Tommy describes attack

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I'm more inlcined to believe Misty was on the scene with Ronald Cummings when Haleigh died and Jo was called to the scene and walked in and discovered a deceased Haleigh..And went ballistic...

Also, the black bag and the blanket could have even ended up and disposed of in the same manner the Cummings/Neves/Sykes clan disposed of Haleigh.. I'm still not convinced they didn't arrange by hook or crook to have her cremated..They could never risk Haleigh's remains ever being found..Had to be cremation or quick sand in the area and I doubt they would consent to to the latter...JMHO

Why was JO called to the scene? To help dispose of the body?:waitasec:
Does anyone recall reading that Haleigh's tan shorts were found next to her bed?

What if misty drowned Haleigh?. She wouldn't have had any clothes on. Then, misty would have to cover with a lie or else everyone would know she was the perp.

I am curious as to why misty changed the story from pj's to pink shirt and underwear. She must have known the tan shorts were there (near the bed) or she would have included them when she gave the description to LE.
Good post Nonni. I think if a blanket is missing, there would have to be an excuse or a story behind why a blanket that isn't there. Anything in the mobile home that would attract attention or be questioned by LE would need a cover story.

However, for me, the one big part of the story of Haleigh's disapperance was the lack (Oops!) of someone filling in Misty about whar Haleigh was wearing when she went missing

It was one of the early questions asked of Misty (in the 911 call). And a piece of information that was vital in searching for a missing child. What was she wearing when she was last seen?

It's clear Misty did not know. She went from Pajamas (because Haleigh was sleeping) to tan shorts and a pink Hanna t-shirt which supposedly showed up later in the dirty clothes or the shirt was folded neatly in the drawer?

In Misty's version, she put Haleigh to bed at 8 because she had school the next day. If Misty was there with Haleigh and Junior the entire evening, she would know what Haleigh was wearing when last seen. Or if Grandma Sykes testifies to the children getting clean shirts on, either GGS or Misty should know what shirt was put on Haleigh at that time.

Just this simple piece of missing information makes me believe Misty was not present when Haleigh met her fate or even when she was removed from the home. If, however Misty did wrapped Haleigh in a blanket to prepare her to be taken from the home, she would know what Haleigh was wearing.

Misty very well could have witnessed Haleigh wrapped up in a blanket or sheet, but that tells me whatever happened to Haleight had already occured and Misty was not there until afterwards, if she was there at all.

Unless of course, Misty was pulling a Scott Peterson, who gave LE a false description of what his wife, Laci, was wearing the last time he saw her the morning he left to go fishing. By doing that the last person to see a victim can make sure the searching LE does is hindered from the beginning. And, I don't think Misty is clever enough to try and trick LE during its search.

IMO, Misty did not know what Haleigh was wearing because she was not the last person to see this little girl before she was taken from the mobile home. jmo

BBM I agree totally with you here. Could be that it was just an oversight that no one told mc what to say Haleigh was wearing. And as for Misty not being there when Haleigh was m... (can't say it), I still believe that TN was babysitting and when Haleigh passed she and RC started setting up the Croslins to take the blame. she called MC to come and babysit. When MC got there, she started calling Ron (the screaming in the yard, talking on the phone). The clean up had already happened and the stage set. They just forget to tell MC what to say Haleigh was wearing. Just my opinion, which may change.:crazy:
Does anyone know off hand what misty's latest story is about what happened? I would like to compare hers, tommys and the original. All I remember is Jo groping misty, she hid under the covers and he put Haleigh in a bag. She heard the van door slam and she heard the house door close.
Neither tommy nor misty place each other at the scene when they describe what happened. Do I have that correct?

I'll go check and see if there is a "misty describes attack" thread...
I honestly don't remember. I don't think I heard MC mention TC in her latest story, although I do remember her saying at one time that she saw TC standing in the door when JO left with HC. I just don't know if that is part of her last lie, oops, story.
Does anyone know off hand what misty's latest story is about what happened? I would like to compare hers, tommys and the original. All I remember is Jo groping misty, she hid under the covers and he put Haleigh in a bag. She heard the van door slam and she heard the house door close.

Yet, the house door was open.

Original, of course, had her asleep and she didn't "know nothing."

Then she hinted toward Tommy being there and maybe doing something.

Then it was Joe and Tommy.

Now it seems to be Joe as the perp, Tommy didn't do anything, Misty wasn't sleeping after all but was too scared to admit to that sooner.

I'm not sure when the black bag came on scene. AFAIK Tommy has not mentioned the bag. Which, to me is odd...if JO put Haleigh in a bag in the MH and took her to the van, why would he take her out of the bag before placing her in the back seat of the van...which is where Tommy said he saw her laying there not moving.

Has Tommy ever said he saw Haleigh put in the bag or is that just Misty's version (through Fields)?
If tommy didn't see misty and misty didn't see tommy yet they both claim to be on scene when it happened, then both of the stories are lies and it is not likely JO is the perp.
Good post Nonni. I think if a blanket is missing, there would have to be an excuse or a story behind why a blanket that isn't there. Anything in the mobile home that would attract attention or be questioned by LE would need a cover story.

However, for me, the one big part of the story of Haleigh's disapperance was the lack (Oops!) of someone filling in Misty about whar Haleigh was wearing when she went missing

It was one of the early questions asked of Misty (in the 911 call). And a piece of information that was vital in searching for a missing child. What was she wearing when she was last seen?

It's clear Misty did not know. She went from Pajamas (because Haleigh was sleeping) to tan shorts and a pink Hanna t-shirt which supposedly showed up later in the dirty clothes or the shirt was folded neatly in the drawer?

In Misty's version, she put Haleigh to bed at 8 because she had school the next day. If Misty was there with Haleigh and Junior the entire evening, she would know what Haleigh was wearing when last seen. Or if Grandma Sykes testifies to the children getting clean shirts on, either GGS or Misty should know what shirt was put on Haleigh at that time.

Just this simple piece of missing information makes me believe Misty was not present when Haleigh met her fate or even when she was removed from the home. If, however Misty did wrapped Haleigh in a blanket to prepare her to be taken from the home, she would know what Haleigh was wearing.

Misty very well could have witnessed Haleigh wrapped up in a blanket or sheet, but that tells me whatever happened to Haleight had already occured and Misty was not there until afterwards, if she was there at all.

Unless of course, Misty was pulling a Scott Peterson, who gave LE a false description of what his wife, Laci, was wearing the last time he saw her the morning he left to go fishing. By doing that the last person to see a victim can make sure the searching LE does is hindered from the beginning. And, I don't think Misty is clever enough to try and trick LE during its search.

IMO, Misty did not know what Haleigh was wearing because she was not the last person to see this little girl before she was taken from the mobile home.


Very good point! I also believe that Misty did not state that Annette Sykes had been at the Mh because Misty wasn't there and did not know that she (Annette Sykes) had been at the MH.
If tommy didn't see misty and misty didn't see tommy yet they both claim to be on scene when it happened, then both of the stories are lies and it is not likely JO is the perp.

I think you're onto something. Should be easy (maybe) for the SA to cross them up in court and uncover the lie. I remember the stories as you stated above. I just don't see how anyone can see them as credible witnesses!
Does anyone recall reading that Haleigh's tan shorts were found next to her bed?

What if misty drowned Haleigh?. She wouldn't have had any clothes on. Then, misty would have to cover with a lie or else everyone would know she was the perp.

I am curious as to why misty changed the story from pj's to pink shirt and underwear. She must have known the tan shorts were there (near the bed) or she would have included them when she gave the description to LE.

A question I have is where is Haleigh's school book bag or anything from school that day? Surely she brought something from school if she attended that day. Has anyone seen anything published on this?
Brings me right back to the very beginning with misty and/or ron being the two suspects.
This is JMO, but I think that Tommy got 15 years due to pizzzzz off LE by lying through his teeth and failing the LDT and LE wasting all the money for the search. How then can LE ever press charges against Joe if Tommy was proven to be a liar about his story involving Joe killing and disposing of Haleigh? How on earth could this be presented in court to jurors? :waitasec:
A question I have is where is Haleigh's school book bag or anything from school that day? Surely she brought something from school if she attended that day. Has anyone seen anything published on this?

Nope....that may be a question for ron cummings. He claimes to have picked her up. He also claims she jumped in his arms at the bus stop. :waitasec: He should know where it us.
Brings me right back to the very beginning with misty and/or ron being the two suspects.

Yep! Every story just goes around and around until it ends up right back at the the original suspects, for me at least.:woohoo:
Very good point LT. Someone said earlier they thought GGMS may have taken HC or guns out in the clothes basket. What do you think about that?
Why was JO called to the scene? To help dispose of the body?:waitasec:

IMHO.. If he wasn't present at the time of the incident someone had to have called him to come to the scene..To my knowledge he didn't have his own vehicle so he was called to go over there or he went to the scene with either Timmy and Chelsey or both...IF Jo took Haleigh to the river, someone from the Cummings/Neves/Sykes clan removed her from there and took her to another location from that dock.. The Croslins allowed themselves to be set up and double crossed BIG time by Ron and his family and they didn't even know it...IMHO..They all need to be tried and convicted for their participation concerning what happened to Haleigh, but Misty, Tommy or Jo didn't kill her..JMHO
Very good point LT. Someone said earlier they thought GGMS may have taken HC or guns out in the clothes basket. What do you think about that?

I think you bring up a very good point..........The laundry basket

This is my thought on the laundry basket and GGMS....

IF...Haleigh was NOT dead at the time GGMS brought in the laundry basket of clean clothes to the MH....and Haleigh WAS ALIVE and well at that time. eating on the back porch....that may be...believeable...

BUT....IF...Haleigh was NOT alive/was dead/...and GMMS..was bringing the laundry basket of clean clothes to the MH...I would this point...GMMS WOULD HAVE BEEN INFORMED..that Haleigh was dead....
AND NO BASKET OF CLEAN CLOTHES would NEED be brought into the MH....

Who would make a trip to deliver a laundry basket of clean clothes...KNOWING..a child has just died...?????...It would be unimportant to bring in clothes out of the car....There would be MORE IMPORTANT details to take care of...

BUT....IF...GMMS WAS THERE.....and brought in a laundry basket and took out a laundry basket...during the time line Haleigh died...Laundry would be the LAST THING in the basket...

Guns/Haleigh/evidence.....all in my own opinion..
ETA..If GMMS was taking a basket of dirty laundry BACK HOME..what about the pile of dirty laundry left on the floor in front of the "bricked" door??? What was in the basket????
I think the door was bricked open so contraband could be removed. They would need both hands free to carry stuff, and I think stuff was carried out and removed via the van. Then, they either forgot to close the door or they thought it added to the story to leave it bricked open. It could also have been left open to air the place out before LE came. There's just no way Misty was scared of Joe but sat in that MH with the door wide open after he was gone; if she was scared of him the first thing she would have done was close and lock the door as soon as he was gone, IMO.

I still cannot say JO was not there, but I don't think he did anything but perhaps try to help his cousins out of a mess IF he participated at all. I still see no evidence that points toward JO and until I see some, I have to consider JO as nothing more than a scapegoat.

As for Tommy, clearly he will say whatever serves his purpose at the time. Both times he has talked were when he was behind bars and hoped that saying something--anything--would help him get out. I expect a new version from Tommy if he is unsuccessful in getting his current sentence modified to his liking.

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