Tony's Statement Tied to 6/15

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I'm sure Tony is wrong with his date of the 15th just as Cindy and Casey were incorrect and put the last time Cindy had seen Caylee as one week before Father's Day.
They went to the nursing home and visited on the 15th.
They supposedly swam the evening of the 15th.
Casey & Caylee slept at Cindy & George's the night of the 15th.
Large Anthony family fight as witnessed by the neighbors the night of the 15th.
Cindy says she heard Casey & Caylee behind closed doors the morning of the 16th as Cindy left for work.
George says that he saw Casey & Caylee leave the house later in the day on the 16th.
Now I don't know if we can believe Tony or not but if she was sleeping there every night after the nursing home night then the 16th would be the first night that Casey slept there stating that Caylee was with a baby sitter.
As for nights prior to the 15th I assume that Caylee always slept at George & Cindy's with or without her mother.

Note to MUM: Per Cindy, Casey told Cindy during the 30+ days that she was on vacation - hence buying Casey time when Cindy perhaps didn't insist on seeing Caylee.
I'm sure Tony is wrong with his date of the 15th just as Cindy and Casey were incorrect and put the last time Cindy had seen Caylee as one week before Father's Day.
They went to the nursing home and visited on the 15th.
They supposedly swam the evening of the 15th.
Casey & Caylee slept at Cindy & George's the night of the 15th.
Large Anthony family fight as witnessed by the neighbors the night of the 15th.
Cindy says she heard Casey & Caylee behind closed doors the morning of the 16th as Cindy left for work.
George says that he saw Casey & Caylee leave the house later in the day on the 16th.
Now I don't know if we can believe Tony or not but if she was sleeping there every night after the nursing home night then the 16th would be the first night that Casey slept there stating that Caylee was with a baby sitter.
As for nights prior to the 15th I assume that Caylee always slept at George & Cindy's with or without her mother.

Note to MUM: Per Cindy, Casey told Cindy during the 30+ days that she was on vacation - hence buying Casey time when Cindy perhaps didn't insist on seeing Caylee.

hpvdr: May I suggest:
I think it would be an accurate assumption that Casey was only "crashing" at Tony's from 6/9 until an official move-in with clothes on 6/15.

except june 9 casey spent the night at ex bf house---ricardo, jp, amy--which no one explained why casey did not sleep at tonE's on the 9th
Correct me if I am wrong.. I thought KC didn't meet TonE till like May this year right?????
and it sounds like to me that, like the rest of her "friends', he wants nothing to do with her now. I bet he is wishing he'd never met her. he could be feeling embarrassed at being "conned' like the rest of that group was.

Honestly, I think TonE is doing the right thing and NOT talking to anyone but LE....just like Amber Fry....TonE I am sure has been told his testimony is key vital just like Amber Fry but if he talks to the media or sells his story it will be useless and then TonE can not help serve justice for Caylee.....

TonE I am sure feels guilty, betrayed, responsible and wants to do right by Caylee....and thats means staying quiet to all but LE.

Koodles for TonE......
Tony says in his statement he hasn't seen Caylee since June 2nd. The roommate (roy?) says in his interview that he KNOWS he saw Caylee after June 9th, the first date givin by the Anthony's and seeing that report on TV is what prompted the room mate to contact police, because he was certain he had seen Caylee after that.

So now, how could the room mate see Caylee and Tony did not?

Why wouldn't the room mate answer when asked if Casey stayed the night June 15?

So we have conflicting dates givin by Tony, the looking for a new apartment that Casey was initiating? Tony picked her up at the amscot. Tony was who she wanted to talk to from jail. Tony and the room mate had a falling out over his decision to go on Greta. I think Tony needs to be put under a light, definately alot of coincidences happening here. IMO
Tony says in his statement he hasn't seen Caylee since June 2nd. The roommate (roy?) says in his interview that he KNOWS he saw Caylee after June 9th, the first date givin by the Anthony's and seeing that report on TV is what prompted the room mate to contact police, because he was certain he had seen Caylee after that.

So now, how could the room mate see Caylee and Tony did not?

Why wouldn't the room mate answer when asked if Casey stayed the night June 15?

So we have conflicting dates givin by Tony, the looking for a new apartment that Casey was initiating? Tony picked her up at the amscot. Tony was who she wanted to talk to from jail. Tony and the room mate had a falling out over his decision to go on Greta. I think Tony needs to be put under a light, definately alot of coincidences happening here. IMO

I did wonder why Clint said on Greta that he hadn't talked to Tony after he moved out July 1? until the case broke. It was obvious there was a falling out about him going on Greta but something else was going on there it seems to me.
So now I am confused, how did Cindy hear Casey and Caylee behind the door on the eve of the 15th yet Tone says Casey stayed there? Did Casey leave Caylee at home? Where was Caylee on that night? Then George says he saw them on the 16th am. I guess my question should also include, did Casey stay at home or at Tone's on the 15th?

I think she stomped out of the house on the 15th, after the fight, with Caylee, and stayed at Tony's. I agree with the poster who opined that she put Caylee to sleep in the trunk.

I think CA and GA might be "mistruthing."
I think she stomped out of the house on the 15th, after the fight, with Caylee, and stayed at Tony's. I agree with the poster who opined that she put Caylee to sleep in the trunk.

I think CA and GA might be "mistruthing."

I do agree with you that there was some mistruths to Cindy's statement of hearing Casey and Caylee. Just as the other mistruths of how they talked/texted every day. She played those cards to try and cover up the dysfunctions in the family. IMHO.

I think it will be important to probe into the reasons for Casey saying she dropped Caylee off between 9am and 1pm on the 16th. That timeframe is based on Tony's schedule. If there was a babysitter/nanny she was taking Caylee to, she would know a better timeline than a 4 hour span. That's a given.

This, IMHO, could the timeline when Caylee died or was moved/buried. I'm also giving no credit to George's statement of seeing Casey and Caylee leave at 12:50 on the 16th. He changed his words right in front of our eyes on the Greta interview. He stated he knew for certain because he was watching his favorite "News - Cooking show"... He changed his words from "News" to "Cooking" right before our eyes.
My apologies, everyone. I typed "Cindy" when I meant to type "Casey". I've tried hard not to make that mistake. Lemme look @ the User Control Panel and see if I can ban myself from posting for a week. :rolleyes:

...ok...that being said, since Cindy's account is that the bedroom door was never opened the morning of 6/16, and she only "heard" them in there...well...that leaves AT LEAST a few different scenarios on the table. And, not wishing to start down the path of what they are, personally, I am not staking much value on G&C's account of 6/15 or 6/16. Neither George or Cindy were forthcoming on the argument of 6/15, and at the time they were giving accounts of what happened on 6/16 (Greta interview) they knew full-well that placing Caylee leaving their home 6/16 was best for George, Cindy and Casey. It drew attention away from talking about 6/15 and anything that might've occured as a result of a passionate fight, AND, it physically placed Caylee outside the home where the ZFG abduction/kidnapping account that had been given by Casey would be plausible.

There is at least one, very credible IMHO, account by Clint indicating that Casey was @ Tony's 6/15PM - although he did not see Casey the morning of 6/16 as he typically did on weekday mornings since they would typically leave the apartment at about the same time. Of course, both Clint & Cindy's accounts could be true if Casey was coming & going between the two locations out of their sight (insert your own imagination here :)).

Without phone records, or more information about the events of 6/15 & 6/16 I just can't get a better resolution on what really happened. I've tossed a few theories out there based on different assumptions of true vs. false statements and, at this point, I just have to wait for more info to become available in order to advance the ball down the field.:banghead:

The key will be from whence the calls were coming on the 15th and 16th.

The cops have that info, and it has not been published. Pretty sure they know EXACTLY where KC was on the 15th and 16th.
The last Anthony family member to be seen with Caylee that can be officially collaborated is Cindy Anthony on June 15, 2008 at her father's assisted living care facility.

After this date, Caylee was never seen again by anyone outside the Anthony family that we know of, correct?


George stated he saw Casey & Caylee on the afternoon of the 16 Jun.
I find nowhere that it was stated that Cindy and Caylee were seen or reported having dinner at great grandmothers other than Cindy saying it. All I see verified is the TWO of them at the rest home verified. LE has a video from chucky cheese for July 15 but has not stated if it verifies Caylee there during that timeframe or not. The video from rest home was verified but afterwards, apparently still being checked by LE. Cameron has a website listed in our links section and he has a friend nate.
Also, Crisp said Tony was trying to "get out of his current lease" so it wasnt ending.

Didn't Cindy's mom verify Caylee & Cindy had dinner at her home Father's Day evening? I believe I read this in the 400+ doc . . . will post pg # once I find it. Thanks!
Correct me if I am wrong.. I thought KC didn't meet TonE till like May this year right?????

TonE met KC through Facebook, face-to-face meeting 24 May 2008 (Fusion), and spent the night together 30 May (as per Clint interview).
I think she stomped out of the house on the 15th, after the fight, with Caylee, and stayed at Tony's. I agree with the poster who opined that she put Caylee to sleep in the trunk.

I think CA and GA might be "mistruthing."
Maybe she stormed out without Caylee, spent the night at TonE's or wherever & went back to parents house in the morning to get Caylee. I would say waited until Cindy left, but Cindy claims to have heard them behind the closed door.
I think this is the photo from Father's Day that was posted on one of the Anthony myspaces, photobucket or whatnot. It is poignant when you consider it is the last photo ever of this little girl.


That picture has always haunted me.
Caylee looks scared and is cuddled up to Great-grandpa!
How can you look at that child and say she doesn't look scared?

Who could she be scared of? Well, who was there? Cindy! That's who was there.
That's who took her to the nursing home the day of 6/15! We've seen her temper.
What was going on that day even before they got back to her Mother's house?

It looks to me like already Great-grandpa was worried and Caylee was scared-
we can see it in their expressions how Caylee looks like she is crawling up on him,
as if to say hold me, help me!!

Earlier in this thread it was mentioned that CA was the last known person witnessed
in the company of Caylee, so why then was she not originally named a POI by LE???

I believe that woman at least knew Caylee was in danger!

Maybe she stormed out without Caylee, spent the night at TonE's or wherever & went back to parents house in the morning to get Caylee. I would say waited until Cindy left, but Cindy claims to have heard them behind the closed door.


She does a lot of "mistruthing," herself.
I do agree with you that there was some mistruths to Cindy's statement of hearing Casey and Caylee. Just as the other mistruths of how they talked/texted every day. She played those cards to try and cover up the dysfunctions in the family. IMHO.

I think it will be important to probe into the reasons for Casey saying she dropped Caylee off between 9am and 1pm on the 16th. That timeframe is based on Tony's schedule. If there was a babysitter/nanny she was taking Caylee to, she would know a better timeline than a 4 hour span. That's a given.

This, IMHO, could the timeline when Caylee died or was moved/buried. I'm also giving no credit to George's statement of seeing Casey and Caylee leave at 12:50 on the 16th. He changed his words right in front of our eyes on the Greta interview. He stated he knew for certain because he was watching his favorite "News - Cooking show"... He changed his words from "News" to "Cooking" right before our eyes.

Yeah, he morphed the word in mid-syllable.
Casey was staying @ Tony's virtually every night from 6/10 on. From another thread I show that I believe a pronoun error in the police affidavit confuses that Casey essentially moved into Tony's on 6/9. Caylee NEVER stayed the night @ Tony's. Casey brought her things over on 6/15.

You can't use a traditional definition of "living" somewhere w/ this crowd, esp. Casey. A pretty fluid bunch. :)

Did Tony ever mention if Casey brought over any of Caylee's clothes when she brought hers? What was the baby supposed to be wearing when Casey moved in with him?
So she didn't bring over any of Caylee's clothes? What was the baby supposed to wear if they were moving in with him?

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