Tony's Statement Tied to 6/15

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Aug 21, 2008
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Here's a focused look @ Tony's statement to LE w/ some suggested dates inserted in [ ] . While Tony's statement certainly isn't intended to be a perfect day-by-day accounting, it appears to me to line up reasonably well w/ Caylee's demise 6/15PM or 6/16 and the invention of Caylee being @ the nanny's to explain her being MIA. Clint's account not shown here indicated Casey stayed 6/15 night @ Tony's, but, he did not see her leave 6/16AM. Tony's schedule in this timeframe is 9AM-1PM in class.

From Tony interview transcript :

Mom [Casey] has been…this is ah, the other thing. She’s been telling ah, me that..’cause she would go like, like without even me asking telling me out of just the blue just telling me just like, oh Caylee’s going to be with the nanny and they’re going to Disney. And I remember asking about it the next day I’m like, oh, what’s Caylee doing?

Like this happened like when she first started moving. You know what I’m saying? When this first happened when she first went…I guess grabbed most of her clothes [6/15] . And came back. And I’ll get into that a little…why she did that in a second [*account of 6/15 below] . But, um, basically she told me that she went to Disney and then I told, that’s the next day and she was like, yeah she gonna be at Disney, she’s going to Disney again. I guess she got, they got a weekend pass [6/15-16] or something like that. And then I remember her telling me also, I remember I don’t (inaudible)…Next weekend [6/21-22] or the weekend after that [6/28-29] she said that they were going Cocoa Beach. And then she kept on saying that oh they stayed an extra day. And they’re gonna stay another day. I’m like, this became a thing like, oh..I was a little you know questioning, feel weird about that. But she would say that she talked to Caylee or she was going to visit Caylee. All the time. So, I mean…

Note: Tony travels to New York 6/30 – 7/5

Q: So, um, would she, would she like how often would you see her? Would you see her everyday or would you be..

A: Yes she pretty much shacked up here.

Q: Okay. So, when she said she was going to visit you’re in, you’re in class?

[Full Sail schedule discussionl]

Q: Right. Okay so what were you gonna tell me about her getting all

A: *Oh, oh the thing why she started staying here [6/15] I guess. Ah, she said this is what she told me. Her parents her parents are having some kind of huge dispute like. Um, she was telling me about how she hates her father. And how her father was cheating and has been cheating on her mom. And like her mom, ah, always is like I guess is not listening to what Casey’s saying to her. I guess to leave him. And this whole big dispute. And her reasoning for the whole thing of her being here and Caylee being @ the nanny’s is the fact that she didn’t want Caylee to be in the house while that was happening. And she couldn’t deal with it. And she used to tell me that she talked to her mom about how her mom’s glad that I’m here for Casey because she wouldn’t be able to go through what’s going on between the two parents if I wasn’t around and all this stuff….
The last Anthony family member to be seen with Caylee that can be officially collaborated is Cindy Anthony on June 15, 2008 at her father's assisted living care facility.

After this date, Caylee was never seen again by anyone outside the Anthony family that we know of, correct?

The last Anthony family member to be seen with Caylee that can be officially collaborated is Cindy Anthony on June 15, 2008 at her father's assisted living care facility.

After this date, Caylee was never seen again by anyone outside the Anthony family that we know of, correct?


Outside of the immediate family, the last person to see Caylee was Cindy's mother @ her home in Mt. Dora, FL, over dinner after the visit to the nursing home.

Outside of the extended family, the nursing home staff provided witness of Caylee @ the home w/ no notable signs of bruising, etc.

Inside the immediate family...the account was Cindy & Caylee went for a swim @ home 6/15 evening, and Cindy indicated she 'heard' Caylee & Casey behind the closed bedroom door the morning of 6/16.

All of the above is simply my recollection.
the last anthony family member to be seen with caylee that can be officially collaborated is cindy anthony on june 15, 2008 at her father's assisted living care facility.

After this date, caylee was never seen again by anyone outside the anthony family that we know of, correct?


The last Anthony family member to be seen with Caylee that can be officially collaborated is Cindy Anthony on June 15, 2008 at her father's assisted living care facility.

After this date, Caylee was never seen again by anyone outside the Anthony family that we know of, correct?


Yes, that is the last confirmed sighting, GA states that he saw her on 6/16 but that is not 100% confirmed. I tend to think that he did not based on the time line noted above based on the TL interview
I think it would be an accurate assumption that Casey was only "crashing" at Tony's from 6/9 until an official move-in with clothes on 6/15.
I know it seems like those are key dates in the case. What I'd like to know (and it hasnt been released yet) is what dates was she surfing the net about Cloraform? Now that would make all the difference to me. Plus where did it come from?

We pretty much know she shacked up with Tony suddenly around the 15th after the blow up with her parents. She had a place to run to, ( a place to feel "safe" ) We have Georges account for the 16th which can be taken or left, ya know? So is Tony refering to the 16th of June- it doesnt say. The 16th phone records, locations, receipts are going to matter for the 16th & 17th. Not to mention the other two key dates stick out in my mind is the 24th of June until the 27th, when she dumped the car. I am thinking she dug up the body around the 24th and took her a couple days to dispose of it. Then on the 27th ditched the car @ amscot.

Hard to say Mr. Bond what happened on the 16th ( I was celebrating my birthday!) but as far as Casey, you have Georges account for that afternoon and you have her chipdish boyfriend who ommits dates, times and cant talk with any clarity whatsoever. Casey told Tony a line of crap and he just is the type of guy not to think anything of it. Afterall here she was playing house and being a very good girlfriend and he was just thinking he had a good piece and a maid all in one package- so I think Tony had blinders on. he's too young to know any better. His roommates were more accurate than Tony was. We arent hearing too much from Tony in the media, his former roommates are speaking out, but he isnt and he is like a deer caught in the headlights whenever the press tries to get anywhere near him. Either he is feeling that ashamed of the relationship he had with Casey or he is a key witness and has to keep a low profile.

Also the other night on NG, the former roommate Nate skirted around the question of contacting Casey since her arrest. Nate was clear he hadnt spoken to her, but does not know whether Tony has any communication with her. My speculation if I had a crystal ball, I know Casey will attempt to contact him while she is out on bail. Whether he buys her lies & stories, we'll never know unless it comes out in trial.

So casey did start living there on the 16th for sure, the 15th is unclear...because Cindy & George are stating she was home......and I dont beleive it.
Yes, that is the last confirmed sighting, GA states that he saw her on 6/16 but that is not 100% confirmed. I tend to think that he did not based on the time line noted above based on the TL interview

Random thoughts.....

George's original statement was based off of June 9th, correct? I realize that he may have been thinking of the day after father's day, but he testified about June 9th, correct? May be a moot point..

Anyway, I have always wondered why TL wanted to get a new apartment in such a hurry. Any chance KC left angry the evening of the 15th and came back the night of 15th or early 16th and took Caylee?
So casey did start living there on the 16th for sure, the 15th is unclear...because Cindy & George are stating she was home......and I dont beleive it.

Casey was staying @ Tony's virtually every night from 6/10 on. From another thread I show that I believe a pronoun error in the police affidavit confuses that Casey essentially moved into Tony's on 6/9. Caylee NEVER stayed the night @ Tony's. Casey brought her things over on 6/15.

You can't use a traditional definition of "living" somewhere w/ this crowd, esp. Casey. A pretty fluid bunch. :)
Outside of the immediate family, the last person to see Caylee was Cindy's mother @ her home in Mt. Dora, FL, over dinner after the visit to the nursing home.

Outside of the extended family, the nursing home staff provided witness of Caylee @ the home w/ no notable signs of bruising, etc.

Inside the immediate family...the account was Cindy & Caylee went for a swim @ home 6/15 evening, and Cindy indicated she 'heard' Caylee & Cindy behind the closed bedroom door the morning of 6/16.

All of the above is simply my recollection.

Yes, that's pretty much my recollection as well.

So what do the CP records tell us about Casey's whereabouts on June 15, 2008 - Father's Day? Have they been released?
Anyway, I have always wondered why TL wanted to get a new apartment in such a hurry.

Other statement/interviews have suggested Tony's lease was coming due @ his Sutton apt., which would make sense if the semester was ending and he hadn't planned to have a shacked up girlfriend in Orlando...I dunno...anything on this is pretty much speculation on my part...although I would like to know the facts too.

Nate was staying w/ Tony shopping for another apartment too.
Just a comment.....

TL's statement is soooo hard to read. Way to many AH's, UM's, Hmm's......just simply does not flow at all
Just a comment.....

TL's statement is soooo hard to read. Way to many AH's, UM's, Hmm's......just simply does not flow at all

It would be nice to hear his interview and get a feel for his voice. Some people just get nervous, period, but some people are nervous for a reason. The only involvement I could really see from Tony would be an accident, I do find it strange that everyone else, but Tony, saw Caylee atleast once after Tony's last time to see her (June 2nd). Maybe she was keeping Caylee away because she didn't want to create a feeling of baggage when she was with him.
On 6/15 that was when the supposed fight happened, I think that Casey took off with Caylee and went to Tony's, gave Caylee something to sleep and locked her in the trunk.
Got up the next day, didn't bother to check on her untill it was to late and
A) Caylee, subcame to heat exhaustion.
Or B) Never woke up from whatever KC gave her.

Casey then maybe drove around with her in the trunk trying to figure out what to do.
Made the flurry of phone calls, Maybe in a moment of panic.
A)couldn't get a hold of anyone so gave up
Or B) Lost her nerve and decided to deal with it herself.
Went back to Tone's. With Caylee still in her trunk.
On the 18th when she knew no on would be home , came home and borrowed the shovel, burried Caylee.
Then Came back on the 24th , meaning to unburry Caylee and move her to the spot she is resting in today. :( ,but George was home so she pretended that she was just there to get something.
I cannot for the life of me figure out what date that she may have moved Caylee if she moved her herself.
If (and just spectulating here ) she had help, I believe they moved her on the 15th before the police were called.
The Cell Phone Pings for June 15 are vital to figuring out Casey's whereabouts on this day which is literally the last time anyone saw Caylee alive. I gotta believe LE has them but for some reason, they haven't been released to the public - or have they - and I somehow missed them? Anyone know????
I have a question (probably been A & A). If GA found gas cans in KC trunk on the 24, then way didn't he call LE and tell them his earlier report of vandalism was a mistake, that one of his kids needed gas and couldn't reach him?? I think this 'gas cans in the trunk' is a cover up and it stinks as bad as the car, IMO. KC took caylee the night of the 15th muttering the whole time, speculation here, I'll be damned if you are kicking me out and keeping caylee, IMHO. And she probably blamed CA (to herself, of course) for the child's death. No wonder CA is in denial, she feels responsible for this. So sad :nerves:
The Cell Phone Pings for June 15 are vital to figuring out Casey's whereabouts on this day which is literally the last time anyone saw Caylee alive. I gotta believe LE has them but for some reason, they haven't been released to the public - or have they - and I somehow missed them? Anyone know????

You are right twice---they are vital and they have not been released!
. Caylee NEVER stayed the night @ Tony's. Casey brought her things over on 6/15.

You can't use a traditional definition of "living" somewhere w/ this crowd, esp. Casey. A pretty fluid bunch. :)


I know she was shacking up there, but brought a bunch of things there with her on the TL's place. LOL, there is nothing traditional about Caseys lifestyle in the past several months leading up to this is there??

{Anyone Notice her good friend HOLLY (the young blonde mother who used to live in her neighborhood) hasnt been on CNN or the news lately? Seems she may have had a change of thought after sticking up for the mother of the year!}

WHY would LE leave out dates or ask TL the dates in their transcript? I became confused with Tonys statements with LE because he was so vaige. He lost me and frankly didnt offer much. too elusive IMO.
What I find interesting is that in the discovery documents TonE mentions how he went to the Anthony house on two occasions but that on neither occasion were Cindy or George at home. Since TonE met Casey on May 24 (correct?) and did not start dating her until May 30th, we can safely assume TonE went to the Anthony home in June or July. I don't remember in what context the investigators asked TonE about whether he met the parents or going to the Anthony home but I got the impression that it must have been during the day while Cindy was at work. Wonder why...Didn't Ricardo also tell investigators he went to the home when the parents were not home?
Just a comment.....

TL's statement is soooo hard to read. Way to many AH's, UM's, Hmm's......just simply does not flow at all
I agree! Reading any of the interviews with her friends gives me a headache, they're full of uh's, um's, you know's........drives me crazy!

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