Tom Cruise is a nutjob!!!

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Ohh, no, no. I don't agree with it either! Not in the least. My brother cut us out of his life for like 10 years because we wouldn't join when he tried to get us to. The "church" doesn't like when members have friends/family that are against the "church" so they are then considered SP's and the member must disconnect from them. They have to attend extra auditing, are considered "PTS" (potential trouble sources- because they could potentially be talked out of remaining involved with the "church" if the SP is allowed
acsess to them) & they are watched over carefully until they are sure the disconnect is complete.

I try to be as non-biased as possible. I think some things about being involved with the Org have made very positive changes in my brothers life, have made him a better man. It is certainly nice to see him off of drugs and alcohol and he has really made a great life for himself financially. He is still a good, hard working, honest- caring man he just believes in some things that I find rather odd and infuriating. I always thought he was such a smart guy I was SHOCKED when he fell for their crap, really. They have some pretty strange rules and "beliefs" and my brother is no fool so it was strange, is getting involved.

LRH was a Sci-fiction writer and a liar... the man himself was found to be on psych meds upon his death (shown in his tox screen from autopsy- the info is linked on the older Scientology threads but if it can't be found and someone wants "proof" I'll go searching, so just let me know).
But I can't sit here and say I think everything about Scientology is wrong or completely off base because some of their stuff really makes sense.

I knew L. Ron Hubbard was a bit of a nut, but what does SP stand for?
Yes, thanks, I watched the whole thing. Wow, I was curious about the "KSW" he referred to several times, and it appears to signify sets of letters by L. Ron Hubbard called "Keeping Scientology Working." Googling, I found a 71-page PDF document containing some of these letters and scanned through them. The language and content is something like Cruise's on this video - full of what I would call non-speak and jargon. It makes very little sense because it is apparently all "inside" information. The video is obviously aimed at Scientologists only. Tom and these letters make many references to "helping" but it is not clear with what.

Many times on the video, Cruise said, "Because I know. I just know," and "We know." The nature of this knowledge is shrouded in mystery, I guess - the secrets of the universe I suppose, and his implication is that only Scientologists have access. I suppose in a way, many religions are something like that - offering salvation and knowledge to their believers and I guess many religious and cultural beliefs must seem strange to those who are unfamiliar with them, but I have never seen a set of beliefs from which it is so difficult to extract meaning - whether through written materials on the subject, or through a speaker like Cruise, on this video. Obviously, it is inaccessible unless you pay your fees, take the classes and get cleared or audited through all the levels or whatever it's called...

But he really did seem like he was on an ego trip and a manic high and OMG, that laughing! It was funny - I was listening to it during my prep hour in my classroom and a couple students were in here getting some materials and they listened to a bit of it and said, "What's Tom Cruise smoking anyway? Man, he's whacked."


They are taught to be as vauge as possible. Part of their "training" is taking classes on learning how to zone out, ignore, not react, not even blink if someone is insulting them or questioning them. They are taught to turn it around and make the other person explain themselves for questioning you in the first place, make them feel stupid for NOT knowing what Scientology & it's "lucky" members do know.

Arrgh. I'm not going to get into all this cuz I really don't feel like looking for links to back all this stuff up and if I'm going to be saying things about them I should have links. But you seem to have gotten a good idea of it on your own, so. :)
For those of you (like me) who never saw the entiretity of Tom's famous "couch jumping episode" on Oprah's show, here it is:

Watch it and enjoy. Then, if you want to laugh harder than you have in a long time, watch this paroday by comedian Dane Cook:

It is hilarious!

ITA he is a friggin' nut case. I agree with the poster that said it's like he is manic!
He looks VERY skinny lately. His shoulders are slouched and his face is really sunken..He used to be gorgeous

I don't care for his religion and I don't agree with a lot of his ideas.

That being said, I do think that in every generation there are thought provoking people born.

People that have the ability to catapult us all to the next level in our own thinking and awareness.

Tom Cruise isn't "liked " yet he is successful and dynamic.

Classic signs of someone history will be kind to.
I think Tom Cruise is a catalyst.

I am willing to hear what he has to say with an open mind.
Ohh, no, no. I don't agree with it either! Not in the least. My brother cut us out of his life for like 10 years because we wouldn't join when he tried to get us to. The "church" doesn't like when members have friends/family that are against the "church" so they are then considered SP's and the member must disconnect from them. They have to attend extra auditing, are considered "PTS" (potential trouble sources- because they could potentially be talked out of remaining involved with the "church" if the SP is allowed
acsess to them) & they are watched over carefully until they are sure the disconnect is complete.

I try to be as non-biased as possible. I think some things about being involved with the Org have made very positive changes in my brothers life, have made him a better man. It is certainly nice to see him off of drugs and alcohol and he has really made a great life for himself financially. He is still a good, hard working, honest- caring man he just believes in some things that I find rather odd and infuriating. I always thought he was such a smart guy I was SHOCKED when he fell for their crap, really. They have some pretty strange rules and "beliefs" and my brother is no fool so it was strange, is getting involved.

LRH was a Sci-fiction writer and a liar... the man himself was found to be on psych meds upon his death (shown in his tox screen from autopsy- the info is linked on the older Scientology threads but if it can't be found and someone wants "proof" I'll go searching, so just let me know).
But I can't sit here and say I think everything about Scientology is wrong or completely off base because some of their stuff really makes sense.

My Stacy Dittrich wrote a great blog about Scientology on the Women in Crime Ink blog:

I think Scientology is a dangerous cult.
Didn't Tom Cruise originally state publicly that Scientology "cured" his dyslexia a few years back and then when questioned about it repeatedly, he publicly stated that he never had dyslexia, that he was misdiagnosed? So now he is, again, stating that his dyslexia was cured by Scientology? He's a friggin' tool!

His bloviating on the Today show to Matt Lauer and bashing Brook Shields for taking antidrepressents for her PPD and how he knows the history of psychiatry, blah, blah, blah, etc. Ugh! I hate him!

I don't care for his religion and I don't agree with a lot of his ideas.

That being said, I do think that in every generation there are thought provoking people born.

People that have the ability to catapult us all to the next level in our own thinking and awareness.

Tom Cruise isn't "liked " yet he is successful and dynamic.

Classic signs of someone history will be kind to.
I think Tom Cruise is a catalyst.

I am willing to hear what he has to say with an open mind.

I agree.. but who can reallyhear him when he can't speak to others as if they too are real and able to think and make up their their own minds. When he can't show respect for others beliefs and feelings... If he spoke of his feelings, his religion, in an informative way as to explain or educate rather than talk over people and put them down.. to make them feel less than , or smaller than him. If he didn't try to invalidate others feelings or medical conditions... Maybe people would feel differently about him. These behaviors are common amoungst Scientologists. Bullying, one-up'ing.

"Always attack - Never defend." (look it up) They are taught this, they pay for classes to learn how to behave this way... the way Tom is now famous for.

Telling millions of americans that a Clinical Illness is not real, that they should go off of their LIFE SAVING medications is not only the stupidist thing I have ever heard (but let's not even go there because I know I'll end up banned if that discussion came up LOL)- it is also one more thing that shows me that Tom Cruise is far from being a catalyst. A Catalyst is a think tank, Tom Cruise is a robot, that f^ck-r is OWNED by Scientology. He opens his mouth but it's Hubbard's words he's saying.

Look it up, look up the things he's said then look up quotes from LRH.. Tom is a weak, lonely, empty minded man who has no idea what he thinks or feels. Scientology succeded- he is devoid of his "reactive mind" (look that one up too).
I agree.. but who can reallyhear him when he can't speak to others as if they too are real and able to think and make up their their own minds. When he can't show respect for others beliefs and feelings... If he spoke of his feelings, his religion, in an informative way as to explain or educate rather than talk over people and put them down.. to make them feel less than , or smaller than him. If he didn't try to invalidate others feelings or medical conditions... Maybe people would feel differently about him. These behaviors are common amoungst Scientologists. Bullying, one-up'ing.

"Always attack - Never defend." (look it up) They are taught this, they pay for classes to learn how to behave this way... the way Tom is now famous for.

Telling millions of americans that a Clinical Illness is not real, that they should go off of their LIFE SAVING medications is not only the stupidist thing I have ever heard (but let's not even go there because I know I'll end up banned if that discussion came up LOL)- it is also one more thing that shows me that Tom Cruise is far from being a catalyst. A Catalyst is a think tank, Tom Cruise is a robot, that f^ck-r is OWNED by Scientology. He opens his mouth but it's Hubbard's words he's saying.

Look it up, look up the things he's said then look up quotes from LRH.. Tom is a weak, lonely, empty minded who has no idea what he thinks or feels. Scientology succeded- he is devoid of his "reactive mind" (look that one up too).

Lots of good points in your post. I too have an interest in all kinds of beliefs but not in bullying persuasion or any belief system wherein members are discouraged from associating with others who are not members. If that is true I cannot imagine these people wanting to be part of it. I think the apparent changes in Katie Holmes speak to the controlling nature of this man. I mean, I don't know her or anything - lol - but she doesn't even seem like the same person anymore. Also for all his talk poo-pooing psychiatry, I think his manic behavior and bizarre statements may be best addressed by a good old-fashioned shrink. I have long thought Nicole Kidman resisted the religion and he gave her the toss. After that, in a way, I think she ran for her life and even accepted a somewhat diminished relationship with her kids to avoid the wrath and power of Tom and the organization and to keep the peace and avoid hurting her kids. I don't want to get in trouble for discussing Scientology but frankly it is the most interesting thing about these celebrities. How they end of buying into it facinates me.

I agree.. but who can reallyhear him when he can't speak to others as if they too are real and able to think and make up their their own minds. When he can't show respect for others beliefs and feelings... If he spoke of his feelings, his religion, in an informative way as to explain or educate rather than talk over people and put them down.. to make them feel less than , or smaller than him. If he didn't try to invalidate others feelings or medical conditions... Maybe people would feel differently about him. These behaviors are common amoungst Scientologists. Bullying, one-up'ing.

"Always attack - Never defend." (look it up) They are taught this, they pay for classes to learn how to behave this way... the way Tom is now famous for.

Telling millions of americans that a Clinical Illness is not real, that they should go off of their LIFE SAVING medications is not only the stupidist thing I have ever heard (but let's not even go there because I know I'll end up banned if that discussion came up LOL)- it is also one more thing that shows me that Tom Cruise is far from being a catalyst. A Catalyst is a think tank, Tom Cruise is a robot, that f^ck-r is OWNED by Scientology. He opens his mouth but it's Hubbard's words he's saying.

Look it up, look up the things he's said then look up quotes from LRH.. Tom is a weak, lonely, empty minded man who has no idea what he thinks or feels. Scientology succeded- he is devoid of his "reactive mind" (look that one up too).

Girl you hit the nail on the head, your post is very perceptive.

"Always attack - Never defend." (look it up) They are taught this, they pay for classes to learn how to behave this way... the way Tom is now famous for.

I read somewhere that these so-called classes cost in the range of $40,000 dollars. That leaves me out of wanting to join :rolleyes: (Thank God).
This "organization" is brainwashing at it's finest.
A family member of mine worked on the set of MI3 with Cruise. She told us that word on the set was that the baby was a "turkey baster" baby and she was being paid a huge amount to have his baby. She said most people assumed he was homosexual and that it was totally hush hush. Also that he had huge demands on the set. One of them was set workers we NOT allowed to make eye contact with him and that he wanted a mini Scientology church built on location or he was out. but the production nixed the idea and said they would find a replacement. He did the movie, I never saw it.

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