To all who believe Caylee is ALIVE, explain this?

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My answer is simple: No. I cannot believe that someone is so much in fear they refuse to cooperate with the very people who can protect them and find their child.

Gotta agree with you SS. Maybe I could see her scared speechless when she first spoke to the cops, but still??? No. Oh yeah, and I forgot that she wasn't exactly "speechless" all those times she was partying and stealing and lying BEFORE the cops got to her. So no. I can't see it.

Actually wait, I can see fear causing it. FEAR FOR HER OWN BACKSIDE. That is apparently all she cares about.

No to both questions. Urine does break down, but urine from a dead body (most bodies evacuate the bladder upon death and even for a while afterward) is entirely different in analysis than from a live body. There is no way to mistake that one.

The chloroform was in such a large quantity, they know it was not a matter of "accidental mixing" , which would take exact portions to even do. It is hard enough to mix acetone in a lab and get chloroform, much less an "accidental" mix.

Absolutely correct, as Cindy Anthony already knows, since she asked the same question on NG and also insists that Casey does NOT know Caylee's whereabouts:


GRACE: Well, I don`t know if it`s leaking. But Captain Angelo Nieves of Orange County Sheriff`s Office gave an official public statement stating the FBI provided scientific evidence of human decomposition in the trunk of Casey Anthony.

Point blank -- I just read it.

C. ANTHONY: Hair follicle or whatever, none of that has been verified.

GRACE: From the FBI lab?

C. ANTHONY: We -- you know, your forensics specialist himself said none of that`s been verified.

GRACE: No. No, no.

C. ANTHONY: You know, even that hair samples.

GRACE: He did not say -- he said some of the evidence. He would want to verify before he gave his expert opinion. But the FBI crime lab states point blank that there is scientific evidence of human decomposition in Casey`s car trunk.

C. ANTHONY: I would love to know what it is. Are we talking about urine? I mean, I myself put dirty diapers back there from Caylee until we`ve gotten home and throw them away.
You know when the dog hit on Caylee`s play house, I asked them is it because she peed in her play house?

And they said possibly because they didn`t find anything buried under her play house.

GRACE: To Lawrence Kobilinsky, our forensic specialist joining us tonight, is there any way that a dirty diaper or a urine soaked diaper could show up as human decomposition in a test?

Could you please clarify what you said earlier? Maybe I misunderstood you.

LAWRENCE KOBILINSKY, FORENSIC SCIENTIST: No, no, Nancy. I think a diaper urine would not be mistaken for decomposition.
I believe that the kind of air sampling that was done.

GRACE: I`m not talking about the air sampling.

KOBILINSKY: I`m sorry. The hair?

GRACE: I`m talking about the hair, yes.

KOBILINSKY: Yes. Well, you know, if in fact they found hair with a banding pattern and if they can demonstrate that that comes from Caylee, then, you know, they`ve got some very strong physical, although circumstantial evidence.

GRACE: Whoa, whoa, you`re one step ahead of me, because this report regarding the FBI crime lab does not state that the decomposing body was Caylee. It simply says, point blank, there is scientific evidence of human decomposition in Casey Anthony`s car trunk.

KOBILINSKY: Yes. Nancy, if they did mitochondrial DNA analysis, that`s not -- that doesn`t give you a unique profile.

GRACE: Do you have a reason to doubt the FBI scientific lab?

KOBILINSKY: Oh, I think they`re a fine laboratory. But even they will admit that the mitochondrial profiles are not unique.

GRACE: Nobody said mitochondrial.


GRACE: I`m just asking you if you have a reason to doubt their veracity.

KOBILINSKY: I don`t know.


KOBILINSKY: I have no reason to believe they would lie, of course not.


GRACE: Well, I`ll tell you why. I`ll tell you why. And this is just my lay person`s and trial lawyer`s opinion. And that is, it`s been very clear -- and you`re right. You stated a liar does not a murderer make.

But when you are lying about the whereabouts of your little girl who is missing, that has made the public doubt anything your daughter is saying.

C. ANTHONY: And, again, people are speculating that she`s lying about her whereabouts. Casey states and she`s maintained from day one without flinching that she does not know where Caylee is at. In fact, one of our tips matches the descriptions of the people that took Caylee.

I just wanted to ask/clarify - Not a single person has stepped forward to say they have seen Caylee since June 9th or June 15th/Fathers day?
Not a single person besides George? Is this correct?
Not from a verified credible source. You are correct. There has been no confirmed INDEPENDENT sighting of Caylee since June 15th, 2008 at the nursing center when the video was taken.
I just wanted to ask/clarify - Not a single person has stepped forward to say they have seen Caylee since June 9th or June 15th/Fathers day?
Not a single person besides George? Is this correct?

just those who provide "tips" such as the siting in Atlanta, Texas, etc.
Don't buy it. Even if Casey "knows" she isn't dead, she hasn't seen her. She says she doesn't know where she is. She'd be freaking and talking because even if a mother thinks she knows her child is OK, she still needs to be reassured.

maybe not though. maybe she didn't kill caylee, sure...but that doesn't mean she wants caylee in her life anymore, either. if she gave her away or sold her, she could still be silent with relief.

i personally do not think caylee will be found alive. but in the event she is, we will find out a lot of info we didn't know, possibly including how casey was behind it, and why she obviously doesn't regret it.

in other words, i think caylee is most likely dead; even if she's not dead, casey doesn't want to find her.
I believe that this would be possible for a very short time - IMO not 31 days, and certainly not the almost three months this case has lasted. One listen to the call Casey made from jail ("a huge waste") eliminated this possibility for me.

oh yes, Casey was absolutely terrified when she was asking for TonE's phone number "cos heee'sss my BOYFRIEND"
Facts are stupid. There is a national conspiracy to destroy the Anthony family. LE and the FBI have spent months manufacturing evidence for fun. Caylee is alive and drinking a pina colada at Trader Vic's. Leave the family alooone!
This is insane..
You are saying it is a conspiracy? What in the world would LE have to gain by doing this to little ol Casey? They are not profitting from it and she is just going to waste more tax dollars, and the extra cell in the system.. And how does anyone manufactor evidence? There are camera's on that house 24 hours a day, I haven't seen one single LE go through a window and take anything to plant evidence..
The thing that is so awesome about this site is that we're allowed to believe whatever we want to believe and we definitely don't have to break it down and justify it to anyone else.
So just because one demands answers to satisfy their own curiosity, doesn't mean another poster owes the OP or anyone else an explanation for why they do or do not believe something and choose to investigate on that premise.

Well, you do not have to answer, but posters are not even ALLOWED to pose questions on the other thread about Caylee being alive. Just because someone challenges your opinion, doesn't mean they are trying to convince you she is no longer alive, it only means we don't understand the reasoning. Beliefs don't solve crimes, facts do.
This is a very interesting question- that has not occurred to me before (who knows why). But really- when you run out of gas- do you call to have someone pick you up- or do you ask them to bring gas so you can go on your way?

I think the latter.

Of course unless you let a dead body stink up your car and can't tolerate the smell anymore.

...and leave your laptop and purse inside to invite thieves...
This is insane..
You are saying it is a conspiracy? What in the world would LE have to gain by doing this to little ol Casey? They are not profitting from it and she is just going to waste more tax dollars, and the extra cell in the system.. And how does anyone manufactor evidence? There are camera's on that house 24 hours a day, I haven't seen one single LE go through a window and take anything to plant evidence..

I'm not sure what happened or how. Can I ask a question? Can anyone here believe that someone can be so scared (no, not showing it to the public), but so so scared that they can't talk out of fear.

I can believe being so scared you can't talk ... sure. But if I was that scared I wouldn't be dying my hair, playing on MySpace, high fiving my brother, grinning when walking in and out of my lawyer's office, etc., etc., etc.

PLUS, I'd want more protection than my brother to escort me back and forth to my lawyer's office...and I'd probably prefer being in my private cell at the jail than being home where someone could get to me.
FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. I was joking. You think I believe Caylee is at Trader Vic's drinking a pina colada? Gimme a break.
FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. I was joking. You think I believe Caylee is at Trader Vic's drinking a pina colada? Gimme a break.

Sorry, I never seen any sign of joke, my bad..
LOL that comment struck
I can believe being so scared you can't talk ... sure. But if I was that scared I wouldn't be dying my hair, playing on MySpace, high fiving my brother, grinning when walking in and out of my lawyer's office, etc., etc., etc.

PLUS, I'd want more protection than my brother to escort me back and forth to my lawyer's office...and I'd probably prefer being in my private cell at the jail than being home where someone could get to me.

I don't mean Casey being scared, I mean being scared for Caylee. Maybe in her mind, she feels if she doesn't talk, Caylee won't be hurt. If this is the case and she know's they are watching her, then she won't talk.
I don't mean Casey being scared, I mean being scared for Caylee. Maybe in her mind, she feels if she doesn't talk, Caylee won't be hurt. If this is the case and she know's they are watching her, then she won't talk.

If that were the case hypothetically speaking, than where should anyone go from here? Should LE, TES, and all other parties just throw up their hands and stop searching? I mean obviously, again if Caylee is alive being held to keep Casey quiet, then they know that there is a search underway a search which could lead directly to them (all those handy tips from CA). That seems very dangerous for Caylee, if I am to believe this theory of course.
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