this case really think through their actions.

Is Baez preparing to find the baby alive or is Baez preparing for a child negligent case? Neither! Baez is preparing for a murder/accidental death case. All his actions, all his dealing with Casey, all his press releases are those of a defense attorney in a murder trial. The latest? Why stop the process of examining physical evidence? That would confirm an alive Caylee and an abduction, the existence of another person involved. Does he really want us to believe he discuss Caylee with Casey for 8 hours in his office when he actually files for something like this? Why is he not allowing his client to talk to police - under his supervision and guidance to make sure nothing is twisted - and let Casey tell the police who really has her baby? Because nobody has the baby. This might be a game for Casey but it is not for Baez. And he very well knows that this could be a death penalty kind of trial. So why would he play with his client's life if he thought the baby is alive and they can find a formula to work with LE to get to the bottom of this?

Is what LE doing, the work of Law Enforcement that looks for a baby still ALIVE?Unfortunately not. And I am not saying they don't want to do that. The facts and evidence they have unfortunately makes them do things that says only one thing: They are looking to locate a body and how that baby died. I am saying their actions are not the actions of LE who has even 1% hope/info/evidence that the child is somewhere alive and they are bringing in people of interest for questioning daily and gave a sketch to new stations to play and addressed the kidnappers publicly. What is LE doing? Looking with the help of Equusearch for a deceased Caylee, and building a case of physical evidence and circumstantial evidence agains the mother. They are only being PC when they still say ''we are looking for Caylee alive or dead''. That's what they say and that is the right thing to say. But their actions say differently.

Are the Anthonys acting like people who think Caylee is alive? No they are not. Even if publicly or/and privately hold on to that hope, none of their actions is in accord with people looking for a baby still alive or people who their grandchild has been abducted or hidden someplace. Beth Holloway and/or relatives-friends of the Holloway family went down to Aruba immediately to search for her MISSING at the time daughter. Why Cindy and George not even visited the embassy of those countries they believe Caylee has been to? Why they haven't been on an international campaign to inform those countries about Caylee? Why they are not travelling to those states in the US where they say they receive tips from? Why are they spending money and energy on Casey's bail if they really think the child is alive at the moment? Why are they holding vigils when they could be walking through neighbourhoods and following tips?

Why did Mark Nejame spend all his valuable time on tv trying to make people understand that Cindy and Anthony are through a process of grief and people should allow them to do that? If the Anthony's hired this layer to help them with their quest and campaign to find an alive Caylee as Nejame said (even though a PRIVATE DETECTIVE would have been a more appropriate choice don't you think?), why did he spend all that valuable on-air time explaining the grief the grandparents are going through and the possibility that their daughter Casey is facing serious jail time for horrendeous crimes? Why didn't he spend a few minutes talking about organising a search for an alive Caylee? Why HE REFUSED to speak about areas and tips given to them about possible sightings of Caylee? Why did he said the LE asked them to not talk about this tips this since the LE are working a theory on a dead Caylee and since Cindy attacked the LE for looking for a dead Caylee? If Cindy and George were really looking for an alive Caylee they wouldn't give 2 cents what the LE instructed them to do. I mean they surely had no trouble going on-air and attacking the LE. So why nobody can act as someone who is looking for an alive baby?

Because at this point none of the PROTAGONISTS of this case really believes the baby is alive. Grandparents might have sunked in their denial and hope and despair to find her alive, but their logic is what is keeping them from taking appropriate actions for an alive missing baby. Now all of us are just observers, and I don't think we can convince one another to chance their mind about little Caylee being alive or not. We all come to this with different perspectives and life experiences.

But how can anyone denied that all the main protagonists of this case are preparing for a murder trial?

You make VERY good points. I love that this is a logical discussion. I know is so hard to keep emotions out of this discussion knowing that this little girls (life or justice) is on the line. It still comes down to "what do we really know for certain about their efforts." I don't think we will REALLY know until trial. Too many "why's and what's" remain unanswered. What are they really doing? What are the efforts behind closed doors? What is being done? We do not know for certain. This is what keeps me from 100% believing one way or the other. Unless all hands are revealed pre-trial....that is common right? :rolleyes: Probably not.

I would say in answer to the long preperations. I do not think it is uncommon for them to be preparing for a murder trial in such detail if law enforcement has indicated they will be pursuing it at some point. Who would not CYA guilty of the charge or not?

IMO Law Enforcements pursuit of a dead body has little bearing on whether or not she is alive. I think in such a high profile case that it could be soured by personal agendas. I does not appear at this time by the information released that they are being 100% fruitful in following up on leads pointing to her being alive. It appears at this time their interest is in building the case one sided. Like I said though it was pointed out these documents are not all documents...which leads me to wonder why they would release ONLY those that create such a damaging public opinion. Why not both sides? This bail and rearrest, bail rearrest...feels like a pissing match. This is the MAIN reason I think MAYBE she is alive.

I feel when we hear in court of Baez efforts to search for a live Caylee that will be VERY telling. It does make sense that they would no longer speak to law enforcement....Baez came in at a point of damage control. We would be looking at a completely different case had she had counsel from the beginning. Anything that has been offered from KC has been treated as a lie...(since she offered so many) so nothing is taken seriously anyway...why keep giving them more to incriminate you on, if it is not taken with seriousness to locate her?

I am going to leave the grandparents and their motives out of it. They are victims and I feel I have no business in their efforts and reactions, as such. We cannot pretend to know how it feels to be them. It is so sad.

I want answers. I hope they press charges on KC. I want to know what happened, and I hope that justice is served correctly.
From KrimeKat's link:
In their closing arguments, prosecutors admitted that their case against Casey Anthony is looking more and more like a homicide investigation.

When asked if there was evidence which might indicate that Caylee was no longer alive, Melich responded "yes, that can be concluded."
I'm not sure what happened or how. Can I ask a question? Can anyone here believe that someone can be so scared (no, not showing it to the public), but so so scared that they can't talk out of fear.
My answer is simple: No. I cannot believe that someone is so much in fear they refuse to cooperate with the very people who can protect them and find their child. People who are supposed to be in so MUCH fear of such a situation could not hide it from the people closest to them. It would be written all over them in everything they said or did, imo.
I'm not sure what happened or how. Can I ask a question? Can anyone here believe that someone can be so scared (no, not showing it to the public), but so so scared that they can't talk out of fear.

I can only speak to myself on this one,

If it were my child missing, no I wouldn't have any fear about talking. Giving Birth is scary, but after that, there is nothing in this world that would make me scared enough to not (1) report my child missing (2) refuse to tell the truth about the whereabouts of my child.
I raised my 2 stepsons, they were 3 and 1, now 15, and 13..when their biological mom decided she was going to force herself in my door when they were 8, I took it upon myself to kick her tail right in front of the 4 deputies who were standing outside, if they would have arrested me, fine, but that is what any mother would do to protect their kids. (Mind you, she was unfit and hadn't had anything to do with them in years, not even a phone call!) I am sorry, but only God himself could scare me enough, and I can assure you, this woman knows nothing of God, else this child would be safe! ( maybe that is something I should not have said, as with God in my heart, I know he would not approve...let me say that at the time, and the time since, the devil has taken over, God would have steered her in the right direction if she asked..
I'm not sure what happened or how. Can I ask a question? Can anyone here believe that someone can be so scared (no, not showing it to the public), but so so scared that they can't talk out of fear.

I believe that this would be possible for a very short time - IMO not 31 days, and certainly not the almost three months this case has lasted. One listen to the call Casey made from jail ("a huge waste") eliminated this possibility for me.
Confirmation of paternity isn't necessary to id Caylee's dna. Caylee's dna is unique, as is everyone's, and the profile already exists via previous paternity testing re JG. The dna in the trunk may have been degraded do to environmental conditions, and I read that in cases of degradation they can sometimes turn up mtdna, but not a full profile.

My guess is LE took a sample of each A family member, to exclude any incidental findings in the yard, trunk, etc., just as they do with finger prints at a crime scene.
I just wanted to ask/clarify - Not a single person has stepped forward to say they have seen Caylee since June 9th or June 15th/Fathers day?
Not a single person besides George? Is this correct?
I respect all those believers out there, I really do! I wish I could be sitting on your side, but unfortunately I can't.

When I tried to believe this whole kidnapping story, my mother sat down with me and asked me two questions..
What would your own mother do?, and What would you as a mother do?, if your child was kidnapped..
My mother isn't a cop, she's not a therapist, a nurse, she is just a plain ole housewife who has raised 5 kids..

The only logical thing I can conclude in this case is that something very bad happened. And the only logical end to this case is for Casey to tell the truth. If the truth leads to an Alive Caylee, wonderful! If the truth leads to a dead Caylee, then lets put her little soul to rest. Being a liar does not make you a murderer, however lying about your childs whereabouts makes you just as guilty as the person who possibly took her.
I am a firm believer in the evidence, and when it is all laid out in front of me I can make a better judgement.
Right now, I sitting on this side though,
Casey is 22 years old, and broke as broke gets..She is being offered over 1 million to tell her story if it is the truth. If this child was alive and she knew it, and or knew where this child was, no 22 year old would turn down 1 million dollars unless they in fact had more to do with this crime than meets the eye.
1 million dollars would change her life forever, but only if she tells the truth. Its her choice as to take this offer, not Baez's, he is working for her, she is not working for him.

Our thinking is very alike...while I can think of scenarios why she might not react or do what we think she should of ....It does mean a lot to me that she reacted the way she did.
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