Thanks soanyway. I did not see that second Raw interview last night and I was looking for it.
Interesting to see how the news cut her comments. Her complete statements are even worse. When talking about TK stabbing a girl on the school bus with scissors she first clarifies they were the little rounded school scissors. "He stabbed her in the leg. Not much, I mean it didn't go deep, I'm not trying to make it light, but it didn't go deep, he didn't put a lot of pressure behind it. but he was mad at her."
In nursery school he threw sand and pushed other kids down when he wanted something they had. And then he would go get it.
She kept buying him stride Rite shoes because she thought they were best for him and everyday he would throw one of his shoes in the creek and then say "Mama, shoe in creek". She didn't have a lot of money to keep buying him shoes and her parents wouldn't help becasue they did not want her to have him. Her parents didn't want her to have any children. She would go buy more shoes.
Then the reporter asks how TK ended up in counseling in Elementary school and TK's mother responds with" "Todd is extremely intelligent. His numbers are off the chart. He's highly intelligent. He would have been much easier to handle, to raise if he hadn't been so intelligent...but...I think I'm going brain dead--" She forgot where she was going with the story. Reporter tries again with the question again about how TK ended up in counseling in elementary school and what lead up to that'
"He was in counseling and therapy with several different people during the week. I mean I paid for one. They did one. He had another one Trying to figure out how he got rid of his anger that he had inside of him. He had spray painted the side of the barn. He had stuck towels down the toilet and backed the water up all through the house. And I had to get rid of the anger and nothing I did seemed to help. Of course he got corrected for this, but it didn't change the anger. And then, we got a divorce and Todd and I were in a little duplex."
Reporter interrupts and asks where they were living at that point and she says "Cherry Hill (sp?) which is right, not far from Broome High School" Reporter verifies it's Spartanburg.
Other things we learn:
His biological father came back when he was about 12 and he had not seen Todd since he was less than 2 months old.
Todd would go to her parents' farm but never did anything to help on the farm and wouldn't do anything that her daddy asked him to do. He would sit in a chair and hold the cat.
He picked out his bedroom furniture and she paid for it. That was a couple days before his bio father came back into his life. Todd wanted to go with his father and she said no. So he took a claw hammer and destroyed his new furniture.
She was afraid of him and locked him in his bedroom at night and locked herself in her own bedroom.
Reporter tries to ask about the rape in AZ and instead of talking about that TK's mother tells how he cut up a bunch of new clothes she had bought for Todd. :scared: