Tony Padilla Q&A

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I got NOTHING from the Anthony's about the Grunds. Investigating information from others. I cannot and will not go any further.

Since we're on the subject of "Investigating information from others" - Did you have a chance to "investigage information from others" about KC and her family? I'm just trying to understand how it is that you can say such warm things about the A's, but not so much about the Grunds. Rev Grund may be a little "out there", but from what I can tell he's just trying to protect his son and hasn't hurt anyone in the process like the A's have.

As a side note. I'm honestly not trying to spar with ya! I think you are great coming here and answering our questions - especially the hard ones! I'm just trying to understand that's all. This case has me so curious! It's truly a study in human behavior!!
Duly noted. But :waitasec::waitasec::waitasec:

I think many feel protective of the Grund family as well as the slew of other young people who have been tarnished and maligned (and so far as being implicated in what happened to Caylee) so this stance is difficult to understand.
All I know, is if people were trying to falsely implicate my child for the kidnapping/ murder of a toddler my family knew and loved, I would come across as a 'nut job', too! (I am in no way saying I believe that Rev. Grund has been anything but sincere).

I hold the Reverand Grund to high esteem for holding it together as he did while malicious, possibly guilty people tried to pin their own heinous crimes on his son. I feel the Grund family has been put through enough because of the actions of Casey Anthony.

My opinion only, of course.

I am grateful for Mr. Padilla taking the time to answer our questions here at Websleuths!

I am always interested in his point of view, and what he has to share... Thank you, Tony!
I'm really new at this, so please excuse my ignorance, but when posters use their real names or reveal their identity on the forum, is their identity verified and confirmed?
Tricia personally verifies it to the best of her ability. if they do not want to prove themselves they are not allowed to post as that person.She is typically 99.9% sure that they are who they claim to be, but of course someone can always pull something. I suppose someone that has been verified can always pass their hat and password to someone and we cannot stop that.
Tony was verified very early on and he proved himself quickly and easily. he was not allowed to post as such until this was done.
I'm really new at this, so please excuse my ignorance, but when posters use their real names or reveal their identity on the forum, is their identity verified and confirmed?

No, but I'm satisfied that it's him.
i have a lot of things i would like to say... but i would get banned

but to say the things he says about certain people that we all have seen the wretched things they have said and done in real life and on video and then to not say but imply some negative things about some people that have not done much of anything on the negative side...

well,,, he would have better off to not IMPLY anything about people that appear to be pretty honest and decent people

know what i mean ?:cool:

Me, too. There is a lot I'd like to say. My mind is just spinning.
i beleive it... but i guess someone could have sniped his password and could be pretending to be him... its been done before

perhaps not here but in other spots on the www

thanks for all you do :cool:
Since we're on the subject of "Investigating information from others" - Did you have a chance to "investigage information from others" about KC and her family? I'm just trying to understand how it is that you can say such warm things about the A's, but not so much about the Grunds. Rev Grund may be a little "out there", but from what I can tell he's just trying to protect his son and hasn't hurt anyone in the process like the A's have.

As a side note. I'm honestly not trying to spar with ya! I think you are great coming here and answering our questions - especially the hard ones! I'm just trying to understand that's all. This case has me so curious! It's truly a study in human behavior!!

Right there with you on all points! I also have question s about investigating information from others... why and when was this going on? Was the information offered up or solicited... so many questions, unfortunately circumstances don't seem to allow for answers at the moment. Which is totally fine, I have a healthy imagination.

I really do appreciate having access to TP's insight, it has not been what I anticipated and I can appreciate that.
Since we're on the subject of "Investigating information from others" - Did you have a chance to "investigage information from others" about KC and her family? I'm just trying to understand how it is that you can say such warm things about the A's, but not so much about the Grunds. Rev Grund may be a little "out there", but from what I can tell he's just trying to protect his son and hasn't hurt anyone in the process like the A's have.

As a side note. I'm honestly not trying to spar with ya! I think you are great coming here and answering our questions - especially the hard ones! I'm just trying to understand that's all. This case has me so curious! It's truly a study in human behavior!!

I think, at bottom, it's all about personal experience with each party. They didn't get a chance to interact over an extended time period. First impression's all you get!

Makes one want to re-rent Rashomom, though.

Classic Japanese flick about a rape (maybe) and murder (maybe). Told by the murder victim (maybe) the rape victim (maybe), the criminal, and the witness. each described his perception. All told the truth, as s/he saw it. No two stories matched.
Not exactly. If she was following directions to a T, I don't think she would have told RD the Blanchard Park story or blabbed about other things. Maybe she just followed things to a "T" in JB's presence, but out of it...she coudln't hellp herself and just had to yap.

IA and why didn't her mother (CA) at that point scream out "We need to get Caylee Now!!!"...she didn't have to follow those directions. Caylee should have been priority #1 in deed, not a future trial!!! (But of course, we all know it was too late for Caylee however that wasn't what they thought or so they said)
Tricia personally verifies it to the best of her ability. if they do not want to prove themselves they are not allowed to post as that person.She is typically 99.9% sure that they are who they claim to be, but of course someone can always pull something. I suppose someone that has been verified can always pass their hat and password to someone and we cannot stop that.
Tony was verified very early on and he proved himself quickly and easily. he was not allowed to post as such until this was done.

Thanks for the info - I was sure there had to be a process of some kind in place. I'm learning!
I'm really new at this, so please excuse my ignorance, but when posters use their real names or reveal their identity on the forum, is their identity verified and confirmed?

We can use our own identity, but it isn't encouraged. But if someone does use their own identity then no it isn't cloaked. If we want to put it out there, then it is left alone.

Tony is a public figure in that he has been on media and is very much associated with this case, because of the furor when he posted KC's bond. He signed up using his name, and Tricia has vetted him to be sure of his identity.
Duly noted. But :waitasec::waitasec::waitasec:

I think many feel protective of the Grund family as well as the slew of other young people who have been tarnished and maligned (and so far as being implicated in what happened to Caylee) so this stance is difficult to understand.

I know you can't say anything more on the issue, but I am curious about "investigating information from others"? Was this information you sought out (and why), or was this offered to you? I know you can't answer these questions but you have certainly piqued my interest.

BBM....Mine too. TP did you act as an investigator too while you were there in addition to your bail bondsmen duties?

Are you planning on writing a book or profiting from this in any way?
I wonder how come we haven't heard about "Investigating information from others" concerning Mr grund? Does anyone know?
First and foremost in regards to Leonard. In now ay am I throwing Leonard under the bus and completely disrespecting him. All I am doing is stating facts. I have talked to him about my feelings and he knows exactly how I feel. He and I have a different philosophy regarding this. He definitely has a tremendous ego and LOVES the camera. That does not mean that I hate him. We talk all the time about this case as well as other things. He is my uncle and I respect him beyond belief. He is a very unique person and I have learned a great deal from him. We have been working together since I was 6 years old and he has never ever betrayed me or compromised our relationship. Nothing I have written on here would he be surprised about.

Second. My relationship with the Anthony's is unique as well. I am the only person who bailed their daughter out. I came all the way from Ca. to do it. Yes of course they are nice to me. I have spent some time with them and I found them to be very pleasant and very nice. I'm sorry but that is my opinion. Maybe the terms of our relationship are based on what I did for them. Who knows? I guess I give people the benefit of the doubt when it comes to these things. Trust me I have read and witnessed their BS as well. Do I agree with it ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!! However I have no control as to how they act, what they say, and what they are going to do next. Those are their choices which really have had no impact on me. I saw them outraged at some things that Leonard did and said to them and imo they LP was out of line. That will come out later and not for me to speak about. The same goes for Casey. I was with Casey for about 2 hours the night she was freed from jail. She cried, she laughed, we talked one on one, she made me dinner, she listened, and she was nice to me. Maybe because of the circumstance. Again do I agree with what she probably/most likely did, ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!! All of my feelings are strictly based on my interactions and my life experiences. They have not crossed me and I do not want to cross them. However if they do then it will be hell to pay. You only get one chance with me.

It seems that I use my terms "love" and other adjectives describing people loosely and people are taking it very literal. I am going to stop that immediately.

LOL We are a picky bunch aren't we?
Did the distraught grandparents and mother share photos/videos of precious Caylee with those in the house at the time you were there? Or was it just "all business (about Casey)?"

Seems in their devastated state over their "missing" g/daughter and child, they would have been hard-pressed to not continually be gazing at and running their hands over pics of the little face of the one for whom all this was being done and insisting EVERYONE around "look at this precious baby, we HAVE to find her ........ just look at those eyes, that smile," etc.

Heck, parents/grandparents who aren't even experiencing what they were, when presented with a captive audience, brings out "the pics!"

Were you privy to ANY of THAT?
We can use our own identity, but it isn't encouraged. But if someone does use their own identity then no it isn't cloaked. If we want to put it out there, then it is left alone.

Tony is a public figure in that he has been on media and is very much associated with this case, because of the furor when he posted KC's bond. He signed up using his name, and Tricia has vetted him to be sure of his identity.

Thanks! I'm convinced he is who he says he is, I just wasn't aware of the process in place to verify. Appreciate it!
For me, TP's opinions abt the A's, the Grunds or whoever is not near as important as what he can and will say abt this case. If we want an answer to our questions we should respect his opinions. If we don't he won't post here. If we don't like what he posts here, well perhaps a temp TO might help?

I thought it spoke well of him, that he stood up for his opinions.

I don't agree re: the character of some of the principles. I don't HAVE to agree.

I can't possibly see the situation through his eyes, because I'm not in his shoes, and know little about his profession.

But, I respect his opinion. And, I won't challenge him on it.

I have the same sort of situation with my cousin. She was a prison guard.

She'd tell me this or that one was, "A terrific person."

I'd say, "Huh?"
Did the distraught grandparents and mother share photos/videos of precious Caylee with those in the house at the time you were there? Or was it just "all business (about Casey)?"

Seems in their devastated state over their "missing" g/daughter and child, they would have been hard-pressed to not continually be gazing at and running their hands over pics of the little face of the one for whom all this was being done and insisting EVERYONE around "look at this precious baby, we HAVE to find her ........ just look at those eyes, that smile," etc.

Heck, parents/grandparents who aren't even experiencing what they were, when presented with a captive audience, brings out "the pics!"

Were you privy to ANY of THAT?

Those are the kinds of things I'm curious about as well. Did anyone enter Caylee's bedroom, or seem particularly attached to any of Caylee's toys or personal items? This is what I would envision a typical grieving family might do.

As they did normal household things, did anyone reminisce about how Caylee used to like this or that, or wanted to help with this or that, etc.?
Since we're on the subject of "Investigating information from others" - Did you have a chance to "investigage information from others" about KC and her family? I'm just trying to understand how it is that you can say such warm things about the A's, but not so much about the Grunds. Rev Grund may be a little "out there", but from what I can tell he's just trying to protect his son and hasn't hurt anyone in the process like the A's have.

As a side note. I'm honestly not trying to spar with ya! I think you are great coming here and answering our questions - especially the hard ones! I'm just trying to understand that's all. This case has me so curious! It's truly a study in human behavior!!

I think Tony P had a chance to see a side of the A's we have not seen.There was a time many of us thought GA would be the hero.I was always put off by CA's anger at the world,but initially thought LA and GA were the good guys.
And maybe he knows things about others we aren't privy to .Perhaps our opinions would change if we knew.It doesn't mean they were involved with Caylee's death,just that they aren't saints.Few of us are!
I know I've been wrong about people before,both good and bad,only to learn of something later that completely changes my view.Just my :twocents:
in an effort to become a kinder,gentler MissJames :blowkiss:
We'll see how long that lasts!
This sounds crazy but as soon as I met Casey I knew something was not right. Look I am not a Psychologist but something there was off. Again she was nice to me speaks intelligently and showed a number of emotions that night. The interaction between the family ranged from Cindy holding Casey like a people to the entire family crying to laughing. A huge range of emotions that night. Remember that was the only time I was all of them. And JB was there as well.

Cindy holding Casey like a people? I don't get it
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