Tony Lazzaro's testimony

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I wonder if we will ever get to find out what Tony and KC conversed about the day she was arrested. Wasn't that the last time they talked and texted?

Maybe they'll address it when they cover timeframe of arrest? Does that mean poor Tony will have to fly back to testify again? I'd really like to see it!
Maybe they'll address it when they cover timeframe of arrest? Does that mean poor Tony will have to fly back to testify again? I'd really like to see it!

IMO it was enough that he testified that they stayed in bed all.
Casey sure didn't look happy once they were all dismissed for the day. Wonder if it was because Tony denied her telling him about any sexual abuse by GA?

This is the first time I've ever seen her look positively BLEAK. Like she understands the hole she dug for herself and she knows that she's alienated all of her support.
This is the first time I've ever seen her look positively BLEAK. Like she understands the hole she dug for herself and she knows that she's alienated all of her support.

Watching former friend after former friend, I kept thinking KC Anthony - this was your life. It had to be harsh for her, seeing all those people she concidered close friends admit it was all a lie and seeing up close and personal how they have all moved on, literally.

If she ever entertained thoughts of going back to life as she knew it, those fantasies are gone - she's all alone...
After most people in the gallery left for the evening... after jurors were excused...

starting at 24:22

Followed by Tony Lazzarro returning to the stand.

HJBP will rule on whether or not the jury hears this testimony.

HHJBP was magnificent when he questioned TL. There is no way he is going to let this trial disintegrate into a farce. He sliced through JB's murky insinuations like a hot knife through butter. It was breathtaking.
After some reflection I've realized that there is another reason I do not care for Tony. I thought my dislike was primarily because of his "LongIslandness." I'm trying very, very hard to follow the rules. My intention is not to be rude or cruel. This post is just my opinion.

After reading this thread I think that I'm the only one who feels this way.

Sometimes it's hard to convey what is in my head into words.

Perhaps if I tried a "hypothetical situation" I could tie it in to how I feel.

Let's say my "sister" is following a armoured bank van doing rounds and a big 'ole bag falls out of the back on the van. The driver and person in the shotgun seat fail to notice, and drive away. Sis gets out of her car, looks into the bag and sees a slew of money in the bag. She gets back into her car with the bag and phones the police ASAP, or the bank if the phone number is get the idea. Returns the money and goes about her business. She prays for the 2 men in that van, and hopes that they won't get into too much trouble.

End of story.
If only...

She then goes home and does her thing, checks her mailbox, listens to phone messages, greets and hugs the dog; all of the usual coming home stuff. Half hour later, just before her husband arrives home the phone starts ringing off the wall, there are news vans all over the place, strangers banging on her door, dogs barking up a storm. Her world has gone beserk. The mayor offers her a key to the city... yadda yadda... Aesop I'm not.

All of this because she's done the "right" thing. Huh?

Years later she meets a toddler in line at the grocery store. Toddler is adorable, the most gorgeous eyes, sweet as can be. Engages with the toddler while waiting on the line to checkout. Her encounter with this precious child lasts all of 10 minutes. The person that is with the toddler is a tad odd but aren't we all?

Three days later she's reading the newspaper and finds out the toddler was murdered and found dumped in a ditch. Perp. turns out to be the person that was in the grocery store with her. Meets with LE every time she is asked, follows every direction/suggestion of the police. Refuses interviews, becomes a pivotal witness in the trial. And for the rest of her life will always feel pain.

Present day. Sis has come to love a child that she has never met. Not once.
Never saw in person. This gorgeous child was murdered and thrown into a swamp in woods.

Why in heaven's name is this young man getting kudos? For what? His cooperation? He didn't sell photo's? His life is ruined for ever and ever? The inconvenience of it all. He was dragged by the hair and forced to have a relationship with the defendant. Evidently, he was using some other part of his anatomy other than his brain, not unusual. I feel that he was smug and arrogant. He wants to get out of Dodge and forget about this whole mess?

This entire post explains why I feel the way I do about Tony and that is...

What about Caylee? What about Caylee? His entire testimony lacked any emotion regarding Caylee Marie Anthony.
Is the State finished with TL? I don't think so. Why haven't they questioned him on the "nightmares" and "cold sweats" that ICA was waking up with in the middle of the night? Its in his depo.

Does anyone think they'll call him back and question him about this?
I think to question him about that would be iffy WOO. If JB had "gone there" they would have had to address it during cross. Since JB was unable or too inept to illicit this testimony without leading him down the path to it.

I do not know why the SA should introduce the subject. The nightmares and nightsweats testimony can only serve to imply that ICA had something to fear and would leave the impression that maybe they were the result of her "abuse".

Not helpful to the State and very helpful the the Defense. I was pleasantly surprised that that did not come up. moo
Didn't know where else to put this but figured it best fit here.

So, I finally got around to watching the last half of today's testimony and noticed that the judge seemed to think that the motive the state has come up with (Casey wanting Caylee out of the way so that she could do as she pleased) for murder is silly. He even kinda laughed at the suggestion (when state was trying to introduce the messages between Casey and Tony and the reasons why).

What do you all think about that? Do you think the state will continue on with using that excuse/reason for motive?
IMO TL feels like most of us. Even if ICA was SA it is no excuse to kill your child! I kinda think he downplayed whatever ICA told him kinda like a Scroo yoo to ICA! "How dare you kill that baby girl and try and stick me in the middle. Right back at cha girl! You made my life hell so here ya go! "
* and to spend the entire next day doing??? in bed~ that's SICK!!!
Didn't know where else to put this but figured it best fit here.

So, I finally got around to watching the last half of today's testimony and noticed that the judge seemed to think that the motive the state has come up with (Casey wanting Caylee out of the way so that she could do as she pleased) for murder is silly. He even kinda laughed at the suggestion (when state was trying to introduce the messages between Casey and Tony and the reasons why).

What do you all think about that? Do you think the state will continue on with using that excuse/reason for motive?

I noticed that as well, CP. I also noticed that he sort of facetiously brought up the idea that ICA may have wanted to kill her parents too and then quickly shut down any further discussion about it as if it was a preposterous theory. I personally think that may have very well been her intention.

I don't know what to make of it. I do believe HHJP is a very smart, fair and open minded man. And look at all the bull hocky theories he let JB throw out there. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
I noticed that as well, CP. I also noticed that he sort of facetiously brought up the idea that ICA may have wanted to kill her parents too and then quickly shut down any further discussion about it as if it was a preposterous theory. I personally think that may have very well been her intention.

I don't know what to make of it. I do believe HHJP is a very smart, fair and open minded man. And look at all the bull hocky theories he let JB throw out there. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

I for one do believe it was the reason...I also think she wanted them all gone---GA,CA & Caylee....that way she didn't need to report to anyone about anyting...look at what she wanted in "Casey World"---all the sucesses she has viewed from those who testified is what she was trying to portray..--it is scary the lengths she went thru for her lies....
HHJP: bring him back. Tony L.

TL: states name

all rise for the jury

HHJP: hello ladies and gentlemen of the jury.

FG: from that picture do you know what that is?

an orentation sheet from Full Sail

FG: on that photo is is registration from where

Full Sail, to get your badge, and intro to school

FG: is there handwriting? your name?

yes, and Cameron

FG: on the top there are words

that is the address I was staying at with Cam

FG: is that your handwriting?


FG: does that document with the wording and the handwriting, the wording the same?


FG: was that in your apt?


FG: left for ny june 30th return?


FG: contact with defendant once a day?


FG: return on july 5th


FG: who picked u up?


FG: what car?

mine, went back to my apt, later went to buffalo wild wings, she wanted me to meet her friends

FG: did you meet friends?


FG: from july 10 to 15th


FG: any change in her behavior since you left

no sir

FG: is showing Tony something.

it is a receipt to blockbuster

FG: is you name on there?


FG: a date?

June 18th 2008

FG: is that your receipt?


FG: does it say on that receipt what you rented?

(side bar)
HHJP: you may okay mr George

FG: thank you sir can you tell from that receipt when you went to blockbuster?

June 16th 2008

FG: what time where they wented 19:58 hours?

seven o'clock

FG: when you rented those movies was the defendant with you?


(long pause)
FG: I want to direct your attention to July 16th were you at home?

me and nate

FG: what were you doing?

playing X box

FG: who else?


FG: had she been there all day, we are talking July 15th


FG: while you and nate were playing x box what happened?

knock at the door, come in, it was Amy Casey's friend. They looked at each other and they walked out. We went back to playing our game, Casey came running in, her mother was now standing at the door.

FG: had you met Cindy before?


FG: not stating what others said what did Casey say?

No, I'm coming back

FG: what did you do?

sat there in shock

FG: how long in apt?

no even a minute

FG: what happened then?

they left

FG: what was your reaction?

someone's in trouble

FG: call her?

I figured they had something to work out and I would hear from her.

I waited a while and called her phone and realized her phone was at the apt. I called amy because she showed up at the door.

FG: when the deputy came, did you say anything to him?

no sir

FG: did you give him anything?

her cell phone

FG: did you give the deputy anything else?


FG: how long was he there?

how long it took to give phone

FG: after the deputy left did you receive any calls?


FG: ?

Deputy came back

FG: how long after?

not long, an hour

FG: ?

I allowed the deputy search my apt.

FG: did he search?


FG: did he leave with anything?


FG: he leaves


FG: anyone else come?

Lee Anthony, came between nine and 12

FG: his demeanor?

Concerned, very concerned

FG: did you give anything to Lee?


FG: did you ask him what was going on?


before the deputy came, i got a phone call from Lee

FG: what did you give to Lee?

bag of clothes of Casey's and a laptop

FG: were these items he specifically asked for?


FG: duffel bag?

duffel bag, when the deputy came he grabbed the bag and brought it to my kitchen table.

FG: did the deputy pack the bag?


FG: did you allow Lee to leave with that bag and laptop?

yes sir

FG: what was your reaction after lee left

wow, in light of everything that had happened in a couple of hours...

FG: any other visitors?


FG: try to contact Casey?


FG: 16th of july?

yes, text message

HHJP: you may

FG: LY take a moment to look thru that briefly.
FG: you recognize this?

it is a text message convo between me and Casey

FG: do you recognize the phone number and that text on the morning of july 16th?


FG: a fair and accurate representation of the convo you had with her?

HHJP: received in evidence

(long pause)

FG: is this the first text july 16th


FG: subject line

I am so sorry for not telling you.

FG: next?

I am so sorry for not telling you what happened. I need you and loved you more than you know.

FG: is this the first question you ask her? Where is Caylee?

yes, sir

FG: her response?

I honestly don't know

FG: you?

I don't know...are you serious?

FG: what was your mood at this time?

angry, worried.

FG: next one, top one says I don't know are you serious?

I have been filling reports all night driving around with LE to the apt I took her to. I am the worst ****ing person in the entire world I don't know what I will do if something happens to her.

FG: next?

too long lets just leave it at that

FG: ?

why would'n't you tell me when I care about you and your daughter?

I trust my daughter with some psyco how does that look.

FG: what is IDK

I don't know. I don't know what to say I hope your daughter is ok I will help you and LE

FG: next one

I was put in handcuffs for almost ten min and sat in the back of a LE car the best thing in my life has gone missing and I don't know if I will see her again.

I am the dumbest person and the worst mother I honestly hate myself

The most important thing is getting Caylee back I hope you can forgive me my family won't we know my family.

FG: next?

I said, who is this zanny nanny person?

FG: prior to that you had heard of a nanny, zanny?


FG: zenaidia?


FG: you ask who is zanny and she says

she was jeffs nanny before she became mine.

FG: next one at seven

she texts: I'm scared, yeah almost 12 hours of stuff finally getting a shower I feel like hell.

FG: next are you asking questions here?

where did you drop off Caylee the last time you saw her? she said at the apt at the bottom of the stairs. Sawgrass apartments.

FG: she goes on to say

have told and showed the police the apt.

FG: next

told them and drove out there with two different officers, just got back

FG: ?

if they don't find her guess who gets blamed and spends an eternity in jail

FG: you say

no **** this is serious why didn't you say anything to anyone?

FG: you say

oh, and why are you texting me and not calling (he says)

FG: ?

I have talked to two people connected to zanny, I was scared to admit it I was scared something was going to happen to my baby.

FG: after the exchange in text did you speak on phone?

I called her

FG: what did you say?

where is Caylee?

FG: first question?

yes sir

FG: her response?

I don't know. I was angry. Lied to. betrayed. It is hard to explain everything at once.

FG: when she said she didn't know what did you say?

how do you not know. How do you not know where your daughter is, a convo that was going no where.

FG: you have class that day?

after a while of asking and going no where, not getting an answer just getting I don't know every time. I said I have to go to class and I hung up the phone.
This entire post explains why I feel the way I do about Tony and that is...

What about Caylee? What about Caylee? His entire testimony lacked any emotion regarding Caylee Marie Anthony.

I noticed a lack of real concern and search involvement among most of the young adults that were friends with ICA, right from the start (day 31). There wasnt a real intense involvement in the searches, nor were most putting up posters, etc.(I remember even sawgrass apts didn't have posters up and i thought that unusual considering.).I'm sure a couple did get involved, but most just seemed to be shocked, annoyed at the intrusion, and then went on their way without assisting in the searches. Compared to the teens and young adults in other cases, i was expecting more from these kids, but never saw it.
Trying to figure what AL is so upset about. The fact that he was put in this situation? An inconvenience for him? Or just what Casey is accused of doing?
" What was I supposed to say? That I trusted my daughter with some psyco- how does that look?"

How does that LOOK? Once again, it is not about Caylee, but all about Casey.She worries about how she will look to others, and not about what happened to Caylee,as usual.
I think these young adults did more than they are getting credit for. All of them told the truth, went to the Anthony's to create a timeline. I am sure when they found out and started putting it together and saw what her parents were doing, in regards to the police, they were so shocked, believed Caylee to be gone, and grieved in their own way while trying to continue on with their life. Not one of these kids got off the hook emotionally in this nightmare ICA created. And most of them had only met Caylee a couple of times, thus they had no idea what life was really like for her in ICA's hands.

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