Tommy describes attack

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also, about that scream...did the neighbor elaborate? because there's a big difference between, say... screaming out of fear, horror, anger...or yelling at a child...& if the Joe stuff is true, there should've been screaming from Misty, Joe, maybe Tommy, (if he could muster the concern), maybe Jr., & most definantly Haleigh. but I'm thinking the neighbor heard 1 woman scream. once. that does not fit.
so if the 1st call came in at 2:13, & it was about those dogs, I don't think a complaint was made, right after the barking started. I'd guess the caller waited at least 10 minutes? But being annoyed at being awakened so late, might have hurried the process. So, IMO, the dogs started barking, shortly after the scream. 2:00-2:05...just enough time, to leave the trailer with Haleigh, get the dogs to barking, & then the crying at THE TRAILER AT 2:30. Honestly I don't see that as much time to get rid of her body, before the cops got to Tommy's. But, considering that this was a non emergency call, the cops probably hadn't been there long. I can't imagine, under normal circumstances, that check up, taking more than 15-20 mins. but the cops were still there, when Misty's call came in...but even if the cops took their sweet time in getting to Tommy's, that still leaves less than an hour for someone, to get rid of her body. & that someone probably wasn't Misty, because she was heard crying at around 2:30. unless she put her very close... but I think the tracking dogs would've found her. sorry to ramble, but I'm completely guessing here, & could be wrong. But these times have got to mean something...& since there was no evidence of death in the trailer, what does that mean? Misty got home to a gone Haleigh? or if the Joe stuff is true, they left the trailer, got the dogs to barking, disposed of Haleigh, & Tommy was back home in time for the cops? IDK...whatever happened, I think Haleigh was put very close.

There was no barking dog or barking dog complaint on Feb. 10, 2009. The complaint was on 2/4/09.

Here is the police report to prove it.

There was no LE officer at 116 Tyler when the call came in about Haleigh. The officer went to Tyler after responding to Green Lane and after information was obtained from Misty. Misty stated she had relatives on Tyler and had walked with Haleigh there before so the officer went to Tyler to make sure Haleigh had not gone there, when she found no Haleigh at Tyler she went back to Green Lane.

Keep in mind the dispatch recording that was released is redacted and when LE and dispatch speak to each other they sometimes do it on a private channel or their cell phones so a lot of information the public did not hear. We don't know what time the dispatcher said "she was last seen within the residence an hour to an hour and a half ago" and we don't know who she was referring to, she could have been speaking about a LE officer with a K9 unit or a detective they needed for all we know!
The vehicle seen by the dumpster and then leaving thirty minutes later could have been Misty sitting out there with someone. If she left the kids home alone and being a teenager, she could have had the person park a short distance from the trailer and then took her time getting out of the vehicle. The scream heard right after could have been her horror at finding Haleigh along the path to the trailer. Or, she could already have discovered Haleigh missing and had the family over looking for her. I don't think some person would sit around a dumpster for thirty minutes if they were placing, retrieving, or disposing of objects in a murder.
i no that ah had a teaser awhile back about the 1st 911 call hinting he might release it but he never did..wondering what that was about?
There was no barking dog or barking dog complaint on Feb. 10, 2009. The complaint was on 2/4/09.

Here is the police report to prove it.

There was no LE officer at 116 Tyler when the call came in about Haleigh. The officer went to Tyler after responding to Green Lane and after information was obtained from Misty. Misty stated she had relatives on Tyler and had walked with Haleigh there before so the officer went to Tyler to make sure Haleigh had not gone there, when she found no Haleigh at Tyler she went back to Green Lane.

Keep in mind the dispatch recording that was released is redacted and when LE and dispatch speak to each other they sometimes do it on a private channel or their cell phones so a lot of information the public did not hear. We don't know what time the dispatcher said "she was last seen within the residence an hour to an hour and a half ago" and we don't know who she was referring to, she could have been speaking about a LE officer with a K9 unit or a detective they needed for all we know!
thanks, but I do remember hearing Greenwood talk about the 1st 911 at 2 whatever it was. Now, if he got his times mixed up, he should've fixed that. I know they don't have to tell us anything, but when they do tell, they should make corrections, if mistakes are made. So, I'm assuming he stands by there being a 1st 911 call, related to this case. I doubt it came from Misty or that trailer, since no cops were there. But the way I read the report, (although it could've been redacted & caused confusion), the cops were at Tommy's. But thanks again...& just like everything else, it just poses more questions.
Maybe we need to reverse what was told to us.

Maybe rc had possession of JO's gun and JO went to get it and took revenge on Ron. Knowing rc and his tales, there may have been WAY more to the story than JO stole his pistol. Yeah, that could have happened, but rc would be the type to get even, not just threaten. RC may have stolen from JO to get revenge and JO came-a-hunting.
The way rc tells it is..he met JO and the very first meeting JO steals his "Piece". I would like to hear the whole story about that....not the watered down version ronnie tells.

The only time rc has ever elaborated on anything in this story is when he spoke about that drive home from the bus stop. He went into great detail about every little thing Haleigh did on that drive...all while sitting on his lap. I still say that was to explain her scent/hair/w/e on his clothing. There must be a reason why he put out effort on that part of the story.

Concerning the attack by JO as described by Tommy....can't buy it. I think it was fabricated or it was told to tommy. It doesn't seem like he witnessed it fully or at all.
thanks, but I do remember hearing Greenwood talk about the 1st 911 at 2 whatever it was. Now, if he got his times mixed up, he should've fixed that. I know they don't have to tell us anything, but when they do tell, they should make corrections, if mistakes are made. So, I'm assuming he stands by there being a 1st 911 call, related to this case. I doubt it came from Misty or that trailer, since no cops were there. But the way I read the report, (although it could've been redacted & caused confusion), the cops were at Tommy's. But thanks again...& just like everything else, it just poses more questions.

boggles my mind that the Spokesman for the case tells us the first call came in at least it had a "3" in it...good grief! One explanation could be he is absolutely wrong but, like you say, why not correct it? The other is...somebody called and hung up and they didn't get a 911 address. There are certain people out there that are living on land w/o parcels that are not legal.

Between 2:00am and 3:30am, it was pretty busy around the MH...
boggles my mind that the Spokesman for the case tells us the first call came in at least it had a "3" in it...good grief! One explanation could be he is absolutely wrong but, like you say, why not correct it? The other is...somebody called and hung up and they didn't get a 911 address. There are certain people out there that are living on land w/o parcels that are not legal.

Between 2:00am and 3:30am, it was pretty busy around the MH...

I stand by my story that this was the first time they started to call 911 and report HeLeigh "missing" becasue they were supposed to do so before RC got home. Who "they" are - MC, ToC, TiC, JO, LC. "They" being the "slaves" of RC for drugs. MC probabl dialed 911 and hung up. The police still come when it is a land line and they call you back when it is a cell phone.
The two families that should have been at 202 Green ASAP were timmie and tommy. They should have been the first ones called and the first to arrive to help look for Haleigh. I don't think they were around on 202 Green Lane...why not?
In this story, I think Joe = Ron.

Ron's statement says it all...."I'd give my life for my child's life back". He KNEW from the start what happened.


LOL, minds that think alike can be scary. I agree with you. Input Ron's name and forget about the dang gun part and you've got Ron coercing Misty and Tommy and ? to go along with the plan to cover up Haleigh's death. I can see Ron calling Tommy to get him over to the MH and then coercing him to participate in the disposal of Haleigh. I would not be surprised to find out that Teresa Neves was at the MH that night and that she was waiting for Misty to show up so that she could get her involved in the plan as well. I would not be surprised if Tommy wasn't forced to call Timmy's house to get someone to bring the van over to Ron's house. I think Misty arrived at the MH at around the same time that a neighbor heard a woman scream. I think this is when Misty found out that Haleigh was gone (to be disposed of by Ron and Tommy). Joe probably knows who left Timmy and Chelsea's house that night with the van. And he probably knows why. IMO, Joe was not involved. I think it was Ron who was threatening to kill them if they did not cooperate. Ron threatened Tommy with the rat in the mailbox to keep his mouth shut. He kept Misty chained to his side from the beginning so that she could not talk with anyone.

I think that it was Ron who walked down to the boat dock and handed Haleigh off to one of his immediate kin who was in a boat waiting for him at the dock.
LOL, minds that think alike can be scary. I agree with you. Input Ron's name and forget about the dang gun part and you've got Ron coercing Misty and Tommy and ? to go along with the plan to cover up Haleigh's death. I can see Ron calling Tommy to get him over to the MH and then coercing him to participate in the disposal of Haleigh. I would not be surprised to find out that Teresa Neves was at the MH that night and that she was waiting for Misty to show up so that she could get her involved in the plan as well. I would not be surprised if Tommy wasn't forced to call Timmy's house to get someone to bring the van over to Ron's house. I think Misty arrived at the MH at around the same time that a neighbor heard a woman scream. I think this is when Misty found out that Haleigh was gone (to be disposed of by Ron and Tommy). Joe probably knows who left Timmy and Chelsea's house that night with the van. And he probably knows why. IMO, Joe was not involved. I think it was Ron who was threatening to kill them if they did not cooperate. Ron threatened Tommy with the rat in the mailbox to keep his mouth shut. He kept Misty chained to his side from the beginning so that she could not talk with anyone.

I think that it was Ron who walked down to the boat dock and handed Haleigh off to one of his immediate kin who was in a boat waiting for him at the dock.

bolded by me....I agree that TN ...seemed....TOO READY....and already dressed/jewelry/8X10 photo...too ready...and seemed to be the spokesperson...the MH tour...who slept where...I believe like a lot of others, she "directed" the WHOLE cover-up...

If you notice ...lately in the recent news...this cover up..has taken a TOLL on her....This cover up is a lot a baggage to live with day in/day out.

and the statement that Ron said he would give his LIFE to have Haleigh's life BACK ...says a lot to me as well....then the "memorial tatoo...Ron knew THEN Haleigh was dead....

I hope the LE has filled in the missing pieces and we can soon find out exaxtly what happened to Haleigh

But for now, the players are behind safely behind bars...for a long time..

Regarding Tommy describing the attack on Haleigh...Seems like his attorney has placed him at the the MH..and doing drugs while the child is being attacked, screaming and "bagged"...(I haven't read the whole statement yet...Sooooo much to read and I am behind)...and he is placing Misty there, as well as Junior...My comment to that is wouldn't Junior recall his sister screaming??? much that does not make sense...

I know I am repeating myself...forgive me...but I believe Haleigh Magnolia residence..Not the MH on Green lane..and Ron/TN KNEW...and organized a cover up...

Someone on this board posted ...that someone on here has figured out what happened..
I wish I knew..
bolded by me....I agree that TN ...seemed....TOO READY....and already dressed/jewelry/8X10 photo...too ready...and seemed to be the spokesperson...the MH tour...who slept where...I believe like a lot of others, she "directed" the WHOLE cover-up...

If you notice ...lately in the recent news...this cover up..has taken a TOLL on her....This cover up is a lot a baggage to live with day in/day out.

and the statement that Ron said he would give his LIFE to have Haleigh's life BACK ...says a lot to me as well....then the "memorial tatoo...Ron knew THEN Haleigh was dead....

I hope the LE has filled in the missing pieces and we can soon find out exaxtly what happened to Haleigh

But for now, the players are behind safely behind bars...for a long time..
I thought that when Ron got the tattoo, he knew Haleigh was dead, & I also thought that was one of the reasons he was so short with the media. He was grieving, IMO. But, does that mean he killed her? No. Did Misty go with him to get the tattoo? Would he have wanted her around for that, if he thought she killed Haleigh? I really don't think so. But if he went alone, that might give an indication to where his thinking was.
I thought that when Ron got the tattoo, he knew Haleigh was dead, & I also thought that was one of the reasons he was so short with the media. He was grieving, IMO. But, does that mean he killed her? No. Did Misty go with him to get the tattoo? Would he have wanted her around for that, if he thought she killed Haleigh? I really don't think so. But if he went alone, that might give an indication to where his thinking was.

Of course she went with him! From the news video:


  • Tattoo1.jpg
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In thinking about the timeline with the vehicle by the dumpster then a scream heard about 30 minutes later, it's possible that Misty may have been told by Jr. that a man all in black took Haleigh. She then could have ran to Tommy's and been convinced not to call 911, then told Ron the same story when he came home. He did seem to think that he could quickly get Haleigh back, and Misty at first didn't seem to know whether to suspect Joe, Tommy, or both.
The only thing I found interesting about this new "story" they're that Misty said Joe put her in a "BLACK" bag??>..Nevermind the fact that she wouldn't know that if she were hiding under a cover..but I remembered Jr saying he saw a man in "BLACK"...wondering if there's a connection.
im still trying to figure out where the story of tc bothering mc in a so called wrong way came from.all i heard about was jo.if people are just saying this thats so wrong imo.i just havent seen any statements that back that not saying anyones wrong i just havent saw that evidence.
im still trying to figure out where the story of tc bothering mc in a so called wrong way came from.all i heard about was jo.if people are just saying this thats so wrong imo.i just havent seen any statements that back that not saying anyones wrong i just havent saw that evidence.

Ya know, I could be wrong but I'm thinking I first heard of it when Misty took that LVA test..To be honest I can't really remember.. Could be Misty revealed that tid-bit of information after the BIG fight over at GGMS's house.. She filed an RO immediately afterwards but then when Ron divorced her she lifted the RO against Tommy and was living with Tommy and Lindsey...Someone else may know for certain...JMHO
I believe the pieces are beginning to fit together, like the posts above form all ya'll. I also believe that if we had 2 more pieces we would have everything to arrest someone. 1. Phone trail from all players' phones; 2. Ron's real hours at work.
My concern is whether LE has those 2 things, and if so, and our theory is correct as stated above, Why have they not arrested someone. Anyone have any ideas on that? TIA
I believe the pieces are beginning to fit together, like the posts above form all ya'll. I also believe that if we had 2 more pieces we would have everything to arrest someone. 1. Phone trail from all players' phones; 2. Ron's real hours at work.
My concern is whether LE has those 2 things, and if so, and our theory is correct as stated above, Why have they not arrested someone. Anyone have any ideas on that? TIA

IMHO.. LE or someone down in Putnam County doesn't want the truth revealed as to who the real peson is that is responsible for Haleigh's death... For me, the question is... WHY? JMHO

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